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客车动态翻滚试验仿真研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
分析了客车动态翻转试验的现状,并利用有限元模型对某大型豪华客车进行了动态翻滚仿真模拟试验。结合试验结果证明该方法合理正确,能够在一定程度上指导客车企业改进技术,提高安全性能。  相似文献   

Door glass position errors that occur when an automobile door glass goes up and down not only reduce the basic performance of the door glass in terms of sound- and water-proofing, but also decrease the life span of the glass run and belt. Thus, there is a need for understanding the dynamic behavior of a door glass in order to reduce these errors. In this research, we analyzed the door glass behavior by developing a dynamic numerical analysis model for a single rail regulator type of door glass lifting system. We modeled the glass run and belt lip load as a non-linear spring-damper system to reflect changes in the lip load caused by door glass position errors in the analysis. We also introduced local coordinate systems to find door glass position errors during the lifting process. By using our model, the time spent on the up and down motions, the current, and the lifting resistance could be predicted with 4 %, 11 %, 3 % and 4 % of error, respectively, comparing with the test data. We confirmed the effects of imbalances and boundary conditions in the load and moment which occur during the door glass lifting process. We also found that the lip reaction force, coefficient of friction, overlap length and position of the lift line cause door glass position errors.  相似文献   

王少凯 《客车技术》2011,(2):15-18,21
以某款12 m纯电动客车的实车参数为基准,使用Cruise和Matlab两款软件对整车的动力性能进行了联合建模与仿真.其中利用Cruise建立纯电动客车的整车模型,利用Matlab建立纯电动客车的整车控制器模型.通过仿真结果与理论和实验结果比较表明基于CRUISE软件分析汽车性能的可行性.  相似文献   

In this paper a package for designing, modelling and simulation of three hybrid powertrains are presented. These powertrains are Electric hybrid, Hydraulic hybrid and Flywheel hybrid. The differences among the proposed hybrid powertrains include the energy storage system components, the secondary power converter and also the powertrain configuration. The O457 city bus is considered as the benchmark vehicle. At first, the design process for each hybrid powertrain which is based on the power requirements of the bus in any driving condition is presented. Then, the powertrains modelling using MATLAB/Simulink as a powerful simulating tool is presented. The models are feed-forward and resemble the real world driving conditions. Each model has the blocks for the main components of the corresponding propulsion system. The most important stage in the modeling process is implementing of the components efficiency in each powertrain. Moreover, there is a block in each hybrid powertrain model for the energy management. Finally, the simulation results for comparing the usefulness of the hybrid powertrains are presented. The results indicate that the electric hybrid powertrain has the most effect on reducing the bus fuel consumption. But regarding the fabrication expenses and manufacturing complexity, the hydraulic hybrid powertrain is recommended.  相似文献   

王戡 《汽车科技》2014,(6):14-20
本文设计了集馈能与减振功能于一体的磁流变减振器,从能量传递的角度出发,分析了馈能式磁流变悬架系统能量流动路径,提出了馈能式磁流变减振器自供电准则。通过建立1/4馈能式悬架系统模型和基于广义回归神经网络的减振器控制器进行仿真分析,以确定所设计的磁流变减振器在不同路面激励下的自供电工作范围。  相似文献   

Hydraulic hybrid powertrains are a critical technology used in buses to improve fuel economy and emission performance. New exploration in configuring a parallel hydraulic hybrid bus (PHHB) is developed in this paper with no changes made to the conventional base bus driveline. An integrated model and simulation of the parallel hydraulic hybrid bus is built based on AMESim, which is used to model the hydraulic powertrain and conventional bus driveline, and interlinked with a Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow model of the control unit. Compared to conventional buses, the fuel economy of the PHHB improved by 28% in real road tests at the SMVIC (National Center of Supervision and Inspection on Motor Products Quality (Shanghai)); the approximate improvement of fuel economy was 30% in simulated runs, which validates our model. Then a Non-linear Programming by Quadratic Lagrangian algorithm (NLPQL), is applied to optimize control strategies for improving fuel economy and emissions. Simulations also demonstrate that fuel economy and emission performance can be significantly improved. However, optimum parameters for maximum fuel economy and minimum emissions are not consistent. Simulation results show tradeoffs between fuel economy and emissions in PHHB, and optimal parameters can be selected by balancing design objectives.  相似文献   

