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正2020年春运全国共发送旅客14.8亿人次2月18日,为期40天的2020年春运结束。春运40天,全国铁路、公路、水路、民航共发送旅客14.8亿人次,比去年同期下降50.3%,安全形势平稳。其中,铁路发送旅客2.1亿人次、同比下降47.3%,公路发送旅客12.1亿人次、同比下降50.8%,水路发送旅客1689万人次、同比下降58.6%,民航发送旅客3839万人次,同比下降47.5%。  相似文献   

正春运前二十日共发送旅客13.83亿人次春运前二十日(2月1日-20日),全国铁路、道路、水路、民航累计发送旅客13.83亿人次,比去年同期下降1.85%。其中铁路发送旅客1.71亿人次,增长3.55%;道路发送旅客11.58亿人次,下降2.9%;水路发送旅客2231.94万人次,下降1.16%;民航发送旅客3210.99万人次,增长11.48%。  相似文献   

<正>国庆客运平稳增长发送旅客7.34亿人次7.34亿人次今年国庆"黄金周"客运需求较为平稳,10月1日-7日,全国共发送旅客7.34亿人次,同比增长1.9%。其中,全国铁路共发送旅客7390万人次,增长8.9%,10月1日当日铁路旅客发送量达1254万人次,创历史新高。全国道路旅客运输量达到6.39亿人次,增长1.6%;全国水路完成客运量1215万人次,下降14.4%;国内航空公司共运送旅客894万人次,增长9.5%。  相似文献   

随着暑运开启,各地将陆续迎来学生流、探亲流、旅游流叠加.为了保障旅客安全有序出行,各部门坚持以旅客需求为导向,强化出行服务、防疫和安全保障,努力让旅客出行体验更美好. 来自中国国家铁路集团有限公司的最新统计显示,2021年铁路暑运期间(7月1日至8月31日),全国铁路预计发送旅客7.5亿人次,与2019年基本持平.7月1日暑运首日,全国铁路发送旅客883万人次.  相似文献   

正春运首日全国共发送旅客6902.6万人次1月13日,2017年春运大幕正式开启。春运首日,全国铁路、道路、水路、民航运行平稳有序,共发送旅客6902.6万人次。其中铁路发送旅客864.5万人次,增长24.6%;道路发送旅客5825万人次,增长0.43%;水路发送旅客70.78万人次,增长15.65%;民航发送旅客142.29万人次,增长20.48%。  相似文献   

正国庆假期全国旅客发送量超过6亿人次据初步统计,10月1日至7日18时,全国旅客发送量预计达到6.16亿人次,其中,全国铁路累计旅客发送人数预计达9898.2万人次,同比增长超过10%;道路旅客运输量达到4.92亿人次,同比基本持平;主要地区水路客运量完成1316万人次,同比下降1.26%;民航运输旅客人数达1222.7万人次,同比增长8.7%。  相似文献   

2月2日,国家发改委副主任欧新黔在国家发改委会同铁道部、交通部、民航总局等9个相关部门联合召开的春运电视电话会议上介绍,今年春运期间全国旅客运量预计将达到21.7亿人次,比上年同期增长4.9%.其中铁路1.55亿人次,增长4.3%;道路19.7亿人次,增长5%.道路运输量是铁路的12.7倍,全国道路运输投入70万辆大中型客车,日发班次200万个,平均日发送旅客4692万人次,高峰日发送旅客5767万人次,道路旅客运输占全社会春运客运总量的90%以上,全国将有70余万辆大中型客车和数万家道路客运企业投入春运,继续发挥春运骨干作用.从以上这组数字也不难看出,"今年春运票价不再浮动"这一政策的影响广且深.  相似文献   

正2017年春运正式落幕,据交通运输部大数据显示,全国铁路、公路、水路、民航共发送旅客约27亿人次,是名副其实的全国人口大迁徙。而铁路和公路成了发送旅客的主力,其中高铁出行占了铁路出行的六成。看客流:增长且出新40天的春运里,全国铁路、公路、水路、民航共发送旅客约27亿人次。民航春运期间,出港旅客主要集中大中城市出发前往旅游城市的航线。出港航班客座率平均超过85%的城市:乌鲁木齐、杭州、上海、西安、广州等  相似文献   

2月27日,一年一度的春运圆满落幕。我国道路、水路、铁路、民航在此期间共发送旅客28.51亿人次。 据交通运输部统计,春运期间,全国道路运输客运量达25.98亿人次,同比增长13.3%;全国主要地区水路客运量达4210.8万人次,  相似文献   

<正> 11日至12月10日,全国铁路旅客运输提前22天完成全年任务。其中旅客发送量为98620万人次,为年计划9.85亿人次的100.1%;旅客周转量为3304亿  相似文献   

从我国国情出发,道路客运与旅游包车属于"道路运输"范畴,而公交与出租则位于"城市公交"之列."道路运输"属于"交通运输业",体制上归属于交通系统管理,而"城市公交"则又属于"社会服务业",归建设系统管理……如此叠加性质的区分说明,估计足以让许多外行人士云里雾里.所以,时至今日,仍然有许多人在发问:城乡客运到底属于哪个行业?  相似文献   

