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We compare two estimates of benefits arising from the construction of new bridges in south-west Norway. One estimate comes from a hedonic property value model. Rather than follow an approach which is strictly theoretically correct, we adopt Rosen’s simple first-stage approach. To investigate and validate whether this simplified approach gives a reasonable estimate, we compare it to an estimate derived from a travel demand model. We find that a variant of an ex post hedonic house price model gives very similar estimates to the estimates from the travel demand model. This supports a hypothesis that the simplistic hedonic approach is reasonable.  相似文献   

This paper compares monetary values for aircraft noise disturbance and annoyance derived using hedonic price and stated preference methods in the same sample areas and over the same sampling time periods. The hedonic price method compares house prices in residential areas across a range of aircraft noise sound levels. The statistical power can be compromised by the many other variables which have significant and often greater effects on prices and because only small fractions of the overall housing stock are bought and sold at any one time. The stated preference method on the other hand, by requiring study participants to trade hypothetical money against hypothetical noise, is entirely based on subjective opinion. It seems that neither method is entirely satisfactory, but there are strong positive correlations between the ratios of aggregated stated preference values to weighted average house prices and LAeq, 16 h and similar noise metrics suggesting sufficient underlying similarities  相似文献   

This paper deals with the value of supplemental aircraft noise information in the form of combining aircraft movement numbers and noise levels to assist airport neighbours in understanding airport noise. To analyse the socio-spatial interaction of annoyance with, and interference by, aircraft noise, an alternative is recommended, namely the number of noise events above selected noise levels so that laypeople can better understand the extent of noise. The research is based on a questionnaire survey of households affected by aircraft noise around OR Tambo International Airport near Johannesburg. The results indicate that levels of annoyance and disturbance across a number of normal household activities are positively related to the number of noise events recorded, irrespective of noise levels above 60 dB.  相似文献   

Three of the most highly regarded disaggregate mode split models incorporate very different estimates of the responsiveness, or elasticity, of mode choice to changes in auto travel times and costs. These differences appear to be due in part to the varying specifications used by the model, and particularly whether certain variables (such as a dummy variable for CBD destinations or automobile ownership) are included in addition to the more traditional variables (such as travel time, cost, and household income). More research is needed on the implications of the theory of traveler choices for model specification and the effect of alternative, but theoretically justifiable, specifications on elasticity estimates. Until this research reduces our uncertainty about the elasticity of demand, analysts evaluating transportation policies should assess the sensitivity of their results to the range of plausible elasticities or models.  相似文献   

Different methods for predicting levels of roadside NO2 from NOx concentrations have been proposed. Prior work suggests that either a linear or a logarithmic relationship exists among the roadside NO2 and NOx concentrations. We modify and compare those methods with new formulations based on the principles of the original methods for datasets pertaining to Dublin. A new relationship based on the power law is developed to better model the decay of the ratio of (NO2/NOx)road ratio with increasing NOx concentration. These formulations are compared and examined at two study sites: at an intermittently congested urban street canyon and a free-flowing motorway.  相似文献   

Under the Alternative Motor Fuels Act (AMFA), vehicles that run on ethanol, methanol, or natural gas get extra credits in the calculation of Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE). This paper uses hedonic techniques to examine the effect of production of alternative-fuel vehicles (AFVs) on the implicit price of fuel economy. This study finds that, after AFVs came to market, the marginal value of fuel economy from companies producing them decreased. This finding suggests that manufacturers who produced AFVs were willing to offer a lower price for fuel economy, because automakers had an additional way to achieve fuel economy standards beyond improving the fuel efficiency of conventional cars. These findings bolster the argument that a major role of the AMFA credit for AFVs is to allow automakers to increase their production of fuel-inefficient vehicles.  相似文献   

Transit agencies often provide travelers with point estimates of bus travel times to downstream stops to improve the perceived reliability of bus transit systems. Prediction models that can estimate both point estimates and the level of uncertainty associated with these estimates (e.g., travel time variance) might help to further improve reliability by tempering user expectations. In this paper, accelerated failure time survival models are proposed to provide such simultaneous predictions. Data from a headway-based bus route serving the Pennsylvania State University-University Park campus were used to estimate bus travel times using the proposed survival model and traditional linear regression frameworks for comparison. Overall, the accuracy of point estimates from the two approaches, measured using the root-mean-squared errors (RMSEs) and mean absolute errors (MAEs), was similar. This suggests that both methods predict travel times equally well. However, the survival models were found to more accurately describe the uncertainty associated with the predictions. Furthermore, survival model estimates were found to have smaller uncertainties on average, especially when predicted travel times were small. Tests for transferability over time suggested that the models did not over-fit the dataset and validated the predictive ability of models established with historical data. Overall, the survival model approach appears to be a promising method to predict both expected bus travel times and the uncertainty associated with these travel times.  相似文献   

