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From the moment e-shopping emerged, there have been speculations about its impact on personal mobility. A fair amount of research has already been carried out on Internet shopping itself as well as on its consequences for mobility. Most studies focus on the overall impact of online shopping on personal mobility. However, little is known about how personal shopping mobility can be characterised when differentiating its constituent stages, being browsing/orienting, comparing, selecting and purchasing products, and how this is affected by e-shopping. This will be the main topic of this paper. We will investigate this using recently collected data from the Netherlands Mobility Panel [in Dutch: MobiliteitsPanel Nederland (MPN)]. It is the unique combination of reported shopping trips in the three-day travel diary, the large amount of personal and household characteristics combined with the detailed information from the e-shopping questionnaire that enables us to perform this research. Using factor analysis, we explore the underlying factors related to the browsing and selection behaviour prior to the purchase of a product. Using these factors as a starting point, we apply cluster analysis resulting in three homogeneous groups of shoppers with different pre-purchase shopping behaviour. The groups differ clearly with respect to personal and household characteristics, in the frequency with which they buy and sell products online and in their perception of (dis-)advantages of online shopping. Once relevant groups have been distinguished and characterised, differences in shopping-related mobility between them are studied in two different ways. Firstly, we analyse statements from shoppers on how their shopping-related mobility has changed. Secondly, we analyse shopping trips reported in the three-day travel diary. Only one group, which consists of shoppers that rely on the Internet to search for product information, compare prices and get new product ideas, states that their shopping-related travel behaviour has changed since they started shopping online. Approximately 50% of all shoppers experienced no difference in their shopping mobility. The analysis of actual shopping mobility using the travel diary data showed only minor differences in shopping-related travel behaviour between the identified groups. Finally, we fit a multi-variate linear regression model of shopping trip distance to determine if (e)-shopping characteristics influence trip distances. The frequency with which people shop online as well as some stated changes in shopping-related travel behaviour (shopping in a similar manner and shopping longer) turn out to influence non-grocery shopping trip distance. No significant influence could be found of shopping cluster membership on shopping trip distances.



As the airport retail industry continues to grow due to increasing travel demands, airport operators are increasingly developing their retail revenue potential to ensure financial viability. This study aims to provide a review of airport retail literature and identify the salient factors associated with passenger shopping behaviour. The paper presents a review of contemporary airport retail literature, covering a total of 50 studies from 1998 to 2018. The review identified 26 factors, which could broadly be grouped into five categories: airport/operator related; passengers' demographic related; passengers’ travel related; passengers’ psychological related and passengers’ resources related. In addition to providing a summary of the statistically significant factors across studies, the review identifies and discusses potential approaches for future research. These include the importance of considering both “to spend or not” decision and how much to spend and how most empirical studies focussed on the former; the gap in empirical analysis on the impact of airport terminal design layout on retail performance; and the gap in application of general consumer shopping behavioural models to airport retail problems. The paper concludes with the suggestion that we can build on the existing studies to develop a hybrid approach to solve several of the identified gaps simultaneously.  相似文献   

This paper compares transport-related CO2 emissions of online and brick-and-mortar shopping based on supply, delivery, order and travel data related to one multi-channel clothing retailer. A sensitivity analysis sheds more light on how situational factors, such as the customers’ travel distances, returns, the use of public transport modes and information behavior via different channels influence the outcome of this comparison. The results show that online retailing causes lower CO2 emissions under many conditions. Nevertheless, the brick-and-mortar channel is more environmentally friendly when travel distances are small. The radius for which brick-and-mortar shopping has an advantage increases when returns, shifts in the use of public transport and information behavior are also considered.  相似文献   


