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Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are expected to reshape travel behaviour and demand in part by enabling productive uses of travel time—a primary component of the “positive utility of travel” concept—thus reducing subjective values of travel time savings (VOT). Many studies from industry and academia have assumed significant increases in travel time use and reductions in VOT for AVs. In this position paper, I argue that AVs’ VOT impacts may be more modest than anticipated and derive from a different source. Vehicle designs and operations may limit activity engagement during travel, with AV users feeling more like car passengers than train riders. Furthermore, shared AVs may attenuate travel time use benefits, and productivity gains could be limited to long-distance trips. Although AV riders will likely have greater activity participation during travel, many in-vehicle activities today may be more about coping with commuting burdens than productively using travel time. Instead, VOT reductions may be more likely to arise from a different “positive utility”—subjective well-being improvements through reduced stresses of driving or the ability to relax and mentally transition. Given high uncertainty, further empirical research on the experiential, time use, and VOT impacts of AVs is needed.  相似文献   

Fully autonomous vehicles (AVs) have the potential to considerably change urban mobility in the future. This study simulates potential AV operating scenarios in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Canada, and assesses transportation system performance on a regional level. For each scenario, the base capacities of certain types of road links are modified to simulate the theoretical increase in throughput enabled by AV driving behavior. Another scenario examines driverless parking operations in downtown Toronto. Simulation results indicate that the increased attractiveness of freeways relative to other routes leads to slightly increased average travel distance as vehicles divert to access higher capacity road links. Average travel time is found to decrease by up to one-fifth at the 90% AV market penetration level. Concurrently, localized increases in congestion suggest that proactive transportation planning will be needed to mitigate negative consequences of AV adoption, especially in relation to induced demand for personal automobile travel.  相似文献   

State of the art travel demand models for urban areas typically distinguish four or five main modes: walking, cycling, public transport and car. The mode car can be further split into car-driver and car-passenger. As the importance of ridesharing may increase in the coming years, ridesharing should be addressed as an additional sub or main mode in travel demand modeling. This requires an algorithm for matching the trips of suppliers (typically car drivers) and demanders (travelers of non-car modes). The paper presents a matching algorithm, which can be integrated in existing travel demand models. The algorithm works likewise with integer demand, which is typical for agent-based microscopic models, and with non-integer demand occurring in travel demand matrices of a macroscopic model. The algorithm compares two path sets of suppliers and demanders. The representation of a path in the road network is reduced from a sequence of links to a sequence of zones. The zones act as a buffer along the path, where demanders can be picked up. The travel demand model of the Stuttgart Region serves as an application example. The study estimates that the entire travel demand of all motorized modes in the Stuttgart Region could be transported by 7% of the current car fleet with 65% of the current vehicle distance traveled, if all travelers were willing to either use ridesharing vehicles with 6 seats or traditional rail.  相似文献   


The advent of the autonomous vehicle (AV) will affect not only the transportation system, but also future patterns of land development. Integrated land use and transportation models will be critical tools in assessing the path forward with this technology. Key questions with respect to land use impacts of AVs arise from potential changes in sensitivity to travel and reduced demand for parking. It is an open question whether AVs will induce urban sprawl, or whether spatial economies of agglomeration will mitigate any reductions in travel time sensitivity. The deployment of shared fleets of AVs would likely reduce parking demand, producing yet to be explored impacts on property development within existing urban footprints. We perform a critical assessment of currently operational models and their ability to represent the adoption of AVs. We identify the representation of time in such models as a vital component requiring additional development to model this new technology. Existing model applications have focused on the discrete addition of new infrastructure or policy at a fixed point in time, whereas AV adoption will occur incrementally through time. Stated adaptation surveys are recommended as tools to quantify preferences and develop relevant model inputs. It is argued that existing models that assume comparatively static equilibrium have been convenient in the past, but are insufficient to model technology adoption. In contrast, dynamic model frameworks lack sufficient structure to maintain reasonability under large perturbations from base conditions. The ongoing advancement of computing has allowed models to move away from being mechanistic aggregate tools, towards behaviourally rich depictions of individual persons and firms. However, much work remains to move from projections of existing conditions into the future, to the evolution of the spatial economy as it evolves through time in response to new technologies and exogenous stresses. Principles from complex and evolutionary systems theory will be important in the development of models with the capacity to consider such dynamics.  相似文献   

