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Mathematical models of transportation systems have played a prominent role in transportation planning throughout the world since the 1960s. These models are hypotheses of how people use transport systems. They provide a means of extrapolating the necessarily limited empirical evidence of how road users respond to changes in the road system. However, it needs to be recognised that these extrapolations rely for their validity on the realism of the underlying theories; transportation models can only tell us about the relationships actually built into them.This paper reviews the limited number of studies undertaken mainly in the UK in which calibrated transportation models have been used in a systematic way to give some insight into the relative importance of the various components of induced traffic. These studies include analyses of the effects of road schemes using: a theoretical single link model; conventional four-stage transportation models of Cardiff and Belfast; elasticity models in Cardiff, Belfast, West London and Norwich; land-use interaction models in Leeds, Bilbao, Dortmund; and a model of land-use effects in Norwich. The results tell us two things: (a) the scale of the various elements of induced traffic, and (b) the implications for the economic benefits of road schemes.  相似文献   

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates that greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) must be cut 40–70% by 2050 to prevent a greater than 2 °Celsius increase in the global mean temperature; a threshold that may avoid the most severe climate change impacts. Transportation accounts for about one third of GHG emissions in the United States; reducing these emissions should therefore be an important part of any strategy aimed at meeting the IPCC targets. Prior studies find that improvements in vehicle energy efficiency or decarbonization of the transportation fuel supply would be required for the transportation sector to achieve the IPCC targets. Strategies that could be implemented by regional transportation planning organizations are generally found to have only a modest GHG reduction potential. In this study we challenge these findings. We evaluate what it would take to achieve deep GHG emission reductions from transportation without advances in vehicle energy efficiency and fuel decarbonization beyond what is currently expected under existing regulations and market expectations. We find, based on modeling conducted in the Albuquerque, New Mexico metropolitan area that it is possible to achieve deep reductions that may be able to achieve the IPCC targets. Achieving deep reductions requires changes in transportation policy and land-use planning that go far beyond what is currently planned in Albuquerque and likely anywhere else in the United States.  相似文献   

The last two decades have witnessed the implementation of various policies based on land-use to address problems stemming from automobile ownership and use. There are, however, questions with respect to the efficacy of such policies. This paper therefore reviews the literature on empirical studies of the transportation–land-use interaction with the objective of identifying the current state of knowledge concerning the interactions, particularly with respect to the impact land-use policies are likely to have on the system. The focus is on studies conducted in North America. The results are mixed; some studies conclude that urban densities, traditional neighborhood design schemes, and land-use mix have an impact on auto ownership and use. Other studies find the impact of such variables to be at best marginal. Gaps in our understanding of the interaction are identified. These are found to be primarily the result of data limitations and methodological weaknesses. A detailed discussion of the implications of the findings for the development and application of integrated transportation–land-use models is provided, with the recommendation that without such an integrated approach to analyzing the transportation–land-use interaction, any study of impacts of urban form on travel behavior is likely to yield erroneous results.  相似文献   

An evaluation of activity-based travel analysis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This paper is a review and assessment of the contributions made by activity-based approaches to the understanding and forecasting of travel behavior. In their brief history of approximately a decade, activity-based analyses have received extensive interest. This work has led to an accumulation of empirical evidence and new insights and has made substantial contributions toward the better understanding of travel behavior. However, practical applications of the approach in transportation planning and policy development have been scarce. Based on an analysis of the inherent characteristics of the activity-based approach, a review of recent (after the 1981 Oxford conference) developments, and a synthesis of the findings from past empirical studies, this study attempts to evaluate the contribution made by activity-based analyses and determine the reasons for the limited practical application. Recommendations are made for the future development of activity-based analysis as a science of travel behavior and as a tool in the practice of transportation planning and policy development.  相似文献   

