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张潜 《轿车情报》2014,(6):124-129
两生花开,花开两生。光与影也如不可分割的手心和手背,有着绚丽的光彩,就有着影子的衬托。此时,才会让事物映衬的越显不凡,充满格调。  相似文献   

生活就是一面镜子,映照出时间的点点流逝,那些美丽的画面也随之慢慢褪去了色彩,唯有隐藏的经典和骨子里那份不妥协的精神才会在消逝的时光长廊里坚强地散发出异彩。  相似文献   

阮锦程 《汽车杂志》2012,(11):26-28
如果你只知道法拉利、保时捷。没有听说过迈凯轮F1,你还称不上真正的车迷:而迈凯轮P1。就是20年前传奇车款F1的沿续。  相似文献   

Sam 《汽车杂志》2017,(5):150-151
特斯拉的销售是最幸福的,因为只要是T粉(前提需要有足够的钱)不用你介绍他都会买的。特斯拉的销售是最悲惨的,因为世上还有很多人不知道特斯拉。  相似文献   

世界上的咖啡有很多种,卡布奇诺、摩卡、拿铁等等,但是我想有一种咖啡让人永远印象深刻,那就是意大利特有的——Espresso。  相似文献   

Cupid 小爱神     
赵航 《汽车知识》2010,(1):44-47
罗马神话中的丘比特,一个顽皮的、身上长着翅膀的小神,他的金箭一旦插入青年男女的心上,便会使他们深深相爱。海马的丘比特,一辆可爱的、空间宽敞的小车,它的金箭一旦射出,同样会激起青年男女心中的爱情,只不过这次被爱的主角,已经换成了金箭的主人。  相似文献   

陈先生的收房里,摆着很多他的画作,有的纳千沟万壑于笔端,挥毫泼墨气磅礴;有的融闲情逸致于纸上,简单勾勒意趣盎然。  相似文献   

每一天的路上,都会发生许多的乌龙搞笑事,用相处记录,为了搏您一笑。  相似文献   

包崇美 《世界汽车》2010,(11):110-115
<正>2010年的夏天,我用光和热,完美蜕变;不管距离梦想多遥远,我用闪亮的自信,勇敢出发。——赤雪他驰骋于大漠和山野之间,是世界上当之无愧的越野之王;  相似文献   

蓝河 《车时代》2010,(7):6-6
毛主席诗词中有这样一句:“飞起玉龙三百万,搅得周天寒彻。”这一个“搅”字用得十分了得。  相似文献   

奚旺 《汽车知识》2011,(6):36-43
优雅是法国人最不愿放弃的一个态度,你无法将其量化,也很难用语言表达,它是法式设计最骨子里的东西。提起法国,首先想到的是什么?达·芬奇的《蒙娜丽莎》?香榭丽舍的LV?还是苏菲·玛索?没错,不论是绘画,还是服装,抑或是电影,只要贴上法国的标签,似乎就被镶上了"优雅"的蕾丝边,骨子里透着淡  相似文献   

当DS系列还只是概念车的时候,就有人说:“法国的汽车设计进入了一个新的阶段。”DS作为雪铁龙旗下的一个品牌已经推出了三款量产车,包括DS3、DS4和DS5。这次通过DS5,让我们提前感受到DS无与伦比的设计魅力。  相似文献   

介绍了法国对电动汽车开发的重视及处于开发前沿的生产厂家,说明了电动汽车技术,尤其是电动汽车的关键部分蓄电池技术的突破。  相似文献   

The very-high-speed tests carried out by SNCF between the end of 1989 and May 1990, are an extension of the investigations which have been made for many years in order to acquire the control of high speeds. The high-speed run which ended the tests is well known [1], [2],[3].

In order to place the final test campaign in its context, we can recall progression made during the last decade.

In February 1981, the maximal speed of 380 km/h was reached with a TGV-PSE1 train set, having the same configuration as the series, but only seven trailers instead of eight.

During the following years, until 1986, the pneumatic suspension and the new Y 231 carrying bogies designed for TGV-ATL train sets were developed, with numerous test runnings in the speed range from 300 to 350 km/h, in order to obtain certitudes as regards the stability of the bogies and the appropriate choice of anti-hunting devices for commercial speeds of 270 km/h (LGV-PSE) or 300 km/h (LGV-ATL).

These tests allowed the definition of the TGV equipment design principles, which are applied today as regards the critical speed of the bogies.

Between 1985 and 1988, the development of the prototype train set equiped with self-controlled synchronous motors (March 1988) led once more to numerous runnings at high speed, in December 1988 with the so-called “operation TGV 88”. During this operation, the speed range from 350 to 400 km/h was investigated (maximal speed 408,4 km/h on December 12th 1988).

Apart from the capability of the synchronous traction equipment to develop the required power and the performance consisting in the realization of such tests on a line kept in operation (LGV-PSE), the teachings gathered together during this test campaign were decisive for the pursuit of the operation.

On this occasion, we discovered that:

-with the single-phase GPU pantograph mounted on this train set, we could get the current collection under control without difficulties inside the studied speed range,

-the bogies presented a stability margin distinctly higher than that which had been estimated, according to the results of former experiences.

