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To accurately estimate real-world vehicle emission at 1 Hz the road grade for each second of data must be quantified. Failure to incorporate road grade can result in over or underestimation of a vehicle’s power output and hence cause inaccuracy in the instantaneous emission estimate. This study proposes a simple LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) – GIS (Geographic Information System) road grade estimation methodology, using GIS software to interpolate the elevation for each second of data from a Digital Terrain Map (DTM). On-road carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from a passenger car were recorded by Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS) over 48 test laps through an urban-traffic network. The test lap was divided into 8 sections for micro-scale analysis. The PHEM instantaneous emission model (Hausberger, 2003) was employed to estimate the total CO2 emission through each lap and section. The addition of the LiDAR-GIS road grade to the PHEM modelling improved the accuracy of the CO2 emission predictions. The average PHEM estimate (with road grade) of the PEMS measured section total CO2 emission (n = 288) was 93%, with 90% of the PHEM estimates between 80% and 110% of the PEMS recorded value. The research suggests that instantaneous emission modelling with LiDAR-GIS calculated road grade is a viable method for generating accurate real-world micro-scale CO2 emission estimates. The sensitivity of the CO2 emission predictions to road grade was also tested by lessening and exaggerating the gradient profiles, and demonstrates that assuming a flat profile could cause considerable error in real-world CO2 emission estimation.  相似文献   


The advent of the autonomous vehicle (AV) will affect not only the transportation system, but also future patterns of land development. Integrated land use and transportation models will be critical tools in assessing the path forward with this technology. Key questions with respect to land use impacts of AVs arise from potential changes in sensitivity to travel and reduced demand for parking. It is an open question whether AVs will induce urban sprawl, or whether spatial economies of agglomeration will mitigate any reductions in travel time sensitivity. The deployment of shared fleets of AVs would likely reduce parking demand, producing yet to be explored impacts on property development within existing urban footprints. We perform a critical assessment of currently operational models and their ability to represent the adoption of AVs. We identify the representation of time in such models as a vital component requiring additional development to model this new technology. Existing model applications have focused on the discrete addition of new infrastructure or policy at a fixed point in time, whereas AV adoption will occur incrementally through time. Stated adaptation surveys are recommended as tools to quantify preferences and develop relevant model inputs. It is argued that existing models that assume comparatively static equilibrium have been convenient in the past, but are insufficient to model technology adoption. In contrast, dynamic model frameworks lack sufficient structure to maintain reasonability under large perturbations from base conditions. The ongoing advancement of computing has allowed models to move away from being mechanistic aggregate tools, towards behaviourally rich depictions of individual persons and firms. However, much work remains to move from projections of existing conditions into the future, to the evolution of the spatial economy as it evolves through time in response to new technologies and exogenous stresses. Principles from complex and evolutionary systems theory will be important in the development of models with the capacity to consider such dynamics.  相似文献   

This study develops a car‐following model in which heavy vehicle behaviour is predicted separately from passenger car. Heavy vehicles have different characteristics and manoeuvrability compared with passenger cars. These differences could create problems in freeway operations and safety under congested traffic conditions (level of service E and F) particularly when there is high proportion of heavy vehicles. With increasing numbers of heavy vehicles in the traffic stream, model estimates of the traffic flow could be degrades because existing car‐following models do not differentiate between these vehicles and passenger cars. This study highlighted some of the differences in car‐following behaviour of heavy vehicle and passenger drivers and developed a model considering heavy vehicles. In this model, the local linear model tree approach was used to incorporate human perceptual imperfections into a car‐following model. Three different real world data sets from a stretch of freeway in USA were used in this study. Two of them were used for the training and testing of the model, and one of them was used for evaluation purpose. The performance of the model was compared with a number of existing car‐following models. The results showed that the model, which considers the heavy vehicle type, could predict car‐following behaviour of drivers better than the existing models. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Discrepancies between real-world use of vehicles and certification cycles are a known issue. This paper presents an analysis of vehicle fuel consumption and pollutant emissions of the European certification cycle (NEDC) and the proposed worldwide harmonized light vehicles test procedure (WLTP) Class 3 cycle using data collected on-road. Sixteen light duty vehicles equipped with different propulsion technologies (spark-ignition engine, compression-ignition engine, parallel hybrid and full hybrid) were monitored using a portable emission measurement system under real-world driving conditions. The on-road data obtained, combined with the Vehicle Specific Power (VSP) methodology, was used to recreate the dynamic conditions of the NEDC and WLTP Class 3 cycle. Individual vehicle certification values of fuel consumption, CO2, HC and NOx emissions were compared with test cycle estimates based on road measurements. The fuel consumption calculated from on-road data is, on average, 23.9% and 16.3% higher than certification values for the recreated NEDC and WLTP Class 3 cycle, respectively. Estimated HC emissions are lower in gasoline and hybrid vehicles than certification values. Diesel vehicles present higher estimated NOx emissions compared to current certification values (322% and 326% higher for NOx and 244% and 247% higher for HC + NOx for NEDC and WLTP Class 3 cycle, respectively).  相似文献   