Current geographic information systems typically offer limited analytical capabilities and lack the flexibility to support spatial decision making effectively. Spatial decision support systems aim to fill this gap. Following this approach, this paper describes an operational system for integrated land-use and transportation planning called Location Planner. The system integrates a wide variety of spatial models in a flexible and easy-to-use problem solving environment. Users are able to construct a model out of available components and use the model for impact analysis and optimization. Thus, in contrast to existing spatial decision support systems, the proposed system allows users to address a wide range of problems. The paper describes the architecture of the system and an illustrative application. Furthermore, the potentials of the system for land-use and transportation planning are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to assess issues concerning non-motorized transportation in developing countries. This assessment is done through an examination of three topics: a brief overview of the transportation picture in developing countries; a study of city size and city form vis-a-vis pedestrian movement; and, a look at the characteristics of non-motorized modes, including their capacities. An analysis and discussion attempt to sort out the crucial issues connected with pedestrian planning in particular, and non-motorized transport in general. It is concluded (1) that special attention be paid to space/time capacity/cost issues connected with non-motorized modes (2)that some of the low-cost intermediate technology modes be examined for possible inclusion in traffic streams (3)that land-use patterns need to be rearranged keeping in mind the limitations of non-motorized modes, and (4)that the extent to which physical trip-making can be substituted by telecommunication needs to be examined very critically. An agenda for action reflects these concerns.  相似文献   

Policies that encourage mixed land use are widely believed to make transport more energy efficient. However, few studies have directly examined the impacts of land-use heterogeneity on travel energy consumption at the individual level. Moreover, the definition and measures of land-use heterogeneity are debated. This paper aims to fill these gaps using the large city of Beijing, China, as a case study. Three types of land use are examined in terms of their effects on individual residents’ travel energy consumption. The results suggest that high land-use diversity and a good jobs-housing balance significantly reduces commuting travel. Interestingly, highly heterogeneous retail and housing areas may have high travel energy use, as residents are more likely to go shopping. There are obvious spatial variations in these effects. Residents of suburban ‘newtowns’, where the jobs-housing balance is particularly good, consume less travel energy. The results suggest that decreased use of conventional planning patterns, such as the socialist danwei system, and increasing urban sprawl, bring new challenges to achieving transport efficiency. Mixed land-use policies can be an effective solution to these challenges.  相似文献   

In spite of the recent progress made in household activity analysis and travel budget studies, urban transportation modeling still remains a “not-too-well developed” research field. There are conflicting theories, analysis units are not uniform, terms are not precisely defined, basic studies of sub-systems involved are not yet completed, and many models lack behavioral background as well as basic attributes such as simplicity, sensitivity, compatibility, transferability and forecasting ability. Gaps in methodology may be partially responsible for this situation. There is an urgent need for simple, yet not primitive, easily applicable urban transportation models which can respond to the technical needs of planners and engineers. Lessons from the past, as well as experiences from other disciplines, suggest that future research should concentrate on: (1) new, “unconventional” approaches based on systematic, basic studies of all sub-systems involved; (2) proper definition and stratification of an analysis unit; (3) revision and unification of definitions, classifications, etc., in order to improve the behavioral background of the models; (4) dynamic rather than static approaches, able to describe feedbacks between transportation and land-use as well as between transportation demand and supply; (5) interrelations between subsequent sub-models, particularly between car availability, trip generation and modal split; (6) developing models which are not only sensitive to transportation policies but also to other local policies (e.g. land use, city development, social, etc.).  相似文献   

An important characteristic of urban transportation policy and planning today is the increasing role that the private sector is playing in identifying and implementing transportation projects. For example, a recent examination of the possible forms of such involvement found that there were four major categories of action that could be used to classify recent private-sector efforts in urban transportation: (1) aid to and/or provision of transportation services; (2) formation of advocacy or advisory groups whose purpose is to influence public policy; (3) sponsorship of transportation studies; and (4) provision of management assistance to public agencies (Gordon, 1982). In many of these efforts, the successful implementation of a project or program required close cooperation between public and private-sector officials. The purpose of this paper is to examine the characteristics of this interaction and explore the implications for transportation planning and policy.Examples of public/private-sector interaction in two Connecticut cities, Hartford and Stamford, are used to illustrate the characteristics of successful transportation program implementation. Although the examples are limited to two cities, and are mainly concerned with one major category of action (ridesharing), the characteristics of the process used and of the results can be applied to other situations where public/privatesector interaction is desired.  相似文献   

Recent developments in intelligent transportation systems pose new challenges and opportunities for urban transportation planning. To meet these challenges and to exploit these opportunities, a framework for a new transportation planning methodology has been developed. The methodology operates in a computer environment, called PLANiTS (Planning and Analysis Integration for Intelligent Transportation Systems), designed to facilitate the entire planning process form problem identification, through idea generation and analysis, on to prioritization and programming. To assist in problem identification, PLANiTS provides graphic representation of current conditions, including traffic, air pollution, accidents, and projections of future conditions. A computerized knowledge base, containing information about possible strategies and their effects, and a model base, containing transportation and other analysis models, are used to guide the user in identifying potentially effective strategies and performing the appropriate analysis. To facilitate the use of these tools, PLANiTS provides computer support of group processes such as brainstorming, deliberation, and consensus seeking. PLANiTS is designed for use in urban transportation planning at the local, regional, and state levels; it is intended to support a variety of participants in the planning process including transportation professionals, decision makers in transportation agencies (often local elected officials), citizens, and interest groups. Recognizing that transportation planning is essentially a deliberative, political process, PLANiTS is designed to inform and facilitate, but not replace, the political decision-making process.  相似文献   

