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The objective of this paper is to contribute an empirical study to the literature on transportation impacts of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT). The structural equation model (SEM) is employed to analyze the impacts of ICT usage on time use and travel behavior. The sample is derived from the travel characteristic survey conducted in Hong Kong in 2002. The usage of ICT is defined as the experience of using e-mail, Internet service, video conferencing and videophone for either business or personal purposes. The results show that the use of ICT generates additional time use for out-of-home recreation activities and travel and increases trip-making propensity. Individuals at younger age or with higher household income are found to be more likely ICT users. The findings of this study provide further evidence on the complementarity effects of ICT on travel, suggesting that the wide application of ICT probably leads to more, not less, travel. The study also demonstrates the importance of considering the interactions between activity and travel for better understanding of the nature and magnitude of the impacts of ICT on time use and trip making behavior.  相似文献   

Major commuting corridors in metropolitan areas generally comprise multiple transportation modes for commuters, such as transit (subways or buses), private vehicles, or park-and-ride combinations. During the morning peak hour, the commuters would choose one of the available transportation modes to travel through the corridors from rural/suburban living areas to urban working areas. This paper introduces a concept of transportation serviceability to evaluate a transportation mode’s service status in a specific link, route, road, or network during a certain period. The serviceability can be measured by the possibility that travelers choose a specific type of transportation service at a certain travel cost. The commuters’ modal-choice possibilities are calculated using a stochastic equilibrium model based on general travel cost. The modeling results illustrate how transportation serviceability is influenced by background traffic flow in a corridor, value of comfort for railway mode, and parking fee distribution.  相似文献   

In this paper, the effects of a inter-urban carsharing program on users’ mode choice behaviour were investigated and modelled through specification, calibration and validation of different modelling approaches founded on the behavioural paradigm of the random utility theory. To this end, switching models conditional on the usually chosen transport mode, unconditional switching models and holding models were investigated and compared. The aim was threefold: (i) to analyse the feasibility of a inter-urban carsharing program; (ii) to investigate the main determinants of the choice behaviour; (iii) to compare different approaches (switching vs. holding; conditional vs. unconditional); (iv) to investigate different modelling solutions within the random utility framework (homoscedastic, heteroscedastic and cross-correlated closed-form solutions). The set of models was calibrated on a stated preferences survey carried out on users commuting within the metropolitan area of Salerno, in particular with regard to the home-to-work trips from/to Salerno (the capital city of the Salerno province) to/from the three main municipalities belonging to the metropolitan area of Salerno. All of the involved municipalities significantly interact each other, the average trip length is about 30 km a day and all are served by public transport. The proposed carsharing program was a one-way service, working alongside public transport, with the possibility of sharing the same car among different users, with free parking slots and free access to the existent restricted traffic areas. Results indicated that the inter-urban carsharing service may be a substitute of the car transport mode, but also it could be a complementary alternative to the transit system in those time periods in which the service is not guaranteed or efficient. Estimation results highlighted that the conditional switching approach is the most effective one, whereas travel monetary cost, access time to carsharing parking slots, gender, age, trip frequency, car availability and the type of trip (home-based) were the most significant attributes. Elasticity results showed that access time to the parking slots predominantly influences choice probability for bus and carpool users; change in carsharing travel costs mainly affects carpool users; change in travel costs of the usually chosen transport mode mainly affects car and carpool users.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the parking choice/option is considered to be an important factor in only in the mode choice component of a four-stage travel demand modelling system. However, travel demand modelling has been undergoing a paradigm shift from the traditional trip-based approach to an activity-based approach. The activity-based approach is intended to capture the influences of different policy variables at various stages of activity-travel decision making processes. Parking is a key policy variable that captures land use and transportation interactions in urban areas. It is important that the influences of parking choice on activity scheduling behaviour be identified fully. This paper investigates this issue using a sample data set collected in Montreal, Canada. Parking type choice and activity scheduling decision (start time choice) are modelled jointly in order to identify the effects of parking type choice on activity scheduling behaviour. Empirical investigation gives strong evidence that parking type choice influences activity scheduling process. The empirical findings of this investigation challenge the validity of the traditional conception which considers parking choice as exogenous variable only in the mode choice component of travel demand models.  相似文献   

