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This paper presents an empirical assessment of urban traffic congestion in Central London, UK. Compared with freeways or motorways, urban networks are relatively less studied because of its complexity and availability of required traffic data. This paper introduces the use of automatic number plate recognition technology to analyze the characteristic of urban traffic congestion in Central London. We also present the use of linear regression to diagnose the observed congestion and attribute them to different causes. In particular, we distinguish the observed congestion into two main components: one due to recurrent factors and the other due to nonrecurrent factors. The methodologies are illustrated through a case study of Central London Area. It is found that about 15% of the observed congestion in the region is due to nonrecurrent factors such as accidents, roadwork, special events, and strikes. Given the significance of London, the study will be valuable for transport policy evaluation and appraisal in other global cities. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paths followed by vehicles in urban areas are densely interwoven, and some of the accidents and congestion that occur in city centres can be attributed to the ‘conflicts’ that arise where these paths intersect. Hence, it is desirable to encourage traffic patterns in which the frequency and severity of conflicts are minimised. At present, neither signal optimisation programs nor traffic simulation programs allow the user to experiment freely with different combinations of one-way streets and turn restrictions, which might otherwise help to disentangle conflicting movements. There is no accepted formula or philosophy for organising traffic into a coherent spatial pattern. The aim of this paper is to consider some idealised networks and circulation systems that have simple geometrical configurations, and to identify those systems that are relatively efficient in terms of path crossings, as compared with a theoretical yardstick derived from graph theory. The results provide some pointers towards a general strategy for efficient traffic circulation in urban areas.  相似文献   

The urban parking and the urban traffic systems are essential components of the overall urban transportation structure. The short-term interactions between these two systems can be highly significant and influential to their individual performance. The urban parking system, for example, can affect the searching-for-parking traffic, influencing not only overall travel speeds in the network (traffic performance), but also total driven distance (environmental conditions). In turn, the traffic performance can also affect the time drivers spend searching for parking, and ultimately, parking usage. In this study, we propose a methodology to model macroscopically such interactions and evaluate their effects on urban congestion.The model is built on a matrix describing how, over time, vehicles in an urban area transition from one parking-related state to another. With this model it is possible to estimate, based on the traffic and parking demand as well as the parking supply, the amount of vehicles searching for parking, the amount of vehicles driving on the network but not searching for parking, and the amount of vehicles parked at any given time. More importantly, it is also possible to estimate the total (or average) time spent and distance driven within each of these states. Based on that, the model can be used to design and evaluate different parking policies, to improve (or optimize) the performance of both systems.A simple numerical example is provided to show possible applications of this type. Parking policies such as increasing parking supply or shortening the maximum parking duration allowed (i.e., time controls) are tested, and their effects on traffic are estimated. The preliminary results show that time control policies can alleviate the parking-caused traffic issues without the need for providing additional parking facilities. Results also show that parking policies that intend to reduce traffic delay may, at the same time, increase the driven distance and cause negative externalities. Hence, caution must be exercised and multiple traffic metrics should be evaluated before selecting these policies.Overall, this paper shows how the system dynamics of urban traffic, based on its parking-related-states, can be used to efficiently evaluate the urban traffic and parking systems macroscopically. The proposed model can be used to estimate both, how parking availability can affect traffic performance (e.g., average time searching for parking, number of cars searching for parking); and how different traffic conditions (e.g., travel speed, density in the system) can affect drivers ability to find parking. Moreover, the proposed model can be used to study multiple strategies or scenarios for traffic operations and control, transportation planning, land use planning, or parking management and operations.  相似文献   

Urban traffic light controllers are responsible for maintaining good performance within the transport network. Most existing and proposed controllers have design parameters that require some degree of tuning, with the sensitivity of the performance measure to the parameter often high. To date, tuning has been largely treated as a manual calibration exercise but ignores the effects of changes in traffic condition, such as demand profile evolution due to urban population growth. To address this potential shortcoming, we seek to use a newly developed extremum-seeker to calibrate the parameters of existing urban traffic light controllers in real-time such that a certain performance measure is optimised. The results are demonstrated for three categories of traffic controllers on a microscopic urban traffic simulation. It is demonstrated that the extremum-seeking scheme is able to seek the optimal parameters, with respect to a certain performance measure, for each of these traffic light controllers in an urban, uni-modal traffic environment.  相似文献   

