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Distributed information systems require complex access control which depends upon attributes of protected data and access policies. Traditionally, to enforce the access control, a file server is used to store all data and act as a reference to check the user. Apparently, the drawback of this system is that the security is based on the file server and the data are stored in plaintext. Attribute-based encryption (ABE) is introduced first by Sahai and Waters and can enable an access control mechanism over encrypted data by specifying the users’ attributes. According to this mechanism, even though the file server is compromised, we can still keep the security of the data. Besides the access control, user may be deprived of the ability in some situation, for example paying TV. More previous ABE constructions are proven secure in the selective model of security that attacker must announce the target he intends to attack before seeing the public parameters. And few of previous ABE constructions realize revocation of the users’ key. This paper presents an ABE scheme that supports revocation and has full security in adaptive model. We adapt the dual system encryption technique recently introduced by Waters to ABE to realize full security.  相似文献   

This paper aims at analyzing the security issues that lie in the application layer (AL) protocols when users connect to the Internet via a wireless local area network (WLAN) through an access point. When adversaries launch deauthentication flood attacks cutting users’ connection, the connection managers will automatically research the last access point’s extended service set identifier (ESSID) and then re-establish connection. However, such re-connection can lead the users to a fake access point with the same ESSID set by attackers. As the attackers hide behind users’ access points, they can pass AL’s authentication and security schemes, e.g. secure socket layer (SSL). We have proved that they can even spy on users’ account details, passwords, data and privacy.  相似文献   

Association analysis is an effective data mining approach capable of unveiling interesting associations within a large dataset. Although widely adopted in e-business areas, it still has many difficulties when applied in practice. For instance, there is a mismatch between the static rules discovered and the drifting nature of the user interests, and it is difficult to detect associations from a huge volume of raw user data. This paper presents an effective approach to mine evolving association rules in order to tackle these problems. It is followed by a recommendation model based on the evolving association rules unveiled. Experimental results on an online toggery show that it can effectively unveil people’s shifting interests and make better recommendations accordingly.  相似文献   

This paper describes a bi-level programming model that seeks to simultaneously optimize location and design decisions of facilities in a distribution system in order to realize company’s maximal total profit subject to the constraints on the facility capacity and the investment budget. In the upper-level problem, two-echelon integrated competitive/uncompetitive capacitated facility location model, which involves facility location and design, is presented. In the lower-level problem, customer is assumed to patronize store based on facility utility which is expressed by service time cost in the store and its travel cost to customer. Customer’s facility choice behavior is presented by a stochastic user equilibrium assignment model with elastic demand. Since such a distribution system design problem belongs to a class of NP-hard problem, a genetic algorithm (GA)-based heuristic procedure is presented. Finally, a numerical example is used to illustrate the application of the proposed model and some parameter sensitivity analyses are presented.  相似文献   

在web信息服务中提供个性化服务时,一项非常重要的任务就是发现用户的兴趣.目前最有效的方法是通过用户的浏览行为发现用户兴趣.本文通过建立线性回归模型对用户兴趣度的计算方法进行改进,然后将用户兴趣度转化为云模型进行表示,并最终生成能准确表示用户兴趣度的新方法,从而使个性化推荐更加有效.  相似文献   

Classification, using the decision tree algorithm, is a widely studied problem in data streams. The challenge is when to split a decision node into multiple leaves. Concentration inequalities, that exploit variance information such as Bernstein’s and Bennett’s inequalities, are often substantially strict as compared with Hoeffding’s bound which disregards variance. Many machine learning algorithms for stream classification such as very fast decision tree (VFDT) learner, AdaBoost and support vector machines (SVMs), use the Hoeffding’s bound as a performance guarantee. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm based on the recently proposed empirical Bernstein’s bound to achieve a better probabilistic bound on the accuracy of the decision tree. Experimental results on four synthetic and two real world data sets demonstrate the performance gain of our proposed technique.  相似文献   