The capacity of the high‐speed train to compete against travel demand in private vehicles is analysed. A hypothetical context analysed as the high‐speed alternative is not yet available for the route studied. In order to model travel demand, experimental designs were applied to obtain stated preference information. Discrete choice logit models were estimated in order to derive the effect of service variables on journey utility. From these empirical demand models, it was possible to predict for different travel contexts and individuals the capacity of the high‐speed train to compete with the car, so determining the impact of the new alternative on modal distribution. Furthermore, individual willingness to pay for travel time saving is derived for different contexts. The results allow us to confirm that the high‐speed train will have a significant impact on the analysed market, with an important shift of passengers to the new rail service being expected. Different transport policy scenarios are derived. The cost of travel appears to a great extent to be a conditioning variable in the modal choice. These results provide additional evidence for the understanding of private vehicle travel demand.  相似文献   

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) potentially increase vehicle travel by reducing travel and parking costs and by providing improved mobility to those who are too young to drive or older people. The increase in vehicle travel could be generated by both trip diversion from other modes and entirely new trips. Existing studies however tend to overlook AVs’ impacts on entirely new trips. There is a need to develop a methodology for estimating possible impacts of AVs on entirely new trips across all age groups. This paper explores the impacts of AVs on car trips using a case study of Victoria, Australia. A new methodology for estimating entirely new trips associated with AVs is proposed by measuring gaps in travel need at different life stages. Results show that AVs would increase daily trips by 4.14% on average. The 76+ age group would have the largest increase of 18.5%, followed by the 18–24 age group and the 12–17 age group with 14.6 and 11.1% respectively. If car occupancy remains constant in AV scenarios, entirely new trips and trip diversions from public transport and active modes would lead to a 7.31% increase in car trips. However increases in car travel are substantially magnified by reduced car occupancy rates, a trend evidenced throughout the world. Car occupancy would need to increase by at least 5.3–7.3% to keep car trips unchanged in AV scenarios.  相似文献   

Emerging autonomous vehicles (AVs) and shared mobility systems per se will transform urban passenger transportation. Coupled together, shared AVs (SAVs) can facilitate widespread use of shared mobility services by providing flexible public travel modes comparable to private AV. Hence, it may be conjectured that future urban mobility is likely an on-demand service and AV private ownership is unappealing. Nonetheless, it is still unclear what observable and latent factors will drive public interest in (S)AVs, the answer to which will have important implications on transportation system performance. This paper aims to jointly model public interest in private AVs and multiple SAV configurations (carsharing, ridesourcing, ridesharing, and access/egress mode) in daily and commute travels with explicit treatment of the correlations across the (S)AV types. To this end, multivariate ordered outcome models with latent variables are employed, whereby latent attitudes and preferences describing traveler safety concern about AV, green travel pattern, and mobility-on-demand savviness are accounted for using structural and measurement equations. Drawing from a stated preference survey in the State of Washington, important insights are gained into the potential user groups based on the socio-economic, built environment, and daily/commute travel behavior attributes. Key policies are also offered to promote public interest in (S)AVs by scrutinizing the marginal effects of the latent variables.  相似文献   

This paper develops an integrated model to characterize the market penetration of autonomous vehicles (AVs) in urban transportation networks. The model explicitly accounts for the interplay among the AV manufacturer, travelers with heterogeneous values of travel time (VOTT), and road infrastructure capacity. By making in-vehicle time use more leisurely or productive, AVs reduce travelers’ VOTT. In addition, AVs can move closer together than human-driven vehicles because of shorter safe reaction time, which leads to increased road capacity. On the other hand, the use of AV technologies means added manufacturing cost and higher price. Thus, traveler adoption of AVs will trade VOTT savings with additional out-of-pocket cost. The model is structured as a leader (AV manufacturer)-follower (traveler) game. Given the cost of producing AVs, the AV manufacturer sets AV price to maximize profit while anticipating AV market penetration. Given an AV price, the vehicle and routing choice of heterogeneous travelers are modeled by combining a multinomial logit model with multi-modal multi-class user equilibrium (UE). The overall problem is formulated as a mathematical program with complementarity constraints (MPCC), which is challenging to solve. We propose a solution approach based on piecewise linearization of the MPCC as a mixed-integer linear program (MILP) and solving the MILP to global optimality. Non-uniform distribution of breakpoints that delimit piecewise intervals and feasibility-based domain reduction are further employed to reduce the approximation error brought by linearization. The model is implemented in a simplified Singapore network with extensive sensitivity analyses and the Sioux Falls network. Computational results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the solution approach and yield valuable insights about transportation system performance in a mixed autonomous/human driving environment.  相似文献   