Online retailing is growing fast and claims are being made about its positive environmental impact relative to traditional shopping, particularly by the retailers themselves. There is, however, little concrete evidence to support the claims. Whilst there exists some research into the passenger travel implications of e‐shopping, this paper seeks to analyse the issues involved in online shopping from both a passenger and freight transport perspective. The objectives of the paper are first, to set out the complex transport relationships involved in online shopping and in particular the interaction between the passenger and freight aspects and second, to shed some light on the environmental impact of online shopping. It concludes that as things currently stand, it cannot be stated with any degree of certainty that clicks are any more environmentally responsible than bricks. The paper is conceptual in nature and is the pre‐cursor to an empirical study of the issue.  相似文献   

A time-dependent model for commercial activity location and travel demand is developed based on the assumptions that instantaneous interzonal shopping travel demand can be described by a gravity formulation, whereas the incremental individual zonal retail space allocations are such that they maximize the aggregate, net resulting profit from retail sales. Over time, link travel costs are updated as a function of the current link volumes, whereas commercial space development costs are updated as a function of current zonal activity levels. Constraints on commercial space allocation are at the individual zonal level, as well as at the aggregate level of the overall area. The objective function for the corresponding mathematical program is then linearized, and the model programmed for implementation using a linear programming routine. The results of several simulations illustrate the dynamic impacts various urban development policies have on commercial activity location. In particular, periodic oscillations in zonal activity levels, as well as sudden changes in the spatial pattern of interzonal shopping travel, may appear for certain model parameter values. Several directions for future refinement of the model, including inclusion of economic variables and interaction with other urban activities, are discussed in conclusion.  相似文献   

Despite growing prevalence of online shopping, its impacts on mobility are poorly understood. This partially results from the lack of sufficiently detailed data. In this paper we address this gap using consumer panel data, a new dataset for this context. We analyse one year long longitudinal grocery shopping purchase data from London shoppers to investigate the effects of online shopping on overall shopping activity patterns and personal trips. We characterise the temporal structure of shopping demand by means of the duration between shopping episodes using hazard-based duration models. These models have been used to study inter-shopping spells for traditional shopping in the literature, however effects of online shopping were not considered. Here, we differentiate between shopping events and shopping trips. The former refers to all types of shopping activity including both online and in-store, while the latter is restricted to physical shopping trips. Separate models were estimated for each and results suggest potential substitution effects between online and in-store in the context of grocery shopping. We find that having shopped online since the last shopping trip significantly reduces the likelihood of a physical shopping trip. We do not observe the same effect for inter-event durations. Hence, shopping online does not have a significant effect on overall shopping activity frequency, yet affects shopping trip rates. This is a key finding and suggests potential substitution between online shopping and physical trips to the store. Additional insights on which factors, including basket size and demographics, affect inter-shopping durations are also drawn.  相似文献   

This study explores the growth of electronic home shopping in terms of likely transportation and communication interactions. Although opportunities exist to shop from home today, most consumers initiate travel trips to stores or markets. Widespread use of automobiles has facilitated the retailing configurations we know today but the development of new electronic networks could change this. This study establishes a baseline to explore shopping activities using two‐day travel activity data from a large U.S. metropolitan area. It is found that people who telework from home today spend more time engaged in shopping activities than other workers. Potentially, their saved work travel is converted into new trips. In the future, saved shopping travel might be converted into other types of travel, and modelling results show that for busy working women, there is a latent demand for maintenance‐related activities. The study results suggest that electronic home shopping will bring into play complex interactions between communications and transportation.  相似文献   

Personal travel is undertaken principally as a means of access. The Internet now provides an additional form of access, enabling many activities to be reached without recourse to physical mobility by the individual undertaking the activity. However, the social and transport effects of this ‘virtual mobility’ are uncertain. Here, it is argued that the incidence and properties of multitasking are a necessary part of the assessment of such impacts. Participation in activities and, thus, change in activity participation will not be fully measured without consideration of multitasking. This paper presents a review, empirical evidence and discussion to support this hypothesis. Emergent from an examination of the literature and examined by new empirical evidence are three observations: (1) failure to consider multitasking leads to the underreporting of key activities; (2) misrepresentation of activity participation tends to be more pronounced for certain groups; (3) lack of awareness of multitasking could lead to flawed measurement and misrepresentation of behaviour change. Further to these observations, study findings suggest that multitasking behaviour varies according to whether the primary activity is being undertaken online or offline. Thus, the consideration of multitasking is likely to have important implications for the study of travel, Internet use and interactions between the two.  相似文献   

