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One interaction between environmental and safety goals in transport is found within the vehicle fleet where fuel economy and secondary safety performance of individual vehicles impose conflicting requirements on vehicle mass from an individual’s perspective. Fleet characteristics influence the relationship between the environmental and safety outcomes of the fleet; the topic of this paper. Cross-sectional analysis of mass within the British fleet is used to estimate the partial effects of mass on the fuel consumption and secondary safety performance of vehicles. The results confirmed that fuel consumption increases as mass increases and is different for different combinations of fuel and transmission types. Additionally, increasing vehicle mass generally decreases the risk of injury to the driver of a given vehicle in the event of a crash. However, this relationship depends on the characteristics of the vehicle fleet, and in particular, is affected by changes in mass distribution within the fleet. We confirm that there is generally a trade-off in vehicle design between fuel economy and secondary safety performance imposed by mass. Cross-comparison of makes and models by model-specific effects reveal cases where this trade-off exists in other aspects of design. Although it is shown that mass imposes a trade-off in vehicle design between safety and fuel use, this does not necessarily mean that it imposes a trade-off between safety and environmental goals in the vehicle fleet as a whole because the secondary safety performance of a vehicle depends on both its own mass and the mass of the other vehicles with which it collides.  相似文献   

The rapid and continuing changes in travel and mobility needs in India over the last decade necessitates the development and use of dynamic models for travel demand forecasting rather than cross-sectional models. In this context, this paper investigates mode choice dynamics among workers in Chennai city, India over a period of five years (1999–2004). Dynamics in mode choice is captured at four levels: exogenous variable change, state-dependence, changes in users’ sensitivity to attributes, and unobserved error terms. The results show that the dynamic models provide a substantial improvement (of over 500 log-likelihood points and ρ2 increases from 44% to 68%) over the cross-sectional model. The performance was compared using two illustrative policy scenarios with important methodological and practical implications. The results indicate that cross-sectional models tend to provide inflated estimates of potential improvement measures. Improving the Level of Service (LOS) alone will not produce the anticipated benefits to transit agencies, as it fails to overcome the persistent inertia captured in the state-dependence factors. The results and models have important applications in the context of growing motorization and congestion management in developing countries.
P. BhargaviEmail:

分析了成品油税费改革对农村公路管理养护体制带来的影响,提出了具体的解决办法。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the joint choice behavior of intercity transport modes and high‐speed rail cabin class within a two‐dimensional choice structure. Although numerous studies have been conducted on the mode choice behavior, little is known about the influence of cabin class on their intercity traveling choice. Hence, this study is conducted with a revealed preference survey to investigate the intercity traveling behavior for the western corridor of Taiwan. The results of nested logit model reveal that a cabin strategy has a more significant influence on cabin choice than on mode choice. Furthermore, this study proposes a new strategy map concept to assist transport operators in defining and implementing their pricing strategies. The results suggest that to capture a higher market share, high‐speed rail operators should choose an active price reduction strategy, while bus and rail operators are advised to implement a passive price increase strategy to raise unit revenue. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The variance in fuel consumption caused by driving style (DS) difference exceeds 10% and reaches a maximum of 20% under different road conditions, even for experienced bus drivers. To study the influence of DS on fuel consumption, a method for summarizing DS characteristic parameters on the basis of vehicle-engine combined model is proposed. With this method, the author proposes 26 DS characteristic parameters related to fuel consumption in the accelerating, normal running, and decelerating processes of vehicles. The influence of DS characteristic parameters on fuel consumption under different road conditions and vehicle masses is quantitatively analyzed on the basis of real driving data over 100,000 km. Analysis results show that the influence of DS characteristic parameters on fuel consumption changes with road condition and vehicle mass, with road condition serving a more important function. However, the DS characteristics in the accelerating process of vehicles are decisive for fuel consumption under different conditions. This study also calculates the minimum sample size necessary for analyzing the effect of DS characteristics on fuel consumption. The statistical analysis based on the real driving data over 2500 km can determine the influence of DS on fuel consumption under a given power-train configuration and road condition. The analysis results can be employed to evaluate the fuel consumption of drivers, as well as to guide the design of Driver Advisory System for Eco-driving directly.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new method to solve multivariate discrete–continuous problems and applies the model to measure the influence of residential density on households’ vehicle fuel efficiency and usage choices. Traditional discrete–continuous modelling of vehicle holding choice and vehicle usage becomes unwieldy with large numbers of vehicles and vehicle categories. I propose a more flexible method of modelling vehicle holdings in terms of number of vehicles in each category, using a Bayesian multivariate ordinal response system. I also combine the multivariate ordered equations with Tobit equations to jointly estimate vehicle type/usage demand in a reduced form, offering a simpler alternative to the traditional discrete/continuous analysis. Using the 2001 National Household Travel Survey data, I find that increasing residential density reduces households’ truck holdings and utilization in a statistically significant but economically insignificant way. The results are broadly consistent with those from a model derived from random utility maximization. The method developed above can be applied to other discrete–continuous problems.  相似文献   

Modelling the temporal response of travellers to transport policy interventions has rapidly emerged as a major issue in many practical transport planning studies and is recognised to hold particular challenges. The importance of congestion and its variation over the day, together with the emergence of time-dependent road user charging as a policy tool, emphasise the need to understand whether and how travellers will change the timing of their journeys. For practical planning studies, analysts face a major issue of relating temporal changes to other behavioural changes that are likely to result from policy or exogenous changes. In particular, the relative sensitivity of time and mode switching has been difficult to resolve. This paper describes a study undertaken to determine the relative sensitivity of mode and time of day choice to changes in travel times and costs and to investigate whether evidence exists of varying magnitudes of unobservable influences in time of day switching. The study draws on data from three related stated preference studies undertaken over the past decade in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands and uses error components logit models to investigate the patterns of substitution between mode and time of day alternatives. It is concluded that the magnitude of unobserved influences on time switching depends significantly on the magnitudes of the time switches considered. With time periods of the magnitude generally represented in practical modelling, i.e. peak periods of 2–3 hours, time switching is generally more sensitive in these data than mode switching. However, the context of the modelling and the extent to which relevant variables can be measured will strongly influence these results.  相似文献   

