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On the basis of the quasi-isomorphism of finite groups, a new mapping, weak isomorphism, from a finite group to another finite group is defined. Let G and H be two finite groups and G be weak-isomorphic to H. Then G≌H if G satisfies one of the following conditions. 1) G is a finite Abelian group. 2) The order of G is p^3. 3 ) The order of G is p^n+1 and G has a cyclic normal subgroup N = 〈a〉 of order p^n. 4) G is a nilpotent group and if p^││G│, then for any P ∈ Sylp (G), P has a cyclic maximal subgroup, where p is a prime; 5) G is a maximal class group of order p4(p〉3).  相似文献   

F.Harary在[1]中提出如下一个未解决问题:那些有限置换群是完全图同构分解的因子对称群?对于n〉1。构造了2n+1阶完全图G的/7,个不同的同构分解G^e=G1∪G2∪…∪Gn,其中G1是2n个点的路的第e对对称点和另1个点连接得到的图。证明了G的同构分解的因子对称群是n阶循环群。  相似文献   

Let F be a locally defined formation consisting of locally soluble groups,G a hyper-(cyclic or finite)locally soluble group and A a noetherian ZG-module with all irreducible ZG-factors being finite,G∈F,f(∞)≌f(p),f(P)≠Фfor each P∈π.The following conclutions are obtained:(1)if there exists a maximal submodule B of A such that A/B is F central in G and B has no nonzero F centml ZG-factors,then A has an F decomposition;(2)if there exists an irreducible F central submodule B of A such that all ZG-composition factors of A/B are F ecentric,then A has an F decomposition.  相似文献   

Let F be a locally defined formation consisting of locally solvable groups, G a hyper-( cyclic or finite) locally solvable group and A a noetherian ZG-module with all irreducible ZG-factors being finite. The following conclusion is obtained: if G∈F, f( ∞ ) include f(p), f(p) ≠φ for each p∈π, and A has no nonzero F central ZG- images, then any extension E of A by G splits conjugately over A, and A has no nonzero F central ZG-factors.  相似文献   

F.Harary在[1]中提出如下一个未解决问题:那些有限置换群是完全图同构分解的因子对称群?本文证明了偶数阶完全图的路分解的因子对称群是循环群.  相似文献   

Let Fbe a formation locally defined by f(p), G∈ Fand A a ZG-module, where p∈π={all primes and symbol ∞}.Then a p-main-factor U/V of G is said to be F -central in G if G/CG(U/V)∈f(p). In this paper, we have proved that: let Fbe a locally defined formation consisting of locally soluble groups, G a hyper-(cyclic or finite) locally soluble group and A an artinian ZG-module with all irreducible ZG-factors of A being finite; if G ∈ F, f(∞) f(p), f(p)≠ for each p∈π, A has an F -decomposition.  相似文献   

设G是一个图,如果V(G)能划分为t个两两不交的控制集Dt(i=1,2,…,t),则称G有t-控制集划分.图G的集控制数定义为d(G)=max{ t|G有t-控制集划分}.该文主要研究乘积图与联图的集控制问题,给出其集控制数的界限,并确定一些特殊图的集控制数.  相似文献   

Let G be a hyper finite locally solvable group, A a minimax ZG-module, (F) a locally defined formation consisting of locally solvable groups, A has no nonzero infinite irreducible ZG-factors, and G ∈(F) . The following results are proved: if A has a maximal submodule B such that A/B is central in G and B has no nonzero (F)-central ZG-factors, then A has an (F)-decomposition; if A has an irreducible (F)-central submodule B such that all ZG-composition factors of A/B are (F)-eccentric, then A has an (F)-decomposition.  相似文献   

Given a graph G and a non-negative integer h, the h-restricted connectivity k^h(G) of G is the minimum cardinality of a set of vertices of G, in which at least h neighbors of any vertex is not included, if any, whose deletion disconnects G and every remaining component has the minimum degree of vertex at least h; and the h-extra connectivity k^h(G) Of G is the minimum cardinality of a set of vertices of G, if any, whose deletion disconnects G and every remaining component has order more than h. This paper shows that for the hypercube Qn and the folded hypercube FQn, k1(Qn)=k^(1)(Qn)=2n-2 for n≥3, k2(Qn)=3n-5 for n≥4, k1(FQn)=k^(1)(FQn)=2n for n≥4 and k^(2)(FQn)=4n-4 for n≥8.  相似文献   

Let E and F be Banach lattices.It is known that if every continuous linear operator from E into F is regular,then,under some mild assumptions on E or F,either E is lattice isomorphic to an AL-space or F is lattice isomorphic to an AM-space.Here we present a characterization on an AL-space E such that every bounded linear operator from E into a Banach lattice isregular.A counterex.ample is also provided,which shows that the results are unexpected even if the domain is an AL-space or the range space is an AM-space.  相似文献   

