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主动进气格栅作为汽车重要零件,其结构响应特性是汽车设计环节必须考虑的。以全开结构和全闭结构这两种典型格栅进气结构为目标,通过有限元方法对其进行力学分析,研究方法及结论可为工程设计提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

文章建立了主动进气格栅风压变形CAE模型,研究分析了主动轴布置、叶片刚度以及电机模型等对风压变形结果的影响。结合分析案例提出合理布置转轴位置、平衡各叶片间的刚度可有效降低主动进气格栅气流泄漏量,提升风阻性能。  相似文献   

随着国内新油耗法规的实施,节能减排成为了目前汽车发展的一项重要挑战。围绕这个目标,诞生了许多节能减排的技术,主动进气格栅就是其中的一项。主动进气格栅技术以较低的成本实现明显的节油效果。文章介绍了可见式主动进气格栅的优点、开发难点和解决措施,为后续的广泛应用提供参考。  相似文献   

通过定性及定量分析方法,分析了主动进气格栅(AGS)的不同开度对整车性能的影响。数据分析显示,低温时采用AGS可以减少暖机时间达到降低油耗的目的;高速时,采用AGS可以减少整车风阻,提高动力性,甚至在空调处于冷却功能时,依然可以控制AGS处于适当的开度减少风阻。此外,AGS对空调的暖风性能有显著提升效果。研究结果表明,通过优化控制策略,AGS可以达到提高整车经济性、动力性的目的。  相似文献   

文章介绍了某重型商用车匹配主动进气格栅的性能开发及验证工作.提出了通过三维CFD外流场仿真、整车经济性仿真、整车道路验及整车底盘测功机试验等多个维度,对主动进气格栅进行性能开发和验证的方法及流程.得出了重型商用车匹配主动进气格栅后整车性能变化的定量结论.  相似文献   

为应对日趋严格的国内油耗法规,某车型引用了主动进气格栅(Active Grille Shutter,AGS)技术。本文阐述了在NEDC工况下主动进气格栅对整车排放及油耗的实际影响,并通过实际道路行驶,进一步验证了主动进气格栅的节油效果。  相似文献   

基于计算流体动力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics,CFD)研究了前端主动进气格栅的叶片角度对于前舱冷却气流进气量的影响。主动进气格栅可以有效地降低整车风阻,但其对于前端开口面积的阻挡,会使前舱冷却气流有一定程度的下降。通过数值仿真法在造型固定的情况下,改变主动进气格栅叶片的角度,研究冷却气流进风量的变化和叶片角度的关系。研究发现,通过调整叶片角度,可以在相同的格栅开口下,获得更多的进气量。对比了不同角度下前舱流场的不同,分析了前舱进气流量增加的原因,为主动进气格栅的设计提供了方向。  相似文献   

主动进气格栅对于整车提升热管控效率与降低风阻贡献显著,尤其是新能源车型无上格栅造型趋势下进风需求更加难以达成,因此国内外的车企都在做有关技术研究。介绍一种增程新能源汽车外显式主动进气格栅的设计开发过程,包含了性能指标与功能定义、材料的选定与电机的选型、系统布置、结构拓扑优化设计,有效规避塑料结构本身注塑特性而产生的外观缺陷,对主动格栅叶片开启角度优化设计与控制策略设计。通过CAE分析结果与试验结果进行对比,验证产品的可靠性,为整车节能减排与无上格栅造型需要提供一种新的解决方案。  相似文献   

介绍了一套完整的主动进气格栅整车热管理控制策略平台架构和开发流程,基于多款纯电动汽车试验验证,充分利用大数据研究、理论分析、高低温环境舱试验匹配等手段,完成了对主动进气格栅整车热管理控制策略的正向开发,并结合纯电动车型热泵空调系统完成了整车能耗贡献量对比试验分析。研究表明,新开发的主动进气格栅整车热管理策略在常温、低温环境下均有较好的节能收益,高温环境下可及时响应整车热管理系统的散热需求,同时具备平台化应用的可行性。  相似文献   

基于QFT的四轮转向控制系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘奋  张建武  屈求真  黄宏成 《汽车工程》2002,24(1):68-72,55
本文提出一种基于定量反馈理论的主动控制四轮转向策略,以汽车转向时的横摆角速度和车体侧偏角为被控制量,将汽车的速度、质量、轮胎等效侧偏刚度等参数视为有界的不确定参数,应用定量反馈理论(QFT)设计反馈控制系统。为了验证设计的有效性,采用具有非线性轮胎特性的汽车模型对控制系统作了多种工况下的仿真。仿真结果证明所设计的解耦控制系统对汽车参数的不确定性具有鲁棒性,同时具有较好的控制特性,能够有效提高汽车的主动安全性和操纵稳定性。  相似文献   

