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钟娇 《珠江水运》2015,(2):39-43
<正>账单不怕收、怕不明,收费公路请把账单晒出来。2014年,高速公路延期收费的舆情案例骤然增多,质疑高速公路延期收费的声音也从未停歇:"到期为何还收费"、"这么多年收的通行费去哪儿了"、"请把账单在阳光下晒透"。12月23日交通运输部公布了《2013年全国收费公路统计公报》,公报显示收费公路去年亏661亿。  相似文献   

交通部最近发布公告,正式公布《收费公路联网收费技术要求》。该技术要求将提高收费公路通行效率和服务质量,规范收费公路联网收费的规划建设和运营管理工作。从交通部公路司获悉,根据《中华人民共和国公路法》、《收费公路管理条例》等法律法规及有关技术标准,交通部组织制定了《收费公路联网收费技术要求》并于最近正式施行。  相似文献   

<正>交通运输部出台《全面深化交通运输改革意见》日前,交通运输部正式出台《关于全面深化交通运输改革的意见》(简称《意见》)。在综合交通运输体制、交通运输现代市场体系、收费公路体制、现代运输服务等领域的改革将取得突破。《意见》提出,交通运输部将继续深化大部制改革,提速"大交通"的形成;完善交通运输现代市场体系,逐步建立负面清单,交通运输市场主体和从业人员施行"黑名单"制度;深化收费公路改革,政府投资的收费公路实行收支两条线,改革收费公路通行费率形成机制,实现通行费率与营运服务水平  相似文献   

全生命周期工程造价管理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了在我国实行全生命周期工程造价管理的必要性,并给出了构建我国全生命周期工程造价管理的理论框架,最后对适合我国的全生命周期工程造价管理的全过程进行了合理的阶段划分。  相似文献   

我国造船产业生命周期判定及发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学、准确地识别我国造船产业所处的生命周期阶段,是制定合理、有效的产业政策的前提与基础.作者以产业生命周期理论为基础,选取我国1982~2008年造船完工量为实证研究对象,采用Compertz模型对我国造船产业生命周期阶段进行实证研究.实证结果显示,我国造船产业尚处于产业生命周期的成长期前期,成长期将持续到21世纪中期.针对我国造船产业成长期存在的突出问题,作者提出了相关产业的对策与建议.  相似文献   

收费公路工程项目财务评价存在着大量繁杂的重复计算工作。随着计算机在工程技术中的普遍应用,越来越多的复杂运算通过计算机程序变得简单而实用。文中从开发思路、开发环境的选择、软件设计原理和功能要求等方面,介绍了收费公路工程财务评价计算机软件系统的开发与实现。  相似文献   

中国收费公路占全球70%全世界收费公路14万公里,其中有10万公里在中国,占全世界70%。交通部规定40公里设一收费站,但有些地方政府规定,每20公里甚至更短路程就可设1个收费站。  相似文献   

30年来,学者们对文件生命周期理论在我国档案学科和实践工作中的运用进行了全方位的研究,并取得了硕果.笔者对此进行总结和探讨,以期进一步挖掘该理论的价值.  相似文献   

正目前,CCS已建立起一整套涵盖海上风电设计、建造、海上施工、运维、弃置的"全生命周期"咨询与检验服务。自"十二五"以来,我国海上风电进入快速发展期。截至2018年底,我国投入使用的海上风电超过360万千瓦,开工建设的项目已超过650万千瓦,已经核准的海上风电更是达到了4500万千瓦。中国船级社(CCS)自2000年开始服务于风电领域,10年间基本建立起了完善的陆上风电机组(相关设备)  相似文献   

吴国付 《水运管理》1999,(11):32-33,4
随着盐田港西港区2#泊位建成投产、港区后方陆域的仓储、堆场等项目的投入使用及其他与港口物流链相关企业的筹建和投入运作,盐田港集团正逐步由建设型企业过渡到经营性企业,随之也将有愈来愈多的下属公司逐步走向市场,接受市场竞争的洗礼和考验。但市场竞争也是残酷的,既然我们选择了进入,应该有充分的思想准备。而做好待进入行业的市场分析,通过采取正确的市场进入策略,无疑可为我们顺利进入市场,参与激烈的市场竞争打下基础。一、准确判断待进入行业目前所处的生命周期阶段任何行业都有其特定的生命周期,包括市场培育期、生长…  相似文献   

