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Sales tax measures passed at the local level and dedicated to transportation projects have become increasingly popular in the United States. While revenues from fuel taxes stagnate, growth of local transportation sales taxes (LTSTs), most approved in local elections, has led to a gradual shift of the financial base for transportation projects away from user fees and toward broader-based taxes. In this study, the relationship between voter support and the social, political, and geographic characteristics of the voters is explored. Using precinct-level voting data and census demographic data for three local transportation sales tax elections in Sonoma County, in the San Francisco Metropolitan area of California, regression models were constructed to analyze this relationship. In addition, the relationship between the outcomes of the three measures was explored to better understand which transportation projects might have garnered more support for the successful measure. It was found that the closer voters lived to the transportation projects to be funded, the greater their support. Higher incomes were also positively related to support, controlling for other variables. Political leanings were found to affect support, with the direction of the effect dependent upon the project list in each measure’s expenditure plan. Finally, it appears that the latest measure, which passed successfully, benefited greatly from its multi-modal expenditure plan.  相似文献   

We have completed a survey of Southern California residents designed to examine whether the details of policy design can make congestion pricing more attractive to the motoring public. A congestion fee proposal is often regarded as simply a tax increase; also, especially in the US, motorists apparently regard the use of congestion fees as coercive, in that they often have few if any practical alternatives to paying the fee. Unlike most opinion surveys on congestion pricing, our survey was quite explicit about the fate of the collected revenues. For example, we presented respondents with policies that returned a substantial portion of the revenues to the public, either in the form of cash (through reductions in sales taxes and vehicle registration fees or through income tax credits) or in the form of coupons to be used for vehicle emissions equipment repair, transit, and the like. In addition, we examined whether the typically intense opposition to congestion pricing if applied only to a part of a roadway, leaving the motorist free to choose between free lanes and toll lanes. We find that a promise to offset the imposition of congestion fees by other taxes can result in a 7% point increase in support for congestion pricing policies, and the restriction of congestion pricing to a single lane on a freeway attracts from 9% to 17% points of additional support.  相似文献   

Annual expenditures for transportation infrastructure have recently surpassed the funding available through tax and fee collection. One large source of revenue generation for transportation infrastructure is use fees that are charged through taxes on gasoline both on a federal and state level. A massive adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in the United States would result in significantly lower gasoline consumption and thus reduce the revenue collected to maintain the U.S. transportation infrastructure. We investigate how different vehicles will change the annual fee collected on a marginal basis. In addition, we assess the effects of adoption of alternative vehicles on revenues using several projections of alternative vehicles adoption, both on a state-by-state basis and at the national level. We find that baseline midsize and compact vehicles such as the Toyota Camry and Honda Civic generate approximately $2500–$4000 in tax revenue over their lifetime. Under the current funding structure, battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) such as the Nissan Leaf generate substantially less at $400–$1300, while plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) such as the Chevrolet Volt generate $1500–$2700. Even in states with high lifetime fees due to fuel taxes, such as California, revenue generation can be upwards of 50% lower than in states with high registration fees such as Colorado. Total annual revenue generation decreases by about $200 million by 2025 as a result of EV adoption in our base case, but in projections with larger adoption of alternative vehicles could lead to revenue generation reductions as large as $900 million by 2025. Potential schemes that charge user fees on alternative fuel vehicles to overcome the decrease in revenue include a flat annual registration fee at 0.6% of the vehicle’s manufacturer suggested retail price (MSRP) or 2
per mile fee.  相似文献   

Like many U.S. states, Texas is experiencing shortfalls in transportation funding, along with growing needs for system improvements. Accordingly, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is turning to tolling to bridge the funding gap. To assist planning efforts and effectively direct public information, a telephone survey of 2111 Texans was undertaken statewide to gauge public opinion on tolling issues.Some issues yielded a definite consensus among survey respondents. Over 70% agreed on attending to existing roads first, keeping existing roads toll-free, reducing tolls after construction, using revenues within the same region, charging higher tolls for trucks, not imposing SOV tolls, and maintaining the same toll rates during rush-hours. Some opinions varied by region. Austinites were more likely to support additional transportation spending, while residents of the Lower Rio Grande Valley were less supportive of raising the gas tax and of public/private partnerships. Opinions also varied with survey design. In eight places in the survey, optional text was provided or question order was modified to intentionally influence response. For two questions, support for tolling was decreased when information on personal transportation costs and higher gas tax rates in other states was offered. Ordered probit and binomial and multinomial logit models were estimated to assess the impact of demographic and travel characteristics on respondent opinions, and results for key issues are presented here. Opinions across demographic groups also were examined. The survey was successful at measuring opinions on several key tolling issues and should prove a useful tool for transportation planners and policymakers.  相似文献   

