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2012年5月,"海洋平台981"南海首钻,是我国首次独立进行深水油气勘探开发,也预示着南海油气开发进入了一个全新的时期。2012年6月,中国海洋石油总公司在其网站上登出公告,宣布将对南海海域的部分区域进行对外联合油气资源开发,并公开对外招标,标志着中国启动大规模南海油气开发战略。南海开发的号角已经在356万平方公里的海疆上吹响,我们没有太多的经验可供参考,只能在探索中  相似文献   

崔燕 《中国船检》2009,(9):70-73
今天,FPSO对我国造船界、石油界、海运界及其他相关工业界来说,已不是一件新鲜事.但在20多年前,FPSO是什么,究竟是"船",还是"海洋结构物",很多人并不熟悉.  相似文献   

杜丰泰 《中国造船》2007,48(B11):693-697
结合流花油田“南海胜利”号FPSO大修工程,对现场调研、材料跟踪控制、焊接质量控制、NDT检验、涂装控制、热浸锌和防腐等大修质量控制问题进行了较为详细的叙述。  相似文献   

采用雷击风险评估的基本原则和方法,通过分析雷暴活动资料和雷击油轮时的破坏途径和机理,结合油船的特殊性找出"南海发现号"FPSO存在的雷击风险种类和各种风险分量,为实施防雷改造提供科学依据。  相似文献   

随着渤中25-1/S油田及周边渤中19-4油田的开发,“海洋石油113”号FPSO上部组块水系统已无法满足目前的生产需求。此次借油田复产之际进行系统扩容改造,在大幅提升FPSO水系统的生产处理能力的同时也增加了注水外输能力,为整个区块油田进一步提高产量发挥重要作用。文中简要阐述了“海洋石油113”号FPSO上部组块水系统的扩容改造,并提出需注意的问题,从而为后期类似项目的建设改造提供借鉴。  相似文献   

张华 《广船科技》2016,(1):12-17
简介了FPSO“伊利亚贝拉”电气各系统的特殊性,主要特点为高压分配电,设备及生产模块的集成控制监测,较复杂的应急切断系统等.  相似文献   

油轮“钻石”的FPSO改装设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖志勇 《中国修船》2011,24(3):37-39
FPSO是海洋石油开采的重要装备,旧油轮改装是FPSO的重要来源之一。文章以油轮"钻石"(RADIANT JEWEL)为例,介绍旧油轮的FPSO改装设计。  相似文献   

人类在征服海洋的同时,也奇怪地发现许许多多令人费解的海洋之谜。历史上,美国亚利桑那州立大学一位学者曾敲笔指出地球上存在十二大"魔鬼三角区",这些神秘的"魔鬼三角区"也一直都随着海水的波浪演说着各种灵异的故事。然而近代,人们议论最多的还是"百慕大三角区"和"日本本州南部三角区"。  相似文献   

李丽年  马磊 《船舶》2015,(2):90-93
在"长青"号FPSO系统改造中,首次将船控台系统并入中控系统。根据船控台系统特点,将过程控制系统、紧急关断系统和火气系统分别并入中控系统中,最终可通过中控系统统一动态显示生产流程、主要工艺参数及主要设备运行状态,以声光报警形式显示FPSO生产和安全的异常状态,并定期打印生产报表。在发生事故的情况下能确保FPSO人员和生产设施的安全,防止环境污染,将事故造成的影响限制到最小,并能及时准确地探测到可能发生或已经发生的火情或可燃气体泄漏,采取相应的安全措施(如报警、关断、消防等),以保护FPSO人员和设备的安全。  相似文献   

徐信江  孔祥伟 《航海》2022,(2):33-37
FPSO具有吨位大、形状多样和无动力等特征,其出坞和靠泊作业是行业难点。“企鹅”为圆筒型大型FPSO,具有各项同性,不具有航向稳定性,易出现涡激振动,产生周期性振荡的横向力等现象给操纵带来巨大挑战。本文从引航员实操视角给出“企鹅”由中海油船坞出坞及靠泊全过程的作业方法及相关辅助手段,制定了一套完整的作业流程和体系,总结了作业过程中的成功经验,分析了不足之处。  相似文献   

崔燕 《中国船检》2010,(3):82-84
<正>在新中国早期的造船史上,"海建"轮没有像"东风"号、"跃进"号等名船那样闻名,但她对中国船舶走向国际市场,却功不可没,有着中国出口船急先锋的美誉。日前,记者有幸采访到了"海建"轮的"缔造者",香港宏德机器铁工厂、香  相似文献   

