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对规则波中顶浪并行航行的两船模,基于频域移动脉动源格林函数建立了有效表达池壁效应的三维数学模型,该模型采用分布源积分方法求解近距航行两船模的波浪作用力和运动响应,并利用镜像原理将水池格林函数表示为开阔水域的格林函数和由镜像点源组成的无穷级数.分析移动脉动源格林函数的远场传播模态及其特性可知,当τ>0.272(τ为斯特劳哈尔数)时各传播波模态均不在点源的上游出现,故此时点源波系的影响范围可由环形—扇形波的半楔角确定,在此基础上计及船模辐射—绕射波的池壁反射作用对自身和另一船模的干扰,依据船型要素、水池宽度和两船相对位置,采用六个几何临界半楔角表征船体的辐射—绕射波,提出了并行航行两船模的池壁效应判别方法.数值研究表明:不同镜像次数下水池格林函数的数值差异主要体现在距船艏较远处,在兼顾计算精度与效率的原则下可选取有限项级数的水池格林函数作为积分内核,而池壁效应对近距航行两船运动响应的影响主要体现在长波区.  相似文献   

波浪中两浮体的水动力干扰问题主要来自于海上补给作业实践。目前,国内外已有多家水池机构可开展两浮体的零航速模型试验,而有航速状态下两船模型试验的数据十分稀少且珍贵。为此,文章重点介绍了国内外相关机构开展的两浮体间流体共振模型试验、零航速和有航速下的两浮体模型试验概况,并分析了波浪中有航速两船水池模型试验的主要技术难点。  相似文献   

In this paper, the vibration characteristics of the structure in the finite fluid domain are analyzed using a coupled finite element method. The added mass matrix is calculated with finite element method(FEM) by 8-node acoustic fluid elements. The vibration characteristics of the structure in the finite fluid domain are calculated combining structure FEM mass matrix. By writing relevant programs, the numerical analysis on vibration characteristics of a submerged cantilever rectangular plate in finite fluid domain and loaded ship model is performed. A modal identification experiment for the loaded ship model in air and in water is conducted and the experiment results verify the reliability of the numerical analysis. The numerical method can be used for further research on vibration characteristics and acoustic radiation problems of the structure in the finite fluid domain.  相似文献   

利用数值波浪水池进行船舶航行预报,是计算船舶水动力的重要方法。本文首先建立船舶水池的数值控制方程,然后利用网格划分对船舶周围的流场进行划分,最后利用Wigley-III船舶模型计算船舶在规则波中航行时受到纵向、垂向和纵摇力矩的系数,将其与势流理论(3D-BEM)和DUT计算方法相比较。  相似文献   

为比较分析单船与两船并行航行的水动力差异,探讨静水中两船并行时漂角、船船相对位置对船体阻力、侧向力及摇首力矩的影响规律,文章基于RANS方程采用SST k-ω湍流模型,数值分析了某两船静水并行时船船相互作用。研究表明:不同漂角下两船中对中并行时,船体所受阻力均较单船航行时有所增大且受到指向两船中间的附加侧向力;当两船并行斜航的漂角相反时,同一船舶位于迎流侧较背流侧时船体受力存在一定差异;两船并行直航时,船船相对位置对船体受力有较大的影响,当两船纵向间距小于一倍船长时,船船相互作用较为显著,在不同横向间距下,船体受力随纵向间距的变化规律相同,在一定纵向间距下,船间横向间距越小船船相互作用越强。  相似文献   

针对潜艇近水面航行艇体水动力呈现显著变化的问题,本文在验证数值计算方法可行性的基础上,开展不同潜深及航速下潜艇粘性流场的数值模拟,获取艇体阻力、垂向力及纵倾力矩随水深及航速的变化规律。模拟结果表明:潜深是影响潜艇近水面与深水状态水动力性能差异的决定性因素,当潜深与艇体直径的比值H/D≤1.3时,近水面效应显著;而当H/D≥2.9时,可认为潜艇水动力性能与深水状态无显著差异;近自由液面条件下(H/D≤1.3),潜艇所受阻力及垂向力系数随航速的增大均呈现明显波动现象,这主要是由于自由面的兴波干扰使得艇体表面压力变化所引起。  相似文献   