Brown  Anne  Lederman  Jaimee  Taylor  Brian D.  Wachs  Martin 《Transportation》2021,48(4):2103-2125

Local and regional governments in the U.S. rely increasingly on voter-approved local option sales taxes (LOSTs) to fund transportation capital investments, maintenance, and operations. LOSTs typically present voters with lists of local transportation projects and programs to be funded by a ¼ to 1 percent sales tax increase. Most research on LOSTs are case studies, which make generalizations about LOSTs difficult. We conducted a comprehensive, multi-jurisdictional analysis of LOST measures in California, the U.S. state with the greatest number of LOST measures. We examined 76 LOST measures put to voters between 1976 and 2016 to assess factors associated with voter support. LOSTs in California are enacted by counties, which we examined in addition to smaller intra-county geographies using both regression models and case studies. We tested several explanatory variables for association with voter support including macroeconomic and political context, planned measure expenditures, voter characteristics, and spatial distribution of proposed projects. We found that funding dedicated to public transit and returned to local jurisdictions predicts support at the county level, and that LOSTs that create new taxes—as opposed to extending or renewing existing taxes—are less popular with voters, all else equal. Our analyses of sub-county geographies revealed that political party affiliation is the strongest predictor of local voter support for LOSTs and that voters living adjacent to funded projects tended to be more supportive of LOSTs.



This paper is designed to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of transportation systems and reduce traffic congestion through the use of simulation models and scenario development. A system dynamics framework is used to test and evaluate the alternatives of future strategies for the city of Surabaya, Indonesia. Some factors affecting the effectiveness of transport systems include operational effectiveness and service effectiveness, as well as uncertainty. To improve the effectiveness of transportation systems, several strategies can be implemented, such as subsidizing public transportation, increasing the cost of private vehicle parking fees, raising taxes on private vehicles, and reducing delays in public transportation through scenario development. Scenario results show that, by pursuing these strategies, effectiveness could be improved by 80% as the impact of the increase in operational and service effectiveness, helping to mitigate traffic congestion. Congestion could be reduced to 70% (on average) due to the decrease in daily traffic.  相似文献   

Those who oppose tolls and other forms of road pricing argue that low-income, urban residents will suffer if they must pay to use congested freeways. This contention, however, fails to consider (1) how much low-income residents already pay for transportation in taxes and fees, or (2) how much residents would pay for highway infrastructure under an alternative revenue-generating scheme, such as a sales tax. This paper compares the cost burden of a value-priced road, State Route 91 (SR91) in Orange County, California with the cost burden under Orange County’s local option transportation sales tax, Measure M. We find that although the sales tax spreads the costs of transportation facilities across a large number of people inside and outside Orange County, it redistributes about $3 million (USD) in revenues from less affluent residents to those with higher incomes. The entire Measure M program redistributes an estimated $26 million from low-income residents to the more affluent. Low-income drivers as individuals save substantially if they do not have to pay tolls, but as a group low-income residents, on average, pay more out-of-pocket with sales taxes.
Brian D. TaylorEmail:

Lisa Schweitzer   is an assistant professor at the University of Southern California. Her work on environmental injustice in transportation has appeared in Urban Studies, Built Environment, and Transportation Research Parts A and D. Brian D. Taylor   is the Director of the Institute of Transportation Studies and Professor of Urban Planning at the University of California, Los Angeles. His research centers on how society pays for transportation systems and how these systems in turn serve the needs of people who have low levels of mobility.  相似文献   