Carrone  Andrea Papu  Rich  Jeppe  Vandet  Christian Anker  An  Kun 《Transportation》2021,48(6):2907-2938

In upcoming years, the introduction of autonomous vehicles (AVs) will reshape the transport system. The transition from a regular to an autonomous transport system, however, will take place over many years and lead to a long period with a mixed driving environment where AVs and regular vehicles (RVs) operate side by side. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the utilisation of the road capacity degrades as a function of heterogeneity in congested motorways. The analysis is based on a dedicated traffic simulator, which enables the investigation of complex dynamic spillback from congestion while allowing for different degrees of heterogeneity. The representation of autonomous vehicles is based on a modified intelligent driver model (IIDM) presented by Treiber et al. (Phys Rev E 62(2):1805–1824, 2000) and Treiber and Kesting (Traffic flow dynamics, Springer, Heidelberg, 2013), while the behaviour of drivers of RVs relies on a stochastic version of the IIDM. Three main conclusions stand out. Firstly, it is shown that in an idealised environment in which AVs operate alone, a substantially improved capacity utilisation can be attained. Secondly, when drivers of RVs are mixed with AVs, capacity utilisation degrades very fast as a function of the share of RVs. Thirdly, it is shown that the improved capacity utilisation of AVs comes in the form of reduced travel time and increased throughput, with indications that travel time reductions are the most important. From a strategical planning perspective, the results underline that dedicated lanes are preferable to attain the positive effects of AVs. Specifically, we compare a stylised situation with three lanes with a share of 33% AVs to a situation with two regular lanes and a single dedicated AV lane. The latter represents a tripling in consumer surplus all other things being equal.


This article documents the development of a direct travel demand model for bus and rail modes. In the model, the number of interzonal work trips is dependent on travel times and travel costs on each available mode, size and socioeconomic characteristics of the labor force, and the number of jobs. In estimating the models’ coefficients constraints are imposed to insure that the travel demand elasticities behave according to the economic theory of consumer behavior. The direct access time elasticities for both transit modes are estimated to be approximately minus two, and the direct linehaul time elasticities approximately minus one. The cross-elasticities with respect to the travel time components are estimated to be less than the corresponding direct elasticities. In general, the time cross-elasticities are such that rail trip characteristics but not car trip characteristics affect bus travel, and car trip characteristics but not bus trip characteristics affect rail travel. The cost elasticities lie between zero and one-half. Thus, the success of mass transit serving a strong downtown appears to depend on good access arrangements. This success can be confirmed with competitive linehaul speeds. The cost of travel appears to assume a minor role in choice of mode and tripmaking decisions. In the paper, a comparison is also made between the predictive performance of the models developed and that of a traditional transit model. The results indicate that the econometric models developed attain both lower percent error and lower variation of the error than the traditional model.  相似文献   