The speed of a ship sailing in waves always slows down due to the decrease in efficiency of the propeller. So it is necessary and essential to analyze the unsteady hydrodynamic performance of propeller in waves. This paper is based on the numerical simulation and experimental research of hydrodynamics performance when the propeller is under wave conditions. Open-water propeller performance in calm water is calculated by commercial codes and the results are compared to experimental values to evaluate the accuracy of the numerical simulation method. The first-order Volume of Fluid(VOF) wave method in STAR CCM+ is utilized to simulate the three-dimensional numerical wave. According to the above prerequisite, the numerical calculation of hydrodynamic performance of the propeller under wave conditions is conducted, and the results reveal that both thrust and torque of the propeller under wave conditions reveal intense unsteady behavior. With the periodic variation of waves, ventilation, and even an effluent phenomenon appears on the propeller. Calculation results indicate, when ventilation or effluent appears, the numerical calculation model can capture the dynamic characteristics of the propeller accurately, thus providing a significant theory foundation forfurther studying the hydrodynamic performance of a propeller in waves.  相似文献   

Bottom ventilated cavitation is the successfully proven ship drag reduction technology, but the impact of sea waves on ships with bottom cavities is the substantial concern for a broad technology implementation. The influence of waves on vertical force experienced by such ships is analyzed in this paper using a perturbation technique. The unperturbed cavity shape at given Froude number and cavity length was found from a nonlinear steady ideal fluid problem. The ship response to an impact of a wave of the given length and amplitude is considered as the one-frequency perturbation. This perturbation was found by combined consideration of compressible flow in the cavity and incompressible flow in the surrounding water. Computational examples relate to an earlier tested model with the bottom cavity restricted by skegs. The vertical forces on the model with bottom cavities and in cavitation-free conditions were compared in head and following seas. It was found that within the major part of the consider range of wavelengths the cavity acts as a shock absorber significantly reducing the vertical force pulsation and ship acceleration in waves.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种新的理论方法,可用于预报双体船航行时因垂荡和纵摇引起的流体动力。该理论方法建立在Newman的统一细长船理论基础上, 并可视为由本文作者将池壁干扰效应的研究延伸到二个片体间相互干扰的问题上来,因此,本理论方法使用的有效航速(含零速在内)范围很广,且计算方便。将内场定义为二个片体中之一的邻近区域。因此,内场解不仅包含对称的也包含反对称的调和分量。根据内场解与外场解的匹配要求,给出一对耦合积分方程以用于求解外场解中的三维源分布和偶分布强度,而它们的数值解可确定内场调和分量的未知系数。对于零速场合,本方法与一个更为严谨的三维积分方程方法的结果吻合良好;对于有航速场合,用Lewis船型的双体船在Fn=0.15和0.30进行了垂荡和纵摇的强制摇摆试验,试验与数值计算结果的比较表明,本理论由于考虑了三维和航速对片体间干扰的影响,故比一般只考虑二维精确干扰解的切片法有明显的改进。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an overview of numerical simulation methods for the flow around typical underwater vehicles at high Reynolds numbers, which highlights the dominant flow structures in different regions of interest. This overview covers the forebody, midbody, stern, wake region, and appendages and summarizes flow phenomena, including laminar-to-turbulent transition, turbulent boundary layers, flow under the influence of curvatures, wake interactions, and all associated complex vortex str...  相似文献   

The ship motions and wave-induced loads of a new type of river-to-sea ship are investigated experimentally and numerically. A river-to-sea ship is an unconventional type of container ship characterized by high breadth to draft ratio and low length to breadth ratio, which makes it more prone to hydroelasticity than conventional ships of the same size. A segmented model was tested under two loading conditions, namely, ballast and loaded conditions, to determine the vertical motions and wave-induced loads under each condition. Results are compared with numerical simulations in the frequency domain. The wave-induced responses are calculated by a nonlinear time domain code at each time step. The response amplitude operators of vertical ship responses in regular waves are analyzed, and the wave-induced responses are consistent with the experimental results.  相似文献   

In this study, the passage of waves through pile groups with different arrangements is investigated using a three-dimensional(3D)numerical model. For the simulations, waves of three different heights of 36, 58, and 81 mm, a fixed period of 0.88s, and a fixed wave length of 1.128 m were used. To simulate the waves and flow pattern through the piles, Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes(RANS) equations of fluid motion were solved based on the finite volume method(FVM). Piles were defined as obstacles in the rectangular domain using the fractional area/volume obstacle representation(FAVOR) method. The volume-of-fluid(VOF) and re-normalization group(RNG) methods were used to simulate the free surface and turbulence phenomenon, respectively. By performing different numerical simulations, the effect of coastal pile arrangements on wave pattern was studied and was compared with existing experimental data, and an acceptable agreement was achieved.  相似文献   