绿色交通理论是基于可持续发展理念而提出的交通领域的全新理念。本文在总结绿色交通发展历程的基础上,系统整理绿色交通理论体系的内涵。借鉴国内外绿色交通既有发展实践,提出我国绿色交通体系未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the results of an origin-destination survey conducted in Beirut, Lebanon. The survey was conducted according to the techniques developed and used in the U.S.A.There has always been some doubt that methodologies and techniques, namely dwelling unit interviews, developed for use in U.S. cities would work in cities of developing countries. The results of the study indicated that such methods proved to be useful and effective.In spite of the higher residential density and lower level of car ownership, trip rates in the city of Beirut were within the ranges observed in U.S. cities. The comparison of travel parameters acquired from various cities around the world might show that the regularities and trends in urban transportation are universal.  相似文献   

Baldassare  Mark  Ryan  Sherry  Katz  Cheryl 《Transportation》1998,25(1):99-117
Policies that are aimed at discouraging commuters from solo driving have become a part of overall efforts to improve air quality and reduce traffic congestion. Since driving alone is the overwhelming choice of employed residents in US metropolitan areas, the political acceptability of proposed policy changes plays a role in their success. The 1992 Orange County (CA) Annual Survey asked employed solo drivers to rate their likelihood of changing from solo driving in response to various fees and incentives. Fewer say they would be very likely to stop solo driving if they were charged a parking fee at work (20%), a smog fee (17%) or a congestion fee (16%), than if their employers paid them a cash bonus for stopping solo driving (28%), or if more public transit (33%) or more carpools at work (35%) were available. Young and lower-status solo drivers are more likely than others to say they would stop driving alone if there were fees or cash bonuses. Current non-solo drivers tend to be young and low income, providing a validity check on the demographic predictors of stated preferences. The findings are discussed in light of recent policy changes in Southern California.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to study optimal congestion taxes in a time-allocation framework. This makes it possible to distinguish taxes on inputs in the production of car trips and taxes on transport as an activity. Moreover, the model allows us to consider the implications of treating transport as a demand, derived from other activities. We extend several well known tax rules from the public finance literature and carefully interpret the implications for the optimal tax treatment of passenger transport services. The main findings of the paper are the following. First, if governments are limited to taxing market inputs into transport trip production, the time-allocation framework: (i) provides an argument for taxing congestion below marginal external cost, (ii) implies a favourable tax treatment for time-saving devices such as GPS, and (iii) provides a previously unnoticed argument for public transport subsidies. Second, if the government has access to perfect road pricing that directly taxes transport as an activity, all previous results disappear. Third, in the absence of perfect road pricing, the activity-specific congestion attracted by employment centres, by shopping centres or by large sports and cultural events should be corrected via higher taxes on market inputs in these activities (e.g., entry tickets, parking fees, etc.).  相似文献   

绿色出行发展的根本目的是为了实现城市交通可持续发展,实现出行"安全、畅通、高效、舒适、环保、节能",从而实现社会、经济、交通和环境的协调发展。本文通过对绿色出行的概念、内涵、特征和实现途径等相关理论进行解读,确定绿色出行系统的主要构成;采用计划行为理论、交通需求管理理论等多视角,对影响和制约城市绿色出行发展的关键因素进行分析和识别,并研究提出围绕保障能力、基础设施、运输装备、运营服务等方面的绿色出行评价指标体系框架。  相似文献   

本文从高速公路建设项目的角度出发就“绿水青山就是金山银山”理念的内涵及时代要求进行了论述,分析了当前“绿色交通”理念下的绿色公路建设施工与管理中存在的主要问题,同时结合“绿水青山就是金山银山”理念的具体内涵,以十淅高速公路(湖北段)项目为例,从施工管理、设计、施工技术等方面阐述了绿色交通理念在公路建设过程中的具体实践,为公路建设的绿色发展提供了借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the psychological predictors of the intention to use public transport for three travel purposes: work or study, shopping, and leisure. An expanded version of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) which contains overall image and past behaviour is used. Data were gathered through the survey of 392 residents living in the central parts of Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. These data were analysed using the partial least squares technique. The results indicate that attitude and perceived behavioural control are significant predictors of the intention to use public transportation for various purposes. Further, they explain between 34.6% and 49.8% of the intention variance. By adding the overall image and past behaviour to the original predictors in the TPB, the explained variance, with regard to work or study, shopping, and leisure purposes, increased by 5.6%, 5.1%, and 6.8%, respectively.  相似文献   

