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10月31日~11月4日,以搭建平台、拓展商机为宗旨的第54届全国汽车配件交易会在杭州新近落成的国际汽车展览中心如期召开。 “全国汽配交易会”是我国汽车配件行业最具影响力和品牌效应的专业展销会。自1965年至今已经成功举办了53届,走过了由全国汽车配件计划  相似文献   

李白 《汽车与配件》2012,(21):26-27
2012年4月22日~24日,由中国机械联合会、中国汽车工业配件销售公司和西安市人民政府共同主办的第71届全国汽车配件交易会在西安市"曲江国际会展中心"隆重举行。继第70届汽配交易会在济南重拾辉煌后,本届交易会在展出面积和参展厂商等规模方面均延续了上届交易会的盛况。据悉,第71届全国汽车配件交易会启用了西安曲江国际会展中心全部5个展馆,展会面积达到60000m~2,展位数量超过2200个,预计来自全国各地的几万名汽配专业采购商莅临交易会。特装展位引人关注在西安召开的第71届全国汽车配件交易会上,诸多国内知名企业通过搭建特装展位的模式高调参  相似文献   

由中国汽车工业配件销售公司主办并承办的"第63届全国汽车配件交易会"将于2008年5月18日~20日在哈尔滨举行,全国汽车配件交易会作为中汽公司主办的传统展会,历经几十年,已经成功举办了62届,是规模最大,专业观众最多的全国汽车配件行业盛会。近日,有单位发函称"第63届  相似文献   

2012年8月4日上午,2012年中国(常州)汽车配件产品交易会在常州国际会展中心揭幕。本届展会以“牵手·共赢——专业、创新、发展”为主题,由慧聪汽车配件网和常州市新北区孟河镇人民政府联合主办。  相似文献   

昕文 《汽车与配件》2005,(32):52-52
日前,记者从全国汽车配件交易会组委会获悉,由中国汽车工业销售总公司,中国汽车工业配件销售公司、全国工商联汽车(摩托车)配件商会和成都市人民政府共同主办的第58届全国汽车配件交易会将于今年10月15日~17日在成都世纪城国际会展中心举办。根据目前的行业发展状况,本次展会将成为汽车企业以及专业观众关注焦点之一。  相似文献   

正2018年10月12—14日,第84届全国汽车配件交易会在长沙国际会展中心举办。本届交易会由中国机械工业联合会、中国汽车工业配件销售有限公司共同主办。全国汽车配件交易会是中国汽车配件行业的传统盛会,起源于1965年,每年春秋两季在国内不同城市巡展。每届展会能吸引  相似文献   

李白 《汽车与配件》2013,(46):20-25
由中国机械工业联合会、中国汽车工业配件销售公司、中国国际贸易促进委员会广州市委员会共同主办的第74届全国汽车配件交易会于2013年11月2—4日在广州保利世贸博览馆隆重举行。值得一提的是,全国汽车配件交易会第一次来到广州这个一线城市举办,受到展商的热烈追捧,为了满足参展商的需求,组委会多次与场馆协商,挖掘布展面积,在保证安全、展示效果的基础上,连廊、夹层都安排了展位。尽管这样,组委会所有的展位仍然供不应求,不得不提前两个月结束招展。本届汽配交易会使用面积达到8万m2,参展企业逾2000家,展位超过3500个,预计有8万多名专业观众参观。本届交易会也是广州市历年来举办的汽车配件行业的最大展会。  相似文献   

本刊青岛电:4月16-18日,由中华全国工商业联合会汽车摩托车配件用品业商会和青岛市人民政府共同主办,易通全联(北京)国际展览有限公司和青岛市会展业发展办公室承办的“全国汽车配件交易会暨全国汽车配件采购交易会”在青岛国际会展中心盛装绽放。2010年,在新十年的开局之年,作为中华人民共和国商务部重点支持的“A级展览会”,“全国汽车配件交易会暨全国汽车配件采购交易会”开启了新十年之旅,在充满着勃勃生机的美丽岛城青岛扬帆起航。  相似文献   