Joint household travel, with or without joint participation in an activity, constitutes a fundamental aspect in modelling activity-based travel behaviour. This paper examines joint household travel arrangements and mode choices using a utility maximising approach. An individual tour-based mode choice model is formulated contingent on the choice of joint tour patterns where joint household activities and shared ride arrangements are recognised as part of the joint household decision-making that influences the travel modes of each household member. Two models, one for weekend and one for weekday, are estimated using empirical data from the Sydney Household Travel Survey. The results show that weekend travel is characterised by a high joint household activity participation rate while weekday travel is distinguished by more intra-household shared ride arrangements. The arrangements of joint household travel are highly associated with travel purpose, social and mobility constraints and household resources. On weekends, public transport is mainly used by captive users (i.e., no-car households and students) and its share is about half of that on weekdays. Also, the value of travel time savings (VOTs) are found to be higher on weekends than on weekdays, running entirely counter to the common belief that weekend VOTs are lower than weekday VOTs. This paper highlights the importance of studying joint household travel and using different transport management measures for alleviating traffic congestion on weekdays and weekends.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been studies of the influence of neighborhood or built environment characteristics on residential location choice and household travel behavior. Interestingly, there is no uniform definition of neighborhood in the literature and the definition is often vague. This paper presents an alternative way of defining neighborhood and neighborhood type, which involves innovative usage of public data sources. Furthermore, the paper investigates the interaction between neighborhood environment and household travel in the US. A neighborhood here is spatially identical to a census tract. A neighborhood type identifies a group of neighborhoods with similar neighborhood socio-economic, demographic, and land use characteristics. This is accomplished by performing log-likelihood clustering on the Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP) 2000 data. Five household travel measures, i.e., number of trips per household, mode share, average travel distance and time per trip, and vehicle miles of travel (VMT), are then compared across the resulting 10 neighborhood types, using the 2001 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) household and trip files. It is found that household life cycle status and residential location are not independent. Transit availability at place of residence tends to increase the transit mode share regardless of household automobile ownership and income level, and job-housing trade-offs are evident when mobility is not of concern. The study also reveals racial preference in residential location and contrasting travel characteristics among ethnic groups.
Liang LongEmail:

Dr. Jie Lin   (Jane) is an assistant professor in Department of Civil and Materials Engineering and a researcher with the Institute for Environmental Science and Policy at University of Illinois at Chicago. Her research is focused on transportation demand analysis, data mining, and transportation sustainability in private, freight, and public transportation systems. Dr. Liang Long   received a Doctorate degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois at Chicago and a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering (Transportation Engineering) from Tongji University. She is currently with Cambridge Systematics as a transportation modeler with expertise in travel demand forecasting, geographic information systems (GIS) and market research.  相似文献   

For economic and environmental policy formulation and with the effort of creating less car dependent societies, it is important to study the changing characteristics of car ownership in a household through time as well as factors responsible of these variations. There is a vast body of literature on empirical studies of car ownership and use. These studies have investigated the socio-economic background of the decision maker, the built environment and the perception associated with owning a car as determinant factors of car ownership and use. In most cases, these analyses have been carried out using cross-sectional data sets. However, the analysis of factors determining changes in travel behavior of an individual or household requires information on their behavior over time (longitudinal data set). In this study, the German Mobility Panel (1996–2006) is used to examine variation of car ownership through time and across households. The panel data modeling results showed that there are variations of car ownership between households whereas changes in car ownership of a given household over time (within household variations) are insignificant. The influence of other factors such as the households’ socio-economic background, the availability of public transportation and shopping/leisure facilities, perception on parking difficulties and satisfaction with existing public transportation services on the car owning characteristics of households is also presented and discussed in this paper.
Andreas JustenEmail:

Cruising-for-parking constraints mobility in urban networks. Car-users may have to cruise for on-street parking before reaching their destinations. The accessibility and the cost of parking significantly influence people's travel behavior (such as mode choice, or parking facility choice between on-street and garage). The cruising flow causes delays eventually to everyone, even users with destinations outside limited parking areas. It is therefore important to understand the impact of parking limitation on mobility, and to identify efficient parking policies for travel cost reduction. Most existing studies on parking fall short in reproducing the dynamic spatiotemporal features of traffic congestion in general, lack the treatment of dynamics of the cruising-for-parking phenomenon, or require detailed input data that are typically costly and difficult to collect. In this paper, we propose an aggregated and dynamic approach for modeling multimodal traffic with the treatment on parking, and utilize the approach to design dynamic parking pricing strategies. The proposed approach is based on the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD), which can capture congestion dynamics at network-level for single-mode and bi-modal (car and bus) systems. A parsimonious parking model is integrated into the MFD-based multimodal modeling framework, where the dynamics of vehicular and passenger flows are considered with a change in the aggregated behavior (e.g. mode choice and parking facility choice) caused by cruising and congestion. Pricing strategies are developed with the objective of reducing congestion, as well as lowering the total travel cost of all users. A case study is carried out for a bi-modal city network with a congested downtown region. An elegant feedback dynamic parking pricing strategy can effectively reduce travel delay of cruising and the generic congestion. Remarkably, such strategy, which is applicable in real-time management with limited available data, is fairly as efficient as a dynamic pricing scheme obtained from system optimum conditions and a global optimization with full information about the future states of the system. Stackelberg equilibrium is also investigated in a competitive behavior between different parking facility operators. Policy indications on on-street storage capacity management and pricing are provided.  相似文献   

In this study, passengers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for and willingness to accept (WTA) improved public transportation and shift to public transportation in Malaysia were examined. Specifically, this study aimed to determine the factors or transport attributes that affect passenger WTA and WTP to shift to public transportation. The adopted methodology was based on a contingent valuation (CV) survey, which was conducted on a representative sample of a cross section in residents of Kajang, in Malaysia. This CV primary survey elicited the demand of passengers for improved public transportation. The spike model was adopted to avoid estimation errors caused by a large percentage of respondents who were unwilling to pay and accept at all. The estimation results showed that the best reduction rate for both travel time and cost was 45% among other amounts that range from 15% to 75%. The best parking cost increment was US$0.30 and the average WTP is US$0.68.  相似文献   

This paper considers both the access and egress stages as an entire process to analyze the satisfaction levels of commuters with metro commuter journeys. Based on a survey in Nanjing, China, seven intermodal travel groups are employed as targets for this analysis. The groups include Walk–Metro–Walk, Walk–Metro–Bus, Bike–Metro–Walk, Bike–Metro–Bus, Bus–Metro–Walk, Bus–Metro–Bus and Car–Metro–Walk, which are named according to the modes of transportation that are employed for access and egress trips. Binary logit models are developed for each group to identify the main factors of satisfaction level. The results show that access and egress stages serve important but different roles in the seven groups. Facility service qualities in two stages are the primary factors that affect overall satisfaction. The groups with same access or egress modes have significantly different core factors. Access by bike and bike–metro–transit users are concerned with bike parking safety, whereas bike–metro–walk users value parking spaces near metro stations. With two transfers between bus and metro, transit–metro–transit users indicate that the weak point in the access stage is the crowded spaces on buses. However, transit–metro–walk users value bus on-time performance, which is also valued by groups with metro–bus egress transfers. For egress by walking, commuters that use motorized modes for access are concerned with the egress walking environment, whereas users of non-motorized access modes are more concerned with egress walking spaces. The findings of this study are helpful for policy developments than can improve public satisfaction with commutes by urban metro.  相似文献   


The collection of big data, as an alternative to traditional resource-intensive manual data collection approaches, has become significantly more feasible over the past decade. The availability of such data, coupled with more sophisticated predictive statistical techniques, has contributed to an increase in attention towards the application of these data, particularly for transportation analysis. Within the transportation literature, there is a growing emphasis on developing sources of commonly collected public transportation data into more powerful analytical tools. A commonly held belief is that application of big data to transportation problems will yield new insights previously unattainable through traditional transportation data sets. However, there exist many ambiguities related to what constitutes big data, the ethical implications of big data collection and application, and how to best utilize the emerging data sets. The existing literature exploring big data provides no clear and consistent definition. While the collection of big data has grown and its application in both research and practice continues to expand, there is a significant disparity between methods of analysis applied to such data. This paper summarizes the recent literature on sources of big data and commonly applied methods used in its application to public transportation problems. We assess predominant big data sources, most frequently studied topics, and methodologies employed. The literature suggests smart card and automated data are the two big data sources most frequently used by researchers to conduct public transit analyses. The studies reviewed indicate that big data has largely been used to understand transit users’ travel behavior and to assess public transit service quality. The techniques reported in the literature largely mirror those used with smaller data sets. The application of more advanced statistical methods, commonly associated with big data, has been limited to a small number of studies. In order to fully capture the value of big data, new approaches to analysis will be necessary.  相似文献   