Traffic restraint techniques, widely used to combat traffic congestion in the developed countries, have been tried in Lagos, Nigeria. This paper examines the impact of the use of odd and even numbered vehicles on alternate days in reducing congestion on the urban roads. The result of the analysis indicates that the restraint technique worked only during the first few months of its introduction. The basic causes of the subsequent failure are outlined and possible solutions suggested.  相似文献   

We consider the traffic equilibrium problem when the travel demand is inelastic and stationary in time. Junction interactions, which abound in urban road networks, are permitted. We prove that the set of equilibria (solutions to the assignment problem) is convex when certain monotonicity and continuity conditions are statisfied at each junction.  相似文献   

This paper develops a fuzzy-neural model (FNM) to predict the traffic flows in an urban street network, which has long been considered a major element in the responsive urban traffic control systems. The FNM consists of two modules: a gate network (GN) and an expert network (EN). The GN classifies the input data into a number of clusters using a fuzzy approach, and the EN specifies the input–output relationship as in a conventional neural network approach. While the GN groups traffic patterns of similar characteristics into clusters, the EN models the specific relationship within each cluster. An online rolling training procedure is proposed to train the FNM, which enhances its predictive power through adaptive adjustments of the model coefficients in response to the real-time traffic conditions. Both simulation and real observation data are used to demonstrative the effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

Currently most optimization methods for urban transport networks (i) are suited for networks with simplified dynamics that are far from real-sized networks or (ii) apply decentralized control, which is not appropriate for heterogeneously loaded networks or (iii) investigate good-quality solutions through micro-simulation models and scenario analysis, which make the problem intractable in real time. In principle, traffic management decisions for different sub-systems of a transport network (urban, freeway) are controlled by operational rules that are network specific and independent from one traffic authority to another. In this paper, the macroscopic traffic modeling and control of a large-scale mixed transportation network consisting of a freeway and an urban network is tackled. The urban network is partitioned into two regions, each one with a well-defined Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD), i.e. a unimodal and low-scatter relationship between region density and outflow. The freeway is regarded as one alternative commuting route which has one on-ramp and one off-ramp within each urban region. The urban and freeway flow dynamics are formulated with the tool of MFD and asymmetric cell transmission model, respectively. Perimeter controllers on the border of the urban regions operating to manipulate the perimeter interflow between the two regions, and controllers at the on-ramps for ramp metering are considered to control the flow distribution in the mixed network. The optimal traffic control problem is solved by a Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach in order to minimize total delay in the entire network. Several control policies with different levels of urban-freeway control coordination are introduced and tested to scrutinize the characteristics of the proposed controllers. Numerical results demonstrate how different levels of coordination improve the performance once compared with independent control for freeway and urban network. The approach presented in this paper can be extended to implement efficient real-world control strategies for large-scale mixed traffic networks.  相似文献   

Microscopic simulation experiments are conducted to investigate traffic behavior in urban networks and support the development of network-level traffic flow relations. Previous use of microscopic traffic simulation has been limited by computational resources to small networks. Supercomputers largely alleviate such limitations and allow more elaborate and realistic simulations of traffic in large networks. This paper provides computational experience in simulating large-scale urban traffic networks on a CRAY supercomputer. In addition to the computational results, the experiments address the effect of intersection traffic control on the two-fluid characterization of vehicular flow in congested networks. Evidence is provided from larger networks that supports conclusions reached in earlier work using smaller test networks.  相似文献   

Urban traffic congestion is one of the most severe problems of everyday life in Metropolitan areas. In an effort to deal with this problem, intelligent transportation systems (ITS) technologies have concentrated in recent years on dealing with urban congestion. One of the most critical aspects of ITS success is the provision of accurate real-time information and short-term predictions of traffic parameters such as traffic volumes, travel speeds and occupancies. The present paper concentrates on developing flexible and explicitly multivariate time-series state space models using core urban area loop detector data. Using 3-min volume measurements from urban arterial streets near downtown Athens, models were developed that feed on data from upstream detectors to improve on the predictions of downstream locations. The results clearly suggest that different model specifications are appropriate for different time periods of the day. Further, it also appears that the use of multivariate state space models improves on the prediction accuracy over univariate time series ones.  相似文献   

