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海上风电技术特性对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘悦  时志刚  胡颖  张婷 《船舶工程》2012,34(1):95-99
从海上风能开发利用的技术包括所涉及风电场建设(机组排列、安装及运输、运行监控等)、风电机组设计、并网(海上高压系统、海底电缆、岸上接入设施等)等方面,对比分析海上风电与陆上风电的技术差异,结果表明海上风电在基础安装、运营维护等方面较陆上风电要求更高、难度更大。为进一步发展海上风电提供了参考。  相似文献   

张成芹  王俊杰  刘璐 《船舶工程》2018,40(S1):307-310
通过结合国外TLP施工技术以及国内近海风电施工经验,研究了陆域建造、风机拼装、海上运输与海上安装的TLP风电施工技术,同时调研分析了海上安装采用的锚固基础、筋键与连接器的适应性等,并对TLP风电大规模施工提出建议,研究结论对我国将来开发深远海漂浮式风电具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

海上风电安装船的发展趋势研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
随着海上风力发电产业的迅速发展,风电安装船需求越来越大,并且风电安装船是高附加值工程船,因此这一市场的吸引力将越来越受到造船界重视,竞争将越来越激烈,但海上风电场施工成本高、海上作业时间长及工期长等问题的存在延缓了海力发电产业的发展。因此,本文将着重对海上风电结构物施工、安装过程的单一海工设备发展进行浅析,为探索深水化、大型化、专业化、集成化的海上风电安装船来完成深海域基础施工及风机安装问题提供设计参考。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了海上风电的发展现状、风电发展政策以及海上风电的经济成本,其次从专利视角对海上风电关键技术进行分析,对专利检索工具和检索思路进行概述,检索获取整个海上风电技术的相关专利;再次基于检索结果,对现有海上风电技术进行总体分析,了解海上风电行业的发展现状;然后对海上风电技术进行关键技术聚类分析,获得海上风电关键技术,并对关键技术发展演变进行分析,得到海上风电的技术发展历程和热点趋势变化;最后总结分析,得出海上风电关键技术的发展成熟情况及技术发展的方向和热点趋势,为行业研究人员进一步研究和技术突破提供指引。  相似文献   

介绍某型沉垫自升式海上风电安装平台的总体参数及性能、沉垫设计和船体布置,并结合海上风电施工作业的要求,分析在设计该平台时需要考虑的一些特殊因素。该平台针对海上风电施工作业所进行的特殊优化布置,可为类似风电安装平台的设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

风电安装船功能及经济性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着海上风电产业迅猛发展,风电安装船需求越来越大,并且风电安装船是高附加值工程船,因此这一市场的吸引力越来越受到造船界重视,竞争越来越激烈。本文梳理了风电安装船当前在国内外的应用和订造情况,分析了风电安装船功能与造价的经济性,总结其功能配置的影响因素。为把握风电安装船发展趋势,推出适应市场需求的设计方案提供参考。  相似文献   

丁果林 《船舶工程》2019,41(S1):193-196
针对具有漂浮起吊作业功能的海上风电安装平台面临规范和法规适应性方面的新情况,对有漂浮起吊功能的海上风电安装平台设计时应特别考虑的一些技术问题及处理办法进行了梳理,以期望给业界提供有益参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

我国《风电发展“十二五”规划》明确提出,2刚5年我国海上风电装机容量将达到500万千瓦,2020年将达到3000万千瓦。随着海上风电市场空间的加速释放,引来风机设备厂商垂涎,纷纷在东南沿海涉足风电项目。数据显示,目前在风力更大的近海区域安装的风机数量正在迅猛增长。  相似文献   

风电机组安装是海上风电项目开展的重要环节,其安装质量对后期运营起着十分重要的保障作用。受限于当前海上风电产业链的影响,风电机组由不同的制造厂商完成生产后再运输至现场进行安装,因此,风电机组的整体安装质量取决于机组进场安装前的验收准备工作与机组安装过程这两个阶段的质量控制。本文通过分析海上风电项目的特点,总结出风电机组安装环节的质量控制要素,为提高海上风电机组安装质量提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