The wide adoption of location-enabled devices, together with the acceptance of services that leverage (personal) data as payment, allows scientists to push through some of the previous barriers imposed by data insufficiency, ethics and privacy skepticism. The research problems whose study require hard-to-obtain data (e.g. transportation mode detection, service contextualisation, etc.) have now become more accessible to scientists because of the availability of data collecting outlets. One such problem is the detection of a user's transportation mode. Different fields have approached the problem of transportation mode detection with different aims: Location-Based Services (LBS) is a field that focuses on understanding the transportation mode in real-time, Transportation Science is a field that focuses on measuring the daily travel patterns of individuals or groups of individuals, and Human Geography is a field that focuses on enriching a trajectory by adding domain-specific semantics. While different fields providing solutions to the same problem could be viewed as a positive outcome, it is difficult to compare these solutions because the reported performance indicators depend on the type of approach and its aim (e.g. the real-time availability of LBS requires the performance to be computed on each classified location). The contributions of this paper are three fold. First, the paper reviews the critical aspects desired by each research field when providing solutions to the transportation mode detection problem. Second, it proposes three dimensions that separate three branches of science based on their main interest. Finally, it identifies important gaps in research and future directions, that is, proposing: widely accepted error measures meaningful for all disciplines, methods robust to new data sets and a benchmark data set for performance validation.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the pricing of malls in an environment where shoppers choose between a car and public transportation in getting to a suburban mall. The mall implicitly engages in mixed bundling; it sells goods bundled with parking to shoppers who come by car, and only goods to shoppers who come by public transportation. There are external costs of discomfort in public transportation due to crowdedness. Thus, shoppers using public transportation deter each other. The mall internalizes these external costs, much like a policy maker. To do so, it raises the sales price of the good and sets a parking fee less than parking’s marginal cost. Hence, parking is always a loss leader. Surprisingly, this pricing scheme is not necessarily distortionary.  相似文献   

Idei  Rika  Kato  Hironori 《Transportation》2020,47(3):1415-1438

This study aimed at identifying influencing factors in an individual’s choice of health service facility and transportation mode to the facility, using two datasets: one collected through face-to-face interviews held between February and March 2016, containing responses from 258 local residents, and the other collected from 45 residents in the follow-up survey in December 2016. The study area was located in rural Cambodia, where road conditions were recently improved and a health sector policy was implemented to assist poor people in accessing to health services. An empirical analysis was carried out using nested logit models, consisting of two choices of three travel modes (private, shared, or walking) and two types of public health service facilities (health center or referral hospital). The results revealed the following: (1) individuals in households with motorcycles tend to visit health service facilities using private travel modes, whereas individuals in households without their own transportation tend to visit health service facilities using shared travel modes or on foot, and (2) travel distance between individuals’ houses and the selected facilities likely discourages people from visiting referral hospitals, where a variety of health services are available, but does not affect the choice of health centers, offering limited health services while being located closer to residential areas. These findings suggested the need to equip health centers with more functions as health service providers and to operationalize public transportation services for those who cannot afford to visit referral hospitals, which would enable people to receive necessary health services more conveniently.


The existing studies concerning the influence of weather on public transport have mainly focused on the impacts of average weather conditions on the aggregate ridership of public transit. Not much research has examined these impacts at disaggregate levels. This study aims to fill this gap by accounting for intra-day variations in weather as well as public transport ridership and investigating the effect of weather on the travel behavior of individual public transit users. We have collected smart card data for public transit and meteorological records from Shenzhen, China for the entire month of September 2014. The data allow us to establish association between the system-wide public transit ridership and weather condition on not only daily, but also hourly basis and for each metro station. In addition, with the detailed trip records of individual card holders, the travel pattern by public transit are constructed for card holders and this pattern is linked to the weather conditions he/she has experienced. Multivariate modeling approach is applied to analyze the influence of weather on public transit ridership and the travel behavior of regular transit users. Results show that some weather elements have more influence than others on public transportation. Metro stations located in urban areas are more vulnerable to outdoor weather in regard to ridership. Regular transit users are found to be rather resilient to changes in weather conditions. Findings contribute to a more in-depth understanding of the relationship between everyday weather and public transit travels and also provide valuable information for short-term scheduling in transit management.  相似文献   

