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禹彦荣  徐倩 《交通科技》2011,(3):114-116
山区双车道公路由于地形、环境以及投资等具体条件限制,在线形设计时采用较多极限指标,不利于行车安全。采用模糊数学理论,建立线形安全评价体系,确定评分标准、建立隶属函数,对各指标赋权,最终评价整体线形的安全等级,遴选出不安全路段,提出针对性的改善对策以提高整体安全水平。  相似文献   

王兵  陈炽昭 《公路》1992,(7):17-21
一、前言近些年来,高等级公路在我国迅速发展,它要求路面宽敞,路线顺直,在穿越山区时,就需要开凿隧道;在城市的近郊和市区,也常以隧道来避免平面交叉和穿过江河.目前,地下工程施工的“新奥法”(NATM)已广泛应用.近期作者主持了《七道梁双车道公路隧道  相似文献   

双车道公路在公路总里程中占的比例最大,双车道公路的超车事故经常发生。本文介绍了美国对双车道公路超车事故的研究情况,着重对超车事故与非超车事故和发生在超车带与非超车带上的超车事故的各种原因作了详细的比较分析,还提出了减少超车事故的三点建议。  相似文献   

为解决目前双车道公路安全平面线形安全设计与评价缺乏科学可靠的方法问题,从几何设计标准以及双车道公路平面线形指标与交通安全的关系出发,提出以平曲线半径和曲率变化率作为平面线形安全评价的几何指标,通过运行速度反映几何指标与事故关系。基于双车道公路不同平曲线半径下大量运行速度实测数据,利用统计分析的方法,得到了运行速度分布规律,建立了双车道公路运行车速预测模型。基于运行速度一致性评价标准和跟驰理论,将曲线间直线长度区分为独立直线和非独立直线,对于非独立直线,曲线与曲线的关系是安全评价的控制因素;对于独立直线,直线与曲线的关系是安全评价的控制因素。提出了基于运行速度和直线独立性分析的平面线形安全性评价程序,可用于指导双车道公路安全设计与评价。  相似文献   

文章论述了双车道公路的经济分析问题,介绍加拿大阿尔波特省运输局所进行的关于驾驶舒适费的研究,测试结果以及计算舒费用的模型,鉴于双车道公路交通量上升所导致的服务水平下降的情况,国外有关专家于1985年就建议在道路用户费中增中计算舒适费,为此,该文在以往研究的基础上,提出并标定了双车道公路的驾驶舒适费的概念性模型,同时详细讨论了模型参数的确定方法。  相似文献   

双车道公路接入口安全影响分析   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
在对大量的双车道公路进行了调研和采集了海量的公路、交通、事故数据基础上,针对接入口对双车道公路交通安全的影响进行了量化分析。采取的分析方法包括接入口单因素对安全影响分析、考虑交通量和路段长度因素接入口对安全影响分析、接入口和其他因素综合对安全影响分析等。分析结果表明,接入口对双车道公路的总事故率尤其是追尾事故率有重要的影响,并得出了双车道公路接入口对交通安全影响的量化结论。全部事故、一般以上事故、路侧事故、追尾事故和碰撞事故等的次数都随接入口密度增加而增加;在山区双车道公路上,在其他要素不变的情况下接入口密度每增加一个单位,全部事故增加4.36%,追尾事故增加11.9%。  相似文献   

刘洪启  沈涛  吴云  张巍汉 《公路》2009,(3):205-209
为提高双车道公路隧道群隧道间紧急停靠带安全设置水平,分析了在隧道出入口白洞效应和黑洞效应影响下,因紧急停靠带位置设置不当而可能引起的追尾碰撞事故及其发生过程,并以此为依据,建立了紧急停靠带与隧道出口安全距离解析方程组和紧急停靠带与隧道入口安全距离解析方程组,通过求解这两个方程组可获得紧急停靠带与隧道进出口应保持的最小安全距离.最后,用实例的方式介绍了如何应用本方法.  相似文献   