全国汽车配件交易会在天津举行 第50届全国汽车配件交易会10月11日在天津开幕。召开这次交易会的主题是为了推动我国汽车零部件工业快速发展和迎接入世后的挑战。 由天津市人民政府和中国汽车销售总公司联合主办的第50届全国汽车配件交易会是新世纪汽配行业的一次盛会。大会的上题是“展示新世纪汽配,应对WTO挑战”。来自全国30个省、市、自治区的20个展团,一汽集团、东风集团、天汽集团等3000余家企业参展,  相似文献   

前不久,上海汇众萨克斯减振器有限公司在沈阳“全国汽车配件交易会暨全国汽车配件采购交易会”前夕顺利举办了以“感恩同行,共创未来”为主题的核心经销商大会。  相似文献   

Traffic simulation models often neglect the important role of motorcycles and assume a flow of various combinations of cars. This paper addresses how much different would be the behavior of a car driver while following a motorcyclist compared to cases in which a car follows another car, along with a segment of an urban highway in the non-congested flow. Recognition of such a difference might help to develop existing simulation models and to improve the behavior of car drivers in such a way to lead to lower accidents with motorcycles. To reach the goal, a GHR (Gazis-Herman-Rothery) model for car following is applied and data have been collected by video cameras during 15?min time intervals in three different days. Analysis of 198 car-motorcycle and 374 car-car following observations has indicated that when a car driver follows a motorcycle, keeps a higher headway (about 10?m in the low speed) with a lower acceleration/deceleration in comparison with the situation in which car driver follow another one. It means that the behavior of the follower car driver would be more cautious compared to situations in which a car driver follows another one, especially in space headways <10?m. In addition to main findings of the paper for developing a more realistic simulation program, the paper also addresses that in cases when the required safe space between a car and a motorcycle would be endangered, a warning message could be generated for the car driver (by implementing an in-veh ITS technology) to warn driver about keeping a safe distance.  相似文献   

岩溶路基随岩溶地区交通工程建设的快速发展而越来越普遍,如何评价岩溶路基稳定性成为岩溶区路基设计与施工的关键问题之一。针对目前路基岩溶顶板稳定性分析的不完善性,考虑溶洞形成过程中岩溶顶板所具有的空间形态特征,首先,将路基下伏岩溶顶板简化为固支梁、抛物线拱、圆拱与固支双向板等承载模型,以此进行路基岩溶顶板稳定性分析,并采用结构力学分析理论分别建立不同模型的路基岩溶顶板抗弯最小安全厚度计算方法;其次,通过典型案例的影响因素敏感性分析,揭示岩溶顶板最小安全厚度随溶洞顶板矢高、跨度、岩石抗拉强度与上覆荷载的变化规律,探讨路基岩溶顶板破坏模式的控制性因素及其影响规律,确定岩溶路基稳定性分析的基本原则;然后,基于岩溶地区地质勘察信息提出路基岩溶顶板稳定性分析过程,建立考虑溶洞空间形态特征的路基岩溶顶板稳定性分析方法;最后,通过工程实例计算分析验证所提方法确定的路基岩溶顶板稳定性评价结果的合理性与有效性。研究结果表明:岩溶顶板按何种模式破坏不仅与破坏形式有关,还与溶洞形态及其矢高密切相关,石灰岩抗拉强度同样影响较大,工程设计与稳定性评价时应基于勘测数据分析各种破坏模式,以便使设计或评价结果更接近实际情况。  相似文献   

