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In this paper we present a mixed-integer linear program to represent the decision-making process for heterogeneous fleets selecting vehicles and allocating them on freight delivery routes to minimize total cost of ownership. This formulation is implemented to project alternative powertrain technology adoption and utilization trends for a set of line-haul fleets operating on a regional network. Alternative powertrain technologies include compressed (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) engines, hybrid electric diesel, battery electric (BE), and hydrogen fuel cell (HFC). Future policies, economic factors, and availability of fueling and charging infrastructure are input assumptions to the proposed modeling framework. Powertrain technology adoption, vehicle utilization, and resulting CO2 emissions predictions for a hypothetical, representative regional highway network are illustrated. A design of experiments (DOE) is used to quantify sensitivity of adoption outcomes to variation in vehicle performance parameters, fuel costs, economic incentives, and fueling and charging infrastructure considerations. Three mixed-adoption scenarios, including BE, HFC, and CNG vehicle market penetration, are identified by the DOE study that demonstrate the potential to reduce cumulative CO2 emissions by more than 25% throughout the period of study.  相似文献   

Taotao Deng 《运输评论》2013,33(6):686-699

The paper provides an update of the survey focusing on estimating the contribution of transport infrastructure to productivity and economic growth. The central questions addressed are possible reasons behind the conflicting results reported in the literature on the elasticity of economic output with respect to transport infrastructure investment. After providing a systematic review of recent empirical studies on the effects of transport infrastructure on productivity and economic growth, the paper notes that controversial results can be attributed to ten causes (grouped into three categories for distinguishing): (1) related to different contexts: research period, geographical scales, and country's capability in enabling economic development; (2) related to different phenomena that are being measured: different economic sectors, different types of transport infrastructure, and different quality levels of transport infrastructure; and (3) related to distinct ways of measuring a similar phenomenon: measures used to describe the dependent variable and explanatory variable, functional specification, and estimation method of the econometric model. Strong network externalities of transport infrastructure may result in nonlinearity of the relationship between transport infrastructure and economic growth. Moreover, the absence of spatial concerns in infrastructure's impacts is another important source of inconclusive results. Finally, building on recent literature, the paper has discussed policy implications and identified several research avenues for further research.  相似文献   

In this paper, we aim to estimate the effect of contract renewal as well as competitive tendering on public transport costs, subsidies, and ridership. More specifically, we examine to what extent (multiple) contract renewals and introduction of competitive tendering for long-term public transport contracts affect ridership, operational costs and subsidies in concession areas governed by public transportation authorities from 2001 until 2013 in the Netherlands. Our identification strategy improves on the literature as we are able to control for all time-invariant unobserved factors, such as network and area characteristics by using panel data. We show that when renewing long-term contracts, operational costs are reduced by at least 10%, whereas subsidies fall even stronger. For contracts that are renewed at least twice, the reduction in costs is even more substantial and in the order of 16%. We find that the effect of competitive tendering is completely absent, suggesting that the threat of competitive tendering is sufficient in a market where the majority of concessions is competitive tendered. Contract renewal not only reduces costs and subsidies, but simultaneously increases public transport ridership by 7.7%. Furthermore the vehicle-hours elasticity of operational costs is 0.40, pointing to strong economies of density. The geographical scale elasticity of operational costs is around one, which indicates constant returns to scale with respect to the geographical size of the concession area. This suggest that the current size of the Dutch concession area is optimal with respect to costs.  相似文献   

The plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) is deemed as a critical technological revolution, and the governments are imposing various vehicle policies to promote its development. Meanwhile, the market success of PEVs depends on many aspects. This study integrates one’s use of charging infrastructure at home, public place and workplace into the market dynamics analysis tool, New Energy and Oil Consumption Credits (NEOCC) model, to systematically assess the charging infrastructure (home parking ratio, public charging opportunity, and charging costs) impact on PEV ownership costs and analyze how the PEV market shares may be affected by the attributes of the charging infrastructure. Compared to the charging infrastructure, the impact of battery costs is incontrovertibly decisive on PEV market shares, the charging infrastructure is still non-negligible in the PEV market dynamics. The simulation results find that the public charging infrastructure has more effectiveness on promoting the PEV sales in the PEV emerging market than it does in the PEV mature market. However, the improvement of charging infrastructure does not necessarily lead to a larger PEV market if the charging infrastructure incentives do not coordinate well with other PEV policies. Besides, the increase of public charging opportunities has limited motivations on the growth of public PEV fleets, which are highly correlated to the number of public fast charging stations or outlets. It also finds that more home parking spaces can stimulate more sales of personal plug-in hybrid electric vehicles instead of personal battery electric vehicles.  相似文献   

Transportation system infrastructure often experiences severe flood-related disruptions such as overtopping, erosion, and scour. The ensuing damages can result in enormous direct and indirect economic losses to the traffic network and consequently the individuals through conditions like inaccessibility to commuters and reduction in traffic safety. Many studies have claimed that a robust transportation system could significantly prevent such consequences from natural hazards such as floods, highlighting the importance of robustness measures that could be used by decision-makers to properly manage flooded transportation system. Most available measures related to network robustness assessment are qualitative, and while some recent studies have focused on such evaluation using quantitative assessment approaches related to environmental or social-economic operations, they lack the holistic view towards robustness under flood events. This study develops a composite multi-scale transportation-system robustness model considering flood hazards by synthesizing geographical damage recognition, topological functionality analysis, network operation evaluation, and traffic-user loss estimation. This integrated model has been applied in a real-world highway network, mainly revealing that a given intensive flood occurrence at different locations may result in a variety of after-flood disruptions in the transportation network. To assist the asset owners with developing more reasonable prevention and recovery plans, the developed multi-scale robustness index presents both visible multi-denominational flood consequences and an overall post-event transportation-system robustness indicator.  相似文献   

This paper has two objectives: (i) to introduce a new approach in order to gain widespread support for road pricing; and (ii) to develop a detailed social welfare analysis for road pricing schemes. We first describe our novel approach that stimulates public support for road pricing, which we refer to as an investment public–private partnership, or IP3. This approach returns a significant portion of the economic value created by road pricing back to the citizens who own the newly priced facility. We then present a social welfare framework that estimates the benefits and costs of using the IP3 approach on an urban transportation network. A P3 project’s impact on overall social welfare provides a more comprehensive evaluation criterion than the often-used Value for Money (VfM) analysis. Apart from several theoretical studies, a detailed social welfare analysis that includes all major P3 project stakeholders is absent from the literature. We use Fresno, California as our case study in order to conduct a welfare analysis on IP3s. Our results show that system-optimal tolling favors average users, but that government—and consequently taxpayers—should pay for costly tolling systems (negative profits). In contrast, unlimited profit-maximizing tolls raise substantial profits for government, for the infrastructure’s citizen-owners, and for the private sector, but the average user is worse off. From a social-welfare perspective, one should search for a Pareto improvement under which all major stakeholders are better off. Our estimates indicate that a mixed public and private tolling scheme offers such an improvement.  相似文献   

Ride-hailing is a clear initial market for autonomous electric vehicles (AEVs) because it features high vehicle utilization levels and strong incentive to cut down labor costs. An extensive and reliable network of recharging infrastructure is the prerequisite to launch a lucrative AEV ride-hailing fleet. Hence, it is necessary to estimate the charging infrastructure demands for an AEV fleet in advance. This study proposes a charging system planning framework for a shared-use AEV fleet providing ride-hailing services in urban area. We first adopt an agent-based simulation model, called BEAM, to describe the complex behaviors of both passengers and transportation systems in urban cities. BEAM simulates the driving, parking and charging behaviors of the AEV fleet with range constraints and identifies times and locations of their charging demands. Then, based on BEAM simulation outputs, we adopt a hybrid algorithm to site and size charging stations to satisfy the charging demands subject to quality of service requirements. Based on the proposed framework, we estimate the charging infrastructure demands and calculate the corresponding economics and carbon emission impacts of electrifying a ride-hailing AEV fleet in the San Francisco Bay Area. We also investigate the impacts of various AEV and charging system parameters, e.g., fleet size, vehicle battery capacity and rated power of chargers, on the ride-hailing system’s overall costs.  相似文献   