通过软弱围岩的双车道公路隧道模型试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王兵  陈炽昭 《公路》1993,(5):29-34
为了解新奥法修建大跨度公路隧道时围岩的支护机理,进而探讨支护设计原理和方法,进行了软弱围岩中大跨度隧道的三维有限元分析模型试验,以检验掌子面支护效应的存在与范围,初始地应力和围岩参数与计算对比的可靠程度以及围岩的破坏形态、部位和范围。试验结论认为,围岩的初始应力符合σ_x=(μ/1-μ)σ_y的关系,三维有限元分析毛洞的位移曲线与实测值吻合,掌子面支护效应最有效范围是距掌子面约0.7D(D-毛洞宽)范围内,围岩的峰值强度与残余强度之间有一个塑性软化变形的阶段,试验与计算结果相一致。  相似文献   

双车道公路线形连续性分析与评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对公路线形连续是保证汽车安全行驶的基本要求,以运行车速为中介,提出了相邻路段运行车速相协调的路线设计理念,并参考国外双车道公路及国内高等级公路线形连续性评价标准,提出了双车道公路线形连续性评价标准。经实例分析,证实所提标准较为合理,从而为设计和改建双车道公路提供了重要依据。根据分析结果,讨论了该路段事故多发点产生的原因,并提出了相应的改善措施。此外,从驾驶员行驶舒适性的角度对线形的舒适性作出了评价,并提出了双车道公路线形舒适性的评价标准。  相似文献   

Intersection safety continues to be a crucial issue throughout the United States. In 2016, 27% of the 37,461 traffic fatalities on U.S. roadways occurred at or near intersections. Nearly 70% of intersection-related fatalities occurred at unsignalized intersections. At such intersections, vehicles stopping or slowing to turn create speed differentials between vehicles traveling in the same direction. This is particularly problematic on two-lane highways. Research was performed to analyze safety performance for intersections on rural, two-lane roadways, with stop control on the minor roadway. Roadway, traffic, and crash data were collected from 4148 stop-controlled intersections of all 64 Parishes (counties) statewide in Louisiana, for the period of 2013 to 2017. Four count approaches, Poisson, Negative Binomial (NB), Zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) and Zero-inflated Negative Binomial (ZINB) were used to model the number of intersection crashes for different severity levels. The results indicate that ZIP models provide a better fit than all other models. In addition to traffic volume, larger curve radii of major and minor roads and wider lane widths of major roads led to significantly smaller crash occurrences. However, higher speed limits of major roads led to significantly greater crash occurrences. Four-leg stop-controlled intersections have 35% greater total crashes, 49% greater fatal and injury crashes, and 25% greater property damage only (PDO) crashes, relative to three-leg intersections.  相似文献   

Crash Prediction Models (CPMs) have been used elsewhere as a useful tool by road Engineers and Planners. There is however no study on the prediction of road traffic crashes on rural highways in Ghana. The main objective of the study was to develop a prediction model for road traffic crashes occurring on the rural sections of the highways in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. The model was developed for all injury crashes occurring on selected rural highways in the Region over the three (3) year period 2005–2007. Data was collected from 76 rural highway sections and each section varied between 0.8 km and 6.7 km. Data collected for each section comprised injury crash data, traffic flow and speed data, and roadway characteristics and road geometry data. The Generalised Linear Model (GLM) with Negative Binomial (NB) error structure was used to estimate the model parameters. Two types of models, the ‘core’ model which included key exposure variables only and the ‘full’ model which included a wider range of variables were developed. The results show that traffic flow, highway segment length, junction density, terrain type and presence of a village settlement within road segments were found to be statistically significant explanatory variables (p < 0.05) for crash involvement. Adding one junction to a 1 km section of road segment was found to increase injury crashes by 32.0% and sections which had a village settlement within them were found to increase injury crashes by 60.3% compared with segments with no settlements. The model explained 61.2% of the systematic variation in the data. Road and Traffic Engineers and Planners can apply the crash prediction model as a tool in safety improvement works and in the design of safer roads. It is recommended that to improve safety, highways should be designed to by-pass village settlements and that the number of junctions on a highway should be limited to carefully designed ones.  相似文献   