AbstractA switched reluctance machine(SRM)drive is a time-varying,strongly nonlinear system.High performance control can no longer be achieved by using linear techniques.This paper describes the back-propagation (BP)neural network-based proportional-integral-derivative(PID)speed control of the SRM.It’s the interest of this paper to explore the utilization of the prior empirical knowledge as guidance in the initializing and training of the neural networks.The purpose is to make the networks less sensitive on the initial weights.Two modified algorithms are presented and simulation experiments show some interesting findings about their control effects and their corresponding sensitivity on the initial weights of the networks.  相似文献   

This paper studied experimentally and theoretically the biomechanical properties of skin with laser influence. Different types of tensile tests of the porcine skin in vitro were conducted to study effect of the laser, tensile strength, stress-strain relationship, influence of skin’s anisotropy and different regions, repetitive loading and stress-relaxation. A modeling of skin was developed according to the experimental results. The modeling provided insights into the important structure-function relationship in skin tissue with the laser effect. The nonlinear and anisotropic mechanical responses of skin are largely due to varying degree of fiber undulation which is effected by laser and outside forces. By introducing the laser factor into the constitutive modeling, the skin’s biomechanical properties and the mechanism of the skin repair with laser were discussed.  相似文献   

External equality and absolute equality are defined model independently by Fu. It is interesting and important to know whether these two equalities coincide or not. There are some results in Fu’s paper for this issue. It is relatively easy to prove the coincidence if the summation operator is in the language, otherwise it is harder. In fact Fu proposed it as an open problem whether the two equalities coincide in some languages without summation. In this paper, the proofs of the coincidence in finite CCS and π calculus without summation are given.  相似文献   

支撑产业链协同的SaaS平台自适应演化技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为实现产业链协同SaaS平台在运行服务过程中面向各企业群及其业务需求变化的动态演化支持,针 对平台企业联盟和用户的动态性,提出了基于动态绑定与隐式授权的企业联盟自适应演化管理和基于企业自治 模型的用户自适应演化管理方法;针对平台各企业联盟业务协同需求的动态性,建立了面向演化的业务功能与 业务数据管理模型,提出了业务功能在线更新与业务数据库的同步演化算法,建立了SaaS平台自适应演化机 制.通过在汽车零部件产业链协同SaaS平台研发过程中的应用表明,自适应演化方法能有效支持平台在不间断 服务条件下,通过业务功能和业务数据库的在线演化满足各企业联盟业务功能扩展和动态更新的需求.   相似文献   

In current interactive television schemes, the viewpoints should be manipulated by the user. However, there is no efficient method, to assist a user in automatically identifying and tracking the optimum viewpoint when the user observes the object of interest because many objects, most often humans, move rapidly and frequently. This paper proposes a novel framework for determining and tracking the virtual camera to best capture the front of the person of interest (PoI). First, one PoI is interactively chosen in a segmented 3D scene reconstructed by space carving method. Second, key points of the human torso of the PoI are detected by using a model-based method and the human’s global motion including rotation and translation is estimated by using a close-formed method with 3 corresponding points. At the last step, the front direction of PoI is tracked temporally by using the unscented particle filter (UPF). Experimental results show that the method can properly compute the front direction of the PoI and robustly track the best viewpoints.  相似文献   

谈融资决策中的资金成本及最佳资本结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代商品经济发展需要企业拥有雄厚的资本。企业自主筹资是企业自主经营,自负盈亏的客观要求,企业该如何科学的、准确的进行融资决策,是企业在竞争中立于不败的关键。以华汕电子公司为例阐述资金成本,筹资风险及最佳资本结构对融资决策的影响。  相似文献   

