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1 法士特12JSD160变速器主要结构 法士特12速变速器主要由主箱、副箱、拨又、上盖等部分组成。主箱中主要部件有:l轴及其上面的1轴齿轮;2轴(主箱主轴)及其上面的1挡、2挡、3挡、4挡、5挡、6挡齿轮;2根副轴及其上面的倒挡、1挡、2挡、3挡、4挡、5挡、6挡齿轮。副箱中主要有2根焊接轴、驱动齿轮、同步器总成、减速齿轮、副箱主轴等。  相似文献   

16挡重卡变速器采用了前后副箱加主箱的结构,前副箱奇偶挡的切换由气路控制完成,预选阀和离合器踏板配合操作完成前副箱换挡,离合器助力分泵在前副箱换挡过程中控制前副箱气路开启与关闭的时机,其性能直接影响前副箱换挡时间,  相似文献   

红岩CQ24型自卸车采用的是陕西法士特齿轮有限公司生产的法士特RT-11509C型变速器。该变速器具有9个前进挡和1个倒挡,由主箱和副箱两部分组成。它们共用一个变速器壳体,壳体内有中间隔板将壳体分为两部分,前部为主箱,后部为副箱。主箱具有5个前进挡和1个倒挡,副箱只有高低两挡。图1所示为该变速器的结构示意图。该变速器具有以下结构特点。  相似文献   

故障现象一辆陕汽SX2190型(斯太尔)汽车,在正常行驶中换入3挡或4挡后稍微松开加速踏板,变速器后部就会发出很大的响声,该响声类似于正常挂挡时没有挂到位,结合套与齿轮相互撞击发出的"铿、铿"声;挂入倒挡后变速器也有轻微的响声;在响声出现的同时变速器后部有抖动的现象。故障诊断该车装用富勒变速器,采用双副轴传动机构,变速器由主、副箱组成,主箱为机械操纵,副箱为气压操纵。检查这种变速器操纵机构的技术状况时,首先应查看变速  相似文献   

主副箱结构变速器高低挡切换过程中气阀偶尔卡滞,可能出现副箱未转换到位主箱在挡情况,对副箱同步器产生损坏。因此气阀是换挡气路中重要组成部分,针对其卡滞检测要求及工况,文章设计了变速器用气阀卡滞检测试验台架。该台架可检测到气阀偶尔出现的卡滞并记录相关参数,该数据可用于评判卡滞几率及气阀性能,从而对新开发的气阀或改进的气阀提供数据支持,同时对于改进后的效果也能很好地评判。  相似文献   

富勒变速器是陕西汽车齿轮总厂引进美国ETON公司的重型汽车变速器,它具有承载力大,爬坡能力强。使用可靠。维修方便等优点;该变速器分主、副箱:主箱手操纵。副箱气操纵;主副箱采用双中间轴:主箱主轴及主轴齿轮为浮动结构,它取消了以往传统变速箱内的滚针轴承.使主轴总成的结构更简单:在工作时。两个中间轴齿轮对主轴齿轮所加的径向力大小相等。  相似文献   

故障现象:一辆斯太尔1491型汽车,在正常行驶中抬起加速踏板时,变速器后部有较大异响。故障检查:将变速器拆检,发现副变速箱左副轴前轴承损坏,主箱倒挡轴后部平端紧固螺钉松动,并卡在已损坏的轴承与倒挡轴之间,主箱左副轴后端定位卡簧已折断,从主箱底部找出一个弹性销钉。  相似文献   

<正>对于采用主副箱结构的变速器,如果副箱挂档不到位,主箱就开始换档,容易导致副箱同步器损坏,降低变速器使用寿命。为此,针对市场上主流带副箱变速器产品特点,开发了一种换档保护机构,能够满足变速器副箱换档到位后,主箱才换档的技术要求,且结构简单,对现有产品的改动较小。  相似文献   

<正>前言变速器售后质量问题的分析是产品质量改进的重要数据依据,也是提升产品质量和降本增效的重要方法。但变速器售后纯检修故障无售后失效件的特点,影响产品失效分析,为分析纯检修故障的发生和预防,本文对中国重汽HW变速器(不含HW13710变速器)售后检修故障存在的主要问题进行分析和预防。1 HW变速器结构及工作原理HW变速器由主箱、副箱两段式结构组成,主箱结构采用双中间轴结构,两根中间轴相间180°,副箱采用行星传动机构;动力从输入轴输入后,分流到两根中间轴上,然后  相似文献   

