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文中在东海海区三个测量案例分析的基础上,指出了沿海交通水域测绘市场中存在的主要问题和原因,并提出了进一步加强海事测绘部门和通航部门合作,规范行业管理的对策建议。  相似文献   

基于海运业高质量发展,分析沿海水域交通通信网业务需求,明确沿海水域交通通信网的功能定位,结合国际动态和我国实际,提出多层次的沿海水域交通通信网建设思路,为海事系统“十四五”发展规划和建设具有我国特色的沿海水域交通通信提供支撑。  相似文献   

2019年12月8日,央视《新闻联播》以较大篇幅报道了津冀锚地规划布局助力交通一体化,交通运输部、天津市和河北省统筹规划,出台《津冀沿海锚地布局方案》,推进津冀沿海水域资源共享共用,实施交通组织、航海保障和应急反应一体化运行,优化水域海事监管服务,提升区域航运物流效率,助力津冀沿海港口群协调发展。这是海事助力交通强国建设,服务区域协调发展战略担当有为的一个缩影。  相似文献   

我将全面引入"海上高速"规划从在深圳举办的船舶定线制和船舶报告制国际研讨会上获悉,随着航运业的发展,我国沿海水域的通航密度迅速增大,船舶交通流分布日趋复杂,沿海船舶碰撞危险度也随之增大。为降低沿海水域船舶事故的发生率,提高通航资源的利用率,我国将全面引入"海上高  相似文献   

船舶定线制是海上(水上)交通繁忙、复杂区域的重要通航管理手段,代表着先进的海事管理理念及海上船舶航行秩序管理的发展方向。其效果已为世界所公认。我国已先后在成山头、长江口、珠江口、长江中下游、老铁山水道、琼州海峡等十余处重点水域推行了船舶定线制。产生了良好的社会效益和经济效益。2009年12月1日起在曹妃甸水域推行船舶定线制和报告制,将会对该水域通航环境的改善、水上安全形势的持续稳定、水域和航路使用效益的提升等起到积极的促进作用,对环渤海地区临港工业和沿海经济带的安全快速发展产生积极而深远的影响。  相似文献   

网格化技术是近年来国际上兴起的一种重要信息技术.引入网格化技术来保障沿海水上交通安全是全新的尝试,水上交通安全监管如何实现是目前研究的问题之一.在分析网格化技术特点的基础上,结合沿海水上交通安全监管中风险防范的管理需求,设计沿海水上交通安全风险网格化管理系统的方案,提出沿海水上交通安全信息管理的功能与资源配置,借助海事数字化平台,建立水上交通安伞网格化管理系统及单位网格风险防范模式.最后在福建辖区沿海通航水域实现网格化管理,实践证明:网格化管理能切实降低水上交通风险,同时发挥现有监管资源最大效能,形成运行高效、反应及时、服务便捷的网格化管理新格局.  相似文献   

为限制和减少船舶污染物的排放,加快推进“资源节约型、环境友好型交通发展模式研究”工作,保护水域环境,交通部于近日颁布《沿海海域船舶排污设备铅封管理规定》(以下简称《规定》),要求各有关单位积极做好《规定》的宣贯和落实工作,严格执法,打击沿海海域船舶的非法排污行为。同时要求各有关港口按《海洋环境  相似文献   

2011年下半年,交通运输部先后印发了《全国沿海船舶定线制总体规划》和《全国沿海船舶航路总体规划》,这是在我国沿海水域船舶交通流量和交通密度不断增加,通航环境日益复杂,发生船舶交通事故的风险持续加大的背景下,为保障人民群众生命财产安全和国民经济平稳发展,交通运输部海事局打造安全、便捷、畅通、绿色的"海上平安通道"的重要举措。  相似文献   

近年来,我国沿海水域船舶交通流量和交通密度持续增加,通航环境日益复杂,沿海发生船舶交通事故的风险不断增大。针对这种现状,交通运输部海事局2011年底出台了《全国沿海船舶定线制总体规划》和《全国沿海航路总体规划》,旨在打造出安全、便捷、畅通、绿色的“海上高速公路”。  相似文献   

从交通部海事局获悉,交通部海事局决定在全国沿海开展砂石运输船、施工船安全管理专项整治活动,力争两年内将参与沿海作业的内河砂石运输船、施工船清除出沿海港口建设市场,规范航运秩序。建设平安交通。此次砂石运输船、施工船安全管理专项整治活动的重点水域是在环渤海、长三角和珠三角沿海地区,重点船舶是航行、作业的内河砂石运输船、施工船,  相似文献   

