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史婧力 《中国船检》2012,(6):I0012-I0012
在近期召开的国际油污赔偿基金IOPCF会议上.伊朗称公约各当事国有义务尊重国际条约,不能做出影响国际条约基本原则之事。该发言引用了《1969维也纳公约》,“必须遵守条约以及善意执行每条公约”的条款。伊朗方面表示.欧盟对其实施的保险禁令.违反了公约的基本原则。  相似文献   

首先应当明确:什么是“国际深水中转港”?什么是“国际航运中心”?然后才能研讨“建设国际深水中转港”和“建设国际航运中心”的必要性、可能性以及中国是否具备主客观建设条件? 我个人认为,在中国沿海重点建设大窑湾、湄州湾、北仑、盐田等四个“国际深水中转港”及把上海港建成“国际航运中心”的计划和决策,都是脱离中国客观实际的主观愿望,可能会给国家带来经济损失,理由是: (一)“国际深水中转港”和“国际航运中心”,必须有较大量的第三国进出口货物来港中转;否则只能成为中国的“外贸深水港”和“本国航运中心”,而不能称“国际中转港”和国际航运中心”。试想,这四个深水港(区)建成后,除可装卸中国的进出口船货外。  相似文献   

高妍 《水运管理》2023,(6):10-13
《海商法》第268条是国际海事条约适用于我国相关案件的主要规定。近年来国际海事条约在我国适用的3要件屡屡被突破则严重损害了我国法律的权威,因此正确解读《海商法》第268条是解决国际海事条约在我国适用性的关键。在《海商法》的修订过程中,立法者应当对国际海事条约在我国的适用性作出回应,建议将《海商法》第14章改为“法律适用”,以取代现在的“涉外关系的法律适用”。  相似文献   

1933年,“伦敦条约”签订时,日本海军已拥有“古鹰”、“妙高”3级12艘重型巡洋舰(CA),依据条约规定,日本不能再建造重型巡洋舰。为了能够在战争时期保持所谓“大日本帝国”的海上优势,重巡无疑再次成为日本海军的首选,为此,日本采用了一种“钻条约漏洞”的策略,在计划建造的“最上”级上仅安装5座三联装155毫米主炮,  相似文献   

“欧盟”这个称谓有着发展的过程,它是“欧洲共同体”的继续,而“欧洲共同体”又是“欧盟“的核心部分。从“欧洲共同体”的发展来看,又有广义与狭义两种不同的涵义。广义的“欧洲共同体”为1952年(巴黎条约)建立欧洲煤钢共同体、1958年(罗马条约)建立的欧洲经济共同体与欧洲原子能共同体的统称;狭义的“欧洲共同体”则仅指上述三个共同体中的“经济共同体”,这是由于该共同体以关税同盟为基础,以共同市场为核心,具有广泛的经济与社会职能,甚至含有一定的政治内容,在三个共同体中起最重要的作用,有最广泛的国际影响。  相似文献   

国际海事条约在我国的适用方式和范围   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩丹 《水运管理》2007,29(10):33-36
为帮助海事管理机构有效实施国际海事条约,切实履行"船旗国"及"港口国"监督管理义务,从国际条约在国内适用的一般原则出发,结合海事管理现状对调整海事行政关系的国际海事条约在我国的适用方式和范围进行分析,澄清在适用国际海事条约时存在的不确定性认识,解决目前在海事管理实践中困扰海事执法人员的条约适用问题,认为国际海事条约在我国应以直接适用作为主要适用方式,除条约自身有特殊规定外,其适用范围应仅限于涉外法律关系。  相似文献   

据俄塔社报道,乌克兰国防工业综合体委员会第一副主席乌鲁斯基称,乌克兰已正式建议中国购买部分完工的“乌克兰”号巡洋舰。他还说,乌克兰将遵守与俄达成的协议,即只能共同把这艘舰卖给第三国,“关于保密的问题我们不会不履行承诺。”乌克兰总统将决定这艘舰艇的命运。这艘巡洋舰是从l986年开始建造的,现在已完成95%的工作量。  相似文献   