Consequently, the test campaign of the TGV 117 could be engaged with a great confidence in the capabilities of the TGV equipment to achieve markedly higher speeds with full safety. The preparation of this test campaign had begun in 1986 and was conducted in a parallel direction to the above mentioned experimentation.

The campaign was preceded by a preliminary test campaign with the train set TGV-ATL n° 308, with a reduced train composition, including eight trailers. The goal was the validation, until 390 km/ h, of the test field consisting in the TGV-ATL Aquitaine branch, as well for the track as for the overhead contact line, the achievement of which was just ended.

The operation TGV 117 was then carried out in two phases:

-in December 1989 the train set TGV-ATL 325 with a reduced train composition consisting in four trailers between two motor cars reached the maximal speed of 482,4 km/h on December 5th,

-in May 1990 the same train set, but with only three trailers, improved the performance unto the final record: the speed of 515,3 km/h was reached on May 18th.  相似文献   


The very-high-speed tests carried out by SNCF between the end of 1989 and May 1990, are an extension of the investigations which have been made for many years in order to acquire the control of high speeds. The high-speed run which ended the tests is well known [1], [2],[3].

In order to place the final test campaign in its context, we can recall progression made during the last decade.

In February 1981, the maximal speed of 380 km/h was reached with a TGV-PSE1 train set, having the same configuration as the series, but only seven trailers instead of eight.

During the following years, until 1986, the pneumatic suspension and the new Y 231 carrying bogies designed for TGV-ATL train sets were developed, with numerous test runnings in the speed range from 300 to 350 km/h, in order to obtain certitudes as regards the stability of the bogies and the appropriate choice of anti-hunting devices for commercial speeds of 270 km/h (LGV-PSE) or 300 km/h (LGV-ATL).

These tests allowed the definition of the TGV equipment design principles, which are applied today as regards the critical speed of the bogies.

Between 1985 and 1988, the development of the prototype train set equiped with self-controlled synchronous motors (March 1988) led once more to numerous runnings at high speed, in December 1988 with the so-called “operation TGV 88”. During this operation, the speed range from 350 to 400 km/h was investigated (maximal speed 408,4 km/h on December 12th 1988).

Apart from the capability of the synchronous traction equipment to develop the required power and the performance consisting in the realization of such tests on a line kept in operation (LGV-PSE), the teachings gathered together during this test campaign were decisive for the pursuit of the operation.

On this occasion, we discovered that:

-with the single-phase GPU pantograph mounted on this train set, we could get the current collection under control without difficulties inside the studied speed range,

-the bogies presented a stability margin distinctly higher than that which had been estimated, according to the results of former experiences.

Consequently, the test campaign of the TGV 117 could be engaged with a great confidence in the capabilities of the TGV equipment to achieve markedly higher speeds with full safety. The preparation of this test campaign had begun in 1986 and was conducted in a parallel direction to the above mentioned experimentation.

The campaign was preceded by a preliminary test campaign with the train set TGV-ATL n° 308, with a reduced train composition, including eight trailers. The goal was the validation, until 390 km/ h, of the test field consisting in the TGV-ATL Aquitaine branch, as well for the track as for the overhead contact line, the achievement of which was just ended.

The operation TGV 117 was then carried out in two phases:

-in December 1989 the train set TGV-ATL 325 with a reduced train composition consisting in four trailers between two motor cars reached the maximal speed of 482,4 km/h on December 5th,

-in May 1990 the same train set, but with only three trailers, improved the performance unto the final record: the speed of 515,3 km/h was reached on May 18th.  相似文献   

法语系国家的公路建设管理体制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁小军  陈波  王学军 《公路》2008,(9):23-29
结合阿尔及利亚东西高速公路中、西两个标段的勘察、设计实践,在分析介绍阿尔及利亚等法语系国家公路建设管理组织框架、建设管理程序、招投标及合同文件组成等的基础上,总结出法语系国家公路建设管理体制的特点,可为中国的公路建设管理提供借鉴与参考.  相似文献   

结合作者在阿尔及利亚东西高速公路的设计经验,详细介绍了法国标准的高速公路沥青路面结构设计理论和方法。以东西高速公路W 7标段沥青路面设计为例,介绍了法国标准高速公路沥青路面设计过程中重车交通量、计算风险、沥青混合料计算参数取值、路面承台等级、容许和实际承载力计算、路面结构计算和路面结构方案的确定。介绍的法国沥青路面结构设计方法,以期为今后类似的国外项目提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

结合刚果(布)国家一号公路的设计实践,在分析介绍刚果(布)等法语系国家公路建设特点与难点的基础上,总结出法语系国家公路建设项目设计模式的特点.  相似文献   

以阿尔及利亚东西高速公路路面设计为例,介绍了基于法国标准的沥青路面材料和各结构层的技术要求、选用标准和施工规定等,其中包括基质沥青、改性沥青、骨料、透层、粘层、表处和基层、垫层等材料和结构层的详细说明.  相似文献   

于荣喜 《路基工程》2014,(1):159-162
阿尔及利亚55 km铁路项目采用法国标准,其设计理念、方法、习惯均与中国铁路设计存在较大差异。通过该项目的设计,对法标系统下铁路路基设计的一些特点进行了归纳。  相似文献   

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