Principal component analysis (PCA) is used to analyze one-year traffic, emission and meteorological data for an urban intersection in the Delhi. The 1997 data include meteorological, traffic and emission variables. In urban intersections the complexities of site, traffic and meteorological characteristic may result in a high cross correlation among the variables. In such situations, PCA can provide an independent linear combination of the variables. Here it is used to analyze 1, 8 and 24 h average emission, traffic and meteorological data. It shows that four principal components for the 24 h average have the highest loadings for traffic and emission variables with a strong correlation between them. PC loadings for the 1 and 8 h data indicate the least variation among them.  相似文献   

Many residents are disturbed by road traffic noise which needs to be controlled and managed. The noise map is a helpful and important tool for noise management and acoustical planning in urban areas. However, the static noise map is not sufficient for evaluating noise annoyance at different temporal periods. It is necessary to develop the dynamic noise map or the noise spatiotemporal distribution. In this study, a method about urban road traffic noise spatiotemporal distribution mapping is proposed to obtain the representative road traffic noise maps of different periods. This method relies on the proposed noise spatiotemporal distribution model with two time-dependent variables - traffic density and traffic speed, and the spatiotemporal characteristics derived from multisource data. There are three steps in the method. First, the urban road traffic noise spatiotemporal distribution model is derived from the law of sound propagation. Then, the temporal characteristics are extracted from traffic flow detecting data and E-map road segment speed data by the outlier detection analysis. Finally, the noise distributions corresponding to different periods are calculated by an efficient algorithm which can save 90% above of the computing time. Moreover, a validation experiment was conducted to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed method. There is only 2.26-dB[A] mean absolute error that is within an acceptable range, which shows that the method is effective.  相似文献   

On-road emissions from urban traffic during interrupted and congested flow conditions are too high as compared to free-flow condition and often influenced by accelerating and decelerating speed due to frequent stop-and-go. In this study, we measured emissions from passenger cars and auto-rickshaws during peak and off-peak hours and analyzed according to different mileages with the instantaneous speed and acceleration for interrupted and congested traffic conditions. It was found that during flow, several short-events lasting over fractions of a second each lead to a sharp increase in pollutant emissions, indicating episodic conditions. The emission levels are sensitive to frequency and intensity of acceleration and deceleration, in accordance with the traffic-flow patterns and speed, besides mileages. Further, congestion conditions occur during both peak and off-peak hours, but last for different durations. The results are important in the sense that instantaneous estimates of pollutant emissions are necessary for the assessment of air quality in urban centers and for an effective traffic management plan.  相似文献   

Two problems concerning the use of aerial photographs for conducting traffic studies in urban areas are considered in this paper: (1) Suitable procedures requiring simple equipment and methods and the appropriate formulae for determining the traffic characteristics of density, volume, traffic count, speed, composition; (2) Problems relating to flight planning for traffic surveys from the points of view of duration of photography and the scale of the photography from considerations of the reliability of the determined traffic characteristics, vehicle identification, and also economy. The conclusions concerning the flight planning were applied in a test flight from which traffic data were determined as illustrated in a sample calculation.  相似文献   

A field experiment in Yokohama (Japan) revealed that a macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) linking space-mean flow, density and speed exists on a large urban area. It was observed that when the highly scattered plots of flow vs. density from individual fixed detectors were aggregated the scatter nearly disappeared and points grouped along a well defined curve. Despite these and other recent findings for the existence of well-defined MFDs for urban areas, these MFDs should not be universally expected. In this paper we investigate what are the properties that a network should satisfy, so that an MFD with low scatter exists. We show that the spatial distribution of vehicle density in the network is one of the key components that affect the scatter of an MFD and its shape. We also propose an analytical derivation of the spatial distribution of congestion that considers correlation between adjacent links. We investigate the scatter of an MFD in terms of errors in the probability density function of spatial link occupancy and errors of individual links’ fundamental diagram (FD). Later, using real data from detectors for an urban arterial and a freeway network we validate the proposed derivations and we show that an MFD is not well defined in freeway networks as hysteresis effects are present. The datasets in this paper consist of flow and occupancy measures from 500 fixed sensors in the Yokohama downtown area in Japan and 600 loop detectors in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area Freeway network in Minnesota, USA.  相似文献   