At the outset of this research, two fields of transport research were in the ascendant. The first reflected technological change, considering the growth of new information and communications technologies and their impacts for transport systems and travel behaviour. The second reflected social change, considering the growth in inequality and disadvantage and the contribution of transport systems and travel behaviour to the same. This paper investigates a potential link between the two, exploring the hypothesis that virtual mobility, via the Internet, could provide a viable alternative to physical mobility in reducing mobility-related social exclusion. The paper presents data from a longitudinal, panel-based diary study. Results support the hypothesis that virtual mobility can provide a viable alternative to physical mobility in reducing aspects of mobility-related exclusion, by providing additional accessibility (virtual accessibility) without an increase in physical mobility. Furthermore, there is no evidence in this research to support a link between physical mobility and virtual mobility; and no evidence to suggest a negative effect of virtual mobility for sociability.  相似文献   

Activity generation models are relatively poorly developed in activity-based travel demand modelling frameworks. This research investigates whether observed distributions of activity attributes (activity frequency, start time and duration) used as inputs in the activity generation component of an activity-based travel demand model have changed over time. This research empirically examines changes in the distributions of activity generation attributes over time in the Greater Montreal area (GMA), Quebec, Canada. It also focuses on how these attributes vary with peoples’ socio-demographic characteristics. This research relies on the 1998, 2003 and 2008 origin–destination (O–D) household travel surveys of the GMA. The comparative analysis at three time points in a 10-year period clearly reveals that distributions of activity attributes are significantly changing over time. Work and school activities show similar trends; frequency “1” has increased and frequency “2+” has decreased over time. The occurrence of shopping activity on weekdays is decreasing over time. Start time and duration distributions for each activity have also changed significantly over time. The research allows preparing activity attributes for the application of an activity-based model, TASHA, such that they reflect temporal changes in travel behaviour of the GMA.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of ecommerce brings great changes to the transportation system. However, most existing studies focus on the impact of ecommerce on freight system. Its impact on personal trips is relatively less studied. It is reasonable to argue that online shopping reduces the need of shopping trips by making goods accessible via door-to-door deliveries. On the other hand, online shopping may also create more shopping trips as online shoppers travel to stores to experience, compare or pick up the goods. Understanding the connections between online shopping and shopping trips is critical for transportation planners to prepare for changes that information technology will continue to bring to this nation in the future. Using the 2009 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) data and a structural equation model (SEM), this paper disentangles the bidirectional connections between online shopping and shopping trips. Results show that online shopping encourages shopping trips while shopping trips tend to suppress the online shopping propensity. Besides, both online shopping and shopping trips are influenced by exogenous factors such as shoppers’ demographic features, regional specific factors and household attributes. A closer examination at the state level further confirms model validity while disclosing spatial variation in their relationship.  相似文献   


Despite considerable examination of the impact of telecommunications on travel, little empirical evidence sheds light on the impact of e‐shopping on travel—a recent and increasingly popular form of telecommunications. This paper analyses determinants of online buying and their relationship with in‐store shopping, using empirical data obtained from Minneapolis, USA, and Utrecht, the Netherlands. Based on chi‐square tests and logistic and ordinary least‐squares regressions, the results indicate that online buying is affected by sociodemographics and spatial characteristics of people, their Internet experience, and their attitudes towards in‐store shopping. US respondents who prefer to see products in person are less likely to buy online. Dutch respondents are more likely to buy online as travel times to shops are shorter. At first sight, this counterintuitive result might be related to an urban, innovative lifestyle that supports e‐shopping. A more detailed analysis of Dutch online buyers reveals that they make more shopping trips than non‐online buyers and have a shorter shopping duration. The results indicate that the relationship between online buying and in‐store shopping is not one of substitution but of complementarity.  相似文献   