张亮 《中国船检》2005,(1):78-78
定期租船合同中,关于经营性支出的承担主体目前尚无统一的国际公约加以规范现行法律充分尊重当事人的“合同自由”原则。即便如此,当事人的约定不能与定期租船合同的根本性质和特点相违背。简言之根据“合同相对性”原则,承担定期租船合同经营性支出的一方主体与他人订立合同时,合同内容只能约束订立合同的双方当事人,不能约束定期租船合同的相对人。  相似文献   

信息○水运“八五”成就集锦△全国从事国际海运的公司已达230家,船舶吨位为2200多万载重吨,居世界第9位。中国已参加11个与海运有关的各种国际组织,并在国际海事组织中任A类理事国,加入37个国际条约,与45个国家签订了双边海运协定和合作协定。集装箱...  相似文献   

<海商法>第268条第2款规定:"中华人民共和国法律和中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约没有规定的,可以适用国际惯例".这是我国处理涉外海事案件适用国际海运惯例的总原则.如何适用国际海运惯例,有以下问题值得探讨:  相似文献   

Before searching for new legal solutions to manage maritime piracy problems, especially those related to jurisdiction, it is essential to examine and analyse the existing international legal framework to determine whether current international legal instruments are already appropriate to face off this threat. One such principle is the “Aut dedere aut iudicare” principle, which has been also codified into SUA Convention, at art. 6 par. 4. This obligation comes from an international treaty, so it cannot be disregarded by any state (short of becoming susceptible to international liability), neither can it be amended by a national law. If a state party has inadequate law resources to establish its jurisdiction, or if unable or unwilling to prosecute the pirate, then such state party has no choice but extradite the pirate. If we consider the above principle as a conventional obligation, then it should be limited only to state parties, and it should be applied only under conditions stated by SUA Convention. Instead, if we consider it as a customary law principle, because piracy—as crimen iuris gentium—offends international community as a whole, then such principle shall be binding without any limit or condition.  相似文献   

为了进一步加强实施海上安全和环境保护公约,国际海事组织(IMO)自2006年起在全球推行“IMO成员国自愿审核机制”。文中对审核机制的背景、内容及影响进行了分析,对VTS方面的审核和我国VTS管理现状进行了探讨,并提出了履约建议对策。  相似文献   

2008年1月5日,国务院办公厅印发国务院2008年度立法计划,《海上交通安全法》的修订工作位列其中。文中通过分析《联合国海洋法公约》赋予沿海国在海上交通安全管理方面的权利和义务,并针对我国现行《海上交通安全法》存在的部分问题,提出修改《海上交通安全法》的有关建议,以期进一步完善国内海上交通安全监管法律法规。  相似文献   

无船承运人民事法律地位的认定   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
邓丽娟 《世界海运》2007,30(5):45-47
结合《国际海运条例》和《海商法》的规定,分析无船承运人与货主托运人之间的法律关系,指出其与国际船舶运输经营者间的法律关系存在的困惑,并提出解决的基本思路。  相似文献   

The emergence of a safety culture in shipping has been promoted, especially by the Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization. However, what is really meant by a safety culture? The adoption of the International Safety Management Code and of the amended International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, STCW 95, together with the introduction of Formal Safety Assessment in the IMO rule making process are considered as the major tools contributing to the emergence of such. This article examines the evolution of the concept of maritime safety concept during the last decades and discusses how the adoption of new international instruments has contributed to improve the maritime safety system. It provides possible definitions of maritime safety and safety culture and discusses how far the maritime safety system is from a culture of safety.  相似文献   