简单图G和H的合成图是指具有顶点集V(G)×V(H)的简单图G[H],它的顶点(u,v)和另一个顶点(u,v')相邻当且仅当或者uu'∈E(G),或者“u=u’且vv’∈E(H).文中研究了n+1阶简单图G与m阶简单图H的合成图的星全染色,其中G为Wn。,扇Fm或星Sn.得到以下结果:(1)若△(H)=2且n≥4,m≥5,则G[H]的星全色数为(2n+1)m;(2)若x(H)=△(H)=m-1且n,m≥4,则G[H]的星全色数为2(n+1)m-1.  相似文献   

阶素因子个数较小且每个素因子的次数较低的有限群在群的研究中有重要的作用,很多与群结构相关的结论都是利用这种群描述的(比如可解群)。利用线性群的方法以及群的线性表示的思想,给出Zp×Zp的两个相对全形同构的一个性质充分条件,并利用这一充分条件,给出p2q阶群的同构类数的另一证明。  相似文献   

IntroductionGraph G,considered in this paper,is finiteand simple with vertex set V ( G) and edge setE( G) .Let d( x,y) denote the distance between xand y in G and W={w1,w2 ,…,wk}denote the or-dered set of V( G) .For any given v∈V( G) ,therepresentation of v with respect to W is the k- vec-tor:r( v| W) ={d( v,w1) ,d( v,w2 ) ,…,d( v,wk) }.The ordered set W is called a resolving set of G ifr( u| W) =r( v| W) implies that u=v for all pairs{u,v}of vertices of G. A resolving set of G with…  相似文献   

A code is said to be a w-identifiable parent property code (or w-IPP code for short) if whenever d is a descendant of w (or fewer) codewords, and one can always identify at least one of the parents of d. Let C be an (N, w 1, q)-code and C* an (w 1)-color graph for C. If a graph G is a subgraph of C* and consists of w 1 edges with different colors, then G is called a (w 1)-pattern of C*. In this paper, we proved that C is a w-IPP code if and only if there exists at most one vertex with color degree more than 1 in any (w 1)-pattern of C*.  相似文献   

一个指标为3的Mendelsohn三元系,记为MTS(v,3),是一个对子(X,B,其中X是一个v元集,B是X中循环三元组(区组)的集合,满足X的每一个有序对都恰包含于B中的3个区组.设(X,B是一个没有重复区组的MTS(v,3),如果(x,y,z)∈B必有(z,y,x)B则称(X,B为单纯的,记为PMTS(v,3).不相交PMTS(v,3)大集,记为LPMTS(v,3),是一个集合(X,B)}i,其中每个(X,B)都是一个PMTS(v,3),并且UiBi构成了X中所有循环三元组的一个划分.本文给出了LPMTS(v,3)的一种构造方法,得到了其存在的一个无穷类:对于v=8,14(mod18),v≠14,存在LPMTS(v,3).  相似文献   

对于一个(p,g)图G,如果存在一个v(G)到非负整数集N0的一个映射以称为顶点标号)满足:(1)f(u)≠f(v),其中u≠v,且u,v∈V,(c);(2){f(u)+f(v)|uv∈E(G))={k,k+d,…,k+(g-1)d),称图G为(k,d)-算术图。证明了图Fm.4是(d,2d)-算术图和图Fm.6是(d,3d)-算术图。  相似文献   

设G是阶数不小于3的简单连通图,G的k-正常边染色称为是邻强的,如果G的任意相邻的两顶点的关联边的颜色构成的集合不同.对一个图G进行邻强边染色所需要的最少的颜色数称为是G的邻强边色数.本文研究了单圈图的邻强边染色.  相似文献   

A subgroup H of G is called s-conditionally permutable in G if for every Sylow subgroup T of G,there exists an element x∈G such that HTx=TxH.In this paper,we investigate further the influence of s-conditionally permutability of some 2-maximal subgroups of the Sylow subgroup of G,on the structure of finite groups.New criteria for a group G being p-nilpotent are obtained.  相似文献   

Shor proposed a polynomial time algorithm for computing the order of one element in a multiplicative group using a quantum computer. Based on Miller's randomization, he then gave a factorization algorithm. But the algorithm has two shortcomings, the order must be even and the output might be a trivial factor. Actually, these drawbacks can be overcome if the number is an RSA modulus. Applying the special structure of the RSA modulus,an algorithm is presented to overcome the two shortcomings. The new algorithm improves Shor's algorithm for factoring RSA modulus. The cost of the factorization algorithm almost depends on the calculation of the order of 2 in the multiplication group.  相似文献   

Introduction Factoring integers is generally thought to behard on a classical computer. But it is now heldthat prime factorization can be accomplished inpolynomial time on a quantum computer. This re-markable work is due to Shor[1]. For a given num-ber n, he gave a quantum computer algorithm forfinding the order r of an element x (mod n) insteadof giving a quantum computer algorithm for factor-ing n directly. The indirect algorithm is feasiblebecause factorization can be reduced to finding th…  相似文献   

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