Coastal aquaculture in South Australia has been going through a period of unprecedented growth during the past seven years. The value of the South Australian aqua‐culture industry has increased from US$1.3 million in 1990–1991 to an estimated US$31 million in 1996–1997. This growth has led to the implementation of planning and management policies by the state government. South Australian coastal waters have been divided into regions, and regional aquaculture management plans have been prepared. These management policies have generated concerns among interest groups and the community. The recent coastal aquaculture planning and management policies are described and analyzed, focusing on their contribution to the development of an ecologically sustainable industry. The need for an integrated approach to management is emphasized, especially given the great interest of the state government on the development of the industry.  相似文献   

This article discusses the impact of the Norwegian government's administrative reform on the management of the Norwegian aquaculture industry and coastal areas. The 2010 reform of government administration strengthened the County Councils’ role in issues of aquaculture at the expense of the regional offices of the Directorate of Fisheries. The aim of the reform was to increase self-governance through decentralization. However, international trends in coastal zone and marine resource management are moving in the opposite direction, aiming at more integrated and ecosystem-based approaches involving the management of larger, rather than smaller, geographic regions. This article examines the possible effects of this reform in light of the move from government to governance, and in the context of a broad policy shift toward a more integrated, ecosystem-based management (EBM) of the coastal zone. Based on insights from multi-level and coastal zone governance debates, we argue that an unintended consequence of the Norwegian administrative reform could be increased fragmentation of the aquaculture governance system, as well as a reduced capacity to implement EBM-related measures. At the same time, the reform might improve coastal zone planning, although a further step toward integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) would require a greater delegation of authority to the County Councils.  相似文献   


The paper examines the applicability of First World CZM policy for the Third World by focusing on Ecuador's shrimp mariculture, an industry whose explosive growth has reshaped the coastal zone and generated problems threatening loss of the resource base itself. This has led to recognized need for CZM and movement by development agencies to transfer the CZ policies of developed countries. Against this background, the analysis explores local concepts of investment and conservation, the role of government and law, and the influence of the social economy on mariculture development. It illuminates how local use and management of coastal resources is inseparable from specifically Ecuadorean cultural concepts, institutions, and practices. This places in relief the salient differences between management in the First and Third Worlds, illuminating how coastal zone management must not only be internally consistent, but cognizant of and integrated into the prevailing social, economic, and political conditions.  相似文献   

Shaul Amir 《Coastal management》2013,41(2-3):189-223

Presently, much of Israel's 190‐kilometer‐long Mediterranean coast is either unoccupied, devoted to unsuitable uses, or is in use by activities which have no special need to be near the water's edge. This has resulted from years of lack of appreciation by policy‐makers of the coast as a valuable resource, of national development policies that directed attention to other regions, and of the relatively limited demand for coastal recreation.

In the last decade the importance of these factors has diminished. In turn, there is now mounting pressure for the development of coastal land. Increasingly, rising standards of living with a greater demand for recreational facilities, the growth of tourism as a major industry, and demands of the environmental lobby for conservation of part of the coastal land are factors bound to cause intensive change along the coast and to affect the quality of its resources. These trends have brought about public intervention in deciding the future of the coast. This paper reviews and analyzes Israel's coastal policy and its resource management programs, and also discusses the potential challenges to their full implementation.

Three types of programs were suggested as the main management tools: a coastal research and development effort, national coastal land use planning and pollution prevention, and monitoring and control programs. Major objectives of the programs were to be achieved through land use controls. Consequently, an important role is given in the development and implementation of the coastal program to agencies responsible for the management of physical land use planning and development.

Successful implementation of the management program, however, will depend on the ability of its administrators to coordinate the actions of many interests, on success in changing attitudes among decision‐makers as to the value of the coast, and on widening support for coastal resource conservation among a presently uninvolved public.  相似文献   

This article analyzes institutional arrangements for the delivery of coastal programs through a new way of thinking about their evolution and structure. The notion of three distinct "dimensions" describing the phases in the evolution of institutional arrangements is introduced. The notion of dimensions is developed from conceptualizing about how institutional arrangements are diagrammed. This allows the visualization of how individual institutions and key stakeholders relate to each other in the delivery of coastal programs, how effective these relationships are, and how their relationships could be redesigned. "Dimensional thinking" enables the re-examination of existing institutional design of coastal programs and how these can evolve to meet the challenges of the new millennium. It is concluded that institutional arrangements have grown from a single dimensional view, where institutions (mainly governmental) delivered programs in isolation, through to the present second dimension where agency programs are managed through coordinating bodies and through coastal management plans. It is argued that a third dimension of institutional arrangements, one that recognizes and embraces the rapid pace of change in this century, will be needed that is aligned by themes rather than by organizational structure. To illustrate a third dimension a visualization tool is developed drawing from management cybernetics. It recognizes the increasing importance of formal and informal networks in relation to traditional modernist hierarchical management by recognizing multiple stakeholders (government at all levels, industry, advocacy groups, conservation interests, and the broader community) and their degree of mutual dependence. Dimensional thinking has the potential to institutionalize the interaction between these multiple stakeholders to ensure the effective delivery of coastal programs in the new millennium. A single answer to what the third dimension of coastal management program evolution should include is not presented. Rather, an approach is presented that allows coastal managers to move forward in the debate on redesigning coastal programs to meet today's complex suite of issues, values, and interests. An experimental case study from Western Australia is used to illustrate the potential application of the dimensional thinking to coastal management institutional design in that State's coastal program.  相似文献   