2002年11月8日,一个由全球海事界知名人士组成的"船东船厂船级社三方对话会议"在上海召开.国际干散货轮协会(intercargo)、国际独立油轮船东协会(intertanko)、国际航运公会(ICS)、波罗的海航运公会(BIMCO)等四大国际船东组织,中日韩三国造船协会及造船厂代表,中日韩三国船级社,国际船级社协会及欧美船级社代表,共70多人出席了大会.会议主题是通过三方对话以促成一个更合作、合理的海事工业界.  相似文献   

“两个中心”:上海在新起点上向国家战略目标冲刺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海再次成为举世瞩目的焦点。 3月25日,国务院常务会议审议并原则通过了《关于推进上海加快发展现代服务业和先进制造业、建设国际金融中心和国际航运中心的意见》(以下简称“意见”)。  相似文献   

在全球经济一体化的今天,“中国因素”已成了一个具有国际意义的命题。《财富》总编辑约翰·休伊说“中国是未来全球商机的重中之重。”显然,全世界都在关注着“中国因素”。在国际航运界,“中国因素”已成为现在集装箱班轮、干散货和油轮运输三大国际海运市场全面上扬的主要驱动力,同时也在改变着全球经贸、原材料、能源供需以及服务于全球贸易的国际海运市场的格局。在全球经济一体化的今天,“中国因素”已成了一个具有国际意义的命题。《财富》总编辑约翰·休伊说“中国是未来全球商机的重中之重。”显然,全世界都在关注着“中国因素”。在国际航运界,“中国因素”已成为现在集装箱班轮、干散货和油轮运输三大国际海运市场全面上扬的主要驱动力,同时也在改变着全球经贸、原材料、能源供需以及服务于全球贸易的国际海运市场的格局。  相似文献   


This article reviews the conflicts that led to the establishment of a special Congressional Committee on offshore oil and gas exploration, development, and production and the attempted resolution of various issues by that Committee and the Congress in the 1978 Amendments to the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act of 1953. A short review is provided of the history of Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) development, of the conflict between the federal government and other interested entities and persons, and of the Congressional mechanism to respond to these conflicts. A more detailed analysis is provided of the most significant OCS issues. The article describes the various risks and benefits of offshore activity and the various benefits and risks of proposed changes in the law concerning such development. A review of the Congressional mechanism to assess these risks and benefits and balance them is included in a discussion of the various issues and legislated solutions. Finally, the article notes the need for continuing oversight and review of the benefits and risks and how effective the 1978 Amendments are in balancing them.  相似文献   

This Paper introduces a new method of calculation on the number of accidental deaths among seafears world-wind Provided with completed data, a more accurate and reliable estimation is given.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the past, present and future of the maritime transportation industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabian seaborne trade and the shipping capacity are analysed for the past 15 years. Relationships between the declining Saudi shipping capacity and other economic measures are identified. Analysis of the Saudi Arabian maritime transportation is performed with respect to the world carrier fleets and models are developed to determine the theoretical shipping capacity required for transportation of the national seaborne cargo. Forecasts of the future shipping capacity requirement for the Kingdom are also presented. This paper illustrates the general approach for analysing a country's maritime industry and thus could help other researchers in that respect.  相似文献   

Based on recent operation performance data, the earnings and costs of container service have been investigated in the context of two inches developed by the japanese and used elsewhere in East Asian shipping: charater base. Although the average size of container ships on the world's main trade routes has increased over the past two decades it is dangerous to generalize about the ecnomies of scale derived from larger ship size. The effects of ship's on voyage results vary in accordance with such factors as ship's purchase price, level of running costs, level of freight rates, voyage length, achieved load factors and accounting methods used for allocating fixed costs. The question of optimum vessel, therfore, has no generally applicable answer. Shipowners must compromise.  相似文献   

5月14日至15日,2008年全国海事新闻宣传工作会议在美丽的杭州西子湖畔召开。来自海事系统新闻宣传战线的80余位代表与相关中央及行业媒体的特邀代表汇聚一堂,共商当前及今后一个时期海事新闻宣传工作大计。  相似文献   

Based on recent operation performance data, the earnings and costs of container service have been investigated in the context of two inches developed by the japanese and used elsewhere in East Asian shipping: charater base. Although the average size of container ships on the world's main trade routes has increased over the past two decades it is dangerous to generalize about the ecnomies of scale derived from larger ship size. The effects of ship's on voyage results vary in accordance with such factors as ship's purchase price, level of running costs, level of freight rates, voyage length, achieved load factors and accounting methods used for allocating fixed costs. The question of optimum vessel, therfore, has no generally applicable answer. Shipowners must compromise.  相似文献   

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