With 36 ventures testing autonomous vehicles (AVs) in the State of California, commercial deployment of this disruptive technology is almost around the corner (California Department of Transportation, 2016). Different business models of AVs, including Shared AVs (SAVs) and Private AVs (PAVs), will lead to significantly different changes in regional vehicle inventory and Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT). Most prior studies have already explored the impact of SAVs on vehicle ownership and VMT generation. Limited understanding has been gained regarding vehicle ownership reduction and unoccupied VMT generation potentials in the era of PAVs. Motivated by such research gap, this study develops models to examine how much vehicle ownership reduction can be achieved once private conventional vehicles are replaced by AVs and the spatial distribution of unoccupied VMT accompanied with the vehicle reduction. The models are implemented using travel survey and synthesized trip profile from Atlanta Metropolitan Area. The results show that more than 18% of the households can reduce vehicles, while maintaining the current travel patterns. This can be translated into a 9.5% reduction in private vehicles in the study region. Meanwhile, 29.8 unoccupied VMT will be induced per day per reduced vehicles. A majority of the unoccupied VMT will be loaded on interstate highways and expressways and the largest percentage inflation in VMT will occur on minor local roads. The results can provide implications for evolving trends in household vehicles uses and the location of dedicated AV lanes in the PAV dominated future.  相似文献   

Traffic is multi-modal in most cities. However, the impacts of different transport modes on traffic performance and on each other are unclear – especially at the network level. The recent extension of the macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) into the 3D-MFD offers a novel framework to address this gap at the urban scale. The 3D-MFD relates the network accumulation of cars and public transport vehicles to the network travel production, for either vehicles or passengers. No empirical 3D-MFD has been reported so far.In this paper, we present the first empirical estimate of a 3D-MFD at the urban scale. To this end, we use data from loop detectors and automatic vehicle location devices (AVL) of the public transport vehicles in the city of Zurich, Switzerland. We compare two different areas within the city, that differ in their topology and share of dedicated lanes for public transport. We propose a statistical model of the 3D-MFD, which estimates the effects of the vehicle accumulation on car and public transport speeds under multi-modal traffic conditions. The results quantify the effects of both, vehicles and passengers, and confirm that a greater share of dedicated lanes reduces the marginal effects of public transport vehicles on car speeds. Lastly, we derive a new application of the 3D-MFD by identifying the share of public transport users that maximizes the journey speeds in an urban network accounting for all motorized transport modes.  相似文献   

Automated vehicles represent a technology that promises to increase mobility for many groups, including the senior population (those over age 65) but also for non-drivers and people with medical conditions. This paper estimates bounds on the potential increases in travel in a fully automated vehicle environment due to an increase in mobility from the non-driving and senior populations and people with travel-restrictive medical conditions. In addition, these bounding estimates indicate which of these demographics could have the greatest increases in annual vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and highlight those age groups and genders within these populations that could contribute the most to the VMT increases. The data source is the 2009 National Household Transportation Survey (NHTS), which provides information on travel characteristics of the U.S. population. The changes to light-duty VMT are estimated by creating and examining three possible travel demand wedges. In demand wedge one, non-drivers are assumed to travel as much as the drivers within each age group and gender. Demand wedge two assumes that the driving elderly (those over age 65) without medical conditions will travel as much as a younger population within each gender. Demand wedge three makes the assumption that working age adult drivers (19–64) with medical conditions will travel as much as working age adults without medical conditions within each gender, while the driving elderly with medical any travel-restrictive conditions will travel as much as a younger demographic within each gender in a fully automated vehicle environment. The combination of the results from all three demand wedges represents an upper bound of 295 billion miles or a 14% increase in annual light-duty VMT for the US population 19 and older. Since traveling has other costs besides driving effort, these estimates serve to bound the potential increase from these populations to inform the scope of the challenges, rather than forecast specific VMT scenarios.  相似文献   