A study on the role of participation in integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) was undertaken as part of the European Demonstration Programme in Integrated Coastal Zone Management. The study recommends that projects adopt the following criteria: a clear process, representativeness, openness, relevant techniques, sufficient resources, and shared learning. Participation procedures should be integrated with the technical process and mechanisms clearly related to the style and purpose of the project. A main conclusion is that although participation is important, it is not a panacea. While many of the risks involved may be common to consensus building, the study highlights those peculiar to coastal management, such as the historic autonomy of many ports, the fragmented nature of the tourism industry, and suspicion of experts among the maritime community. Finally, it is suggested that ICZM may be considered a suitable paradigm for sustainable development generally.  相似文献   

A mail survey of coastal user groups, academics, and state coastal zone management program managers was conducted to determine the perceptions of the performance of state coastal zone management programs relative to the protection of coastal resources, the management of coastal development, the improvement of public access, and the management of coastal hazards. Information on the perceived importance of the selected issues to each of the 24 states being studied was also solicited. Findings on the perceptions of various categories of interest groups, academics, and program managers with respect to the overall performance of state coastal zone management programs in the four issue areas were presented in an earlier article, “Perceptions of the Performance of State Coastal Zone Management Programs in the United States”; (Knecht et al., 1996). The present article draws on a subset of these data—the responses from the coastal user groups and the academics—and presents the findings at the regional and individual state level. In terms of perceived performance of state coastal zone management programs on a regional basis relative to the selected issue areas, the highest rating went to the Great Lakes region for its management of public access. However, the North Atlantic region received the highest performance rating for the three other issue areas: protection of coastal resources, management of coastal development, and management of coastal hazards. Looking at state performance with regard to the coastal issues judged to be of most importance to the states—the protection of coastal resources and the management of coastal development—respondents indicated that states should improve their performance in both areas, with the greatest need related to the management of coastal development. Overall, the states of the North Atlantic, Great Lakes, and South Atlantic regions were perceived to be performing somewhat better relative to the four issue areas than the states in the Pacific and Gulf of Mexico regions. While the data do not shed light on the reasons for these regional differences, we suggest that, in the case of the Pacific region at least, the differences could be associated with higher expectations among the resident population with regard to environmental quality in general and coastal management in particular.  相似文献   

Seasonal upwelling variations are examined in the eastward coastal boundary branches of the Tsushima Warm Current (TWC). The climatological pattern and the fundamental hydrographic structure of the seasonal appearance of cold water are revealed by analyzing the temperature profile data around the Japanese shelf area. Seasonal maps of temperature at the intermediate layer around 200 m depth show the rise of the main pycnocline along the Japanese coast due to seasonal subsurface cooling from May to September. The cold water areas appear around the strong curvature in the continental shelf break. These areas are confined to the south of the TWC thermal front, i.e., to the coastal boundary region. The seasonal appearance of the localized cooling areas implies that the seasonal upwelling is induced by horizontal variations in shelf topography and the intensifying TWC from May to September.  相似文献   

Stresses impacting the coastal zone in the Asia-Pacific region are briefly reviewed under the headings of sustainable coastal activities, coastal ecosystem management, community/resource interactions, coastal resource economics and sustainability, coastal area planning, and integrated coastal policies. Recent contributions on mitigation of these stresses are introduced, with emphasis on the Coastal Zone Asia-Pacific Conference, held in Bangkok, May 2002, where various innovative approaches to research, education, information sharing, and coastal policies aiming at improving the state of the coastal areas were presented. These include the roles of community in integrated coastal management; tools and planning for management of coastal areas; education program and capacity building; and the establishments of national and regional frameworks for integrated coastal management. As appropriate information and its transfer are critical to these processes, an analysis is presented of the content of the database on coastal projects in the region, highlighting areas of research interests, funding sources, and achievements. Another database on coastal ecosystems, currently under development, is presented as an example of the type of resource that can be expected to help advance our knowledge and ability to improve the management of coastal areas. Overall, these tools should allow us, given the political will, to improve the state of coastal areas.  相似文献   

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