Many urban areas are perusing infill, transit oriented, and other “smart-growth” strategies to address a range of important regional goals. Denser and more mixed use urban development may increase sustainability and improve public health by reducing vehicle travel and increasing the share of trips made by transit, walking and bicycling. Fewer vehicle trips results in fewer greenhouse gas and toxic vehicle emissions, and more trips made by walking and bicycle increases physical activity. Prior research has largely focused on modeling and estimating the potential size of these and other smart-growth strategy benefits. A largely overlooked area is the potential for unexpected public health costs and environmental justice concerns that may result from increasing density. We evaluate regional land-use and transportation planning scenarios developed for the year 2040 by a metropolitan planning organization with a newly developed regional air quality modeling framework. Our results find that a set of regional plans designed by the MPO to promote smart-growth that are estimated to result in less vehicle use and fewer vehicle emissions than a more typical set of plans results in higher population exposure to toxic vehicle emissions. The smart-growth plans also result in greater income-exposure inequality, raising environmental justice concerns. We conclude that a more spatially detailed regional scale air quality analysis can inform the creation of smarter smart-growth plans.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a vehicle transaction timing model which is conditional on household residential and job relocation timings. Further, the household residential location and members’ job relocation timing decisions are jointly estimated. Some researchers have modeled the household vehicle ownership decision jointly with other household decisions like vehicle type choice or VMT; however, these models were basically static and changes in household taste over time has been ignored in nearly all of these models. The proposed model is a dynamic joint model in which the effects of land-use, economy and disaggregate travel activity attributes on the major household decisions; residential location and members’ job relocation timing decisions for wife and husband of the household, are estimated. Each of these models is estimated using both the Weibull and log-logistic baseline hazard functions to assess the usefulness of a non-monotonic rather than monotonic baseline hazard function. The last three waves of the Puget Sound Panel Survey data and land-use, transportation, and built environment variables from the Seattle Metropolitan Area are used in this study as these waves include useful explanatory variables like household tenure that were not included in the previous waves.  相似文献   

Labor-intensive systems such as bikeways and pedestrian ways suffer in transportation planning in part because traditional benefit-cost analysis focuses on narrow, private transportation savings (e.g., reducing vehicle and time costs).Planners need benefit-cost frameworks which capture the community-wide effects of such innovative transportation systems — reduction in air pollution, less congestion, and increases in exercise and outdoor recreation. This study discusses practical methods for planners to include such categories in their analyses and applies these methods to two case studies. The analysis yields benefit-cost ratios which are much higher than those found in most public projects — suggesting negative returns to marginal automobiles in congested areas such as university campuses. The paper concludes with some suggested bikeway planning guidelines that emerge from expanded benefit-cost analysis.  相似文献   

Reducing energy consumption and controlling greenhouse gas emissions are key challenges for urban residents. Because urban areas are complex and dynamic, affected by many driving factors in terms of growth, development, and demographics, urban planners and policy makers need a sophisticated understanding of how residential lifestyle, transportation behavior, land-use changes, and land-use policies affect residential energy consumption and associated CO2 emissions. This study presents an approach to modeling and simulating future household energy consumption and CO2 emissions over a 30-year planning period, using an energy-consumption regression approach based on the UrbanSim model. Outputs from UrbanSim for a baseline scenario are compared with those from a no-transportation-demand model and an Atlanta BeltLine scenario. The results indicate that incorporation of a travel demand model can make the simulation more reasonable and that the BeltLine project holds potential for curbing energy consumption and CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