本文设计一种基于CAN总线的车身中央控制系统,包括上位机与下位机实现通讯的适配器、中央控制器、组合仪表和故障诊断软件,并通过台架试验验证了系统的可行性。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a parametric sensitivity analysis of a five-axle tractor-semitrailer vehicle combination using 3-DOF linear yaw/plane model. The first order logarithmic sensitivity functions are derived with respect to several vehicle design parameters. For stabilization of the vehicle's directional behaviour a fairly new control concept called “Active Unilateral Braking Control (AUBC)” acting on the tractor rear wheel's in order to produce a stabilizing yaw torque is investigated. The AUBC system improves not only the directional stability, but also affects the roll dynamics of the vehicle. The sensitivity of the controlled vehicle system with linear quadratic controller (LQR) is also examined, a robust controller design procedure is proposed as a result of the sensitivity analysis. The robustness of this controller in the presence of both internal (including parametric uncertainties, non-linear dynamics) and external disturbances (such as road irregularities and side wind) allows its implementation with confidence with a non-linear vehicle model. The applicability of this control system to a non-linear vehicle model is tested using a 34 DOF, non-linear vehicle model of the tractor-semitrailer combination.  相似文献   


This paper presents the results of a parametric sensitivity analysis of a five-axle tractor-semitrailer vehicle combination using 3-DOF linear yaw/plane model. The first order logarithmic sensitivity functions are derived with respect to several vehicle design parameters. For stabilization of the vehicle's directional behaviour a fairly new control concept called “Active Unilateral Braking Control (AUBC)” acting on the tractor rear wheel's in order to produce a stabilizing yaw torque is investigated. The AUBC system improves not only the directional stability, but also affects the roll dynamics of the vehicle. The sensitivity of the controlled vehicle system with linear quadratic controller (LQR) is also examined, a robust controller design procedure is proposed as a result of the sensitivity analysis. The robustness of this controller in the presence of both internal (including parametric uncertainties, non-linear dynamics) and external disturbances (such as road irregularities and side wind) allows its implementation with confidence with a non-linear vehicle model. The applicability of this control system to a non-linear vehicle model is tested using a 34 DOF, non-linear vehicle model of the tractor-semitrailer combination.  相似文献   

为研究半挂汽车列车在高速大转向等极限操作工况下的横摆稳定性控制问题,建立了14自由度的半挂汽车列车非线性仿真模型;提出了牵引车与半挂车独立直接横摆力矩控制的横摆稳定性控制方案,通过牵引车和半挂车车轮的合理选择和主动制动实现横摆控制;以跟踪参考模型的稳态横摆响应为目标,设计了PI横摆稳定性控制器,对牵引车和半挂车分别设计了目标制动车轮的选择决策规则。单移线操作仿真结果表明,基于主动制动的横摆力矩控制可有效改善极限工况下半挂汽车列车的横摆稳定性,牵引车与半挂车进行独立横摆控制可以减小制动车轮选择决策的复杂性,而获得较好的控制效果。  相似文献   

An optimal control design method is introduced and then applied to the optimum design of active and passive suspension systems. A basic three-dimensional 7-DOF car riding model subjected to four correlated random road inputs is considered. The design method is basically developed to allow arbitrary choice of sensors for various car state variables to be used for feedback control of each suspension unit. Previous studies show that full-state control laws and even some limited-state control laws often include feedback gains which are almost zero. Some other gains, although not zero, don't play an important role in improving the system performance measures. With the method proposed in this work, every suspension unit can have its own feedback measurements and the criterion function can be related to all state and control variables. Thus a large number of active and semi-active suspension systems with full- or limited-state control laws based on different measurement combination can be suggested, studied, and compared with each other. Instead of comparing these optimized active and semi-active suspension systems with a basic, passive suspension, the passive system itself is optimized with the same criterion. Simulations in the time domain and frequency analyses are performed, and comparisons are made among the systems in terms of r.m.s. car response measures and ISO riding comfort criterion.  相似文献   

对于四轮转向汽车,基于2自由度线性车辆模型设计了用于路径自动跟踪的最优控制算法.在Matlab/Simulink中以2自由度非线性车辆模型作为被控对象对控制算法进行仿真评价,仿真模型中对最优控制算法所确定的前、后轮转角分别施加一个惯性环节.双移线和蛇行工况下的仿真结果表明,路径和横摆角速度跟踪效果好,质心侧偏角得到有效抑制.该最优控制算法实现了四轮转向车辆的低速反相转向和高速同相转向.  相似文献   

智能电动汽车的发展对制动系统的主动制动和再生制动能力提出了更高的要求.配备真空助力器的传统制动系统难以满足智能电动汽车的需求,因此逐渐被线控制动系统所取代.为提高线控制动系统的集成度与解耦能力,提出了一种新型集成式电液制动系统(Integrated Braking Control System,IBC),能够实现主动制...  相似文献   

在介绍结构主动控制系统基本组成的基础上,以南京长江二桥为例,对大跨度斜拉桥AMD系统的参数进行设计和优化,着重分析了不同的质量块质量和弹簧刚度对目标函数和作动器最大出力的影响,推荐出适合南京长江二桥的AMD系统的基本参数。  相似文献   

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