The public transport networks of dense cities such as London serve passengers with widely different travel patterns. In line with the diverse lives of urban dwellers, activities and journeys are combined within days and across days in diverse sequences. From personalized customer information, to improved travel demand models, understanding this type of heterogeneity among transit users is relevant to a number of applications core to public transport agencies’ function. In this study, passenger heterogeneity is investigated based on a longitudinal representation of each user’s multi-week activity sequence derived from smart card data. We propose a methodology leveraging this representation to identify clusters of users with similar activity sequence structure. The methodology is applied to a large sample (n = 33,026) from London’s public transport network, in which each passenger is represented by a continuous 4-week activity sequence. The application reveals 11 clusters, each characterized by a distinct sequence structure. Socio-demographic information available for a small sample of users (n = 1973) is combined to smart card transactions to analyze associations between the identified patterns and demographic attributes including passenger age, occupation, household composition and income, and vehicle ownership. The analysis reveals that significant connections exist between the demographic attributes of users and activity patterns identified exclusively from fare transactions.  相似文献   

Although people are often encouraged to use public transportation, the riding experience is not always comfortable. This study uses service items to measure passenger anxieties by applying a conceptual model based on the railway passenger service chain perspective. Passenger anxieties associated with train travel are measured using a modern psychometric method, the Rasch model. This study surveys 412 train passengers. Analytical results indicate that the following service items cause passenger anxiety during trains travel: crowding, delays, accessibility to a railway station, searching for the right train on a platform, and transferring trains. Empirical results obtained using the Rasch approach can be used to derive an effective strategy to reduce train passenger anxiety. This empirical study also demonstrates that anxiety differs based on passenger sex, age, riding frequency, and trip type. This information will also prove useful for transportation planners and policy-makers when considering the special travel needs of certain groups to create a user-friendly railway travel environment that promotes public use.  相似文献   

Many types of travel behavior involve positive social interaction (conformity effect) and it sometimes induces undesirable results, such as chronic illegal bicycle parking and illegal car parking. In this study, the conformity effects among bicycle users in the choice problem of bicycle parking locations were modeled and estimated within a discrete choice framework. The proposed model combines discrete choice behavior of bicycle parking locations at an individual level (micro-level) with an average choice at an aggregate level (macro-level). The social equilibrium equation, which is derived from the individual-level choice model, entails multiple equilibria with regard to the choice proportion for each reference group of individuals. The model was econometrically identified by using the data collected in a survey conducted in Tokyo in 2001. The empirical results indicated that large variations in collective behavior occur across subgroups, which were defined by the stations the respondents visit often, since there was an intensive positive social interaction. Finally, the marginal frequency of police patrols required to drastically reduce the level of illegal bicycle parking was also calculated using the identified model.  相似文献   

In this paper, urban network design is analysed through a heuristic multi-criteria technique based on genetic algorithms. Both network layout and link capacity (link layout and traffic lights) are optimised. Different optimisation criteria are included for users, non-users and public system managers. Demand is considered elastic with respect to mode choice; both morning and afternoon peak periods are taken into account. In addition, choice of parking location is simulated. The procedure is applied to a test and to a real transportation system.  相似文献   

Effects of household structure and accessibility on travel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concept of accessibility has been widely used in the transportation field, commonly to evaluate transportation planning options. The fundamental hypothesis of many studies related to accessibility could be “greater accessibility leads to more travel”. However, several studies have shown inconsistent results given this common hypothesis, finding instead that accessibility is independent of the trip/tour frequency. In addition, empirical aggregate urban modeling applications commonly produce either non-significant or negative (wrong sign) relationships between accessibility and the trip/tour frequency. For this reason, many practitioners rarely incorporate a measure of accessibility into trip/tour generation models out of consideration of the induced demand. In this context, this study examined the effect of accessibility in urban and suburban residences on the maintenance and discretionary activity tour frequencies of the elderly and the non-elderly using household travel survey data collected in the Seoul Metropolitan Area of Korea. The major finding of this study is that a higher density of land use and better quality of transportation service do not always lead to more tours due to the presence of intra-household interactions, trip chaining, and different travel needs by activity type. This finding implies that accessibility-related studies should not unquestioningly accept the common hypothesis when they apply accessibility measures to evaluate their transportation planning options or incorporate them into their trip/tour generation models.  相似文献   

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