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Real-time estimation of the traffic state in urban signalized links is valuable information for modern traffic control and management. In recent years, with the development of in-vehicle and communication technologies, connected vehicle data has been increasingly used in literature and practice. In this work, a novel data fusion approach is proposed for the high-resolution (second-by-second) estimation of queue length, vehicle accumulation, and outflow in urban signalized links. Required data includes input flow from a fixed detector at the upstream end of the link as well as location and speed of the connected vehicles. A probability-based approach is derived to compensate the error associated with low penetration rates while estimating the queue tail location, which renders the proposed methodology more robust to varying penetration rates of connected vehicles. A well-defined nonlinear function based on traffic flow theory is developed to attain the number of vehicles inside the queue based on queue tail location and average speed of connected vehicles. The overall scheme is thoroughly tested and demonstrated in a realistic microscopic simulation environment for three types of links with different penetration rates of connected vehicles. In order to test the efficiency of the proposed methodology in case that data are available at higher sampling times, the estimation procedure is also demonstrated for different time resolutions. The results demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the approach for high-resolution estimation, even in the presence of measurement noise.  相似文献   

In recent years, rapid advances in information technology have led to various data collection systems which are enriching the sources of empirical data for use in transport systems. Currently, traffic data are collected through various sensors including loop detectors, probe vehicles, cell-phones, Bluetooth, video cameras, remote sensing and public transport smart cards. It has been argued that combining the complementary information from multiple sources will generally result in better accuracy, increased robustness and reduced ambiguity. Despite the fact that there have been substantial advances in data assimilation techniques to reconstruct and predict the traffic state from multiple data sources, such methods are generally data-driven and do not fully utilize the power of traffic models. Furthermore, the existing methods are still limited to freeway networks and are not yet applicable in the urban context due to the enhanced complexity of the flow behavior. The main traffic phenomena on urban links are generally caused by the boundary conditions at intersections, un-signalized or signalized, at which the switching of the traffic lights and the turning maneuvers of the road users lead to shock-wave phenomena that propagate upstream of the intersections. This paper develops a new model-based methodology to build up a real-time traffic prediction model for arterial corridors using data from multiple sources, particularly from loop detectors and partial observations from Bluetooth and GPS devices.  相似文献   

Even though a variety of human mobility models have been recently developed, models that can capture real-time human mobility of urban populations in a sustainable and economical manner are still lacking. Here, we propose a novel human mobility model that combines the advantages of mobile phone signaling data (i.e., comprehensive penetration in a population) and urban transportation data (i.e., continuous collection and high accuracy). Using the proposed human mobility model, travel demands during each 1-h time window were estimated for the city of Shenzhen, China. Significantly, the estimated travel demands not only preserved the distribution of travel demands, but also captured real-time bursts of mobility fluxes during large crowding events. Finally, based on the proposed human mobility model, a predictive model is deployed to predict crowd gatherings that usually cause severe traffic jams.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of travel time is critical to the success of advanced traffic management systems and advanced traveler information systems. Travel time estimation also provides basic data support for travel time reliability research, which is being recognized as an important performance measure of the transportation system. This paper investigates a number of methods to address the three major issues associated with travel time estimation from point traffic detector data: data filling for missing or error data, speed transformation from time‐mean speed to space‐mean speed, and travel time estimation that converts the speeds recorded at detector locations to travel time along the highway segment. The case study results show that the spatial and temporal interpolation of missing data and the transformation to space‐mean speed improve the accuracy of the estimates of travel time. The results also indicate that the piecewise constant‐acceleration‐based method developed in this study and the average speed method produce better results than the other three methods proposed in previous studies. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Estimation of urban network link travel times from sparse floating car data (FCD) usually needs pre-processing, mainly map-matching and path inference for finding the most likely vehicle paths that are consistent with reported locations. Path inference requires a priori assumptions about link travel times; using unrealistic initial link travel times can bias the travel time estimation and subsequent identification of shortest paths. Thus, the combination of path inference and travel time estimation is a joint problem. This paper investigates the sensitivity of estimated travel times, and proposes a fixed point formulation of the simultaneous path inference and travel time estimation problem. The methodology is applied in a case study to estimate travel times from taxi FCD in Stockholm, Sweden. The results show that standard fixed point iterations converge quickly to a solution where input and output travel times are consistent. The solution is robust under different initial travel times assumptions and data sizes. Validation against actual path travel time measurements from the Google API and an instrumented vehicle deployed for this purpose shows that the fixed point algorithm improves shortest path finding. The results highlight the importance of the joint solution of the path inference and travel time estimation problem, in particular for accurate path finding and route optimization.  相似文献   