Incidents are a major source of traffic congestion and can lead to long and unpredictable delays, deteriorating traffic operations and adverse environmental impacts. The emergence of connected vehicles and communication technologies has enabled travelers to use real-time traffic information. The ability to exchange traffic information among vehicles has tremendous potential impacts on network performance especially in the case of non-recurrent congestion. To this end, this paper utilizes a microscopic simulation model of traffic in El Paso, Texas to investigate the impacts of incidents on traffic operation and fuel consumption at different market penetration rates (MPR) of connected vehicles. Several scenarios are implemented and tested to determine the impacts of incidents on network performance in an urban area. The scenarios are defined by changing the duration of incidents and the number of lanes closed. This study also shows how communication technology affects network performance in response to congestion. The results of the study demonstrate the potential effectiveness of connected vehicle technology in improving network performance. For an incident with a duration of 900?s and MPR of 80%, total fuel consumption and total travel time decreased by approximately 20%; 26% was observed in network-wide travel time and fuel consumption at 100% MPR.  相似文献   

The variance in fuel consumption caused by driving style (DS) difference exceeds 10% and reaches a maximum of 20% under different road conditions, even for experienced bus drivers. To study the influence of DS on fuel consumption, a method for summarizing DS characteristic parameters on the basis of vehicle-engine combined model is proposed. With this method, the author proposes 26 DS characteristic parameters related to fuel consumption in the accelerating, normal running, and decelerating processes of vehicles. The influence of DS characteristic parameters on fuel consumption under different road conditions and vehicle masses is quantitatively analyzed on the basis of real driving data over 100,000 km. Analysis results show that the influence of DS characteristic parameters on fuel consumption changes with road condition and vehicle mass, with road condition serving a more important function. However, the DS characteristics in the accelerating process of vehicles are decisive for fuel consumption under different conditions. This study also calculates the minimum sample size necessary for analyzing the effect of DS characteristics on fuel consumption. The statistical analysis based on the real driving data over 2500 km can determine the influence of DS on fuel consumption under a given power-train configuration and road condition. The analysis results can be employed to evaluate the fuel consumption of drivers, as well as to guide the design of Driver Advisory System for Eco-driving directly.  相似文献   


Based on the increasing demands of transportation development, the concept of an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) has received increasing attention in both academic and industry arenas. It integrates information, communications, computers and other technologies, and applies them in the field of transportation to build an integrated system of people, roads and vehicles by utilizing advanced data communication technologies. It can establish a large, fully functioning, real-time, accurate and efficient transportation management system. Intelligent transportation systems shift the focus from road managers to road users. In order to achieve this purpose, intelligent transportation systems use advanced technology to provide drivers with convenient information to help reduce traffic congestion and to increase available road capacity. This special issue is dedicated to exploring the most recent advances in intelligent transportation systems and big data based on intelligent technology.  相似文献   

NOX emission rates of 13 petrol and 3 diesel passenger cars as a function of average speed from 10 to 120 km/h, emission class (pre-Euro 1 – Euro 5), engine type were investigated by on-board monitoring on roads and highways of St. Petersburg using a portative Testo XXL 300 gas analyzer. The highest level of NOX emission 0.5–2.5 g/km was inherent to old pre-Euro 1 petrol cars without a catalytic converter. NOX emissions rates of Euro 1 and Euro 2 petrol cars changed within 0.15–0.9 g/km, Euro 3 – 0.015–0.27 g/km, Euro 4 – 0.013–0.1 g/km, Euro 5 – 0.002–0.043 g/km. Euro 3 – Euro 4 petrol cars generally satisfied corresponding NOX Emission Standards (ES), except cold-start period, Euro 5 petrol cars did not exceed ES. Warmed, stabilized engines of Euro 3 – Euro 5 petrol cars showed 5–10 times lower NOX emission rates than corresponding ES in the range of speed from 20 to 90 km/h. NOX emission rates of diesel Euro 3 and Euro 4 cars varied from 0.45 to 1.1 g/km and from 0.31 to 1.1 g/km, respectively. Two examined diesel Euro 3 and one Euro 4 passenger vehicles did not satisfy NOX ES at real use. Euro 3 diesel cars showed 28.9 times higher NOX emissions than Euro 3 petrol cars and Euro 4 diesel car demonstrated 17.6 times higher NOX emissions than Euro 4 petrol cars at warmed and stabilized engine at a cruise speed ranging from 30 to 60 km/h.  相似文献   

