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<正>当下道路货运市场本就面临供大于求的局面,运输结构调整之后,铁路运输占比上升,货车大宗货物货源进一步减少,这让不少从事公路运输者感到困扰:对整个行业而言,究竟是挑战多一点儿,还是机遇多一点儿呢?从2018年至今,我国的运输结构调整一直是热点问题。2018年10月,国务院印发《推进运输结构调整三年行动计划》(以下简称《行动计划》),提出以推进大宗货物运输"公转铁"为主攻方向, 相似文献
国务院总理温家宝、国务院副总理曾培炎不久前分别作出重要批示,要求优先发展城市公共交通.国务院办公厅也下发通知,要求各地贯彻"公交优先"战略.温家宝批示指出,优先发展城市公共交通是符合中国实际的城市发展和交通发展的正确战略思想.曾培炎批示指出,建设部要进一步采取措施,引导各地优先发展公共交通,促进城市健康发展. 相似文献
我们这个社会生活着这样一群人,他们是常年奔波在外,从事长途货运的司机.他们把货运到某个地方后,就在当地找一处停车场,守株待兔. 相似文献
《Transportation Research》1977,11(3):197-202
In estimating trip distribution probabilities by the opportunity model, the conventional method regards a region as a set of “point zones”, and hence inevitably yields a spatial aggregation bias. First, we show that the conventional method overestimates an intra-zone trip distribution probability and underestimates an inter-zone trip distribution probability. Second, it is presented that the inter-zone relative spatial aggregation bias depends only on an origin area, and that the spatial aggregation bias is independent of the spatial aggregation in the intermediate area. Finally we obtain the minimum number of zones required to ensure that a given level of bias is not exceeded. 相似文献
It is commonly seen that accessibility is measured considering only one opportunity or activity type or purpose of interest, e.g., jobs. The value of a location, and thus the overall access, however, depends on the ability to reach many different types of opportunities. This paper clarifies the concept of multi-activity accessibility, which combines multiple types of opportunities into a single aggregated access measure, and aims to find more comprehensive answers for the questions: what is being accessed, by what extent, and how it varies by employment status and by gender. The Minneapolis - St. Paul metropolitan region is selected for the measurement of multi-activity accessibility, using both primal and dual measures of cumulative access, for auto and transit. It is hypothesized that workers and non-workers, and males and females have different accessibility profiles. This research demonstrates its practicality at the scale of a metropolitan area, and highlights the differences in access for workers and non-workers, and men and women, because of differences in their activity participation. 相似文献
2006年1月3日,中外运发布公告称,张斌计划辞去公司董事长一职,该公司建议由招商局集团(以下简称"招商局")副总裁赵沪湘担任董事长.中国五矿集团公司前任总裁苗耕书,也已接替早前离职的孟宪刚出任中外运董事长一职,且此二人都已走马上任.一位业内人士分析说:"张斌是央企内少数能干事儿的领导,与川航的合资计划、收购申通计划都是他亲自负责.而此次张斌辞职、招商局和五矿集团的高层入驻中外运,其原因并不像媒体所说的那样,只是高层之间管理理念的不和,反倒与国资委有意重组央企有密切联系." 相似文献
桥—船相撞是困扰工程界已久的复杂灾害性问题,虽然其发生频率较低,但一旦出现即会带来桥梁或船只的损伤甚至毁灭。现有对这一问题的理论分析和处理手段还很不完善。针对这一严峻现实,在前人已有成果的基础上,探讨了桥梁抗撞稳定性判别模式。 相似文献
反坡排水在地下水丰富的下坡隧道中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文章结合侧岭隧道工程实例,分析了地下水对下坡隧道施工的影响,强调排水在隧道施工中的必要性,提出了反坡排水施工组织方案及管理办法。 相似文献
It has been over fifteen years since the Morgantown PRT system went into passenger service. Its start was marked by cost overruns, high operating costs and poor reliability. However over time, these initial problems and difficulties have been overcome, and today the system provides an extremely important and reliable service that links downtown Morgantown with three campuses of West Virginia University. It is still running. This paper provides background on the development of the system and current operating characteristics of this famous transit demonstration project. 相似文献
This paper seeks to identify the approaches undertaken in implementing equal employment opportunity in the transport industry in Australia and the links between these approaches and indicators of increased participation of women. This male dominated industry employs limited numbers of women with fewer numbers of women in management. The study analyses data from a unique set of equal opportunity progress reports from all organisations in the transport industry that are required to provide public reports under Australian legislation. The findings indicate a correlation between some approaches to equal opportunity and increased numbers of women in some areas. The study is equally remarkable for what it does not find. Despite widespread equal opportunity implementation across a broad number of employment measures there are limited measures that predict increases in the numbers of women in management or in non-traditional roles. This study differs from others in that it identifies issues specific to one industry and links organisational approach to equal opportunity with the employment status of both women and men. 相似文献
文章针对广西高速公路实行计重收费后交通量、通行费收入的变化情况,分析了高速公路通行费收入变化的特点与原因,提出了应对高速公路交通量流失的对策和方法。 相似文献
John Sutton 《现代隧道技术》2007,(Z1):34-35
混凝土由于其适应性强,长期以来被选作重大隧道工程的材料,这就使得严密而准确的混凝土试验显得十分重要.由于不经过现场的准确试验,拌合物的性质将会在极大的范围内变化,其结果是产生质量问题和安全度的降低. 相似文献
Urban sprawl is pervasive in Australian cities arising from the low density development of dwellings with the consequence that private vehicle use dominates daily travel in Australia. This paper examines a community based social marketing program, TravelSmart, which targeted reducing vehicle kilometres travelled as part of a transport demand management strategy. This paper uses 3-year panel data collected by GPS tracking and a conventional survey methodology in northern Adelaide, South Australia, to examine whether TravelSmart had a sustained impact and whether this was impacted by socio-economic and built-environment factors. A latent growth model is employed and demonstrates TravelSmart led to a declining trend in private car driving over the 3 years at both individual and household levels with effects being sustained beyond 1 year and up to 2 years. There is some evidence of compensatory behaviour between household members. Socio-demographic factors are significant with males decreasing their driving times faster than females. Built environment impacts were also significant with different levels of walkability showing different trajectories in the reduction of car trips after the implementation of TravelSmart, suggesting social marketing interventions work better when supported by hard policies such as a supportive built environment. 相似文献