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目前,航运市场正处在低潮期,这种危机正是班轮公司的机遇。应适时采取并购手段稳固自身已有的市场份额,拓展班轮公司的业务范围,从而增强自身实力,抵抗金融危机。 相似文献
当前全球经济和贸易发展不稳定,集装箱运输市场发展处于失衡状态。受国际金融危机及接踵而来经济危机的影响,集装箱运输市场正面临剧烈变化;从运价到运力,从供给到需求,从兼并到联盟,从谈判到合作,先前平衡发展的市场开始失衡。 相似文献
班轮公司租赁还是购买集装箱船舶之间哪个最好的争论已经进行了几十年,其实这个问题的解决必须根据对航运市场的研究和分析。 相似文献
本文结合单位的实际情况,论述了从软、硬件建设着手,改善港口服务质量,对促进港口集装箱装卸发展的重要意义。 相似文献
金融危机以来,全球海运市场进入了一轮漫长的调整期,海运法规向更加注重协调承运人与托运人之间关系、海运节能减排、安全防污、保安与反海盗和国际海运劳工保护方向调整.调整船队结构、加强节能减排技术应用、加强信息化技术应用和沿产业链创新服务,成为企业有效应对长期供需失衡、竞争加剧新常态的基本选择,也就是说,航运及其产业链上的企业必须抱定壮士断腕、背水一战的决心和勇气,痛下杀手降低经营和管理成本,做精做强航运服务以赢得市场。 相似文献
在全球经济普遍低迷的背景下,全球汽车市场经历震荡,而我国经济的持续发展却强有力地推动国内汽车产业成长,使我国一跃成为世界最大的汽车消费国和生产国, 相似文献
按照南京市政府“港口体制改革分两步走,2001年先做好港口下放的整体接收和港口体制改革的前期准备工作,2002年完成港口体制改革工作,重点把港口企业做大做强”的精神,南京港政企分开、下放地方工作已进入实质性操作阶段。 相似文献
在2007年交通部直属海事系统工作会上,交通部海事局常务副局长刘功臣和党委书记梁晓安分别作了工作报告和党委工作报告,总结了2006年海事工作的主要成绩和基本经验,部署了2007年海事主要工作,提出了规范管理,强化监管,优质服务,全面推进海事事业又好又快发展的新目标。 相似文献
Shih-Liang Chao 《Maritime Policy and Management》2017,44(4):496-511
In this study, we establish a multi-stage data envelopment analysis model to evaluate the efficiency of global liner shipping companies (LSCs). Because conventional solution procedures cannot guarantee the uniqueness of solutions, in this study, we specifically devise a new two-phase algorithm to overcome this problem. The first phase ranks the priority of all stages by applying fuzzy analytical hierarchical process. The second phase then solves the efficiency score for each stage according to its priority. We established and empirically tested a three-stage research model based on data collected from the Containerization International Year Book, the Alphaliner website and annual LSC reports for the year 2012. The results show that the proposed algorithm not only determines unique solutions for the efficiency scores but also determines the priority order of the stages involved in this process. Taking advantage of the proposed model and algorithm, LSCs can effectively locate bottlenecks in their production processes and further improve them by adjusting the values of the corresponding input and output variables. In addition, the priority order of the stages obtained from the empirical study can also help LSCs allocate their resources. 相似文献
阳光明媚,蓝天白云,驾驶一艘洁白的私家游艇,驰骋在碧波之上;傍晚时分,夕阳西下,与三两好友坐在甲板上边品尝着美酒佳肴边欣赏着犹如梦境的绚丽景色,这一外国影片中常见的惬意画面,今天正一步一步走进国人的视野。 相似文献
Container ports provide the primary interface where physical exchange between buyers and sellers of containerised shipping capacity can be consolidated and realised. Consequently, ports that are able to complement and add value to the objectives of shipping lines and shippers will become focal points for containerised cargo flows. To evaluate container port competition, the authors propose a practical and direct approach based on revealed preferences of shipping lines with respect to container shipping service dynamics. The container shipping networks are generated as carriers formulate their service schedules to capitalise on opportunities that are presented by evolving container trade patterns along trade routes and relative changes in the competitive profile of the ports of call. Empirical results showed that this approach offers a deeper understanding on the workings and evolution of competitive dynamics between ports, which may not be obvious from observations of port performance at the aggregated level. Benefits of the approach also include raising awareness that policy makers should be aware of the need to understand the nature, extensity and intensity of competitive relationships between ports as they craft and implement policies to correct for the actual or perceived market failures in the industry. 相似文献
中国船舶燃料有限责任公司 《中国远洋航务》2011,(5)
在中燃近40年的历史上,从未有哪一时期如2010年那样,服务的概念被提升到如此的高度:战略目标.并且,通过意识确立、思想统一、制度建设、措施得当等系列环节,中燃把这一理念化为行动化为效益,持续地走向深入.2010年,中燃系统上下统一思想,团结奋进,努力拼搏,积极推进由供应商向服务商转变的战略目标,认真组织开展客户服务年活动各项工作,通过增强服务意识,改进营销机制,不断提升服务客户能力;通过完善服务标准,规范服务流程,持续提高客户满意度;通过强化客户开发,挖掘客户潜力,努力促进与客户的共同发展. 相似文献
众所周知,国际航运业如今正呈现出不断增长的趋势,这缘于全球经济和贸易活动的不断扩张. 相似文献