The links between urban form and travel behaviour have been widely studied in the field of travel demand management. However, the existing literature is dominated by case studies from the developed countries. A study of a city in a developing and industrialising country can add some fresh evidence to the debate on the impacts of urban form on travel patterns. Using household survey data from Beijing, this paper finds that aspects of urban form have significant effects on workers' car use and the duration of travel by car in journeys to work, while controlling for socio-economic factors and households’ preferences related to residential location. The sprawling patterns of land development play a negative role in reducing motorised commuting trips and shortening vehicle hours travelled in the current processes of rapid urban expansion and motorisation. Since urban sprawl is greatly influenced by growing market forces, the findings in this paper reveal the negative effects of regulation–liberation of land development management on travel behaviour modification.  相似文献   

Yu Ding  Huapu Lu 《Transportation》2017,44(2):311-324
Accompanying the widespread use of the Internet, the popularity of e-commerce is growing in developing countries such as China. Online shopping has significant effects on in-store shopping and on other personal activity travel behavior such as leisure activities and trip chaining behavior. Using data collected from a GPS-based activity travel diary in the Shangdi area of Beijing, this paper investigates the relationships between online shopping, in-store shopping and other dimensions of activity travel behavior using a structural equation modelling framework. Our results show that online buying frequency has positive effects on the frequencies of both in-store shopping and online searching, and in-store shopping frequency positively affects the frequency of online searching. Frequent online purchasers tend to shop in stores on weekends rather than weekdays. We also found a negative effect of online buying on the frequency of leisure activities, indicating that online shopping may reduce out-of-home leisure trips.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between land use and shopping tour generation using an activity-based shopping model that captures the effects of land use patterns on household decisions of shopping tour frequency, tour scheduling and mode choice. The model was calibrated using travel data collected in three traditional neighborhoods located in the Puget Sound region, WA, and shopping travel patterns across seven common household structures were analyzed. The results reveal that land use patterns have virtually no impact on overall shopping tour frequency. However, land use does seem to be associated with decisions about the type of shopping tours undertaken. For example, households with poorer accessibility tend to make fewer one-stop shopping tours, and are more likely to combine shoppingtrips with other trips to form multi-stop shopping tours as a means of compensating for locational deficiencies. Finally, we also found that traditional neighborhood residents who live closer to the neighborhood commercial street, and thus, have greater accessibility, are more inclined to use non-auto modes for one-stop shopping tours.  相似文献   

A review of the retailing and transportation literature shows that there is an apparently large research gap in the understanding of shoppers’ attitudes towards transport modes for shopping purposes. In particular, not many studies have been done to examine shoppers’ detailed and disaggregated attitudinal image structures of the various transport modes for shopping purposes. Using Singapore as a study area, this paper has attempted to investigate shoppers’ image structure of transport modes and their comparative perception ratings for the various modes of transportation for shopping purposes. Using principal component analysis, the research has unveiled the perceptions of five transport modes for shopping purposes. While some of the factors are unique to certain transport modes, other factors, namely ‘suitability’, ‘practicality’, ‘ease of travel’ and ‘cost’, are common to all modes of transportation. By way of the weighted‐factor rating, the study found that the car recorded the highest overall perception rating while the bus rated the lowest. In addition, the shoppers have reasonably good perception of public transport modes in Singapore.  相似文献   

Unmet travel needs can be defined as trips and activities that people need or would like to do more, but for a variety of reasons they are prevented from doing so. This paper provides a critical evaluation of the literature focused on unmet travel needs, with the aim of assessing the scope of existing studies on this topic and better understanding the full context of older people’s mobility. This narrative review identifies how travel needs in later life have been assessed, and the barriers that affect the ability of older people to fulfil these needs. Due to the heterogeneity of older people and differences in research approaches, the analysis of the literature is not conclusive in terms of identifying the real impact of the analysed variables and measures on unrealised mobility. Nevertheless, of the studies analysed, on average at least one-third of older people report unmet travel needs. This situation was found to worsen with age, and women were reported to be more affected than men. The pursuit of leisure, and in particular visiting friends and family, was found to be the activity most associated with unmet travel needs.  相似文献   