《综合收费业务平台V3.0》(简称ITSNV3.0)由上海交技发展股份有限公司自主研发,集成了国内外目前已存在的收费技术(非接触IC卡、条形码、纸券、全自动电子收费、计重收费等)及收费制式(开放式、封闭式),并且可配置拆账、预付卡发行管理模块,全面满足了国内高速公路收费系统的工作流程和业务功能的需要。  相似文献   

The development of various forms of public-private partnerships for the financing, building and operating of public infrastructure has not fundamentally altered the economic calculations involved. This chapter examines to what extent it is necessary, however, to change the way that government uses socio-economic and financial evaluations, whether to optimise investment programming or pricing. Ensuring a coherent match between these two types of optimisation can provide a principle for determining the optimal programming price.We begin by showing that when projects are financed by both users (toll revenues) and taxpayers (subsidies), it is socially beneficial to plan these investments on the basis of the net present value (NPV) provided by each unit of public money invested. This NPV/subsidy ratio must obviously be higher than the public-funding scarcity coefficient or else the investment would destroy more wealth than it would produce.One of the ways of improving this ratio is also to optimise the toll level, since increasing it can lower the subsidy but has an adverse impact on the user surplus, it is essential to set the optimal toll.In the case of an approved project considered in isolation, we show that the optimal toll depends upon the public-funding scarcity coefficient. If there is no scarcity, the optimal toll is zero. As public-funding becomes scarcer, the optimal toll draws closer to the toll that optimises revenue.In the case of a programme of several projects subject to budget constraint, we show that the optimal toll no longer depends upon the public-funding scarcity coefficient and that there are several scenarios depending on the relative values of the maximum revenue and the total cost of the project:
when, whatever the toll, revenue can no longer cover over half of the cost, it is socially beneficial to choose not to levy any toll;
when there is a toll that covers the total cost, the operator may be left free to set it at the level he sees fit, with the issue of how the profits are to be shared between the franchisee and the franchisor being settled separately;
when the maximum revenue of the project falls between half and all of the total cost, the value of the toll that maximises the welfare function is lower than the revenue-maximising toll and must therefore be set for the private operator by government.
Thus, the partnership contract must be given a different content in these three cases of optimal pricing.


Most of the theoretical studies devoted to optimising public investment programming and infrastructure pricing have, since the work of Jules Dupuit (1844), focused on the salient issues of the transport sector, even though this work was relevant to all sorts of public infrastructure. The analysis presented in this paper deals with transport economics, but in line with this tradition, is also applicable to any field in which public-funding is combined with commercial revenue. For example, the question of determining how the financing of an opera should be shared between taxpayers and opera-goers raises the same type of issues as the optimal combination of tolls and subsidies for financing a motorway project. This report will be focused on these issues. We shall see that certain precautions are called for in investment programming together with some new thinking on pricing principles.  相似文献   

This article discusses the proposed Kra Canal and its impacts on the tanker market from an economic perspective. We forecast tanker size distributions and further analyze the impacts of toll structures on tanker traffic. The forecast for tanker size distributions is based on distance savings for tankers as potential users of the Kra Canal. The database covers 105 busiest oil transport routes through the Strait of Malacca for the three-year period 2013–2015. Forecasts for individual routes are achieved using an autoregressive model. Two toll polices, namely the willingness-to-pay policy and the differential-pricing policy, are analyzed in order to maximize the annual toll income of the Kra Canal. The findings for the proposed Kra Canal will attract large vessels from the Strait of Malacca. An interesting finding is that the Kra Canal becomes more profitable during an unfavorable tanker market situation when the time-charter rate is low and fuel price is high. The article concludes with a policy that satisfies the goals of canal operator and government.  相似文献   