今年1月到4月,随着《海上风电开发建设管理暂行办法》出台、首批海上风电特许权项目招标启动、风电行业标准建设全面启动、《风电设备制造行业准入标准》公开征求意见,我国海上风电业有望驶入快车道。但是,业内人士表示,我国海上风电业还处于起步阶段,与国外相比还有很大差距,当务之急是建立和完善风电装备标准、产品检测和认证体系,这对风电行业的健康发展至关重要。中国船级社是我国唯一从事船舶与海上设施检验业务的专业机构,也是最早进入风电认证领域的认证机构。丰厚的海上技术实力和多年积累的风电认证服务经验,使得中国船级社在海上风电认证领域拥有得天独厚的技术优势。目前,中国船级社已经完成海上风电认证的前期准备工作,海上风电认证正在蓄势待发。  相似文献   

杨永春  李响亮  刘坤宁  孙磊 《船舶工程》2014,36(S1):235-238
基于对TMD减振原理,针对海上风力发电塔架结构特点,将TMD减振技术应用于海上风力发电塔架中。在仿真计算时,将软件模拟的风机对塔架的作用力时程施加在塔架模型中,在考虑浪流荷载作用下研究了TMD对风力发电塔架的减振效果。结果表明TMD结构对塔架的振动能够起到良好的减振作用。  相似文献   

高巍  石扬  张继春 《船舶工程》2018,40(1):106-112
本文以OC3 Hywind Spar基础浮式风机为研究对象,采用先进的空气动力-水动力耦合时域分析方法,针对其在中国南海某海域风浪流共同作用下,系泊系统、浮式基础运动以及风机与塔桶载荷响应进行分析。对比了定常风与湍流风模型对浮式风机系泊系统、整体运动响应以及风机载荷的影响。计算结果表明:相比于湍流风,采用定常风进行浮式风机系泊系统分析将得到偏于危险的结果,同时浮式风机运动响应与风机载荷结果偏小。本文建议在系泊系统初始设计阶段采用定常风方法进行设计,在系泊分析阶段采用湍流风进行分析,以保证浮式风机长期服役安全。  相似文献   

以19000t多用途船为研究对象,提出一种基于数值模拟的风阻减阻优化方法。首先,模拟计算迎风状态下船体和上层建筑的风阻力;然后,根据风阻力高压力区域分布结果定性设计风阻力减阻结构方案;最后提出一种基于数值模拟优化的最优减阻结构计算方法,定量计算出最优的风阻力优化结构设计方案。  相似文献   

舰艇在大风浪中航行,当航向已定时如何确定最大允许航速是航海界关注的课题。本文采用CFD(计算流体力学)方法和耐波性理论相结合的新模式,分别研究了浪增阻、风增阻及螺旋桨推力损失的计算方法,给出了比较精确的舰艇大风浪航行时的船体负载。在此基础上,运用船—机—桨理论,解决了最大允许航速(轮转速)的求解问题。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the feasibility of using a 5 MW drivetrain which is designed for a land-based turbine, on floating wind turbines. Four types of floating support structures are investigated: spar, TLP and two semi-submersibles. The fatigue damage of mechanical components inside the gearbox and main bearings is compared for different environmental conditions, ranging from cut-in to cut-out wind speeds. For floating wind turbines, representative wave conditions are also considered. All wind turbines are ensured to follow similar power curves, but differences in the control system (integral to different concepts) are allowed. A de-coupled analysis approach is employed for the drivetrain response analysis. First, an aero-hydro-servo-elastic code is employed for the global analysis. Next, motions, moments and forces from the global analysis are applied on the gearbox multi body model and the loads on gears and bearings are obtained. The results suggest that the main bearings sustain more damage in floating wind turbines than on land-based. The highest main bearing damage is observed for the spar floating wind turbine. The large wave induced axial load on the main shaft is found to be the primary reason of this high damage in the spar wind turbine. Apart from the main bearings - which are located on the main shaft outside the gearbox - other bearings and gears inside the gearbox hold damages in floating wind turbines equal or even less than in the land-based turbine. It is emphasized that the results presented in this study are based on a drivetrain with two main bearings, which considerably reduces the non-torque loads on the gearbox.  相似文献   