We describe a model that integrates a multiregional input–output (I–O) model of the USA (for 50 States and the District of Columbia) with the national highway network. Inter-state commodity shipments are placed on a congestible highway network. Simulations of major choke-point disruptions redirect traffic which increases the costs of some shipments. Increased costs show up in higher prices which help to determine a new I–O equilibrium. We find economic and network equilibria that are consistent. The simulations show only moderate economic impacts. We ascribe this to the resilience of the highway network. The model provides State-level detail on who bears the costs of the disruptions.  相似文献   

Using China’s province-level panel data from 1987 to 2010, this study explores the optimal level of transport infrastructure accumulation maximizing the growth rate. We investigate under what circumstances can additional transportation infrastructure capacity positively affect economic growth, based on panel threshold regression models. Our empirical findings suggest that there is a non-monotonic relationship between the stock of transport infrastructure and the long-run growth rate. The magnitude of transport-led economic growth effect significantly depends on the level of the existing transport network. The empirical results identify two endogenous cut-off points of efficiency of transport-led economic growth effect. When the highway network density is lower than 0.17 km/km2, an insignificant positive relationship between highway infrastructure accumulation and economic growth was found. When the highway density is estimated between 0.17 and 0.38 km/km2 or higher than 0.38 km/km2, expanding the highway network has a significant positive effect on economic growth, but the magnitude of the impact is weaker in the latter, with the estimated coefficients equal to 0.23 and 0.09 respectively. Although China still enjoys a positive economic growth effect led by building more large-scale highway infrastructure, the magnitude of the effects of most provinces in China has already passed the saturation point and continuously expanding the highway network is not very productive.  相似文献   

This paper examines some key aspects of a charging system for promoting railway transport, including charges reflecting a clear relationship with costs (transparency) and charges reflecting the quality of the infrastructure manager's service. Train running charges recover track-related costs and can help to develop a charging system that meets these requirements. To orient train running charges to the market, a method for processing track maintenance and renewal costs is proposed whereby the quality of the service provided by an infrastructure is measured according to its utility to the railway undertaking. To achieve transparency, a single indicator is used for cost planning and the subsequent levying of costs on railway undertakings. The paper includes an example of how proposed train running charges would be calculated according to data from 14 European countries. The example shows that short-distance trains generate the lowest maintenance and renewal costs, followed by long-distance trains and freight trains.  相似文献   

An efficient and service-oriented transportation network is a necessary resource for successful less-than-truckload operations. The design and evaluation of transportation networks are mainly driven by quantitative particularly cost-oriented measures, such as transport and transshipment costs. This type of measurement, however, simply cannot represent the manifold performance of a transportation network. In particular, incorporating network concentration into network design decisions overcomes the shortcomings of purely cost-oriented decisions because spatial network concentration is at the root of many aspects of network performance (e.g., congestion and network vulnerability). This paper suggests modifications to the network concentration index and the hubbing concentration index from the passenger airline context for less-than-truckload road transportation. The modified indices enable information to be conveyed by network concentration into less-than-truckload network design decisions and provide a suitable perspective to include service-oriented aspects into network design.  相似文献   

Rivers and streams worldwide are highly fragmented by dams and road crossings, and there is a pressing need to retrofit the most problematic structures to ensure aquatic organism passage. At the same time, a majority of the transportation infrastructure within developed nations is beyond its projected lifespan and significant investments will be needed to ensure that this transportation infrastructure remains safe and functional. Historically, these two problems have been addressed separately. Here, we use a rapid survey methodology to identify road-stream crossings that are likely high-priority projects for both conservation and infrastructure agencies. We conducted a field assessment of more than 700 road-stream crossings across Oklahoma to determine if they blocked fish movements and to determine their physical condition. We then developed an index of ecological impact, and an index of infrastructure condition, based on physical variables measured at each crossing. This survey revealed a subset of crossings that are both fragmenting the river network and in poor physical condition. These crossings are high-priority locations where culvert replacement may have both high ecosystem benefit and would eliminate a piece of transportation infrastructure with a high risk of failure. We discuss opportunities for cost-sharing between conservation and transportation agencies.  相似文献   