During the last years, many governments have set targets for increasing the share of biofuels in the transportation sector. Understanding consumer behavior is essential in designing policies that efficiently increase the uptake of cleaner technologies. In this paper we analyze adopters and non-adopters of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs). We use diffusion of innovation theory and the established notion that the social system and interpersonal influence play important roles in adoption. Based on a nationwide database of car owners we analyze interpersonal influence on adoption from three social domains: neighbors, family and coworkers. The results point primarily at a neighbor effect in that AFV adoption is more likely if neighbors also have adopted. The results also point at significant effects of interpersonal influence from coworkers and family members but these effects weaken or disappear when income, education level, marriage, age, gender and green party votes are controlled for. The results extend the diffusion of innovation and AFV literature with empirical support for interpersonal influence based on objective data where response bias is not a factor. Implications for further research, environmental and transport policy, and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper aims to evaluate the likely effects of the adoption of Longer Heavier Vehicles (LHVs) from the perspective of logistics service providers (LSPs). The research consists of six case studies and a survey of companies which were involved LHV trials in Germany. Wider introduction of LHVs is being increasingly demanded so that road freight transport can better serve and support modern supply chains whilst achieving the desired eco-efficiency advancements. Available literature on LHVs puts a particular emphasis on five factors that need to be included in the assessment of their impact: energy efficiency, CO2 emissions, costs, safety and infrastructure. The research provides an original and innovative empirical study refining and validating the current conceptual framework for assessing LHVs demonstrating it is a valuable tool and providing evidence that the vast majority of companies participating in our study, regardless of their size, were interested in the adoption of LHVs. However, it should be noted that a key limitation of the research is that by focusing on a single country case, the nature and scale of the findings may not reflect practice in other countries and sectors. There is also a need to examine the long-term sustainability of the improvements made.  相似文献   

In this study, diesel (JIS#2) and various biodiesel fuels (BDF20, BDF50, BDF100) are used to operate the diesel engine at 100 Nm, 200 Nm and full load; while the engine speed is 1800 rpm. The system is experimentally studied, and the energy, exergy, sustainability, thermoeconomic and exergoeconomic analyses are performed to the system. The Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer is used to measure the size distribution of engine exhaust particle emissions. Also, the data of the exhaust emissions, soot, particle numbers, fuel consumptions, etc. are measured. It is found that (i) most of the exhaust emissions (except NOx) are directly proportional to the engine load, (ii) maximum CO2 and NOx emissions rates are generally determined for the BDF100 biodiesel fuel; while the minimum ones are calculated for the JIS#2 diesel fuel. On the other hand, the maximum CO and HC emissions rates are generally computed for the JIS#2 diesel fuel; while the minimum ones are found for the BDF100 biodiesel fuel, (iii) fuel consumptions from maximum to minimum are BDF100 > BDF50 > BDF20 > JIS#2 at all of the engine loads, (iv) particle concentration of the JIS#2 diesel fuel is higher than the biodiesel fuels, (v) soot concentrations of the JIS#2, BDF20 and BDF50 fuels are directly proportional to the engine load; while the BDF100 is inversely proportional, (vi) system has better energy and exergy efficiency when the engine is operated with the biodiesel fuels (vii) sustainability of the fuels are BDF100 > BDF50 > BDF20 > JIS#2, (viii) thermoeconomic and exergoeconomic parameters rates from maximum to minimum are JIS#2 > BDF20 > BDF50 > BDF100.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impacts of traffic signal timing optimization on vehicular fuel consumption and emissions at an urban corridor. The traffic signal optimization approach proposed integrates a TRANSIMS microscopic traffic simulator, the VT-Micro model (a microscopic emission and fuel consumption estimation model), and a genetic algorithm (GA)-based optimizer. An urban corridor consisting of four signalized intersections in Charlottesville, VA, USA, is used for a case study. The result of the case study is then compared with the best traffic signal timing plan generated by Synchro using the TRANSIMS microscopic traffic simulator. The proposed approach achieves much better performance than that of the best Synchro solution in terms of air quality, energy and mobility measures: 20% less network-wide fuel consumption, 8–20% less vehicle emissions, and nearly 27% less vehicle-hours-traveled (VHT).  相似文献   

The objective of the present study is the assessment of the environmental impact of a bivalent (bi-fuel) vehicle, running either on gasoline or compressed natural gas (CNG). To that aim, a Euro 6 passenger car was tested under various real-world driving conditions. In order to cover the full range of conventional powertrains currently in the market, the tests were also repeated on a Euro 6 diesel passenger car. Both cars were driven in two routes, the first complying with the regulation limits and the second going beyond them. Carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particle number (PN) emissions were recorded using a Portable Emissions Measurement System (PEMS). Apart from the aggregated emission levels, in g/km, the exact emission location along the route was also assessed. Natural gas proved beneficial for CO and PN emissions, the level of which always remained below the respective legislation limits. On the other hand, under the dynamic driving conditions with gasoline, the relevant limits were exceeded. Cold start, occurring at the beginning of the urban part, and motorway driving were identified as major contributors to total emissions, especially in gasoline mode. However, the application of natural gas was associated with a penalty in NOx emissions, which were significantly increased as compared to gasoline. Local peaks within the urban part were identified in CNG mode. In any case, the diesel vehicle was by far the highest NOx emitter.  相似文献   

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