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This study investigates the roll decay of a fishing vessel by experiments and computational fluid dynamics(CFD)simulations. A fishing vessel roll decay is tested experimentally for different initial roll angles. The roll decay is also simulated numerically by CFD simulations and is validated against the experimental results. It shows that the roll damping could be obtained by CFD with high level of accuracy. The linear and nonlinear damping terms are extracted from the CFD roll decay results and... 相似文献
为研究舭龙骨阻尼特性及尺寸航速等因素的影响,本文基于计算流体动力学方法分别对有、无舭龙骨三维船体的自由横摇衰减运动以及强迫横摇运动进行数值模拟研究,有无舭龙骨的三维船体的横摇阻尼之差即为舭龙骨阻尼。对F_r=0.138、初始横摇角10°带舭龙骨船体的自由横摇衰减数值模拟算例作了验证与确认分析,自由横摇衰减时历曲线与实验结果吻合较好,固有周期和横摇阻尼精度较高。进一步分析研究了不同几何尺寸、初始横摇角、航速以及频率等参数对舭龙骨阻尼的影响。自由横摇衰减模拟研究中舭龙骨阻尼随着舭龙骨宽度、初始横摇角度的增大而增大;当航速为0时,舭龙骨阻尼在总阻尼占比最大,航速对舭龙骨阻尼绝对值影响较小。强迫横摇模拟研究表明:当横摇角一定,舭龙骨阻尼随着频率的增大而非线性增大,在固有频率附近,粘性效应不可忽略。 相似文献
[目的]船舶横摇的准确预报对于船舶耐波性、稳性以及操纵性的研究具有十分重要的意义,但船舶横摇运动受流场粘性效应的影响很大,计算中存在较多非线性因素,因而并不适于常用于研究船舶运动的传统势流理论。为解决这一问题,[方法]采用基于OpenFOAM软件开发的naoe-FOAM-SJTU求解器,分别通过欧拉方法和RANS方法对S60船模典型二维横剖面的强迫横摇进行数值模拟,同时,模拟分析DTMB 5512不同三维船模的自由与强迫横摇运动。[结果]在成功将横摇阻尼力矩的不同成分分别计算出来后发现,其中漩涡阻尼所占的比例最大,摩擦阻尼所占的比例最小,而舭龙骨在一定的横摇角度范围内则减小了横摇阻尼力矩。[结论]该结果揭示了横摇参数对船舶横摇运动及横摇阻尼力矩的影响,对准确预报船舶的横摇运动具有重要意义。 相似文献
船舶在特定波浪环境下会遭遇大幅度的参数横摇运动。论文基于黏性流理论建立CFD数值模拟方法,结合动态重叠网格技术与刚体6自由度运动预报模块,对国际标准水面船模型ONRT,在横摇、纵摇与垂荡3自由度耦合运动情况下进行实尺度参数横摇数值模拟。还在安装不同附体(舭龙骨、呆木、尾舵)的条件下进行参数横摇数值预报。研究结果表明,加装舭龙骨对参数横摇具有显著的抑制作用,而呆木与尾舵虽然能在一定程度上减小参数横摇幅值,总体而言效果不显著。研究成果对船舶第二代完整稳性衡准的研究具有一定的参考意义。 相似文献
涉及舰艇进速时横摇阻尼浅水效应的一系列有关模型试验,进行了自由和强制横摇试验,以取得横摇阻尼系数。试验采用油船船型进行,结果显示不管船舶航速大小,随着水深的下降,横摇阻尼提高。可以认为浅水水域的横摇阻尼提高速度时,要比在深水水域的横摇阻尼提高速度时大得多,且在浅水水域横摇阻尼升力分量是从船体横向力的稳态特性估算的。横向力是在一定水深中进行的斜航拖曳试验中确定。由于船舶航速、升力分量同横摇阻尼是相当一致的,故可以得出浅水水域情况下升力分量占据船舶航速引起的横摇阻尼的主要部分。 相似文献
文献〔1〕提出了根据横摇极值点作状态参数估计确定船舶横摇阻尼系数的方法。本文为适应高速航行时船舶横摇阻尼试验分析的需要,提出直接从时间曲线拟合作参数估计求横摇阻尼系数的方法,从而扩大了应用范围。 相似文献
A steady-state roll motion of ships with nonlinear damping and restoring moments for all times is modeled by a second-order nonlinear differential equation. Analytical expressions for the roll angle, velocity, acceleration, and damping and restoring moments are derived using a modified approach of homotopy perturbation method(HPM). Also, the operational matrix of derivatives of ultraspherical wavelets is used to obtain a numerical solution of the governing equation. Illustrative examples are provided to examine the applicability and accuracy of the proposed methods when compared with a highly accurate numerical scheme. 相似文献
为计算梅尔尼科夫函数的简单零点,文章比较分析了两种数值算法:类帕德逼近和高斯—勒让德积分,作为验证,计算了某激励频率下系统的李雅普诺夫指数谱。然后选取某型船,采用梅尔尼科夫函数方法计算了横摇动力系统的混沌阈值,观察了横摇系统的安全池随外激励增大而逐渐破损的过程,并追踪了破损域中某点的相轨迹。研究计算表明:类帕德逼近可以较精确地得到同(异)宿轨道的参数方程,但在方程的设解形式上需要一定的技巧性,且计算量较大;高斯—勒让德积分不关注参数方程具体形式,处理简单,便于工程计算。 相似文献
This study aims to investigate the nonlinear added mass moment of inertia and damping moment characteristics of largeamplitude ship roll motion based on transient motion data through the nonparametric system identification method. An inverse problem was formulated to solve the first-kind Volterra-type integral equation using sets of motion signal data. However, this numerical approach leads to solution instability due to noisy data. Regularization is a technique that can overcome the lack of stability; hence, Landweber's regularization method was employed in this study. The L-curve criterion was used to select regularization parameters(number of iterations) that correspond to the accuracy of the inverse solution. The solution of this method is a discrete moment, which is the summation of nonlinear restoring, nonlinear damping, and nonlinear mass moment of inertia. A zero-crossing detection technique is used in the nonparametric system identification method on a pair of measured data of the angular velocity and angular acceleration of a ship, and the detections are matched with the inverse solution at the same discrete times. The procedure was demonstrated through a numerical model of a full nonlinear free-roll motion system in still water to examine and prove its accuracy. Results show that the method effectively and efficiently identified the functional form of the nonlinear added moment of inertia and damping moment. 相似文献