Despite the hundreds of billions of dollars being spent on infrastructure development -- from roads, rail and airports to energy extraction and power networks to the Internet -- surprisingly little reliable knowledge exists about the performance of these investments in terms of actual costs, benefits and risks. This paper presents results from the first statistically significant study of cost performance in transport infrastructure projects. The sample used is the largest of its kind, covering 258 projects in 20 nations worth approximately US$90 billion (constant 1995 prices). The paper shows with overwhelming statistical significance that in terms of costs transport infrastructure projects do not perform as promised. The conclusion is tested for different project types, different geographical regions and different historical periods. Substantial cost escalation is the rule rather than the exception. For rail, average cost escalation is 45% (SD=38), for fixed links (tunnels and bridges) it is 34% (62) and for roads 20% (30). Cost escalation appears a global phenomenon, existing across 20 nations on five continents. Cost estimates have not improved and cost escalation not decreased over the past 70 years. Cost estimates used in decision-making for transport infrastructure development are highly, systematically and significantly misleading. Large cost escalations combined with large standard deviations translate into large financial risks. However, such risks are typically ignored or underplayed in decision-making, to the detriment of social and economic welfare.  相似文献   

The effect of the application of advanced transport information system (ATIS) and road pricing is studied in a transportation system under non-recurrent congestion. A stochastic network deterministic user equilibrium model (SNDUE) with elastic demand is formulated and used to evaluate the welfare and private impacts of different market penetrations of ATIS, together with road pricing for a simple network. Both marginal first-best road pricing and a second-best fixed road pricing are considered. The incentives of private users to use ATIS are analyzed and the characteristics of optimum tolls as a function of ATIS market penetration are shown. We conclude that ATIS is an efficient and necessary tool to reduce the effects of non-recurrent incidents in a transportation network, especially when non-recurrent congestion causes a significant deterioration of operational conditions of the network. If the impact of non-recurrent incidents on free flow costs is small or is reduced only to congestion effects, the use of road pricing would be more efficient. Social benefits obtained when jointly implementing ATIS and road pricing are practically the same whether first-best or second-best road pricing is used. Considering the private costs perceived by the network users, and the benefits experienced by equipped users, the maximum level of market penetration achieved could be limited because private benefits disappear after certain market penetration is obtained.  相似文献   

This paper assesses shipping profits, costs and emissions by speed and as a function of sea and freight market conditions. Traditionally, seagoing vessels have been designed to operate at standardized, maximum economic speeds based on hydrodynamic considerations. High fuel costs and increased environmental concerns have challenged this practice. While speed reductions may reduce costs and emissions, most studies are based on still water conditions despite these being the exceptions. In addition, shipping lines operate in a commercial market with the objective of making profit and not solely on cost reductions. Our results show that significant cost and emissions reductions can be achieved and that the maximum economic speeds based on hydrodynamic considerations even in a good freight market are lower than the design speeds.  相似文献   

This paper develops and applies a practical method to estimate the benefits of improved reliability of road networks. We present a general methodology to estimate the scheduling costs due to travel time variability for car travel. In contrast to existing practical methods, we explicitly consider the effect of travel time variability on departure time choices. We focus on situations when only mean delays are known, which is typically the case when standard transport models are used. We first show how travel time variability can be predicted from mean delays. We then estimate the scheduling costs of travellers, taking into account their optimal departure time choice given the estimated travel time variability. We illustrate the methodology for air passengers traveling by car to Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. We find that on average planned improvements in network reliability only lead to a small reduction in access costs per trip in absolute terms, mainly because most air passengers drive to the airport outside peak hours, when travel time variability tends to be low. However, in relative terms the reduction in access costs due to the improvements in network reliability is substantial. In our case we find that for every 1 Euro reduction in travel time costs, there is an additional cost reduction of 0.7 Euro due to lower travel time variability, and hence lower scheduling costs. Ignoring the benefits from improved reliability may therefore lead to a severe underestimation of the total benefits of infrastructure improvements.  相似文献   