为有效解决人工更新高速公路收费系统应用程序效率较低且易出错的问题,对应用程序远程自动部署方案进行研究.主要对基于CentOS的高速公路行业应用程序自动部署进行分析,讨论部署Java程序时的解决方案和部署通用程序时的解决方案.在宁夏路网中心部署实施该基于CentOS的Java程序自动部署方案,应用结果表明,实施该方案之后...  相似文献   

针对车辆进出收费站速度低、计重收费下货车收费时间长的特性,提出了客货分离收费模式,以绝对交通量为标准,对客货车分别按不同的服务时间计算收费车道数,客货车收费广场前后设置的模式,提高了收费站的通行能力,减少了收费站场的用地。  相似文献   

The starting point of this paper is that the collection costs of urban road pricing have turned out to be unexpectedly high. A comparative cost analysis of the congestion charging system of London, Stockholm, Oslo and Singapore also shows that there are large collection cost differences. The most striking difference is between Oslo and London. Oslo, like Stockholm has the necessary, natural, qualities for a central city toll ring with a limited number of entrances; just 18 and 19 tollgates are required. For large historic cities like London with hundreds of inlets to the central city, tollgates at every entrance would involve high investment costs and be very obtrusive in the street scene. The problem is, however, that the present London charging system, with no tollgates, shows high running costs, ten times higher than in Oslo, in spite of the fact that the charged number of vehicles is the same in the two cities. This is a formidable obstacle to alleviating urban traffic congestion in many big cities.The charging technology could hopefully be developed, however, another approach is to develop and combine other measures including traffic regulation, parking policy and public transport subsidisation, which would be only second-best in a hypothetical situation where road pricing is without costs. This paper focuses on parking policy. Two strands of parking policy reform are discussed; fringe benefit taxation of free workplace parking which has recently been introduced in Sweden and a two-part tariff at parking meters, which is suggested as an extension of congestion charging to all day traffic within the central city.  相似文献   

为提高燃气轮机的可靠性、可用性以及可维护性而进行的寿命预估与减损控制研究,需要对燃气轮机的关键零部件进行结构特性分析。对舰船燃气轮机涡轮叶片在紧急升工况载荷谱下的应力应变状态进行了三维热流固耦合有限元分析,针对典型载荷谱计算了涡轮叶片应力应变的变化规律,对涡轮叶片材料进行了控制应变试验,为叶片寿命预测提供了必要的参数。根据应力应变分析结果利用Basquin公式和Manson-Coffin公式计算了2个危险点处的疲劳裂纹起始寿命。并根据分析结果对涡轮叶片进行了寿命预测,预测结果可以作为燃气轮机使用维修的参考依据。  相似文献   

通过对高速公路桥梁的优化设计,提出在平原路段缩孔的原则,即将桥台从地质不良或较差的地段移至地质良好或较好地段;在微丘路段应选择地势平坦的位置设置新桥台,确保桥台稳定性,以路代桥;淤泥质粘土或淤泥质亚粘土的软基地段桥头填土高度不超过6.5m,地质良好地段不超过9m。实践证明其优化设计技术可行,经济最优。  相似文献   

借鉴国外最近流行的车道管理方案HOT—HOV与收费政策相结合的经验,提出收费公交专用道的概念,即可以让非公交车辆使用公交专用道,但需要征收一定的费用,从而实现道路资源的优化配置。同时给出了收费标准的计算方法以及收费公交专用道难点和保障措施。  相似文献   

随着RFID技术在物流领域的应用日益广泛,一些问题也逐渐显现。RFID系统中所用的电子标签的标准具有多样性,造成了不同物流企业间信息交流的困难,以及企业内信息系统升级的困难。XML技术的出现为这一问题提出了解决方案。XML是以文本格式出现,电子标签的操作协议也是以文本格式出现。所以对于新出现的电子标签协议,按照既定的格式加入到XML文本中即可,使得物流信息系统的升级简便易行,系统的生命周期得以延长。  相似文献   

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