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The aim of this work is to carry out a comparative analysis of environmental impacts for different scenarios of a typical local road. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is the modeling tool used to quantify and characterize comparative environmental impacts. In carrying out this specific application of the LCA, different road construction techniques were considered with regards to the whole structure and compared in order to identify the best alternative in terms of environmental sustainability.So far, in fact, typical LCA frameworks of roads have focused on recycled materials for pavement layers only, thus neglecting study of the materials used in the embankment or in the subgrade. In this study, these materials were included too, in order to prove the environmental benefit of using a sustainable technique such as in situ stabilization of fine soils with lime (typically dumped clayey soils) in order to reduce the need for virgin material for embankment and subgrade construction.When using different percentages of recycled materials (such as reclaimed asphalt pavement – RAP) in the bituminous layer or in the foundation, the analysis of the functional unit studied shows a significant reduction of energy consumption and pollutant emissions mainly due to transportation of materials involved, in this way increasing the environmental performance of the road.Another important consideration is that the use of fine soils stabilized with lime “in situ”, instead of dumping it, not only is a good technical solution for improving soil mechanical properties, but it also produces a reduction of energy consumption and of pollutant emissions. It is noticeable that this technique results in a significant reduction of pollutant emissions due the transportation of involved materials, increasing the environmental performance of the road.  相似文献   

In order to assess sustainability of products and processes, different methodologies have been developed and used in the last years. In the road pavement construction area, most methodologies used for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) are essentially focused in the construction phase. The present paper analyses the importance of the use phase of a road in the LCA of different paving alternatives, namely by evaluating energy consumption and gaseous emissions throughout the road pavement’s life. Therefore, a new LCA methodology for road pavements was developed, and the results of its application to a case study involving the construction of alternative pavement structures are discussed. The study intends to assess the influence of using more sustainable paving construction alternatives (asphalt recycling vs. conventional asphalt mixtures), and/or different surface course materials (which have a higher influence on the rolling resistance and, therefore, affect the performance during the use phase). The LCA results obtained for this case study showed that the reductions in energy consumption and gaseous emissions obtained during the use phase, for pavement alternatives with a lower rolling resistance surface course, are higher than the total amount of energy consumption and gas emissions produced during construction. It is therefore clear that some improvements in the characteristics of the surface course may have an effect over the road use phase that will rapidly balance the initial costs and gas emissions of those interventions. The LCA results obtained also showed that the sustainability of pavement construction may also be improved using recycled asphalt mixtures.  相似文献   

2020年12月21日,国务院新闻办公室发布《新时代的中国能源发展》白皮书,清晰勾勒了我国在2060年前实现碳中和的"基本路线图"。而在公路建设领域,我国公路及城市道路路面类型大多为沥青路面,沥青路面在新建、改扩建中所面临的能耗巨大、污染严重、旧料回收等环保问题日渐凸显,引发的环境问题不容小觑。本文通过将传统沥青路面的施工工艺流程与低碳、节能等绿色发展理念进行综合分析,阐明了其发展中所面临的诸多环保问题,并利用SWOT分析法对环保沥青的发展态势进行界定,提出了环保沥青材料在不同内外部环境下发展的应对举措,梳理思考了基于传统工法下几种环保沥青路面的发展路线,借以为科技创新引领绿色公路建设的新发展阶段提供一定参考。  相似文献   

沥青路面材料的再生利用是道路交通领域固废利用及节能环保的重点项目。随着我国道路通车里程的快速增加和道路等级的不断提高,路面材料再生的质量要求也更为严格。如何达到相应的技术要求是衡量再生沥青混合料(RAP)性能质量的基本条件。在材料再生过程中,根据旧料中沥青的老化程度及矿料级配的变化等提出新料掺配的量化数据,以及专用机械设备的选取和配套作业工艺,是保证RAP用于道路铺筑质量的前提条件。  相似文献   

为了准确估算MOH材料半柔性路面常温施工技术的环保效益,构建了具有测算对象、边界、指标及测算方法的测算体系,测算了MOH材料半柔性路面施工期的能耗、碳排放等,并与传统沥青路面进行了对比分析。结果表明,MOH材料半柔性路面施工期的能耗、碳排放分别为81.60 MJ/t、6.05 kg/t,较传统沥青路面能耗、碳排放降幅均达到71.20%;在设备及人员配置、成本、扬尘、有害气体、颗粒物排放等方面也表现出显著的优势。  相似文献   

文章通过对肇庆市国道G321线高要市小湘至封开涌口段路面大修工程实例进行分析,介绍了该路段在旧水泥混凝土路面上加铺沥青混凝土路面的设计方案、施工及质量控制方法,为此类工程提供借鉴。  相似文献   

旧沥青路面冷再生技术是一种较新的具有重要应用价值的公路路面施工技术,结合在农村公路旧沥青路面冷再生技术应用的基础上,分析阐述了旧沥青路面冷再生技术的施工工艺、经验做法及应用价值。  相似文献   

压实是影响沥青路面耐用性能最重要的因素之一。文章结合桂林灵川一三塘高速公路A标段沥青路面施工的实际情况,探讨沥青路面的压实对沥青路面性能的影响,为提高沥青混合料的压实质量和沥青路面的使用品质提供参考。  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment is being accepted by the road industry to measure such key environmental impacts as the energy consumption and carbon footprint of its materials and laying processes. Previous life cycle studies have indicated that the traffic vehicles account for the majority of fuel consumption and emissions from a road. Contractors and road agencies are looking for road maintenance works that have the least overall environmental impact considering both the roadwork itself and the disrupted traffic. We review life cycle assessment studies and describe the development of a model for pavement construction and maintenance, detailing the methodology and data sources. The model is applied to an asphalt pavement rehabilitation project in the UK, and the micro-simulation program VISSIM is used to model the traffic on that road section. The simulation results are fed into a traffic emissions model and emissions from the roadwork and the traffic are compared. The additional fuel consumption and emissions by the traffic during the roadwork are significant. This indicates that traffic management at road maintenance projects should be included in the life cycle assessment analysis of such work.  相似文献   