Nahmias-Biran  Bat-hen  Shiftan  Yoram 《Transportation》2020,47(5):2287-2305
Transportation - The capability approach (CA) is a theoretical framework that emphasizes the moral significance of individuals’ capability to achieve outcomes that they value and have reason...  相似文献   

Loop detectors are the preeminent vehicle detector for freeway traffic surveillance. Although single loops have been used for decades, debate continues on how to interpret the measurements. Many researchers have sought better estimates of velocity from single loops. The preceding work has emphasized techniques that use many samples of aggregate flow and occupancy to reduce the estimation error. Although rarely noted, these techniques effectively seek to reduce the bias due to long vehicles in measured occupancy. This paper presents a different approach, using a new aggregation methodology to estimate velocity and reduce the impact of long vehicles in the original traffic measurements. In contrast to conventional practice, the new estimate significantly reduces velocity estimation errors when it is not possible to control for a wide range of vehicle lengths.  相似文献   

The aim is to understand how private car drivers’ perception of vehicle attributes may affect their intention to adopt electric vehicles (EVs). Data are obtained from a national online survey of potential EV adopters in the UK. The results indicate that instrumental attributes are important largely because they are associated with other attributes derived from owning and using EVs, including pleasure of driving (hedonic attributes) and identity derived from owning and using EVs (symbolic attributes). People who believe that a pro-environmental self-identity fits with their self-image are more likely to have positive perceptions of EV attributes. Perceptions of EV attributes are only very weakly associated with car-authority identity.  相似文献   

Transportation - Ride-sourcing services are increasingly popular since they were first introduced in the last decade. Particularly in developing countries where public transport systems have...  相似文献   

This study evaluates the noise level exposure of noise levels to which the bus drivers in Curitiba. Two measurements were taken inside 25 buses, the first close to the driver and the second at the back of the bus. In 23 buses the noise exposure of drivers was ‘acceptable’ according to the definition of the Occupational Health Standard of the Brazilian Ministry of Labor. On the other hand, the normalized exposure levels were all over 65 dB(A) in all cases making the work environment ‘uncomfortable’ according to the Brazilian Legislation for Ergonomics (NR-17). The year of manufacture and the location of the engine are relevant factors in determining the noise inflicted on drivers.  相似文献   

This article explores the effects of perceived green value, perceived green usefulness, perceived pleasure to use, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control on green loyalty to a public bike system. The mediators between perceived green value and green loyalty and a moderator of general attitude toward protecting the natural environment are also discussed. The aim of this research was to understand how to establish green loyalty via the other dimensions based on the sustainable modified technology acceptance model (modified TAM), the theory of planned behavior (TPB), and a moderator. The findings reveal that perceived pleasure to use and subjective norms have the strongest power to influence loyalty for both users and non-users. The implications of this finding are that fun in people’s lives has a strong influence on sustainable continuous use of public bikes, and that subjective norms are more effective for non-users. In addition, environmental attitude has stronger moderating effects for non-users than for users on perceived green usefulness, perceived pleasure and subjective norms. Therefore, governmental policies should promote the attitude of protecting the natural environment, perceptions of pleasure, and subjective norms so as to increase green loyalty to public bike-sharing.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop an innovative and comprehensive transport evaluation criterion to better account for equity considerations in transport project evaluation. This work explores transportation benefits from the consumer’s perspective to accessibility as a key benefit generated by any transportation project. To assess the full benefits of transportation project implementation for various consumers and calculate the improvement in accessibility, it is best to use Activity-Based Models (ABM). ABMs have two important advantages for equity analysis, which have not been utilized in the literature so far: first, ability to analyze results by various groups of the population; second, these models can utilize the Activity Based Accessibility (ABA) measure to estimate the overall benefits from transport investments and policies. The ABA measure allows one person to have different accessibilities for different choice situations, depending on his/her characteristics. We suggest including social and spatial factors in social welfare assessment by introducing the concept of accessibility gains to key social activities. Specifically, it is suggested to incorporate subjective well-being consideration into a new evaluation framework “Equity Benefit Analysis” (EBA). we use an alternative measure, “Subjective Value of Accessibility gains” (SVOA), which is based on the ABM accessibility measure as well as on Subjective Well-Being (SWB) measure, as the key benefit taken into account in the evaluation process. The SVOA is not intended to replace the current practice of analyzing equity by comparing various impacts on different groups of the population, but can aid by providing policymakers with a single measure advancing both equity and efficiency considerations and facilitating comparison among alternatives. Initial case study results indicate the SVOA can show higher benefits to policies focusing on the needs of vulnerable social groups that compared traditional measures.  相似文献   

