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The topic of independent development of automobile products, which was hot for awhile, is now rarely discussed. But in comparing the weight of the auto industry with theentire economy, these appeals should enlighten doubters. Of the GDP growth in 2002, the auto industry accounted for nearly 1/4. 2003’s autoindustry accounted for 38.1 percent of the sales income and 26.7 percent of the profits ofthe machinery industry. China produced 5 million vehicles in 2004 and it is predicted it willex…  相似文献   

I. Background Alternatives to petroleum as an energy source have been an important topic for countries all over the world. The aims are to solve the problems of a lack of oils and protection of the environmental, to reduce as far as possible over-dependence on petrol and to ensure ensure energy safety commensurate with the sustainable development of the auto industry. Since the 1940's, countries have invested large sums of money in  相似文献   

Reporter: Please say something about the entire structure of Chinese auto industry after the WTO entry, and what do you think it should do to cope with the new challenges? Zhang: This is an old question we have talked about for years. Now China is already an official member of the WTO and what we discussed before should become specific policies or measures.  相似文献   

1 The Investment Situation of Auto Industrial Powers in China Chinese auto industry has made rapid progress after development of 50 years. However it is still at the infant stage. The government has to protect it by means of long-term, rigorous tariff and non-tariff devices. But the U.S., Japan and other European countries have made investment into Chinese auto industry, because it's incontrovertible that China is the most potential market in the world.  相似文献   

Reporter: Chinese auto industry has been in a situation of scattering, chaos and laggard. How do you think we should change it completely with China's WTO entry? Du: The situation you mentioned is a chronic disease of Chinese auto industry which suggests the development of Chinese auto industry is not satisfying. In fact, you could see the same situations in developed  相似文献   

Ⅰ. Chinese auto industry in 2002 Since the WTO entry, Chinese economy has maintained an exciting development trend in the first seven months of this year. The GDP growth is as high as 7.8%. Meanwhile, auto production and sales have also increased rapidly. More and more new types of domestic-made vehicles are being launched, auto prices have been reduced and the service is  相似文献   

As a new information industry, E-commerce is becoming a new growth point of economy, and changing the development of traditional industries such as the auto industry. E-commerce would ultimately bring it profound changes. Therefore, many countries are employing E-commerce to impel the development of the auto industry rapidly. As the final large market, China has to keep up with the trend of global auto development. If we did not explore and establish E-commerce actively, with WTO coming, we  相似文献   

More than 20 years have passed since 1984 when Beiqi and AMC (became part of Chrysler in 1987) established China's first joint venture in the auto industry to produce the Jeep. The history can be divided into two phases. The 1980 witnessed a lot of technology being introduced from abroad and since the late 1990's the joint ventures have been engaged in "market for technology". The mass joint ventures have improved the entire auto industry through introducing funds, technology and management, and given impetus to the development of other segments.  相似文献   

The increasing investment in infrastructural construction has activated the demand for heavy trucks, in particular from 1999-2003 when the requirements hit a new high. Meanwhile, the technologies have been upgraded day and day. The Tenth Five-Year Plan made for the auto industry reads that, attention should be paid to heavy trucks catering to expressways ( with more than 9 L displacement and 220 kW output power ), ie big-powered tractor, heavy special vehicles and their chassis. Therefore, e…  相似文献   

With the rapid development of China auto industry, the Chinese Government and the auto industry itself have given more and more attention to the upgrading self-R&D capacity of auto products. Ten years later, it is predicted that the national economy and living standard will be improved greatly, and there will be a peak of the procurement for  相似文献   

The National Development and Reform Commission held a press conference on July 25 making public the latest figures on the national economy. The commission expressed concern over excess factory capacity in a group of industries. As it happened, the auto industry was among the 12 sectors mentioned as having excess capacity. Here one thing appears to have been neglected by the public. It was the state itself that, for the first time setting the housing and auto industries as pillars of the econ…  相似文献   

In 2002, the total investment in fixed assets of the auto industry was over 300 billion yuan. But the problems of investment scattering and insufficient R & D capabilities have not been resolved, which will restrain the healthy and orderly development of the auto industry.  相似文献   

Green manufacturing is a new way out for the auto industry—ZHAO Hang, president of CATARC The green manufacturing means a lot, in terms of the manufacturing process, material and techniques. China spares no efforts to producing vehicles and it will  相似文献   

Fourthly, the situation of duplication of similar projects with scattering and turmoil in the auto industry was not radically altered. Since the issue of the Industrial Policies for the Motor Industry, the above-mentioned has somehow changed. However, driven by the excessive profits derived from high tariffs and the strict market access limit, some localities and organs still indulge in the construction of auto projects and the momentum is ever increasing. As a result, the limited capital and market resources have not been used effectively.  相似文献   

POLICY China set to restructure auto industry by mergers hina said it wanted to boost its auto industry by reducing the number of companies in the sector through mergers and promoting two or three carmakers to become the dominant players. The government's plans for auto industry reform were  相似文献   

As one of the fastest growing automotive industries in the world and as being of the greatest potencial for future development, China's atuotmotive industry is widely concerned and followed by many developed countries. Not long before, Deputy Chief Editor of CHINA AUTO, Song Jialie met with Stephen Brown, commercial counsellor at the British Embassy in Beijing and asked him to express his view on China's auto industry and British companies' altitude towards cooperation with Chinese counterparts. Here is the article by Mr. Brown. CHINA AUTO welcome contribution of opinions and ideas concerning the development of China's auto industry and Sino—foreign cooperation in the automotive sector.  相似文献   

2002 is the first year for China that entered into of the WTO in 2001. China's auto industry will be confronted with the opportunity and challenge from the WTO and it will greatly change China's auto industry. Under the pressures from both domestic demand and external world, the organization structure, product mix and market  相似文献   

1. Three structural changes Since the issue and implementation of the "Industrial Policy for Motor Industry" in 1994, three structural changes have taken place in the auto industry. First, a deep change in organizational structure with auto enterprises  相似文献   

The formation of the 1994-based Industrial Policy for the Auto Industry took the form of broadly soliciting comments from various sources full coordination and consultancy among government departments; hearing comments from experts; taking advice from companies in the auto industry. However, as it was a result of discussions within government and inside the industry, it mainly reflected the ideas of the government departments and manufacturers as well as the interests of auto producers. From the view point of the making of governmental public policies, it lacked publicity, transparency and broadness, together with a low degree of public involvement.  相似文献   

As an important part of Chinese auto industry, the motorcycle industry has made great progress under the guidance of "Industrial Policy of Motor Industry" and realized the annual production target of 10 million motorcycles. Along with the change of the economic situation both external and domestic and China's WTO entry, which will surely cause impacts to most of Chinese enterprises and some of the domestic market, a great change will certainly be produced in Chinese motorcycle industry and a new circumstance will be in front of it.  相似文献   

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