赵家琳 《城市车辆》2009,(12):49-53
长度不大于13.7m的三轴大型城市公共汽车,是有市场需求的全新客车产品,由此带来的一系列新技术问题很多,而且与同类的旅游车、长途车相比较,其技术要求之高、难度之大,也是不能同日而语的。这一切都有待我们去探讨、研究和解决,以逐步积累经验,逐步完善。本文抛砖引玉,提出一些问题,希望能引起大家关注并进行讨论。  相似文献   

长度不大于13.7m的三轴大型城市公共汽车,是有市场需求的全新客车产品,由此带来的一系列新技术问题很多,而且与同类的旅游车、长途车相比较,其技术要求之高、难度之大,也是不能同日而语的.这一切都有待我们去探讨、研究和解决,以逐步积累经验,逐步完善.本文抛砖引玉,提出一些问题,希望能引起大家关注并进行讨论.  相似文献   

This paper proposed a unified model including yaw and roll dynamics for any axle or articulation configuration of buses by using a reconfigurable approach. First, all the possible existing configurations of buses are introduced, including the axle/articulation configuration, powertrain configuration, and active chassis control configuration. Consequently, the research is motivated by a key question: how can we develop a unified model that is inclusive and configurable to all of the above bus configurations? To develop the model, three layers of the modeling process are presented step by step. The magic formula and vertical load transfer are discussed to formulate the tyre model. It is noted that the case of the articulated bus is presented in an independent section but how it is included and unified in a general form is also explained. Finally, a modeling validation of axle or articulation configuration cases is performed and the comparative results to high-fidelity models show the feasibility, efficiency, and convenience of the reconfigurable approach. As the crucial feature, the resulting model can be potentially applied to model-based controller design in any buses without reformulating the model. This will greatly benefit the vehicle dynamics control and also future autonomous buses. Although the focus of this paper is buses, the proposed approach actually covers any multi-axle/articulated vehicles, like trucks, tractor-trailers.  相似文献   

主要针对大客车格栅式车架早期断裂现象,通过质量调查、数据统计、现场勘察、失效分析,探悉并归纳出影响格栅式车架早期断裂的3类主要原因及5个关键性环节,提出了切实有效的6条改进建议,通过改进后的样车试用,其使用可靠性、耐久性有了较明显的提高。同时指出,凡半承载式车身与半承载式车架所匹配的客车.无论车架结构形式是格栅车架还是三段式底地板车架,其车架断裂的主要原因基本雷同。呼吁国内各汽车厂在设计制造或协作生产中不仅应注重各自的车架或车身质量,还必须注重车架与车身组装的整体可靠性.从而避免因各自“顾此失彼”所引起的重大质量纠纷或诉讼损失。  相似文献   

根据磁流变减振器的非线性特性,提出磁流变减振器广义回归神经网络(GRNN)模型辨识方法,利用台架试验获取的力学特性数据,建立磁流变减振器广义回归神经网络正、逆模型,并与反向传播神经网络(BPNN)模型进行比较.结果表明:通过合理选取网络变量并优化光滑因子,GRNN模型能准确预测磁流变减振器的阻尼力和控制电流,其正、逆模型辨识精度优于BPNN模型.此外,GRNN还具有结构简单、快速收敛等特点,为磁流变减振器的准确建模与控制提供了重要手段.  相似文献   