Airport expansion is an issue of intense public debate due to the potential impacts on climate change and the quality of life of affected local communities. This paper is the first study to analyse the relationships between airports and multiple subjective wellbeing measures, by merging national-level population statistics with noise measurement maps for seventeen English airports. The presence of daytime aviation noise was found to consistently negatively impact on five subjective wellbeing measures. We found a marginal negative association with every additional decibel of aircraft noise. We found no significant association between wellbeing and living within night-time noise contours or living in close airport proximity. We conclude that living under air traffic flight paths has a negative effect on peoples’ overall and momentary wellbeing, equivalent to around half the effect of being a smoker for some wellbeing measures. The subjective wellbeing method findings support wider revealed preference literature showing lower market demand in areas affected by aviation noise.  相似文献   

This paper discusses various issues in the implementation of a local market for aircraft noise licenses to solve the noise externalities harming the residents located near airports. The design of such markets is affected by aircraft heterogeneity, wind contingencies, peak times, runways capacity constraints, hub strategies, and airport planning is discussed.  相似文献   

Environmental noise is a growing concern for urban planners and public health experts. Continuous noise exposure has implications for people’s physical and mental health. Urban planning strategies are also involved in the need for regular noise assessments within urban areas. The objective of this study is to evaluate the exposure to noise of vulnerable population groups in the city of Barcelona, and to determine whether they are affected by an environmental inequity regarding this nuisance. Assessment of noise levels was performed by two methods of analysis—real measures and simulation—in order to build the noise database at block level for the 10 districts of the city. The results obtained by various statistical tests and spatial regression analysis show that children and low-income individuals are not affected by environmental inequity. On the other hand, we found a positive relationship between noise levels and the other groups considered: namely, the unemployed and people over age 65.  相似文献   

This paper reports upon a survey of traffic noise annoyance in three residential districts of Trinidad, West Indies. Householder perceptions were solicited by means of a questionnaire survey and direct measurements of traffic noise levels were taken. The results were compared with surveys elsewhere. It was concluded that household status had little effect on annoyance perception, that at L10 levels greater than 70 dB(A) at a dwelling facade the noise level is unacceptable. L10 levels less than 65 dB(A) at the building facade are not perceived as annoying in the environment considered.  相似文献   

This study aimed to improve the spatial and temporal transferability of the real-time crash risk prediction models by using the Bayesian updating approach. Data from California’s I-880N freeway in 2002 and 2009 and the I-5N freeway in 2009 were used. The crash risk models for these three datasets are quite different from each other. The model parameters do not remain stable over time or space. The transferability evaluation results show that the crash risk models cannot be directly transferred across time and space. The updating results indicate that the Bayesian updating approach is effective in improving both spatial and temporal transferability even when new data are limited. The predictive performance of the updated model increases with an increase in the sample size of the new data. In addition, when limited new data are available, updating an existing model is better than developing a model using the limited new data.  相似文献   

Reactions to aircraft noise resulting from an airport development vary considerably among individuals. This paper examines whether the noise level tolerated by individuals is affected when they compare their own situation to the situations of other people who are more severely affected by the noise. We modeled the individual noise tolerability by adopting the reference point concept and the value function of prospect theory. A questionnaire assessed different levels of noise-affected zones at a hypothetical airport. Individual noise tolerable level was measured by a prerecorded aircraft noise presented via headphones. Decision-making associated with the reported satisfaction level regarding the changes in operational flight frequency settings at the airport. An interview survey was conducted with residents near Manila airport in the Philippines. We applied genetic algorithm to jointly estimate the parameters for noise tolerability model and the value function. Results showed that individuals tolerated more overhead flights when they considered the situations of other people worse affected by the noise than they were. The tendency of noise tolerability increased with the severity of noise exposure situations of other people, but lower reactions to noise escalation. We also observed diminishing sensitivity to changes in noise relative to the noise tolerable level. The aircraft noise tolerability and the consideration of noise exposure situations of other people appeared to be a vital aspect to be considered in airport noise management and policy.  相似文献   

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