近年来由于无线射频对象辨识技术(RFID)的快速发展,使低成本、可大量部署的与可涵盖大面积的无线射频对象识别器有突破性的进展.由读取器(Reader)、感应器(Transponder)与中介系统(Middleware System)3者串联而成的无线射频对象辨识架构,将形成未来生产线自动化、物料管理与物流业的新兴架构.由国际组织EPCglobal Inc.所倡导的EPC Network是RFID应用的标准科技,目前世界各大零售通路商如Wal-Mart、Tesco及Metro、P&G、Gillette等皆积极参与电子商品条形码EPC(Electronic Product Code)的应用.本论文针对RFID技术的EPC网络架构,实作一套综合RFID智能手机、EPC网络的智能移动采购系统.使用者以具有RFID Reader的智能手机进行采购,Content Web Server与ODS Server负责记录EPC Code的商品数据,透过EPC网络的ObjectTracing功能将商品直接运送到使用者家中;或由家中的RFID冰箱主动通知使用者所需采购信息,传送至智能手机进行采购,完成电子交易.  相似文献   

Most of exiting model updating methods based on the substructure matrices did not consider the effect of model reduction process on model updating which led to the updating results could not become more and more accurate with the improvement of the model reduction precision and the convergence rate was greatly reduced. In order to solve this problem, this paper analyses the basic reason about this problem, and proposes an improved model updating method of reduced-models, named as improved reduced cross-model cross-mode (IRCMCM) method. The proposed method eliminates the disadvantageous effect by adding a correction term to the model updating formula and employing an iterative process. The results obtained by the referenced method and IRCMCM method are compared by numerical examples of satellite’s plates, which indicate the model updating results are more accurate by using the proposed method, and the model updating precision becomes better with the precision of the model reduction upgraded and the convergence rate is improved to a large extent at the same time.  相似文献   

China National Stadium, also known as “Bird’s Nest”, is the main stadium of the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008, which has successfully held not only the Opening and the Closing ceremonies but also the track and field events. A new problem of rain preventing is brought out to improve the utilization of the Bird’s Nest after the Olympic Games. The scheme of installing an air inflated membrane at the opening of the steel structure is proposed in this paper to solve the rainproof problem of the Bird’s Nest. The form-finding and mechanical analyses of the air inflated membrane are carried out. Comparison between the mechanical performance and dynamical character before and after installing the air inflated membrane structure is given. To verify the analysis results, based on the practical structure of the Bird’s Nest, a test of a 1:20 model membrane is worked out.  相似文献   

本文在提出了商品销售质量、个别销售质量、社会一般销售质量等范畴后,对商品质量规律在流通领域里的作用和作用形式进行了分析。从而得出了商品质量规律会迫使流通经营企业提高商品销售质量、提高营业水平、提高管理能力的结论。  相似文献   

本文提出了商品生产质量、个别特殊生产素质、社会一般生产素质等范畴 ,对商品质量规律在生产领域里的作用形式和作用进行了分析 ,从而得出了商品质量规律会迫使生产经营企业提高产品生产质量、提高科技水平、提高经营管理能力的结论。  相似文献   

The heterogeneity in the communicating terminals needs to be handled through software-supported adaptation. A QoS (quality of service) pre-estimation for user admission control and system load control is proposed. In the QoS pre-estimation, the content quality and wait time characteristics are combined together. The feedback control that acts as an adjuster of the input parameters of the pre-estimate module to improve the estimate accuracy is also described in detail. Test results show that the service quality control mechanism is effective, and the system capacity can be improved.  相似文献   

近几年,随着现代职业教育体系的不断完善,高职院校社会服务的模式不断地多元化,功能也不断地完善,社会服务方面取得了一些成效。但是社会服务是一项长期坚持的工作,需要政府、行业、企业、学校四方的通力合作,需要从内部和外部制度和机制建设着手,探索社会服务实施有效途径,扎扎实实推进和加快高职院校社会服务,最大限度的服务好地方经济和社会民生。  相似文献   

确保冬期混凝土工程质量,不仅需要商品混凝土公司严格控制生产环节和出厂质量。更需要施工单位的大力配合和支持,除应严格按标准规范进行混凝土生产外,还必须做好混凝土的施工和养护工作,以避免商品混凝土在冬期施工过程中留下质量隐患。  相似文献   

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