Many French and European cities have developed a bike sharing system since 2005. This policy may be explained in a great part by the success of the Velo??v in Lyon, which contributed to improve the image of cycling in the city. If bicycles, however, appear to find a new place in the city, one can wonder whether this is really due to bike sharing systems? What are the real uses of bicycles in contemporary cities, with or without such a system? To answer these questions, the paper starts with a literature review on bicycle in the city, to draw lessons from recent experiences of bike sharing systems. It then discusses the two cases of Lyon and Lille, which never had a bike sharing system on its own. The evolution of bicycle use is measured with a comparison of household transportation surveys in Lyon (1995 and 1998) and Lille (1998 and 2006). In both cities, the analysis reveals a rise in the proportion of healthiest citizens among urban bikers, as well as a return of bikes in dense areas. Bike sharing systems are part of such tendencies. They support them, but should not become a panacea for policies supporting bike use in the city.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on evaluating the safety effectiveness of restricted crossing U-turn (RCUT) intersections in rural and suburban areas based on prior control type. Both, unsignalized and signalized RCUT intersections were evaluated using the Empirical Bayes (EB) before-after evaluation method. The 42 RCUT intersections selected for this research were converted from a two-way stop-controlled (TWSC) intersection or signalized intersection in the rural and suburban areas. The results show a 70.63% reduction in the total number of crashes and a 76.10% reduction in the number of fatal and injury crashes at unsignalized stop-controlled RCUT intersections in the rural area. Also, an 89.25% reduction in the total number of crashes and a 94.42% reduction in the number of fatal and injury crashes was observed at offset three-legged unsignalized stop-controlled RCUT intersections converted from four-legged TWSC intersections in rural areas. In the suburban areas, a 64.86% reduction in the total number of crashes and a 73.39% reduction in the number of fatal and injury crashes was observed at unsignalized stop-controlled RCUT intersections. Further, a 10.15% and a 31.08% reduction in the total number of crashes, and an 84.26% and 41.31% reduction in the number of fatal and injury crashes was observed at a signalized RCUT intersection in the rural and suburban areas, respectively. The safety effectiveness of unsignalized RCUT intersections in the rural areas with a larger sample size was found to be higher than was observed by researchers in the past. While unsignalized RCUT intersections in the suburban areas are effective, there is not enough evidence to support the installation of signalized RCUT intersections. These findings help researchers and practitioners in making informed decisions and installing RCUT intersections from a safety perspective.  相似文献   


This paper examines the frequency responses often logging truck configurations currently operating in the interior of British Columbia in Canada. The work is an extension of a previous study conducted at the National Research Council (NRC) in 1990. The previous study presented an extensive analysts of the directional responses and frequency responses of four Canadian log-hauling truck configurations; a tractor/pole trailer, a tractor/triaxle trailer, a tractor/quadaxle trailer (with a single load), and a tractor/single-axle-jeep/pole trailer. In the current study, the frequency responses of these four configurations are compared with those of six more log-hauling truck configurations; a tractor/ tandem-axle-jeep/pole trailer, a doglogger, a double doglogger, a tractor/quadaxle trailer (with a dual load), a tractor/jeep/triaxle trailer, and a tractor/jeep/quadaxle trailer. The current study makes use of three models developed by NRC in the previous study, and a new model developed at NRC in cooperation with the University of Victoria.

The frequency response method has been applied in this study to predict the lateral acceleration at the centre of gravity of each articulated vehicle unit, and the rearward amplification ratio. The logging truck simulation results have been compared with corresponding results, obtained using UMTRI's simplified models, for three conventional highway vehicles; a tractor/semitrailer, a B-train, and an A-train. The comparison provides a useful indication of the differences between the behaviours of logging trucks and conventional highway trucks in their shared environment.  相似文献   

Traction control is a very important aspect in railway vehicle dynamics. Its optimisation allows improvement of the performance of a locomotive by working close to the limit of adhesion. On the other hand, in case the adhesion limit is surpassed, the wheels are subjected to heavy wear and there is also a big risk that vibrations in the traction occur. Similar considerations can be made in the case of braking. The development and optimisation of a traction/braking control algorithm is a complex activity, because it is usually performed on a real vehicle on the track, where many uncertainties are present due to environmental conditions and vehicle characteristics. This work shows the use of a scaled roller rig to develop and optimise a traction control algorithm on a single wheelset. Measurements performed on the wheelset are used to estimate the optimal adhesion forces by means of a wheel/rail contact algorithm executed in real time. This allows application of the optimal adhesion force.  相似文献   