The network-level infrastructure management problem involves selecting and scheduling maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation (MR&R) activities on networks of infrastructure facilities so as to maintain the level of service provided by the network in a cost-effective manner. This problem is frequently formulated as a Markov decision problem (MDP) solved via linear programming (LP). The conditions of facilities are represented by elements of discrete condition rating sets, and transition probabilities are employed to describe deterioration processes. Epistemic and parametric uncertainties not considered within the standard MDP/LP framework are associated with the transition probabilities used in infrastructure management optimization routines. This paper contrasts the expected costs incurred when model uncertainty is ignored with those incurred when this uncertainty is explicitly considered using robust optimization. A case study involving a network-level pavement management MDP/LP problem demonstrates how explicitly considering uncertainty may limit worst-case MR&R expenditures. The methods and results can also be used to identify the costs of uncertainty in transition probability matrices used in infrastructure management systems.  相似文献   

This paper assesses alternative fuel options for transit buses. We consider the following options for a 40-foot and a 60-foot transit bus: a conventional bus powered by either diesel or a biodiesel blend (B20 or B100), a diesel hybrid-electric bus, a sparking-ignition bus powered by Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) or Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), and a battery electric bus (BEB) (rapid or slow charging). We estimate life cycle ownership costs (for buses and infrastructure) and environmental externalities caused by greenhouse gases (GHGs) and criteria air pollutants (CAPs) emitted from the life cycle of bus operations. We find that all alternative fuel options lead to higher life cycle ownership and external costs than conventional diesel. When external funding is available to pay for 80% of vehicle purchase expenditures (which is usually the case for U.S. transit agencies), BEBs yield large reductions (17–23%) in terms of ownership and external costs compared to diesel. Furthermore, BEBs’ advantages are robust to changes in operation and economic assumptions when external funding is available. BEBs are able to reduce CAP emissions significantly in Pittsburgh’s hotspot areas, where existing bus fleets contribute to 1% of particulate matter emissions from mobile sources. We recognize that there are still practical barriers for BEBs, e.g. range limits, land to build the charging infrastructure, and coordination with utilities. However, favorable trends such as better battery performance and economics, cleaner electricity grid, improved technology maturity, and accumulated operation experience may favor use of BEBs where feasible.  相似文献   

Many existing studies on the sensor health problem determine an individual sensor’s health status based on the statistical characteristics of collected data by the sensor. In this research, we study the sensor health problem at the network level, which is referred to as the network sensor health problem. First, based on the conservation principle of daily flows in a network, we separate all links into base links and non-base links, such that the flows on the latter can be calculated from those on the former. In reality, the network flow conservation principle can be violated due to the existence of unhealthy sensors. Then we define the least inconsistent base set of links as those that minimize the sum of squares of the differences between observed and calculated flows on non-base links. But such least inconsistent base sets may not be unique in a general road network. Finally we define the health index of an individual sensor as the frequency that it appears in all of the least inconsistent base sets. Intuitively, a lower health index suggests that the corresponding sensor is more likely to be unhealthy. We present the brute force method to find all least inconsistent base sets and calculate the health indices. We also propose a greedy search algorithm to calculate the approximate health indices more efficiently. We solve the network sensor health problem for a real-world example with 16 nodes and 30 links, among which 18 links are monitored with loop detectors. Using daily traffic count data from the Caltrans Performance Measurement System (PeMS) database, we use both the brute-force and greedy search methods to calculate the health indices for all the sensors. We find that all the four sensors flagged as unhealthy (high value) by PeMS have the lowest health indices. This confirms that a sensor with a lower health index is more likely to be unhealthy. Therefore, we can use such health indices to determine the relative reliability of different sensors’ data and prioritize the maintenance of sensors.  相似文献   

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