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本文结合R&D的理论和实证研究,从R&D活动的机理出发阐述R&D活动以及R&D溢出与储存对经济持续发展的推动作用.  相似文献   

进入20世纪90年代,在经历了对华投资的考察试探阶段和经验积累阶段之后,为了构筑在中国市场上的技术竞争优势,跨国公司纷纷利用中国在市场空间与科技人才上的比较优势,逐渐将中国纳入其全球R&D网络中。据调查,在2005至2007年间,跨国公司在R&D投资中,46%的企业倾向于在中国建立独立的R&D中心,33%的跨国公司倾向将更多先进技术引进中国R&D,33%的企业计  相似文献   

国际汽车专家预测,不久将来,中国将成为全球汽车制造业的基地,同时也将是全球汽车R&D活动的一个重心  相似文献   

根据工业企业科研分类及其特征,通过对国外企业R&D的实证统计、管理模式和提高功效措施的分析,提出一汽集团公司科技管理应采取集中管理与分散管理相结合的模式,搞好横向间的科技合作,协调好三类科研的关系,进行可靠的科研成果评估,做好企业R&D规划。  相似文献   

本文将数据包络分析的理论与方法应用于黑龙江省R&D三大执行机构的投入产出效率评价中,通过对2001-2005年三大执行机构R&D投入产出数据的分析、评价,得出结论表明,科研院所的效率最高,高校其次,大中型工业企业居后,但总体上是活跃而高效的,并提出了继续保持高效产出的对策.  相似文献   

Profile of CARI     
Established in 1957 and located in Changchun, Changchun Automobile Research Institute (CARI) one of the important R & D organizations in China is mainly responsible for the R&D of auto products of FAW group.  相似文献   

SAIC SAIC saw its total sales reach 1,340,000 units last year, including 911,000 passenger cars (413,400 from Shanghai GM and 352,000 by Shanghai VW). It is going to consolidate its leading role by perfecting brand management and strengthening the R& D.  相似文献   

进入20世纪90年代,在经历了对华投资的考察试探阶段和经验积累阶段之后,为了构筑在中国市场上的技术竞争优势,跨国公司纷纷利用中国在市场空间与科技人才上的比较优势,逐渐将中国纳入其全球R&D网络中.……  相似文献   

AIB of MMI said recently according to the Industrial Policy of Motor Industry, those enterprises (groups) of motor vehicles, motorcycles and parts & components with independent R&D capabilities, the considerable production capacities and marketshares will be strongly supported by the Chinese Government to achieve the production with economic scale in the future.  相似文献   

In recent years, in consideration of resources and environment, the whole world is paying close attention to the development of electric vehicle (EV). The industrialized counties are investing a large amount of funds into the R&D of EV. China, although a developing country, has also actively initiated such under-takings.  相似文献   

Established on Jan. 23, 1986 and designated as a R&D institution of State-class enterprise in 1994, the Technical Center (TC) of China National Heavy-duty Truck Corp. (CNHTC) which is located in Jinan City, Shandong province is a comprehensive base for scientific research of CNHTC engaging in product development, scientific experiments, vehicle quality inspection, computer application and informa  相似文献   

The Annual Work Meeting on China Auto Industry was held from Jan. 20 to 21 of 1996 in Beijing. Participated by the officials from the Ministry of Machinery Industry (MMI) and more than 150 delegates from the local authorities in charge, the main auto enterprises, R&D institutes, universities & colleges, and other kind of organizations, etc.. Having Reviewed the experiences & achievements during the 8th Five-Year Plan period and in 1995, the  相似文献   

《China Auto Industry Yearbook》(1997) details the essential events and the important policies of China auto in-dustry in 1996, offers experiences of reform and management, incorporates basic statistics of the industry with R&D, standards, technology introduction, Q/C, safety, emission involved. It is a most comprehensive tool for readers home and abroad to know China auto industry. Price: USD 90 (Price includes postage & package) 《China Auto Industry》(1997), a Chinese-English bilingual publication, highlights the developments seen in  相似文献   

The development of clean vehicles is a significant strategic measure in maintaining national energy security, protecting the environment and adopting scientific development ideas. In the tenth five-year plan period, the Chinese government has allocated more than US$ 123.3 million on the R&D and promotion work. Now, gasoline/diesel, single natural gas and LPG, DME and alcohol/diesel vehicles meeting the Euro III have all succeeded and some of them are in use now. The key programs of elect…  相似文献   

<正>复古骑行,最早起源于英国伦敦的粗花呢骑行会(Tweed Run),是以复古英伦着装为主题的小规模骑行。目前,这种“有范儿的骑行活动”已经风靡世界各地。以北京、上海、广州为首的城市近年来也开始盛行复古骑行。国内复古骑行规模逐渐扩大,越来越多的人开始热衷于复古文化。提到复古自行车中最具代表性的单品,那大行BOARDWALK D5一定会榜上有名。D5整车采用的是铬钼钢车架,  相似文献   

拜《头文字D》的动画所赐,以及日本,D1的大力推展,漂移这个运动如火如荼地在世界各地火红起来,狂热程度绝不亚于NBA、足球,其它活动,甚至连F1都不遑多让。  相似文献   

<正>第四届北京自行车文化节(以下简称文化节)于6月26日在北京延庆八达岭国际会展中心拉开帷幕,这也是自行车文化节落户北京延庆的第二年。文化节是中国自行车协会着力打造的一个展示自行车文化的活动,"文化性、专业性、创新性"是本届文化节的三大特点。在今年的文化节上,不仅有传统的活动项目,还有许多新鲜的元素,例如现场的趣味3D立体画、"骑聚京城助力申奥"骑行活动,以及同期举办的第五届北京国际自行车骑游大会等,让人耳目一新。  相似文献   

近几年来,我国进口的日本后倾载货汽车较多,如日本三菱FV413J型;FV415JD型和NP118K型等;日产CKL20DD型、CKL20GD型和PTL81SD型等;以及日野、五十铃等各种后倾载货汽车。这些后倾载货车多采用日本TOKYU的D4L、D6L、D8L、D10L、D15L、D20L,D25L型多种倾卸装置。  相似文献   

3D打印颠覆了传统制造的概念,随着3D打印技术不断成熟,应用领域日益广泛,文章首先介绍了关于3D打印的基本工作原理,然后针对国内外典型的3D打印机的产品情况、技术情况进行分析、归纳、整合。重点提出:以人机对话实现人工智能化,控制的直接化;3D打印技术与太阳能源技术相结合以实现节约现有能源;利用智能敏感材料可以将3D打印的细节及时反馈;以及3D打印技术与传统制造相结合的思想,最后阐述了3D打印的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

<正>近期,厦门公交、烟台公交、长春公交分别推出了浪漫的"爱情巴士"、独具特色的"3D手绘主题巴士"和以海底动漫为题材具有梦幻风格的"3D海底创意巴士"。这三家公交的"浪漫巴士"各具特色,各有千秋,现在就让我们一睹它们的风采吧!9月20日,五辆穿着"嫁衣"的公交车行驶在厦门美丽的环岛路上,粉红色丝带扎成的花朵布满整个车厢,车身也装饰成粉红色。这是厦门"爱情巴士"第三季的相亲交友活动,在"爱情巴士"上,青年男女将  相似文献   

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