Municipalities play an important role in the planning and development of communities that support active transportation (AT), which refers to human-powered modes of travel, such as walking and cycling. Municipal-level stakeholders involved in land-use and transportation infrastructure planning consider multiple social, environmental and economic considerations to inform decision-making and investments in AT. Evidence around the fiscal benefits of AT investment for local governments has not been systematically identified. This scoping review sought to explore the existing evidence regarding investments in AT and opportunities for savings on municipal expenditures and revenue generation. In total, 7060 records were located and screened; of which 162 full-text articles were reviewed. Ultimately, 23 articles met our inclusion criteria and were included in this review. The available evidence focuses on potential economic benefits of AT in the areas of tax revenues, property values, consumer spending and employment, all of which are relevant sources of revenue generation in municipal operating budgets. An evidence gap was identified regarding AT infrastructure investments and benefits corresponding to municipal expenditures (e.g. maintenance cost savings). Notably, a large portion of literature was published after 2009, suggesting that municipal-level evidence on the fiscal benefits of AT investments may just be emerging.  相似文献   

Physically inactive lifestyles are a major public health challenge, and research in the transportation field on influences on the choice to walk and bike may provide guidance toward solutions. In the interests of promoting effective collaboration among the transportation, planning, and health fields, the current paper was written to fulfill three purposes. The first purpose was to summarize the transportation and planning studies on the relation between community design and non-motorized (“active”) transport and to interpret these studies from a health perspective. The second purpose was to summarize studies from the health literature that examine the relation between physical environmental variables and leisure-time physical activity that have relevance for transportation research. The third purpose was to promote more collaboration among transportation, planning, and health investigators by identifying opportunities for transdisciplinary research.  相似文献   


A scientific consensus has recently emerged suggesting that the dominant twentieth century paradigm of solving transportation congestion problems by building more freeways failed. The legacy of the freeway construction era is clearly visible in polluted and congested cities worldwide. To battle these ills, planning academics have been promoting more sustainable built form aligned with dedicated public/active transport provision. Partly as a result of the push coming from academia, a number of cities have sought to remove their freeways and replace the freed up space with alternate transport infrastructure, such as streets and boulevards. To discern if the transportation planning profession is currently undergoing a paradigm shift or whether freeway removal is merely a temporary fad, we have conducted a systematic review of the literature. In this article, we unpack the underlying reasons which have led some cities to removing their freeways. Results reveal that a paradigm shift has arguably not yet taken place in transportation planning. While many cities are creating human-scale and active transport spaces, currently these spaces tend to coexist alongside freeways. American cities, which were once the pioneers of freeway construction, appear to be lagging behind cities in Europe and Asia in this respect. If the current pace of freeway removal continues, it may take a few decades before the transportation planners, politicians, policy makers, and communities adopt radically different norms, methods, and goals. However, a radical approach may need to be taken sooner given alarming global warming predictions.  相似文献   


Effective management of interfaces between procurement, supply, production and distribution for higher efficiency in the supply chain is an important issue in global manufacturing, where the synchronization of production and transportation planning represents important savings in operational costs. This paper focuses on the synchronization of production planning and transportation planning in a production distribution network, where transportation is subcontracted to a professional transportation enterprise (PTE) for vehicle-hiring. Dynamic and flexible numbers of vehicles are used to cater for fast changing market demands. Thus, the number of vehicles to be hired is viewed from the planning point of view as an operational decision considered simultaneously with production and transportation planning. A mathematical model – SPTP/MTDS – for synchronized production and transportation planning under multiple times and direct shipping strategy (MTDS) is discussed, and a Lagrange relaxation decomposition-based two layer decision procedure (LRD-TLDP) is developed. By introducing artificial decision variables and Lagrange multipliers, SPTP/MTDS is decomposed into a production decision sub-problem (SPTP-PD), and a distribution decision sub-problem (SPTP-DD). A priority-based assignment heuristic and a partial chain-based genetic algorithm are developed to solve SPTP-PD and SPTP-DD, respectively. An illustration of the application of the model in an electronic appliance manufacturing enterprise in China is presented.  相似文献   

Since 1976, major Denver metropolitan area firms have been required to encourage employees to use mass transit, carpooling, bicycling, and other alternate transportation modes to commute to work. The encouragement programs of 36 firms were clearly associated with greater use of alternate transportation modes, with the portion of variance in alternate transportation use explained by differences in employer programs of approximately 15%. The effects of the programs on deterring alternate mode users from returning to solo driving are consistently weaker than their effects on persuading drivers to try alternate transportation modes initially. Recommendations for the conduct of alternate transportation encouragement programs are made, based on these and other results. In addition, two recommendations are made concerning the evaluation of encouragement programs: that aggregate percentage change in alternate transportation use should not be used as the sole measure of success, and that environmental variables such as the availability of and pressure for use of alternate transportation modes should be measured and controlled.  相似文献   

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