The steady-state handling properties of a rigid vehicle with a tandem rear axle configuration are developed. This work uses conventions resulting in a parsimonious characterisation of steady-state handling of such three-axle vehicles that is shown to be a simple extension of the well-known two-axle bicycle model. Specifically the concepts of understeer and wheelbase are developed for a three-axle vehicle, and shown to play the same role in characterising vehicle handling as they do in the well-known two-axle vehicle model. An equivalent wheelbase of a three-axle vehicle is expressed in terms of vehicle geometry and cornering stiffness of each axle. The model developed in this work is reconciled with previous models that make use of simplifying assumptions found in the literature.  相似文献   

为明确山地城市信号交叉口到达车辆的运行特征及其影响因素,通过无人机采集4个位于山地城市的道路信号交叉口的高空视频图像数据,利用基于DataFromSky云平台的AI视频分析技术,获得车辆运行参数。基于车辆运行时空图,得到了交叉口直行道停止线前车辆停滞延误特征、停止线位置车头时距和车头间距统计特征,分析车头间距、停止线截面处速度及道路平均坡度之间的相关性。结果表明:不同路段同一排队位次和同一路段不同排队位次的车辆运行特征均有所不同,排队位次越靠前的车辆,停车点分布区间越集中,下坡路段整体停车位置分布范围比上坡路段大;无论是上坡、下坡,还是缓坡,排队位次越靠前的车辆停滞延误分布范围越大,而靠后的车辆停滞延误分布范围小,最大值出现在下坡路段;不同路段类型车头时距分布均集中于1.5 s,上坡路段的车头时距离散程度最大,但峰值比下坡路段和缓坡路段小;不同路段类型的车头间距分布均集中于10 m,上坡路段和下坡路段车头间距分布出现左偏现象,而缓坡路段车头间距分布更为集中;车头间距在上坡、下坡和缓坡路段均和车辆经过停止线位置处时的速度存在较强的正相关性;道路平均坡度与相邻2车车头间距存在正相关性。   相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel hierarchical scheme for detection and tracking of vehicles using a vehicle-mounted camera in nighttime under urban environment, where a vehicle can be represented by a pair of taillights and various types of lights are commonplace. The proposed scheme, therefore, mainly focuses on devising robust detection and pairing of taillights in spite of their inherent diversity and continuous transformation in appearance. Thus the appearance symmetry, which many conventional methods rely on, for paring is not guaranteed to be available all the times. Each of the three layers in the scheme is devised to identify a vehicle from individual lights and clutters detected in a hierarchical manner. Robust detection of a pair of taillights, which can be regarded as a vehicle, is sought by successive groupings of the components in a layer and checking not only the intra-layer but the inter-layer relations between them. A structural Kalman filter is employed to maintain the temporal consistency in the motion of the components and their relations as well. Exploiting such relational information increases accuracy in tracking of individual components by reducing effects from fluctuation in positions and shapes, and eventually compensating possible failures in detection of them. As a result, the proposed scheme achieves enhancement in detection and tracking of vehicles in nighttime as proven by experiments on videos including crowded urban traffic scenes.  相似文献   

This paper presents a system to identify road and non-road regions from monocular color images of paved and unpaved roads. Despite being a single object, the road in these images is subject to large changes in appearance due to environmental effects and track materials. This condition has challenged the practical application of road identification. The proposed system combines random forest with color correlogram to overcome such conditions and offers a classifier for road and non-road regions in traffic images. As a color feature, the color correlogram depicts the spatial correlation of color changes in an image. Using random forest, road identification is formulated as a learning paradigm. The combined effects of color correlograms and random forest create a robust system capable of identifying roads even in variable situations in real time. This combination is more effective than other combinations, such as a color histogram plus random forest, a color correlogram plus neural network, or a color histogram plus neural network.  相似文献   

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