结合G205、G312等沥青路面不同程度出现的沉陷、接缝台阶、波浪、车辙、桥涵与路面接茬不平、跳车等路面不平整现象,分析、探讨造成沥青路面平整度差的路基、桥涵、路面基层施工方面、材料方面以及路面摊铺、碾压等主要原因,并提出相应对策措施。  相似文献   

Bituminous mixture is the premier material for road construction in Belgium. Innovative technologies to improve energy efficiency of pavement constructions are necessary. Warm mix asphalt may provide significant energy savings to the asphalt industry, but the environmental impact of the total life cycle has to be investigated. The use of additives may counteract the reduced environmental impact due to energy savings. This paper presents the results of an environmental impact assessment of four wearing course test sections. Using life cycle assessment, hot mix asphalt is compared to a cold asphalt mix with emulsion and warm mix asphalt with two types of additives: a synthetic zeolite and an organic Fischer–Tropsch wax. Neither hot nor warm mix asphalt could be preferred based on the results of this study, because the additive has a major influence on the environmental results. It was seen that the production of bitumen, the transport and energy in order to generate heat mainly contribute to the total environmental impact. The results from the sensitivity analyses show that the total environmental impact of the life of the pavement can vary significantly based on the choice of the specific data source and service life.  相似文献   

彩色沥青路面作为功能性路面和景观道路,已引起了人们的广泛关注与重视.文章结合国内外彩色沥青路面的发展现状,介绍了彩色沥青路面的种类、设备、相关指标标准、配合比设计及施工工艺等,指出了彩色沥青路面目前存在的主要问题,为开展相关研究提供参考.  相似文献   

沥青混凝土路面的结构设计及施工过程中对离析缺陷的控制,直接决定沥青混凝土面层的路面使用性能和使用寿命。文章结合G321国道肇庆市西段路面大修工程沥青混凝土路面的结构设计及施工工艺,介绍了在沥青混凝土路面施工过程中如何加强对离析等路面缺陷的控制。  相似文献   

冷再生技术是一种新的施工工艺,其原理是将原路面及基层破碎后作为集料,再辅以水泥、沥青、石灰等稳定剂和一定数量的集料,经拌和、整平、碾压等工艺,重新处理后而形成新的路面基层,从而可使原路面功能得以恢复。  相似文献   

文章结合贵州省都匀市市政道路改造工程橡胶沥青路面施工实践,分析了冬季低温条件下橡胶沥青路面施工的影响因素,提出了冬季施工温度控制措施,并评述各项措施在工程应用中取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

文章介绍了无核密度仪在沥青路面施工中压实度快速检测的应用,提出了钻孔试件充分干燥宜采用的方法,为道路工程师在施工中提供借鉴。  相似文献   

沥青路面作为公路建设的重要内容,其抗滑性能是道路安全问题的核心,探究其影响因素可以为提高路面抗滑性能提供依据。国内外学者对此做了大量研究,也取得了相应的进展。本文对国内外的研究成果进行了系统的归纳总结,将公路沥青路面抗滑性能影响因素分为了沥青混合料的材料特性、环境因素、车辆特性3个主要方面,其中在沥青混合料的材料特性方面,研究认为集料的结构特性与混合料配合比对抗滑性的影响较大;环境因素方面,研究认为温度对于抗滑性的影响较大;车辆特性对抗滑性的影响方面,研究认为主要体现在轮胎特性与荷载方面。此外随着行车速度的增加,路面的抗滑性能呈现降低趋势。  相似文献   

公路路面冷再生翻新技术充分利用旧路破拆材料,处理和避免了旧路破拆垃圾,也一定程度节省了新料的投入,符合节能环保公路建设理念。但旧料冷再生利用,必须以新路面基本技术性能得到充分保证为前提。本文基于JTGD50-2017规范,参考国内公路沥青路面的毁损病害多发状态与冷再生复合料的基本性能功效,对公路沥青复合料冷再生新路面开展结构设计分析研究,探讨了三种路面厚度设计方案,提出了一个新的沥青复合料冷再生新路面的结构设计方法。  相似文献   

An ecologically-based hybrid life cycle assessment model is used to evaluate the resource consumption and atmospheric emissions of continuously reinforced concrete and a hot-mix asphalt pavements. The cumulative mass and ecological resource consumption values are lower for continuously reinforced concrete, but the median values of cumulative energy and industrial energy consumption were lower for hot-mix asphalt. In addition, the use of reclaimed asphalt pavement results in a higher sensitivity for the ecological resource consumption of hot-mix asphalt compared to that of fly ash when use on the natural capital utilization of continuously reinforced concrete pavement. The cumulative and industrial exergy consumption values are significantly reduced with increases in reclaimed asphalt pavement and fly ash, and the use of low fuel transportation modes.  相似文献   

冷再生沥青混合料施工技术是一种节能环保的公路路面修复技术,不但可以有效减少石料、沥青、水泥的需求量,降低工程成本,减少了资源浪费,并且与热再生技术相比可以有效降低CO2排放量。配合比设计是影响冷再生沥青混合料质量的关键因素,本文以某公路沥青路面修复工程为例,对沥青路面冷再生沥青混合料配合比进行研究,以加强冷再生沥青混合料质量控制。  相似文献   

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