Interest in vehicle automation has been growing in recent years, especially with the very visible Google car project. Although full automation is not yet a reality there has been significant research on the impacts of self-driving vehicles on traffic flows, mainly on interurban roads. However, little attention has been given to what could happen to urban mobility when all vehicles are automated. In this paper we propose a new method to study how replacing privately owned conventional vehicles with automated ones affects traffic delays and parking demand in a city. The model solves what we designate as the User Optimum Privately Owned Automated Vehicles Assignment Problem (UO-POAVAP), which dynamically assigns family trips in their automated vehicles in an urban road network from a user equilibrium perspective where, in equilibrium, households with similar trips should have similar transport costs. Automation allows a vehicle to travel without passengers to satisfy multiple household trips and, if needed, to park itself in any of the network nodes to benefit from lower parking charges. Nonetheless, the empty trips can also represent added congestion in the network. The model was applied to a case study based on the city of Delft, the Netherlands. Several experiments were done, comparing scenarios where parking policies and value of travel time (VTT) are changed. The model shows good equilibrium convergence with a small difference between the general costs of traveling for similar families. We were able to conclude that vehicle automation reduces generalized transport costs, satisfies more trips by car and is associated with increased traffic congestion because empty vehicles have to be relocated. It is possible for a city to charge for all street parking and create free central parking lots that will keep total transport costs the same, or reduce them. However, this will add to congestion as traffic competes to access those central nodes. In a scenario where a lower VTT is experienced by the travelers, because of the added comfort of vehicle automation, the car mode share increases. Nevertheless this may help to reduce traffic congestion because some vehicles will reroute to satisfy trips which previously were not cost efficient to be done by car. Placing the free parking in the outskirts is less attractive due to the extra kilometers but with a lower VTT the same private vehicle demand would be attended with the advantage of freeing space in the city center.  相似文献   

There is a large amount of research work that has been devoted to the understanding of travel behaviour and for the prediction of travel demand and its management. Different types of data including stated preference and revealed preference, as well as different modelling approaches have been used to predict this. Essential to most travel demand forecasting models are the concepts of utility maximisation and equilibrium, although there have been alternative approaches for modelling travel behaviour. In this paper, the concept of asymmetric churn is discussed. That is travel behaviour should be considered as a two way process which changes over time. For example over time some travellers change their mode of travel from car to bus, but more travellers change their mode from bus to car. These changes are not equal and result in a net change in aggregate travel behaviour. Transport planners often aim at producing this effect in the opposite direction. It is important therefore to recognise the existence of churns in travel behaviour and to attempt to develop appropriate policies to target different groups of travellers with the relevant transport policies in order to improve the transport system. A data set collected from a recent large survey, which was carried out in Edinburgh is investigated to analyse the variations in departure time choice behaviour. The paper reports on the results of the investigation.  相似文献   

This work examines the impact of heavy vehicle movements on measured traffic characteristics in detail. Although the number of heavy vehicles within the traffic stream is only a small percentage, their impact is prominent. Heavy vehicles impose physical and psychological effects on surrounding traffic flow because of their length and size (physical) and acceleration/deceleration (operational) characteristics. The objective of this work is to investigate the differences in traffic characteristics in the vicinity of heavy vehicles and passenger cars. The analysis focuses on heavy traffic conditions (level of service E) using a trajectory data of highway I‐80 in California. The results show that larger front and rear space gaps exist for heavy vehicles compared with passenger cars. This may be because of the limitations in manoeuvrability of heavy vehicles and the safety concerns of the rear vehicle drivers, respectively. In addition, heavy vehicle drivers mainly keep a constant speed and do not change their speed frequently. This work also examines the impact of heavy vehicles on their surrounding traffic in terms of average travel time and number of lane changing manoeuvres using Advanced Interactive Microscopic Simulator for Urban and Non‐Urban Networks (AIMSUN) microscopic traffic simulation package. According to the results, the average travel time increases when proportion of heavy vehicles rises in each lane. To reflect the impact of heavy vehicles on average travel time, a term related to heavy vehicle percentage is introduced into two different travel time equations, Bureau of Public Roads and Akçelik's travel time equations. The results show that using an exclusive term for heavy vehicles can better estimate the travel times for more than 10%. Finally, number of passenger car lane changing manoeuvres per lane will be more frequent when more heavy vehicles exist in that lane. The influence of heavy vehicles on the number of passenger car lane changing is intensified in higher traffic densities and higher percentage of heavy vehicles. Large numbers of lane changing manoeuvres can increase the number of traffic accidents and potentially reduce traffic safety. The results show an increase of 5% in the likelihood of accidents, when percentage of heavy vehicles increases to 30% of total traffic. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We estimate hourly truck traffic using period-based car volumes that are usually available from travel demand models. Due to the lack of local or regional data, default vehicle-miles traveled mix by vehicle class in mobile emission inventory models is usually used in transportation emissions inventory estimates. Results from such practice, however, are often far from accurate. Heavy-duty trucks generate orders of magnitudes higher emission rates than light duty vehicles. Vehicle classification data collected from weigh-in-motion stations in California are used to examine the performance of various forms of the method across days of week and geographic areas. We find that the models identified provide satisfactory and statistically robust estimates of truck traffic.  相似文献   