Jacek Pawlak 《运输评论》2020,40(4):429-456

Travel-based multitasking, also referred to as travel time use, is now a well-established concept, whose existence is supported by the technological trajectories, with mobile information and communication technologies (ICT) and vehicle automation working together to allow travel time to be more productive and enjoyable. Despite existence of reviews of travel-time multitasking studies, the systematic overview of the role digital activities, i.e. those that necessarily require modern ICT equipment to participate, has been limited, often wrapped under the umbrella term “use of ICT”, potentially obscuring their complexity and sophistication. Similarly, the role of connectivity and its attributes, e.g. speed (bandwidth), reliability, price, ease of use, data allowance or security, deserves a more systematic overview given its key role in enabling digital online activities and hence the travel-based multitasking options. This paper provides a review of 77 empirical travel-based multitasking-studies that explored the role of digital activities or connectivity. In particular, the review discusses the existing typologies of digital activities, dividing them into hardware-centric, function-centric or a combination of both (mixed). Subsequently, key contributions are discussed with respect to the treatment of digital activities and connectivity and its attributes. Based on the review, it is possible to observe that the existing studies have looked only at a handful of rather restricted online activities that do not sufficiently capture the sophistication with which individuals interact with the virtual world nowadays. Furthermore, the role of connectivity, although deeply embedded in the “C” of the “ICT” concept, has not been looked at or modelled in any detail in studies related to travel time use or its quality. This existing shortcoming might have resulted in an insufficient understanding of the mechanisms driving travel time use, the associated experience indicators of customer satisfaction, productivity or the consequences for relative attractiveness of transport modes. All of these considerations remain, however, crucial for designing, appraising and operating transport infrastructure and services that are able to take the advantage of lifestyle digitisation to meet the increasing customer needs while also delivering broader economic, social benefits and possibly also environmental benefits.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of passenger characteristics and terminal layout on airport retail revenue using an agent-based simulation approach. Simulation results show that passenger mix (that is, the mix of shopper types according to a typology of airport shoppers) has a profound effect on airport retail revenue; the larger the number of ‘shopping lovers’ there are among passengers, the higher the airport retail revenue. Results also reveal that group travel can lead to negative effects on retail in certain terminal layouts, and that the amount of free dwell time that a passenger has can affect spending due to less retail engagement. This paper shows a combined effect of passenger characteristics and terminal layout on airport retail revenue, and discusses the implications of these results for future airport terminal design that aims to maximise retail potential.  相似文献   

This paper presents a state-of-the practice neighborhood shopping travel demand model. The model structure is designed to incorporate decisions across five dimensions of shopping travel, including decisions of: (1) household tour frequency; (2) participating party; (3) shopping tour type; (4) mode, and (5) destination choices using a tour-based nested-logit model. As a neighborhood model, we have also captured the interrelated effects of three main factors associated with shopping travel decisions both within and outside of the neighborhood, including the residential location within the neighborhood, the neighborhood regional setting and the household structure. The model was validated using the travel data collected in three neighborhoods located in the Puget Sound region, WA. Results show that household socio-demographics have significant effects on the decisions for household tour frequency, mode and destination choices, while the characteristics of the traveling party have considerable impacts on the decisions for tour type. The level of service and the zone attractions influence decisions about mode and destination choices. The day of week variable (weekday versus weekend) is statistically significant in all models, indicating that weekday shopping travel decisions differ from weekend, across all five dimensions of interest. The paper concludes with a discussion about how the model can be used to examine policy-related neighborhood issues (e.g. accessibility).  相似文献   

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