The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) was established by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea as a body to settle disputes between States Parties to the Convention regarding the interpretation or application of the Convention s provisions, including provisions concerning the exercise of the powers of States over shipping and the discharge by states of their responsibilities and obligations in relation to ships.ITLOS is competent to deal with disputes in which a State is alleged to have wrongly interfered with or otherwise restrained the operation of a vessel when it is in a port of the State or within the territorial sea or exclusive economic zone of the State.In its previous judgments, ITLOS has provided clarifications of some important areas of the law of the sea concerning the operation and regulation of shipping by flag States and other states.ITLOS plays a key role in the regime of the Law of the Sea Convention relating to the prompt release of ships and their crews that are arrested or detained in a foreign port.ITLOS also has the possibility to serve as ajudicial organ for the settlement of disputes under other maritime agreements and contracts, if the parties to the agreements or contracts agree to confer jurisdiction on it.There are many advantages to be gained by States and shipping operators from using ITLOS as the body for the settlement of disputes under agreements. These advantages include savings in time and expenses.  相似文献   

钟玉兰 《中国水运》2006,6(8):243-244
海事行政许可与其他行政许可一样,它是贯彻执行《中华人民共和国行政许可法》,为进一步规范和完善海事政务公开制度,体现公开、公平、公正和便民、利民原则,提高海事管理效能、办事效率,更好地为船舶船员和船舶单位服务。  相似文献   

Within the comprehensive body of law encompassed by the International Convention on Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS), there are two regimes that are topical and outstanding in the current maritime milieu. These are the international safety management and the international ship and port facility regimes, both characterized by two codes serving as the centre of gravity of each, namely, the ISM Code and the ISPS Code, respectively. In this article the concept of the code as a legal instrument is perused following which a critical legal analysis is carried out of the two above-mentioned Codes, including their backgrounds, the evolutionary process culminating into the regimes and their interrelationships. Several anomalies and inadequacies in the two regimes are identified but in the final analysis it is concluded that both instruments are salutary additions to the body of convention law generated by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). They will undoubtedly influence the continuing development of international law in the field of maritime safety and security.  相似文献   

This paper begins by providing a brief overview of the International Labour Organization’s Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006), noting that this Convention, often called the “Seafarers’ bill of rights”, seeks to achieve both social and labour rights (“decent work”) for seafarers and fair competition (achieving a level-playing field) for shipowners. It has been described as the “fourth pillar” of the international maritime regulatory regime complementing the major International Maritime Organization conventions. The paper provides a brief update on international efforts to achieve the 30/33 formula needed to bring the Convention into force [at present, the tonnage element, 33% has been achieved already with coverage now at 54% of the world fleet (by gross tonnage), with 18 ratifications]. It then explores challenges faced by flag States in connection with capacity to implement the ship inspection and certification system under the MLC, 2006 and other difficulties with respect to legal implementation by the flag States. The paper also comments on some challenges in connection with port State, coastal State and labour-supplying State responsibilities. The paper points out that the MLC, 2006 is a comprehensive code that covers diverse issues and a wider range of both ships and seafarers than previous conventions. It often requires interdepartmental cooperation to implement its requirements at the national level. The paper concludes that, despite the slower pace of ratification in some regions, largely because of the recent economic and other crises, it appears that many actors in the maritime sector are already actively engaged in MLC, 2006 implementation, often ahead of governments. The question is not “if” but “when” the formula will be achieved to allow the MLC, 2006 to enter into force.  相似文献   

The international maritime community is concerned about Panama's preparedness to undertake the responsibility of what many consider to be the world's greatest maritime asset, the Panama Canal. In accordance with treaty provisions, the longer within the dominion of the U.S. government and its attendant regulatory framework and policies. To a great extent, Panama's efforts to prepare for the transfer thus far have been driven by its objective of a seamless transfer, whereby the status quo (meaning the Canal's existing institutional and organizational framework and attendant policies and procedures) would be preserved as much as possible. This would assure the maritime community that it can expect the same service and cost standards traditionally enjoyed under the Panama Canal Commission's stewardship. Still of great concern, however, is the continued reliability and productivity of the Canal's labour force; the Canal's reliability and efficient performance in the past is often attributed to its history of harmonious labour management relations. This article addresses some of the critical labour relations issues that will need to be considered even if Panama's status quo objective for the transfer is achieved.  相似文献   

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