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阐释了汽车铅酸蓄电池的几种充电方式;分析了每种充电方式的技术特点和注意事项,指出在对蓄电池充电时必须根据不同的情况选择适当的方式才能延长蓄电池的使用寿命。  相似文献   

阐释了汽车铅酸蓄电池几种充电方式。结合每一种充电方式的技术特点、注意事项,在对蓄电池充电时,必须根据不同的情况选择适当的方式,才能延长蓄电池的使用寿命。  相似文献   

详细介绍汽车起动用铅酸蓄电池型号的表示方法、正负极柱的识别、检测用仪表、充电方法、连接方式、技术状态分析、常见故障修理及正确使用与维护的经验,并列举了大量的蓄电池型号和技术参数。  相似文献   

铅酸蓄电池作为汽车产品普遍采用的核心零部件之一,起着十分重要的作用,若匹配不当,则会造成汽车静置时间短、容易亏电、低温冷起动困难等影响。文章介绍一种汽车铅酸蓄电池匹配计算方法,首先采用经验公式对蓄电池容量进行理论计算,以确定蓄电池的理论容量范围。然后根据蓄电池容量估算范围,同时考虑不同电解液温度和蓄电池放电电流对蓄电池容量的影响,通过汽车低温冷起动性能试验时蓄电池容量的减法计算,以起动次数和蓄电池剩余容量的多少评价蓄电池容量匹配的合理性,从而为车辆匹配经济可靠的蓄电池。最后,以某特种汽车低温冷起动蓄电池匹配计算为例介绍该方法的应用。该方法对汽车电气系统的设计人员有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

龙辉 《汽车运用》2014,(11):31-31
汽车铅酸蓄电池早期损坏的原因活性物质脱落蓄电池在正常使用中,由于极板要随着蓄电池反复充放电而反复膨胀和收缩,活性物质便会自动脱落,特别是正极板。在正常情况下,这种活性物质的脱落是缓慢的。危害不大,但如果使用不当,则会加速活性物质的脱落。例如,充电进入第二阶段后仍以大电流充电、充电终了时过充、在车上固定不牢而行车时剧烈振动、拆装时随便敲打、不适当地连续使用起动机而使极板拱曲变形、冬季大电流放电后不及时充电、电解液冻结等,都会造成活性物质严重脱落,使蓄电池过早损坏。自行放电蓄电池充足电后,在放置期间,电量自行消失,叫做自行放电。自行放电的现象有2种:一种是正常自行放电,另一种是故障性自行放电。正常自行放电是蓄电池在放置期间,电解液中的硫酸逐渐下沉,出现上下密度不均,致使本身产生了电势差,引起自行放电。这种自行放电比较缓慢,每昼夜也不会超过颧定容量的1%,但如果不定期进行充电,时间一长就会将电放完。故障性自行放电就是蓄电池充足电后,几天时间电量就自行放完。造成放电故障的主要原因是蓄电池内混入了比铅电位高的金属杂质,如铜、铁等,使蓄电池内部短路;另外,蓄电池上盖破裂或封胶不严,被溅出的电解液浸湿,也会在正、负极之间造成导电通路而自行放电。  相似文献   

肖艳 《汽车电器》2008,(10):56-61
介绍车用蓄电池常见故障的分析方法,阐述电解液量少或密度失调、铅酸蓄电池的内部短路、电池的内电阻过大、极板的硬化、负极板的钝化和收缩等故障现象及维护措施。  相似文献   

针对蓄电池放电能力随蓄电池电解液温度的下降而降低,导致特种车辆在极低温环境下无法正常起动。本文以某型特种车铅酸蓄电池空气加热系统结构为例,通过分析极低温环境下蓄电池周围加热空气的内流场和温度场,评价采用循环加热蓄电池周围空气的方法对蓄电池的加热效果,并通过实验对蓄电池电解液的加热效果进行验证。实验结果表明,采用循环加热蓄电池周围空气的方法,可在规定的起动准备时间内,显著提高铅酸蓄电池电解液的温度,使蓄电池极低温环境下的放电能力增加1.4倍,提高了车辆极低温环境下起动成功的概率。  相似文献   

为减少工业常用荷电状态(SOC)估计方法——安时法的累积误差,提出一种实时校正的锂离子电池SOC估计方法。在0~60℃,放电倍率1 C、2 C、3 C和0.33 C下,进行锂离子电池放电实验,测量了电压、电流、温度,建立了锂离子电池放电数据库。从该库获取上述放电温度、放电倍率范围,SOC值为20%、80%时的开路电压,以此两点引入一条关于电压与SOC的直线。以该直线上某点电压所对应SOC作为修正项,并引入修正因子α,来校正安时法所得剩余电量SOC估计值。与实验值对比,该SOC估计结果的误差小于4%,符合工业需求。  相似文献   

荷电状态校正算法主要用于电动汽车仿真程序中,调整蓄电池荷电状态的初值,使仿真结果更接近于汽车的真实性能。在分析荷电状态校正算法的基础上,应用电动汽车仿真软件ADVISOR对一混合动力轿车的实例分别进行了无荷电状态校正算法、线性荷电状态校正算法和零差值荷电状态校正算法的仿真,并且进行了比较和分析,最后对荷电状态校正算法的效果作了综合评价。  相似文献   

随着我国汽车产量、保有量的不断增长,汽车蓄电池的需求量不断增大,汽车起动型铅酸蓄电池产业处于增长期,起动蓄电池生产的发展带来了巨大的发展机遇。预计未来十年将以较快速度增长。  相似文献   