Loop detectors are the oldest and widely used traffic data source. On urban arterials, they are mainly installed for signal control. Recently state-of-the art Bluetooth MAC Scanners (BMS) has significantly captured the interest of stakeholders for exploiting it for area-wide traffic monitoring. Loop detectors provide flow – a fundamental traffic parameter; whereas BMS provides individual vehicle travel time between BMS stations. Hence, these two data sources complement each other, and if integrated should increase the accuracy and reliability of the traffic state estimation.This paper proposed a model that integrates loops and BMS data for seamless travel time and density estimation for urban signalised network. The proposed model is validated using both real and simulated data and the results indicate that the accuracy of the proposed model is over 90%.  相似文献   

This paper reports our experiences with agent-based architectures for intelligent traffic management systems. We describe and compare integrated TRYS and TRYS autonomous agents, two multiagent systems that perform decision support for real-time traffic management in the urban motorway network around Barcelona. Both systems draw upon traffic management agents that use similar knowledge-based reasoning techniques in order to deal with local traffic problems. Still, the former achieves agent coordination based on a traditional centralized mechanism, while in the latter coordination emerges upon the lateral interaction of autonomous traffic management agents. We evaluate the potentials and drawbacks of both multiagent architectures for the domain, and develop some conclusions respecting the general applicability of multiagent architectures for intelligent traffic management.  相似文献   

Short-term traffic flow prediction is an integral part in most of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) research and applications. Many researchers have already developed various methods that predict the future traffic condition from the historical database. Nevertheless, there has not been sufficient effort made to study how to identify and utilize the different factors that affect the traffic flow. In order to improve the performance of short-term traffic flow prediction, it is necessary to consider sufficient information related to the road section to be predicted. In this paper, we propose a method of constructing traffic state vectors by using mutual information (MI). First, the variables with different time delays are generated from the historical traffic time series, and the spatio-temporal correlations between the road sections in urban road network are evaluated by the MI. Then, the variables with the highest correlation related to the target traffic flow are selected by using a greedy search algorithm to construct the traffic state vector. The K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) model is adapted for the application of the proposed state vector. Experimental results on real-world traffic data show that the proposed method of constructing traffic state vector provides good prediction accuracy in short-term traffic prediction.  相似文献   

With the ubiquitous nature of mobile sensing technologies, privacy issues are becoming increasingly important, and need to be carefully addressed. Data needs for transportation modeling and privacy protection should be deliberately balanced for different applications. This paper focuses on developing privacy mechanisms that would simultaneously satisfy privacy protection and data needs for fine-grained urban traffic modeling applications using mobile sensors. To accomplish this, a virtual trip lines (VTLs) zone-based system and related filtering approaches are developed. Traffic-knowledge-based adversary models are proposed and tested to evaluate the effectiveness of such a privacy protection system by making privacy attacks. The results show that in addition to ensuring an acceptable level of privacy, the released datasets from the privacy-enhancing system can also be applied to urban traffic modeling with satisfactory results. Albeit application-specific, such a “Privacy-by-Design” approach would hopefully shed some light on other transportation applications using mobile sensors.  相似文献   

Current geographical information systems (GIS) are not well adapted to the management of very dynamic geographical phenomena. This is due to the lack of conceptual and physical interoperability with real-time computing facilities. The research described in this paper is oriented towards the identification and experimentation of a new methodological and applied framework for the real-time integration, manipulation and visualisation of urban traffic data. It is based on proactive interaction between the spatio-temporal database and visualisation levels, and between the visualisation and end-user levels. The proposed framework integrates different spatial and temporal levels of granularity during the analysis of urban traffic data. Urban traffic behaviours are analysed either by observation of the movements of several vehicles in space, or by changes in urban network properties (i.e., micro- versus macro-modelling). Visualisation and interaction tools together constitute a flexible interface environment for the visualisation of urban traffic data within GIS. These concepts provide a relevant support for the visual analysis of urban traffic patterns in the thematic, spatial and temporal dimensions. This integrated framework is illustrated by an experimental prototype developed in a large town in the UK.  相似文献   

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