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1. The whole market maintained high speed growth Among the surge in car sales, the brightest spot is the upper-medium sector, sales of which in the first half of 2003 were 194,000 units, more than sales for the whole of 2001, an increase of 95% year on year, 3 percentage point over the average growth of the industry. The market presented the following 6 characteristics:  相似文献   

2002 is the first year for China that entered into of the WTO in 2001. China's auto industry will be confronted with the opportunity and challenge from the WTO and it will greatly change China's auto industry. Under the pressures from both domestic demand and external world, the organization structure, product mix and market  相似文献   

2002 will be a milestone year for China's auto industry, as passenger car sales will pass the one million-unit mark. The continuous economic growth of 9% or more per year over the last 24 years, and the entry of WTO membership have promoted significant competition in the China auto market this year. The strong and highly profitable Chinese market has attracted almost  相似文献   

2005 saw a most toughest SUV market and some expect a huge reshuffle of the industry will occur in the following year. However, the market during the top 3 months reported marginal growth in terms of production and sales. The latest figures show that 19 S…  相似文献   

1. Market prospective The tone of the auto market will not change greatly in the later half of this year. This is be-cause: Firstly, the overall growth rate of national economy will be a little bit higher than that of the first half this year, and its triggering effect  相似文献   

Ⅰ. Estimated Macro-economic Environment for 1996 1996 is the first year of the 9th Five-Year Plan, the state will further deepen its system reforms and inject new vitality toward economic development. Economic growth will maintain balanced, inflation will be more effectively  相似文献   

In early 2004, the Chinese government took measures to restrain the hasty development of the industries of energy, steel and electrolytic aluminum. Statistics show that the auto industry has been deeply influenced by the macro regulation with a complicated market situation appearing.1. The macro economic situation in the first half of 2004 During the period, China’s GDP experienced a growth of 9.7 per cent year on year, 0.9 percentage point higher period on period. The growth in the second …  相似文献   

Guangzhou Propels Auto Industry Further Before the year of 2000, Guangzhou plans to raise RMB 3.5 bill. for the development of auto industry, within the 5 years after 2000, an-other RMB 3.8 bill. will further be collected for the same purpose. Currently, in Guangzhou,  相似文献   

Passenger Vehicle Registrations Hit Record High in January Passenger vehicle (including van) registrations exceeded the 0.5 million mark for the first time ever in January 2007 -reaching 598,391 units, a year-on-year increase of 24.0% which is a slightly lower growth rate compared to the same year-on-year change last year. In terms of body types, sedan models increased 32.8% year-on-year maintaining a growth of over 30% the second year in a row. In comparison the year-on-year increase of hatchback models was only 8.9%, far lower than the growth rate last year.  相似文献   

The statistics of first half of the year give support to those who believe that China's accession into WTO would create new energy in China's automotive industry. Facts show that the automotive industry is becoming one of the most developed industries in China. New project implementation and mergers between carmakers go on one after another along with the market growth. We can notice that many international companies have been involved in most alliances and merges. Sources say, taking the project be-  相似文献   

It is stimulated in the Tenth-Five-Year-Plan period that by the year of 2010, the Chinese auto industry should become the pillar industry by means of integration of competition and self-development. According to incomplete statistics, by 2005, the demand will be: 3.6 million units of motor vehicle engines, of which petrol engines will be 2.288 million units, diesel engines 1.232 million units and the substitute engines 80,000 units. And the  相似文献   

Vehicles are driven in highway systems. The growth of auto industry is based upon the foundation of previous development of highway constructions. Without sufficient and convenient highway transportation systems, the purchasing desire of people for automobiles will drop down. In this term, analysis on highway construction of China is helpful for understanding its future development of auto industry.  相似文献   

Over the recent years, along with the expansion ofits auto industry, China has becomeone of the countries in the world where the number of motor vehicles increases mostrapidly. By the end of 2003, its vehicle population totaled 2.421 million (not includingmotorcycles), including 7.71 million cars. The proportion of passenger vehicles hit 51.3percent for the first time in the same year. The Chinese government designated the auto industry as one of its pillars. In the TenthFive-year Plan th…  相似文献   

After fluctuating for four years, the auto in-dustry still operated under inhibition from Jan-uary to July this year. In terms of volume, the output and sales of automobiles had a negative growth in the first half of this year. What is the way out? The sentence "development is the prin-ciple" proves to be very significant.  相似文献   

Ⅰ. Chinese auto industry in 2002 Since the WTO entry, Chinese economy has maintained an exciting development trend in the first seven months of this year. The GDP growth is as high as 7.8%. Meanwhile, auto production and sales have also increased rapidly. More and more new types of domestic-made vehicles are being launched, auto prices have been reduced and the service is  相似文献   

According to the latest statistics from CAAM, 2005 saw for the first time in 8 years the drop of heavy truck production by 33.19 percent year on year. 1. Characteristics of 2005 1.1 Older brands fell and the new ones got stronger The drop row referred to …  相似文献   

According to the Tenth-Five-Year Plan for the automobile industry, till 2005, the total production output of automobiles in China will be around 3.2 million units and 2 or 3 conglomerations having international competitive abilities will be formed.  相似文献   

Auto Plan Drafting under Process Work for drafting the 10th "Five-Year-Plan" of Chinese auto industry has begun, and the framework of the plan will be set forth by the end of this year. State Administration of Machine-building Industry (SAMI) will take the responsibility for working out the plan, which will include the guiding idea, general contempla-  相似文献   

Chinese auto sector in the first ten months of 1996 saw a sluggish market. It is a foregone conclusion that the market will operate with difficulty the whole year, even if the market may pick up slightly in the last two months. 1. Slackened auto market with almost no sales hot-spot seen The increase amplitude of demand for mini  相似文献   

The China market maintained its steady growth in 2005, with the rate further accelerating throughout the year. Demand for new passenger cars reached almost 3.80 million of cial registrations last year, a rise of 19% compared to 2004.Shanghai GM took the l…  相似文献   

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