Due to the limited cruising range of battery electric vehicle (BEV), BEV drivers show obvious difference in travel behavior from gasoline vehicle (GV) drivers. To analyze BEV drivers’ charging and route choice behaviors, and extract the differences between BEV and GV drivers’ travel behavior, two multinomial logit-based and two nested logit-based models are proposed in this study based on a stated preference survey. The nested structure consists of two levels: the upper level represents the charging decision, and the lower level shows the route choices corresponding to the charging and no-charging situations respectively. The estimated results demonstrate that the nested structure is more appropriate than the multinomial structure. Meanwhile, it is observed that the initial state of charge (SOC) at origin of BEV is the most important factor that affects the decision of charging or not, and the SOC at destination becomes an important impact factor affecting BEV drivers’ route choice behavior. As for the route choice behavior when BEV has charging demand, the charging station attributes such as charging time and charging station’s location have significant influences on BEV drivers’ decision-making process. The results also show that BEV drivers incline to choose the routes with charging station having less charging time, being closer to origin and consistent with travel direction. Finally, based on the proposed models, a series of numerical analysis has been conducted to verify the effect of range anxiety on BEV charging and route choice behavior and to reveal the variation of comfortable initial SOC at origin with travel distance. Meanwhile, the effects of charging time and distance from origin to charging station also have been discussed.  相似文献   

Transformation of the motor vehicle fleet has been an important feature of the world’s peak car phenomenon. Very few urban transport studies have explored such important changes in large urban cities. Using an innovative green vehicle datasets constructed for 2009 and 2014, this paper investigates the ongoing change in urban private vehicle fleet efficiency (VFE) in Brisbane. The spatial patterns of VFE change were examined with social-spatial characteristics of the urban area. The results showed that the social and spatial effect of VFE changes remain uneven over urban space. The inner urban areas have experienced higher level of VFE change, whilst people in the outer and oil vulnerable areas showed a low tendency in shifting to more efficient vehicles. The implication of VFE change for future household vehicle adoption was also evaluated based on a cost-benefit analysis of new vehicle technology costs and expected fuel savings for households that choose a fuel efficient vehicle. The results show that imposing a stronger national fuel economy target in the long term would accelerate evolution of vehicle fleets and oil vulnerability reduction in Brisbane.  相似文献   

The possibility of and procedure for pooling RP and SP data have been discussed in recent research work. In that literature, the RP data has been viewed as the yardstick against which the SP data must be compared. In this paper we take a fresh look at the two data types. Based on the peculiar strengths and weaknesses of each we propose a new, sequential approach to exploiting the strengths and avoiding the weaknesses of each data source. This approach is based on the premise that SP data, characterized by a well-conditioned design matrix and a less constrained decision environment than the real world, is able to capture respondents' tradeoffs more robustly than is possible in RP data. (This, in turn, results in more robust estimates of share changes due to changes in independent variables.) The RP data, however, represent the current market situation better than the SP data, hence should be used to establish the aggregate equilibrium level represented by the final model. The approachfixes the RP parameters for independent variables at the estimated SP parameters but uses the RP data to establish alternative-specific constants. Simultaneously, the RP data are rescaled to correct for error-in-variables problems in the RP design matrixvis-à- vis the SP design matrix. All specifications tested are Multinomial Logit (MNL) models.The approach is tested with freight shippers' choice of carrier in three major North American cities. It is shown that the proposed sequential approach to using SP and RP data has the same or better predictive power as the model calibrated solely on the RP data (which is the best possible model for that data, in terms of goodness-of-fit figures of merit), when measured in terms of Pearson's Chi-squared ratio and the percent correctly predicted statistic. The sequential approach is also shown to produce predictions with lower error than produced by the more usual method of pooling the RP and SP data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the boundedly rational route choice behavior under the Simon’s satisficing rule. A laboratory experiment was carried out to verify the participants’ boundedly rational route choice behavior. By introducing the concept of aspiration level which is specific to each person, we develop a novel model of the problem in a parallel-link network and investigate the properties of the boundedly rational user equilibrium (BRUE) state. Conditions for ensuring the existence and uniqueness of the BRUE solution are derived. A solution method is proposed to find the unique BRUE state. Extensions to general networks are conducted. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the theoretical analyses.  相似文献   

Based on the data collected from a large-scale survey research of 1622 consumers, the present paper develops a disaggregate, compensatory choice model to collectively examine the impact of under-examined factors on consumer car type choice behaviour. All existing econometric forecasting models of vehicle type choice in the literature have so far considered objective measures as determinants of vehicle type choice. The proposed choice model considers 12 car-type alternatives and is successively extended to allow for choice probability distortions resulting from individual heterogeneity across a set of 30 variables, related to objective, behavioural and psychographic consumer characteristics. The results provide clear evidence that variables such as purpose of car use, prepurchase information source used, consumer’s proneness towards buying an ecological car, consumer’s involvement with cars, and consumer’s attachment to cars, significantly affect car type choice. The results yield important implications for manufacturers, transportation planners and researchers.  相似文献   

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