二十世纪八十年代以来,发达国家已逐渐从主要依靠修建公路、扩大路网规模来满足不断增长的交通需求,转移到用高新技术来改良公路运输系统及管理体系,从而达到大幅度提高路网通行能力和服务质量的目的.为了解决交通问题,日本、美国和西欧等发达国家都投入大量资金和人力,研究开发并应用了ITS(智能运输系统),即综合运用先进的电子技术、信息技术、传感器技术和系统工程技术,建立起全方位、实时准确、高效的运输系统.  相似文献   

无论是城市公共客运、城市出租客运、旅游客运,它都具备了道路旅客运输的基本特点、基本属性,人为地将这一市场割裂,说明现行政策离"群众满意"这个根本出发点还有一定的距离.  相似文献   



Foreign consultants still provide much of the analytical expertise for transport planning studies conducted in the Gulf States and other rapidly developing countries. Most of the systems analysis techniques used are adaptations of those developed for western urban areas. The populations of the Gulf States are unique in that they contain very large populations of foreign workers who have very different social and economic characteristics from the national populations. This paper describes these differences and shows how they have influenced the spatial evolution of the Kuwait metropolitan area and the associated transport demands. The paper also describes the analytical tools that are most appropriate for capturing the transport behaviour of residents of the Kuwait metropolitan area.  相似文献   

客运站社会化的"走调"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1月29日,年关将至,本刊记者在走访了"中华第一站"以后,乘坐一趟三点半从济南发往北京的客运班车,车出站后,连同两位记者在内,整辆客车上只有三名乘客,客车一路在高速公路上奔驰,直到进入北京,车上依旧是三名乘客.  相似文献   

In this paper we focus on ways to provide individualized services to people with mobility challenges using existing modes of public transport. We study the design of an interesting case, in which a bus operating in a public transport route may diverge from its nominal path to pick-up passengers with limited mobility and drop them off at their destination. We have modeled the design problem by a mixed integer-linear program, and we developed an exact Branch and Price approach to solve it to optimality. The proposed approach includes a labeling algorithm in which we introduced appropriate dominance rules, which do not compromise optimality. We have compared the efficiency of our approach with that of related algorithms from the literature. Furthermore, we have used the proposed approach to study key aspects of the system design problem, such as the effect of various constraints on the service level, and the tuning of the system’s parameters to address different transport environments.  相似文献   


A decade of increasing Federal attention to urban transportation needs has culminated in the 1970 Urban Mass Transportation Assistance Act. This Act is intended to provide 10 thousand million dollars over the next 12 years in Federal assistance money to urban public transportation systems. This paper examines the needs of selected U.S. cities as a basis for (1) understanding the vast, various and complex transportation needs of urban areas throughout the country, and (2) assessing the sufficiency of these funds. The sample cities have been placed into three broad categories based on the state of development of their transportation systems. In Category I cities, the essential need is to ensure the survival of bus systems for the use of non‐drivers, or to provide some other viable alternative to the automobile; in Category II cities, the primary needs are to relieve auto congestion and to improve public transportation components, while in Category III cities, the primary need is massive investment to improve and to extend public transportation facilities. It is concluded that the presently intended Federal funding level for transportation will not meet the financial requirements of the Category III cities.  相似文献   

Etarea is a planned satellite town for Prague, the capital of Czechoslovakia, located some 10 km from the outskirts of the capital. Its projected population of 135,000 will live in 13 residential areas, each of which will have its own retail centre in addition to the main retail centre.The plans for Etarea incorporate a unique approach to the related problems of the storage and distribution of goods within urban areas. All incoming goods will be delivered by road or rail, and possibly in the future by water, to a central storage complex. Goods for the retail trade are distributed from this central store by automated trains pulled by battery-powered trucks, each train having a capacity of 8.75 tons. The trains, which run in a network of underground tunnels, 2 \sX 2.5 meters in cross section, are guided by an optical sensing system. The underground network comprises 3 main routes with branches serving the individual centres. Secondary storage facilities are planned for each of the 14 retail centres where unit loads received from the main storage centre are subdivided for retail sale.One of the proposed methods of retail distribution provides for the fully automated delivery of goods from the retail centres direct to the consumer's household. This is accomplished by means of a pneumatic tube system similar to that used for handling cash in some large stores. Orders will be placed by dialling the code number assigned to the required item, given in a catalogue of available goods. Provided that the customer's account is in credit the order will be accepted and the goods automatically dispatched from the local centre; delivery is estimated to take between 2.5 and 11.5 minutes depending on the distance of the customer's house from the centre. The same system is utilised for the delivery of regular orders for such items as newspapers and magazines as well as for mail and for the the removal of household refuse. In addition to the automated system each retail centre will also have over-the-counter, self-service and slot machine facilities for the sale of goods.All proposals for goods storage and distribution planned for Etarea are based on existing technologies.  相似文献   

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