Major commuting corridors in metropolitan areas generally comprise multiple transportation modes for commuters, such as transit (subways or buses), private vehicles, or park-and-ride combinations. During the morning peak hour, the commuters would choose one of the available transportation modes to travel through the corridors from rural/suburban living areas to urban working areas. This paper introduces a concept of transportation serviceability to evaluate a transportation mode’s service status in a specific link, route, road, or network during a certain period. The serviceability can be measured by the possibility that travelers choose a specific type of transportation service at a certain travel cost. The commuters’ modal-choice possibilities are calculated using a stochastic equilibrium model based on general travel cost. The modeling results illustrate how transportation serviceability is influenced by background traffic flow in a corridor, value of comfort for railway mode, and parking fee distribution.  相似文献   


The German Mobility Panel (MOP) is a national household travel survey, which has been collecting data on travel behavior in Germany since 1994. One of the MOP’s central assets is its ability to provide time-series data on travel behavior. Thus, the comparability of survey results from different years is a major objective of the survey method used. Declining survey participation rates in the last decade in various socio-demographic groups resulted in the implementation of a mixed-mode design for the MOP in 2013, both for the sampling stage (landline and mobile phone recruitment) and the data collection stage (paper and web). In this study, we analyze whether the adaptations in the survey mode do indeed improve the results and, if so, why and to what degree. Ideally, the survey mode adaptions have increased the representativeness of the MOP. However, measurement biases due to the mixed-mode design are also conceivable. To decompose survey mode effects, we applied the propensity score weighting method. This method imputes the hypothetical responses participants would have given in different survey modes; disparities between actual responses and hypothetical responses under another mode are then traced back to the mixed-mode design. Our analysis indicates that trip-rate biases on shopping, leisure, and short trips are partly caused by the mixed-mode design; in contrast, quantities of time spent in the transportation system, trips made by car and public transportation, and commuting trips are hardly biased.


From a societal perspective, it is desirable for all transportation users to pay their full social (private and external) costs. We estimate four general types of external costs for intercity freight trucking and compare them with the private costs incurred by carriers. Estimated external costs include: accidents (fatalities, injuries, and property damage); emissions (air pollution and greenhouse gases); noise; and unrecovered costs associated with the provision, operation, and maintenance of public facilities. The analysis reveals that external costs are equal to 13.2% of private costs and user fees would need to be increased about threefold to internalize these external costs.  相似文献   

Assessing communicative rationality as a transportation planning paradigm   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Communicative rationality offers a new paradigm for transportation planning. Drawing on the literature and lessons from transportation planning practice, this paper describes the characteristics of a “communicative” form of transportation planning and compares them with conventional practices. A communicative rationality paradigm would place language and discourse at the core of transportation planning. The paper argues that it would lead to greater attention to desired transportation ends (goals), better integration of means and ends, new forms of participation and learning, and enhanced deliberative capacity. The paper explains the implications of this paradigm for the role of the transportation planner, the purpose of planning, the planning process, communicative practices, problem framing, and the nature of planning analysis. The paper concludes with an assessment of communicative rationality's ability to promote more effective transportation planning. It seeks to create a dialogue that will support the investigation of new transportation planning processes. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Electric vehicles (EVs) are considered as a feasible alternative to traditional vehicles. Few studies have addressed the impacts of policies supporting EVs in urban freight transport. To cast light on this topic, we established a framework combining an optimization model with economic analysis to determine the optimal behavior of an individual delivery service provider company and social impacts (e.g., externalities and welfare) in response to policies designed to support EVs, such as purchase subsidy, limited access (zone fee) to congestion/low-emission zones with exemptions for EVs, and vehicle taxes with exemptions for EVs. Numerical experiments showed that the zone fee can increase the company’s total logistics costs but improve the social welfare. It greatly reduced the external cost inside the congestion/low-emission zone with a high population, dense pollution, and heavy traffic. The vehicle taxes and subsidy were found to have the same influence on the company and society, although they have different effects with low tax/subsidy rates because their different effects on vehicle routing plans. Finally, we performed a sensitivity analysis. Local factors at the company and city levels (e.g., types of vehicle and transport network) are also important to designing efficient policies for urban logistics that support EVs.  相似文献   

绿色交通发展是适应新时代发展要求、交通运输行业实现节能环保健康持续发展的有力支撑。本文基于已有的绿色交通相关考核评价体系,采用模块化理论,着眼于绿色交通的政府、企业、社会三种对象,形成适用性强、针对性突出的模块化考核评价体系。  相似文献   

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