A novel regulation system for a vehicle generator and lead-acid battery is proposed in this paper. By integrating the regulation method, the output voltage of the generator is determined and controlled by the algorithm to save electrical energy and protect the lead-acid battery. The regulation algorithm is implemented in Matlab/Simulink, and the logic function of the system is verified using the dSPACE/AutoBox workbench. The experimental results show that the new algorithm improves the performance of the fuel economy of the vehicle and the battery state-of-health compared to the traditional control method.  相似文献   

在我国大力发展民用电动交通产品的背景下,蓄电池得到了广泛的应用,对其技术研发与使用管理方面的研究也在不断深入。本文研究了影响铅酸蓄电池快速充电效率的极化现象,产生的原因以及去除极化的措施和原则。有利于提高充电效率,延长电池寿命。  相似文献   

Vehicle dynamics control (VDC) systems require information about system variables, which cannot be directly measured, e.g. the wheel slip or the vehicle side-slip angle. This paper presents a new concept for the vehicle state estimation under the assumption that the vehicle is equipped with the standard VDC sensors. It is proposed to utilise an unscented Kalman filter for estimation purposes, since it is based on a numerically efficient nonlinear stochastic estimation technique. A planar two-track model is combined with the empiric Magic Formula in order to describe the vehicle and tyre behaviour. Moreover, an advanced vertical tyre load calculation method is developed that additionally considers the vertical tyre stiffness and increases the estimation accuracy. Experimental tests show good accuracy and robustness of the designed vehicle state estimation concept.  相似文献   

Fuel cell hybrid vehicles (FCHVs) have become one of the most promising candidates for future transportation due to current energy supply problem and environmental problem. Fuel economy is an important factor in FCHVs. In order to properly evaluate the fuel economy of an FCHV, the initial battery state of charge (SOC) and the final battery SOC have to be identical so that the effect of the battery energy usage on the fuel economy is neglected. In the simulation or in the real driving, however, the final battery SOC is usually different from the initial battery SOC, and the final battery SOC often depends on the power management strategy. To consider the difference between the two battery SOC values, the concept of equivalent fuel consumption is presented by two methods. One is based on the relationship between delta SOC and delta fuel consumption, and the other is based on the optimal control theory. Two rule-based power management strategies for an FCHV are presented, and for each strategy, the fuel economy is evaluated based on the two methods. The characteristics of the two methods are discussed and compared, and the superior one is selected based on the comparison.  相似文献   

A methodology is presented for estimating vehicle handling dynamics, which are important to control system design and safety measures. The methodology, which is based on an extended Kalman filter (EKF), makes it possible to estimate lateral vehicle states and tire forces on the basis of the results obtained from sinusoidal steering stroke tests that are widely used in the evaluation of vehicle and tire handling performances. This paper investigates the effect of vehicle-road system models on the estimation of lateral vehicle dynamics in the EKF. Various vehicle-road system models are considered in this study: vehicle models (2-DOF, 3-DOF, 4-DOF), tire models (linear, non-linear) and relaxation lengths. Handling tests are performed with a vehicle equipped with sensors that are widely used by vehicle and tire manufacturers for handling maneuvers. The test data are then used in the estimation of the EKF and identification of lateral tire model coefficients. The accuracy of the identified values is validated by comparing the RMS error between experimentally measured states and regenerated states simulated using the identified coefficients. The results show that the relaxation length of the tire model has a notable impact on the estimation of lateral vehicle dynamics.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new method is presented for estimating the current sprung mass inertial parameters of a vehicle, such as the mass, pitch and roll mass moments of inertia, and lateral and longitudinal centre of gravity locations. The method measures the sprung mass response when the vehicle is driven over an unknown and unmeasured random road profile. From these measurements, the equivalent free-decay responses are extracted and modal analysis techniques used to estimate the sprung mass natural frequencies, damping ratios and mode shapes. This information is combined with a simplified vehicle estimation model, least squares analysis and known equivalent stiffness parameters to estimate the vehicles’ inertial parameters. The results obtained from several simulation examples show that estimates of the inertial parameters generally have small relative errors.  相似文献   

Ever increasing demand for the petroleum is causing faster than expected oil shortages in the supply and demand balance around the world and furthermore, many specialists in the field of oil production such as Association for the Study of Peak Oil and World Energy Outlook are claiming that the petroleum is around the peak of its production (Figure 1). Such shortage made the greatest impact on the gasoline price hikes at the gas pump and thus, this impact was felt by the consumers severely and became the greatest motivation for automotive industries to strive to pioneer the researches for the next generation vehicle configurations ranging from HEV, PHEV, Pure EV to FCHEV (collectively noted as xEV). While the great deal of researches has been carried over the last few decades, it is still far from mass productions for consumer use except for the HEV mainly due to the high cost involved with other types of xEV configurations. Therefore, it is critical to design the vehicle to maximize the use of each component at its highest point regardless of any cost scenarios and it is clear that this optimization can only be achieved through the accurate energy balance simulation for a specific target vehicle prior to the actual hardware implementation. In this paper, it is our intention to introduce modified dynamic battery modeling scheme that would provide a more accurate way of simulating the battery behavior when used in the vehicle energy simulation system. Starting from a typical battery dynamic model to predict the voltage given an imposed current request, we have introduced a new scheme to establish the relationship between the voltage and the power (rather than the current) requested by the vehicle simulation system. The proposed scheme handles the power request from the vehicle simulator considering the dynamic battery characteristics and in turn, contributes to the better estimation of the current integrated energy usage and battery SOC level in the given battery dynamic system used in the vehicle energy simulation system.  相似文献   

电动汽车和车用电池性能相关参数分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
电动汽车要在性能上赶上或超过燃油汽车的水平,关键是提高电池的性能以适应电动汽车的有关参数的要求。通过对典型电动汽车的实例及各种电池性能参数的分析,找出它们的关系,为开发电动汽车选用电池提供参考。  相似文献   

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