分洪区内修建高速公路的防洪安全影响分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对穿越分洪区的高速公路建设问题,利用分洪区平面二维洪水演进数学模型,对分洪区内高速公路工程修建前后的分蓄洪过程进行了数值模拟。通过对分洪流量、分洪历时、水位过程、流速过程、堤防近岸流速等分洪要素的计算结果分析,提出在分洪区内修建高速公路时应着重考虑分洪时公路边坡的稳定性和抗渗性、防排水系统的完善以及高架桥桥孔的布设等,最大限度地保证公路自身的防洪安全;同时也应从保证防洪建筑物(堤防、安全区)的安全、防洪通道的畅通等角度出发,进一步优化公路设计,最大程度地降低工程对防洪设施的不利影响。  相似文献   

介绍了小油路在内蒙古自治区农村公路建设中的基本情况,阐述了推广小油路发展在农村公路建设中的重要性和必要性以及应采取的措施。  相似文献   

介绍了公路中线偏位检测可采用的几种方法——中线比较法、坐标比较法以及横断偏移法,并对其各自的利弊,以及最后对中线检测中应注意的事项进行说明。  相似文献   

定性分析了素混凝土桩复合地基的加固机理,并结合素混凝土桩复合地基在东莞市东部快速路桥头软基加固中的应用,通过现场试验观测资料,对素混凝土桩复合地基的桩土荷载分担、沉降以及路堤稳定性等的变化规律进行了探讨。  相似文献   

太行山区阜长公路印钞石一长城岭段地质灾害尤为发育,严重影响了阜长公路的安全运行。为有效防灾与减灾,文章立足于野外考察和对已有资料的统计分析,对该地区开展了区域性地质灾害研究。研究表明,研究区域地质灾害有以下几个显著特征:在分布上,灾害发育密集、类型多、分段性显著;成因复杂的松散堆积体是地质灾害的主要物质基础;强烈的水岩作用和内外动力耦合作用是该地区地质灾害形成、发生的重要因素。文章为该区域地质灾害的成灾机理及其防治措施的研究提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

针对内蒙古锡林郭勒盟省际通道公路工程建设的实际.为保护环境.减少对草场和农田的破坏,采用了开采石质填料填筑路堤的方法。文章对填石路堤的施工、压实标准、检测方法及质量控制方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This paper presents the historical and cultural background relating to road improvement and road safety characteristics in Kenya, a developing country in East Africa. Some who come from low-developed areas of developing countries often take time to comprehend the modern transportation infrastructure, especially roads, and have difficulty assimilating and customizing the same to their culturally tailored modes.This paper discusses two case studies: one on the socio-economic impact following improvements to a 50-km, high-class, high-traffic-volume road and the other on the monitoring and evaluation of road safety aspects along the Northern Corridor in Kenya also following major road improvements.The road improvements to the Nairobi-Thika Highway (a trunk road) have attracted many investors along the highway corridor. The high-speed road has also brought with it the unfortunate consequence of speeding vehicles colliding with pedestrians crossing the road at undesignated locations.The Northern Corridor, the transportation corridor that links the Great Lakes Countries of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Rwanda, and Uganda from the port of Mombasa in Kenya, has had high accident rates for a considerable amount of time. The results of monitoring and evaluation exercises on the Northern Corridor have shown that drivers are the major contributors in causing accidents, with a component ratio of 49.4%; pedestrians are next at 21.7%. Data also shows that 24% of the accidents along the Northern Corridor are fatal, which is of major concern. The study additionally indicated that the majority of road users have not been exposed to education or training on road safety.This paper presents a number of recommendations arising from the road safety study regarding possible improvements in aspects of road safety along the corridor and potential applications of those changes to other roads in general. For example, there are recommendations related to the geometric design of the road, driver training and behavior, vehicle maintenance, and the need to enhance road safety through the utilization of road safety parks where road users can undergo training and drills on road safety aspects.In conclusion, we argue that the rehabilitation of the Northern Corridor from Mombasa on the Kenyan coast to the border with Uganda has led to significant road safety improvement.  相似文献   

加强内蒙古自治区公路环境保护工作的若干建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对内蒙古自治区公路环保方面存在的问题和公路环保工作现状,主依据我国公路交通环境保护工作的发展趋势,对内蒙古自治区公路环保工作提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

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