With the recent increase in the deployment of ITS technologies in urban areas throughout the world, traffic management centers have the ability to obtain and archive large amounts of data on the traffic system. These data can be used to estimate current conditions and predict future conditions on the roadway network. A general solution methodology for identifying the optimal aggregation interval sizes for four scenarios is proposed in this article: (1) link travel time estimation, (2) corridor/route travel time estimation, (3) link travel time forecasting, and (4) corridor/route travel time forecasting. The methodology explicitly considers traffic dynamics and frequency of observations. A formulation based on mean square error (MSE) is developed for each of the scenarios and interpreted from a traffic flow perspective. The methodology for estimating the optimal aggregation size is based on (1) the tradeoff between the estimated mean square error of prediction and the variance of the predictor, (2) the differences between estimation and forecasting, and (3) the direct consideration of the correlation between link travel time for corridor/route estimation and forecasting. The proposed methods are demonstrated using travel time data from Houston, Texas, that were collected as part of the automatic vehicle identification (AVI) system of the Houston Transtar system. It was found that the optimal aggregation size is a function of the application and traffic condition.
Changho ChoiEmail:

A characteristic of low frequency probe vehicle data is that vehicles traverse multiple network components (e.g., links) between consecutive position samplings, creating challenges for (i) the allocation of the measured travel time to the traversed components, and (ii) the consistent estimation of component travel time distribution parameters. This paper shows that the solution to these problems depends on whether sampling is based on time (e.g., one report every minute) or space (e.g., one every 500 m). For the special case of segments with uniform space-mean speeds, explicit formulae are derived under both sampling principles for the likelihood of the measurements and the allocation of travel time. It is shown that time-based sampling is biased towards measurements where a disproportionally long time is spent on the last segment. Numerical experiments show that an incorrect likelihood formulation can lead to significantly biased parameter estimates depending on the shapes of the travel time distributions. The analysis reveals that the sampling protocol needs to be considered in travel time estimation using probe vehicle data.  相似文献   

This paper reports on real data testing of a real-time freeway traffic state estimator, with a particular focus on its adaptive capabilities. The pursued general approach to the real-time adaptive estimation of complete traffic state in freeway stretches or networks is based on stochastic macroscopic traffic flow modeling and extended Kalman filtering. One major innovative feature of the traffic state estimator is the online joint estimation of important model parameters (free speed, critical density, and capacity) and traffic flow variables (flows, mean speeds, and densities), which leads to three significant advantages of the estimator: (1) avoidance of prior model calibration; (2) automatic adaptation to changing external conditions (e.g. weather and lighting conditions, traffic composition, control measures); (3) enabling of incident alarms. These three advantages are demonstrated via suitable real data testing. The achieved testing results are satisfactory and promising for subsequent applications.  相似文献   

The control of the evolution of road traffic streams is highly related to productivity, safety, sustainability and, even, comfort. Although, nowadays, the findings from research efforts and the development of new technologies enable accurate traffic forecasts in almost any conditions, these calculations are usually limited by the data and the equipment available. Most traffic management centres depend on the data provided, at best, by double-loop detectors. These loops supply time means over different aggregation periods, which are indiscriminately used as the bases for subsequent estimations. Since space mean speeds are those needed in most applications (note the fundamental relationship between flow and density in traffic flow theory), most current practice begins with an error. This paper introduces a simple algorithm that the allows estimation of space mean speeds from the data provided by the loops without the need for any additional financial outlay, as long as the traffic in each time interval of aggregation is stationary and its speed distribution is log-normal. Specifically, it is focused on the calculation of the variance of the speeds with regard to the time mean, thus making possible to use the relationship between time mean speeds and space mean speeds defined by Rakha (2005). The results obtained with real data show that the algorithm behaves well if the calculation conditions help fulfil the initial hypotheses. The primary difficulties arise with transient traffic and, in this case, other specific methodologies should be used. Data fusion seems promising in this regard. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that the improvement provided by the algorithm turns out to be highly beneficial both when used alone in the case of stationarity or as a part of a fusion.  相似文献   

Urban systems are interdependent as individuals’ daily activities engage using those urban systems at certain time of day and locations. There may exist clear spatial and temporal correlations among usage patterns across all urban systems. This paper explores such a correlation among energy usage and roadway congestion. We propose a general framework to predict congestion starting time and congestion duration in the morning using the time-of-day electricity use data from anonymous households with no personally identifiable information. We show that using time-of-day electricity data from midnight to early morning from 322 households in the City of Austin, can make reliable prediction of congestion starting time of several highway segments, at the time as early as 2 am. This predictor significantly outperforms a time-series predictor that uses only real-time travel time data up to 6 am. We found that 8 out of the 10 typical electricity use patterns have statistically significant affects on morning congestion on highways in Austin. Some patterns have negative effects, represented by an early spike of electricity use followed by a drastic drop that could imply early departure from home. Others have positive effects, represented by a late night spike of electricity use possible implying late night activities that can lead to late morning departure from home.  相似文献   