This study gains insight into individual motivations for choosing to own and use autonomous vehicles and develops a model for autonomous vehicle long-term choice decisions. A stated preference questionnaire is distributed to 721 individuals living across Israel and North America. Based on the characteristics of their current commutes, individuals are presented with various scenarios and asked to choose the car they would use for their commute. A vehicle choice model which includes three options is estimated:
  • (1)Continue to commute using a regular car that you have in your possession.
  • (2)Buy and shift to commuting using a privately-owned autonomous vehicle (PAV).
  • (3)Shift to using a shared-autonomous vehicle (SAV), from a fleet of on-demand cars for your commute.
A factor analysis determined five relevant latent variables describing the individuals’ attitudes: technology interest, environmental concern, enjoy driving, public transit attitude, and pro-AV sentiments. The effects that the characteristics of the individual and the autonomous vehicle have on use and acceptance are quantified through random utility models including logit kernel model taking into account panel effects.Currently, large overall hesitations towards autonomous vehicle adoption exist, with 44% of choice decisions remaining regular vehicles. Early AV adopters will likely be young, students, more educated, and spend more time in vehicles. Even if the SAV service were to be completely free, only 75% of individuals would currently be willing to use SAVs. The study also found various differences regarding the preferences of individuals in Israel and North America, namely that Israelis are overall more likely to shift to autonomous vehicles.Methods to encourage SAV use include increasing the costs for regular cars as well as educating the public about the benefits of shared autonomous vehicles.  相似文献   

The current practice of forecasting the demand for new tolled roads typically assumes that car users are prepared to pay a higher toll for a shorter journey, and they will keep doing so as long as the toll cost is not higher than their current value of travel time savings. Practice ignores the possibility that there could be a point when motorists stop driving on toll roads due to a toll budget constraint. The unconstrained toll budget assumption may be valid in networks where the addition of a new toll road does not result in a binding budget constraint that car users may have for using toll roads (although it could also be invoked for existing tolled routes through a reduction in use of a tolled route). In a road network like Sydney which offers a growing number of (linked) tolled roads, the binding budget constraint may be invoked, and hence including additional toll links might in turn reduce the car users’ willingness to pay for toll roads to save the same amount of travel time. When this occurs, car users are said to reach a toll saturation point (or threshold) and begin to consider avoiding one or more toll roads. Whilst toll saturation has important implications for demand forecasting and planning of toll roads, this type of behaviour has not been explored in the literature. We investigate the influence that increasing toll outlays has on preferences of car commuters to use one or more tolled roads as the number of tolled roads increases. The Sydney metropolitan area offers a unique laboratory to test this phenomenon, with nine tolled roads currently in place and another five in planning. The evidence supports the hypothesis that the value of travel time savings decreases as a consequence of toll saturation.  相似文献   

The value of travel time savings in part depends upon the disutility of the travel time that is saved and partly on the use to which the time saved is put. It has long been recognised that the disutility of the time spent travelling also depends upon a wide range of factors such as the journey length or the effort, comfort and safety associated with travelling.Hence we might expect the value of motorists’ travel time to vary with the traffic conditions as represented by the degree of congestion, in part to reflect the more difficult driving environment when there are more vehicles, but also a higher sense of frustration, similar to that associated with waiting time and contributing to its premium valuation.In this context, and despite the predominance of car travel in developed countries, the empirical evidence specifically relating to car values of travel time tends to fail to distinguish between different types of time according to the degree of congestion. Thus we are often left unclear as to precisely what type of time has been valued. Moreover, when a distinction is made, it tends to be into a simple dichotomy of congested and uncongested traffic.This paper provides new evidence on the variation in the valuation of motorists’ travel time savings across a finer gradation of types of time than has been hitherto attempted. This is obtained from the same Stated Choice exercise conducted in the United Kingdom and the United States. The paper also provides an extensive account of previous research into how congestion impacts on motorists’ values of time.  相似文献   

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