潜水员梯是通过销轴连接在母船舷侧为潜水员执行潜水作业时上下船的平台,为保证在波浪中使用时的安全性,对其波浪作用力、运动响应及销轴处的动作用载荷设计有较高要求。为研究母船干扰下潜水员梯的动态响应特性,采用基于深水格林函数为积分内核的边界元方法,先计算母船及潜水梯这一整体的运动响应及其平均湿表面的辐射和绕射压力分布,依据刚体运动合成原理求解得到潜水梯重心处的运动。再以潜水员梯为研究对象,采用压力积分方法获得潜水员梯的波浪力作用,并将其运动、波浪力和销轴处的作用力联立构成动力学平衡方程,逆向求解出销轴处的动作用力。基于上述思路,系统研究了波长、航速及潜水员梯与母船相对位置变化时潜水员梯的运动、波浪作用力及销轴处作用力的变化规律,为潜水员梯的布置、销轴的选型及潜水作业时母船的操纵可提供指导意义。  相似文献   

The surface wave generated by flow around a ship hull moving near free surface of water is simulated numerically in this study. The three-dimensional implicit finite volume method(FVM) is applied to solve Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes(RANS) equation. The realizable k-ε turbulence model has been implemented to capture turbulent flow around the ship hull in the free surface zone. The volume of fluid(VOF) method coupled with the Stokes wave theory has been used to determine the free surface effect of water. By using is a six degrees of freedom model, the ship hull's movement is numerically solved with the Stokes wave together. Under the action of Stokes waves on the sea, the interface between the air and water waves at the same regular pattern and so does the pressure and the vertical velocity. The ship hull moves in the same way as the wave. The amplitude of the ship hull's heave is less than the wave height because of the viscosity damping. This method could provide an important reference for the study of ships' movement, wave and hydrodynamics.  相似文献   

波浪中航行船舶阻力增加,特别是短波中的阻力增加,是船舶界关注的焦点之一,也是船舶水动力学界研究的热点之一。论文采用基于RANSE的数值波浪水池技术,针对KVLCC2船型,开展了短波顶浪中船舶阻力增加的数值计算研究。与模型试验结果的比较表明,文中的CFD方法能够相当准确地计算短波顶浪中航行船舶的阻力增加;对船体各部分波浪增阻的分析表明,船体艏段产生的波浪增阻占主导地位,艉段的波浪增阻很小,而平行中体段对波浪增阻几乎无贡献。  相似文献   

周广礼  肖汶斌  欧勇鹏 《船舶力学》2016,20(9):1201-1210
波浪中两浮体的水动力干扰问题主要来自于海上补给作业实践。目前,国内外已有多家水池机构可开展两浮体的零航速模型试验,而有航速状态下两船模型试验的数据十分稀少且珍贵。为此,文章重点介绍了国内外相关机构开展的两浮体间流体共振模型试验、零航速和有航速下的两浮体模型试验概况,并分析了波浪中有航速两船水池模型试验的主要技术难点。  相似文献   

The probability distributions of wave characteristics from three groups of sampled ocean data with different significant wave heights have been analyzed using two transformation functions estimated by non-parametric and parametric methods. The marginal wave characteristic distribution and the joint density of wave properties have been calculated using the two transformations, with the results and accuracy of both transformations presented here. The two transformations deviate slightly between each other for the calculation of the crest and trough height marginal wave distributions, as well as the joint densities of wave amplitude with other wave properties. The transformation methods for the calculation of the wave crest and trough height distributions are shown to provide good agreement with real ocean data. Our work will help in the determination of the most appropriate transformation procedure for the prediction of extreme values.  相似文献   

Using linear water wave theory, three-dimensional problems concerning the interaction of waves with spherical structures in a fluid which contains a three-layer fluid consisting of a layer of finite depth bounded above by freshwater of finite depth with free surface and below by an infinite layer of water of greater density are considered. In such a situation timeharmonic waves with a given frequency can propagate with three wavenumbers. The sphere is submerged in either of the three layers. Eac...  相似文献   

A three-dimensional mathematical hydrodynamic model associated with surface wave radiation by a floating rectangular box-type structure due to heave, sway, and roll motions in finite water depth is investigated based on small amplitude water wave theory and linear structural response. The analytical expressions for the radiation potentials, wave forces, and hydrodynamic coefficients are presented based on matched eigenfunction expansion method(MEFEM). The correctness of the analytical results of...  相似文献   

In this study, we carried out model tests to investigate the ice failure process and the resistance experienced by a transport vessel navigating in the Arctic region in pack ice conditions. We tested different navigation velocities, ice plate sizes, and ice concentrations. During the tests, we closely observed several phenomena, including the modes of interaction of the ice ship and the moving and failure modes of ice. We also measured the vessel resistances under different conditions. The test results indicate that the navigation velocity is a significant determinant of the moving and failure modes of ice. Moreover, vessel resistance is remarkably dependent on the ice concentration and navigation velocity. The variances of the mean and maximum resistance are also compared and discussed in detail.  相似文献   

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