The rapid-growth of smartphones with embedded navigation systems such as GPS modules provides new ways of monitoring traffic. These devices can register and send a great amount of traffic related data, which can be used for traffic state estimation. In such a case, the amount of data collected depends on two variables: the penetration rate of devices in traffic flow (P) and their data sampling frequency (z). Referring to data composition as the way certain number of observations is collected, in terms of P and z, we need to understand the relation between the amount and composition of data collected, and the accuracy achieved in traffic state estimation. This was accomplished through an in-depth analysis of two datasets of vehicle trajectories on freeways. The first dataset consists of trajectories over a real freeway, while the second dataset is obtained through microsimulation. Hypothetical scenarios of data sent by equipped vehicles were created, based on the composition of data collected. Different values of P and z were used, and each unique combination defined a specific scenario. Traffic states were estimated through two simple methods, and a more advanced one that incorporates traffic flow theory. A measure to quantify data to be collected was proposed, based on travel time, number of vehicles, penetration rate and sampling frequency. The error was below 6% for every scenario in each dataset. Also, increasing data reduced variability in data count estimation. The performance of the different estimation methods varied through each dataset and scenario. Since the same number of observations can be gathered with different combinations of P and z, the effect of data composition was analyzed (a trade-off between penetration rate and sampling frequency). Different situations were found. In some, an increase in penetration rate is more effective to reduce estimation error than an increase in sampling frequency, considering an equal increase in observations. In other areas, the opposite relationship was found. Between these areas, an indifference curve was found. In fact, this curve is the solution to the optimization problem of minimizing the error given any fixed number of observations. As a general result, increasing sampling frequency (penetration rate) is more beneficial when the current sampling frequency (penetration rate) is low, independent of the penetration rate (sampling frequency).  相似文献   

We present new approaches that expand upon the time geographic density estimation (TGDE) framework previously employed to estimate potential path trees. In the past, TGDE metrics have identified possible locations an individual moving object may have passed between, given known origin and destination points. This paper utilizes a new form of TGDE to investigate taxicab GPS traces over a specified time horizon with position ‘gaps’. To this end, we propose a new extension to the TGDE framework, TGDE-C, which is used to determine the cumulative TGDE values for a group of GPS traces, at a given location. These metrics are applied to multiple taxis and allow for time of day analysis. Additionally, we combine these new extensions with existing TGDE metrics that allow us to determine how accessible individual or groups of vehicles are to urban opportunities.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the performance of a new operational system for measuring traffic speeds and travel times which is based on information from a cellular phone service provider. Cellular measurements are compared with those obtained by dual magnetic loop detectors. The comparison uses data for a busy 14 km freeway with 10 interchanges, in both directions, during January–March of 2005. The dataset contains 1 284 587 valid loop detector speed measurements and 440 331 valid measurements from the cellular system, each measurement referring to a 5 min interval. During one week in this period, 25 floating car measurements were conducted as additional comparison observations. The analyses include visual, graphical, and statistical techniques; focusing in particular on comparisons of speed patterns in the time–space domain. The main finding is that there is a good match between the two measurement methods, indicating that the cellular phone-based system can be useful for various practical applications such as advanced traveler information systems and evaluating system performance for modeling and planning.  相似文献   

The effects of high passenger density at bus stops, at rail stations, inside buses and trains are diverse. This paper examines the multiple dimensions of passenger crowding related to public transport demand, supply and operations, including effects on operating speed, waiting time, travel time reliability, passengers’ wellbeing, valuation of waiting and in-vehicle time savings, route and bus choice, and optimal levels of frequency, vehicle size and fare. Secondly, crowding externalities are estimated for rail and bus services in Sydney, in order to show the impact of crowding on the estimated value of in-vehicle time savings and demand prediction. Using Multinomial Logit (MNL) and Error Components (EC) models, we show that alternative assumptions concerning the threshold load factor that triggers a crowding externality effect do have an influence on the value of travel time (VTTS) for low occupancy levels (all passengers sitting); however, for high occupancy levels, alternative crowding models estimate similar VTTS. Importantly, if demand for a public transport service is estimated without explicit consideration of crowding as a source of disutility for passengers, demand will be overestimated if the service is designed to have a number of standees beyond a threshold, as analytically shown using a MNL choice model. More research is needed to explore if these findings hold with more complex choice models and in other contexts.  相似文献   