The quality of surface winds derived from four meteorological models is assessed in the semi-enclosed Adriatic Sea over a 2-month period: a global hydrostatic model ECMWF T511 (40 km resolution), a hydrostatic limited area model LAMBO (20 km), and two non-hydrostatic limited area models: LAMI (7 km) and COAMPS™ (4 km). These wind models are used to drive a 2 km resolution wave model (SWAN) of the Adriatic, and wind and wave results are compared with observations at the ISMAR oceanographic tower off Venice. Waves are also compared at buoy locations near Ancona and Ortona. Consistently with earlier studies, the ECMWF fields underestimate the wind magnitude and do not reproduce the known spatial structure of strong wind events. The results show that the higher-resolution, limited area models LAMI and COAMPS exhibit better amplitude response than the coarser ECMWF: there is a 3- to 4-fold reduction of the wind underestimation at the platform (from 36% to 8–11%). The wave response is also improved with LAMI and COAMPS: there is a 2-fold reduction in the underestimation of wave heights at the platform. These non-hydrostatic models also produce wind fields with more realistic small-scale, spatial structure during strong wind events. The temporal correlation between observed and modelled wind, however, is highest with the global ECMWF model due to the fact that large-scale features can be predicted deterministically, whereas small-scale features can only be predicted stochastically. Models with less small-scale structure have better correlation because they have less “noise.” This explanation is supported by increased correlation between modelled and observed waves, the waves representing a smoothing of the wind over fetch and duration. Although there is room for improvement, the high-resolution, non-hydrostatic models (LAMI and COAMPS) offer significant advantages for driving oceanographic simulations in semi-enclosed basins such as the Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   

彭超  冯光  郑文涛  刘晓东 《船舶工程》2020,42(S1):169-172
在平台设计过程中,海洋平台受到的风载荷是稳性分析与结构设计需要考虑的重要因素。本文采用CFD技术,对某型半潜式钻井平台在作业工况下受到的风载荷进行了预报,分析了湍流模型、风速剖面形式、湍流强度分布等因素对半潜式钻井平台风载荷的影响。结果表明:不同湍流模型对海洋平台风载荷的预报偏差在2%以内,可以忽略湍流模型的影响;风速剖面对风载荷有较大影响,随着风速梯度的增加而增大;湍流强度分布对海洋平台风载荷的影响在6%以内。研究结论可为建立高精度的海洋平台风载荷数值预报方法提供技术支持。  相似文献   

张超越  董晔弘  张凯  莫蕊瑜 《船舶工程》2019,41(12):107-112
近年来,激光雷达测风已经成为一种可靠的风速测量技术,为了在风电机组控制和监测中准确高效的使用激光雷达测风数据,需要对激光雷达测风数据进行高效、快速、准确的实时处理。目前机舱式激光雷达测风面临如下问题:激光雷达在受到来流风时会跟随机舱振动,导致实测数据波动进而对风速重构算法产生影响;激光雷达会受到风电机组叶片遮挡,导致实测数据缺失或出现无效数据。本文通过合理配置激光雷达参数,以雷达测风数据作为研究对象,对测风数据进行数值修正,消除机舱振动带来的误差,开发出一套先进先出嵌套循环判断填充算法解决叶片遮挡问题,建立线性剪切风场模型,基于递推最小二乘法求解风场特征参数,最后通过泰勒冻结湍流假说计算风轮面转子有效风速,与机舱内控制参数反演出的转子有效风速进行对比,得出两组数据相关性在0.9374,两组数据差值的标准差为0.3429,结果证明在实际应用中,使用该配置参数的激光雷达通过坐标修正和数据填充等技术手段,开发的风速重构模型算法能够准确的为风电机组控制系统提供可靠的控制输入参数。  相似文献   

To acquire the wind energy of the oceans, a sailing wind farm has been proposed. The wind farm considered is composed of a semisubmersible floating structure, 11 windmills, four sails, six thrusters, and storage for hydrogen. To maximize the acquired energy, an effective algorithm to search for optimum routes was developed. The algorithm is based on the fact that beam winds yield a maximum of acquired energy. This feature reduces the computation time, and, consequently, efficient route optimization becomes possible in a reasonable time. After setting an operational area for the wind farm, navigation simulations for a 1-year period were carried out. A numerical weather forecast was used as well as the responses of the floating structure, such as the speed of the structure, the output power of the windmills, and the time of course changes. In the simulation, the wind farm evades rough seas to avoid structural damage, and an optimum route is searched for. The capacity factor of the system was used to evaluate the efficiency of the optimized routes. From the simulations, the maximum capacity factor achieved was 42.6%. The dependency of the capacity factor on the initial position of the wind farm was also examined. It was shown that offshore from Sanriku in northeastern Japan is an area suited to the operation of the wind farm. The effect of the initial position on consecutive periods of operation is discussed.  相似文献   

“明州22”号船风帆骨架强度有限元分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对集装箱船用风帆结构力状况进行了分析,用不同梁单元构造了风帆典型结构的有限元模型。通过对各应力分量进行分析,拽出了风帆结构的总体强度以及是易破坏的危险区域。  相似文献   

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