阻尼式气弹簧广泛应用于汽车行业中。本文对阻尼式气弹簧的结构、工作原理及安装类型进行了详细介绍.据此,以散热器面罩开起装置设计为例,讨论了阻尼式气弹簧的布置与支撑力计算的设计过程。  相似文献   

In this paper, a load-leveling suspension system with a magnetorheological (MR) damper is investigated. In this suspension system, the MR damper is connected to a spring to form a load-leveling suspension system. The system effective stiffness and damping can be adjusted by controlling the MR damper. The characteristics of a load-leveling suspension system are studied first. When the linear damper is replaced with an MR damper, the averaging method is adopted to obtain the steady-state response of the nonlinear system. A comparison demonstrates that the results of the averaging method are in good agreement with those obtained by numerical simulations. The analytical results are then verified experimentally. The load-leveling suspension system studied here is able to adjust both suspension stiffness and damping and, hence, it may provide more effective vibration control in a wider frequency range, when the damper is controlled.  相似文献   

In this paper, a load-leveling suspension system with a magnetorheological (MR) damper is investigated. In this suspension system, the MR damper is connected to a spring to form a load-leveling suspension system. The system effective stiffness and damping can be adjusted by controlling the MR damper. The characteristics of a load-leveling suspension system are studied first. When the linear damper is replaced with an MR damper, the averaging method is adopted to obtain the steady-state response of the nonlinear system. A comparison demonstrates that the results of the averaging method are in good agreement with those obtained by numerical simulations. The analytical results are then verified experimentally. The load-leveling suspension system studied here is able to adjust both suspension stiffness and damping and, hence, it may provide more effective vibration control in a wider frequency range, when the damper is controlled.  相似文献   

1 产销情况 2000年我国大中型客车保持了快速发展态势,全年生产大中型客车43 891辆,比1999年增长18.17%,全年销售大中型客车43 640辆,比1999年增长18.88%,产销率为99.43%.但大型客车市场与中型客车市场形成强烈反差,大型客车市场表现低迷,而中型客车市场则保持快速的发展势头.其中大型客车企业生产大型客车7 953辆,比1999年增长3.06%,销售大型客车7 743辆,比1999年增长1.47%,产销率97.36%.中型客车企业生产中型客车35 938辆,比1999年增长22.13%,销售中型客车35 897辆,比1999年增长23.45%,产销率99.89%.  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型磁流变(MR)阻尼器--永磁调节装配式磁流变阻尼器在长沙洪山大桥拉索减振的应用及试验研究情况,得到了安装阻尼器前后拉索的动力特性,结果表明这种新型磁流变阻尼器能有效地提高拉索的模态阻尼比,抑制拉索的大幅振动.由于该阻尼器无需供电,装配简单,维修方便,与其他的磁流变阻尼器相比,具有较高的推广应用价值.  相似文献   

磁流变阻尼器在洪山大桥拉索减振中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了一种新型磁流变(MR)阻尼器——永磁调节装配式磁流变阻尼器在长沙洪山大桥拉索减振的应用及试验研究情况,得到了安装阻尼器前后拉索的动力特性,结果表明这种新型磁流变阻尼器能有效地提高拉索的模态阻尼比,抑制拉索的大幅振动。由于该阻尼器无需供电,装配简单,维修方便,与其他的磁流变阻尼器相比,具有较高的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

串联混合动力客车参数选择及仿真   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以某客车为原型,结合我国城市交通和公交车辆的行驶特点,在对比分析各种混合动力系统的基础上确定了混合动力公交客车的串联混合动力驱动形式,介绍了串联混合动力汽车总成参数的计算方法,最后根据计算得到的参数使用ADVISOR软件进行了性能仿真。  相似文献   

吴艳婧 《客车技术》2011,(5):22-23,26
通过对Showcase软件的介绍,阐述了Showcase软件在客车造型方案评审中的应用。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍利用三维设计软件ProE进行LJK6980Q城市客车车身三维造型设计与工程图制作的过程。  相似文献   

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