Identifying accurate origin-destination (O-D) travel demand is one of the most important and challenging tasks in the transportation planning field. Recently, a wide range of traffic data has been made available. This paper proposes an O-D estimation model using multiple field data. This study takes advantage of emerging technologies – car navigation systems, highway toll collecting systems and link traffic counts – to determine O-D demand. The proposed method is unique since these multiple data are combined to improve the accuracy of O-D estimation for an entire network. We tested our model on a sample network and found great potential for using multiple data as a means of O-D estimation. The errors of a single input data source do not critically affect the model’s overall accuracy, meaning that combining multiple data provides resilience to these errors. It is suggested that the model is a feasible means for more reliable O-D estimation.  相似文献   

Nowadays, new mobility information can be derived from advanced traffic surveillance systems that collect updated traffic measurements, both in fixed locations and over specific corridors or paths. Such recent technological developments point to challenging and promising opportunities that academics and practitioners have only partially explored so far.The paper looks at some of these opportunities within the Dynamic Demand Estimation problem (DDEP). At first, data heterogeneity, accounting for different sets of data providing a wide spatial coverage, has been investigated for the benefit of off-line demand estimation. In an attempt to mimic the current urban networks monitoring, examples of complex real case applications are being reported where route travel times and route choice probabilities from probe vehicles are exploited together with common link traffic measurements.Subsequently, on-line detection of non-recurrent conditions is being recorded, adopting a sequential approach based on an extension of the Kalman Filter theory called Local Ensemble Transformed Kalman Filter (LETKF).Both the off-line and the on-line investigations adopt a simulation approach capable of capturing the highly nonlinear dependence between the travel demand and the traffic measurements through the use of dynamic traffic assignment models. Consequently, the possibility of using collected traffic information is enhanced, thus overcoming most of the limitations of current DDEP approaches found in the literature.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider aggregation technique to reduce the complexity of large-scale traffic network. In particular, we consider the city of Grenoble and show that, by clustering adjacent sections based on a similarity of speed condition, it is possible to cut down the complexity of the network without loosing crucial and intrinsic information. To this end, we consider travel time computation as a metric of comparison between the original graph and the reduced one: for each cluster we define four attributes (average speed, primary and secondary length and heading) and show that, in case of an aggregation rate of 95%, these attributes are sufficient in order to maintain the travel time error below the 25%.  相似文献   

This study focuses on how to use multiple data sources, including loop detector counts, AVI Bluetooth travel time readings and GPS location samples, to estimate macroscopic traffic states on a homogeneous freeway segment. With a generalized least square estimation framework, this research constructs a number of linear equations that map the traffic measurements as functions of cumulative vehicle counts on both ends of a traffic segment. We extend Newell’s method to solve a stochastic three-detector problem, where the mean and variance estimates of cell-based density and flow can be analytically derived through a multinomial probit model and an innovative use of Clark’s approximation method. An information measure is further introduced to quantify the value of heterogeneous traffic measurements for improving traffic state estimation on a freeway segment.  相似文献   

This paper presents a thorough microscopic simulation investigation of a recently proposed methodology for highway traffic estimation with mixed traffic, i.e., traffic comprising both connected and conventional vehicles, which employs only speed measurements stemming from connected vehicles and a limited number (sufficient to guarantee observability) of flow measurements from spot sensors. The estimation scheme is tested using the commercial traffic simulator Aimsun under various penetration rates of connected vehicles, employing a traffic scenario that features congested as well as free-flow conditions. The case of mixed traffic comprising conventional and connected vehicles equipped with adaptive cruise control, which feature a systematically different car-following behavior than regular vehicles, is also considered. In both cases, it is demonstrated that the estimation results are satisfactory, even for low penetration rates.  相似文献   

Aiming to develop a theoretically consistent framework to estimate travel demand using multiple data sources, this paper first proposes a multi-layered Hierarchical Flow Network (HFN) representation to structurally model different levels of travel demand variables including trip generation, origin/destination matrices, path/link flows, and individual behavior parameters. Different data channels from household travel surveys, smartphone type devices, global position systems, and sensors can be mapped to different layers of the proposed network structure. We introduce Big data-driven Transportation Computational Graph (BTCG), alternatively Beijing Transportation Computational Graph, as the underlying mathematical modeling tool to perform automatic differentiation on layers of composition functions. A feedforward passing on the HFN sequentially implements 3 steps of the traditional 4-step process: trip generation, spatial distribution estimation, and path flow-based traffic assignment, respectively. BTCG can aggregate different layers of partial first-order gradients and use the back-propagation of “loss errors” to update estimated demand variables. A comparative analysis indicates that the proposed methods can effectively integrate different data sources and offer a consistent representation of demand. The proposed methodology is also evaluated under a demonstration network in a Beijing subnetwork.  相似文献   

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