张笑  张谋 《汽车维修》2014,(9):19-20
<正>一、计算模型双中间轴变速器与单中间轴变速器相比,主箱主轴和副箱主轴只承受扭矩,不承受弯矩,改善了主轴的受力情况,提高了变速器的额定输入扭矩、可靠性和耐久性。本公司双中间轴变速器由主箱和副箱两部分组成。双中间轴变速器的典型结构及功率传递路线如图1所示。动力从输入轴输入后,分流到两中间轴上,然后汇聚到主轴输入,副箱也是如此,从输入到输出整个过程,输入扭矩经  相似文献   

王炅  罗邦杰 《汽车工程》1997,19(3):153-159
本文介绍了由DFZFB-323型带锁止离合器导轮可反转型的液力变矩器与动力换机械变速箱组成的GYB-100型新型城市公共汽车液力机械变速器及电子控制的结构特点,通过样车试验表明,城市公共汽车采用电子控制的液力机械变速器后,具有良好的起步,加速性能,易于驾驶,并且有良好的燃油经济性,提高了我国大客车的生产技术水平以及多种性能和可靠性水平,因而它是一种有发展前景的优于传统机械变速器的客车传动装置。  相似文献   

双离合器式自动变速器系统   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:25  
双离合器式自动变速器是基于手动变速器发展而来的,其工作原理是通过将变速器挡位按奇、偶数分开布置,分别与两个离合器连接,通过离合器的交替切换完成换挡过程,以实现动力换挡。它综合了AMT的优势和AT动力换挡的优点,具有很好的换挡品质和车辆动力性、经济性,比较适合我国目前以手动变速器占主导地位的情况.  相似文献   

In recent studies, various types of multi-mode electric variable transmissions for hybrid electric vehicles have been proposed. A multi-mode electric variable transmission consists of two or more different types of a planetary gear hybrid powertrain system (PGHP), which can change power flow type using clutches to improve transmission efficiency. Input split systems are generally used for the single-mode powertrain because of their overall superiority, but other power split systems such as output split and compound split systems can be used in the dual-mode powertrain. In this study, we analyze the power transmission characteristics of output split systems, and evaluate their fuel economies in the FTP72 cycle, acceleration performance, and constant vehicle speeds. These results enable the selection of appropriate systems for a dual-mode powertrain.  相似文献   

Automated and manual transmissions are the main link between engine and powertrain. The technical term when the transmission provides the desired torque during all possible driving conditions is denoted as powertrain matching. Recent developments in the last years show that double-clutch-transmissions (DCTs) are a reasonable compromise in terms of production costs, shifting quality, drivability and fuel efficiency. They have several advantages compared to other automatic transmissions (AT). Most DCTs nowadays consist of a hydraulic actuation control unit, which controls the clutches of the gearbox in order to induce a desired drivetrain torque into the driveline. The main functions of hydraulic systems are manifold: they initiate gear shifts, they provide sufficient oil for lubrication and they control the shift quality by suitably providing a desired oil flow or pressure for the clutch actuation. In this paper, a mathematical model of a passenger car equipped with a DCT is presented. The objective of this contribution is to get an increased understanding for the dynamics of the hydraulic circuit and its coupling to the vehicle drivetrain. The simulation model consists of a hydraulic and a mechanical domain: the hydraulic actuation circuit is described by nonlinear differential equations and includes the dynamics of the line pressure and the proportional valve, as well as the influence of the pressure reducing valve, pipe resistances and accumulator dynamics. The drivetrain with its gear ratios, moments of inertia, torsional stiffness of the rotating shafts and a simple longitudinal vehicle model represent the mechanical domain. The link between hydraulic and mechanical domain is given by the clutch, which combines hydraulic equations and Newton's laws. The presented mathematical model may not only be used as a simulation model for developing the transmission control software, it may also serve as a virtual layout for the design process phase. At the end of this contribution a parametric study shows the influence of the mechanical components, the accumulator and the temperature of the oil.  相似文献   

本项目应用于三轮客车、正三轮客车和四轮沙滩车,它带有倒档和2个前进档的变速器安装在差速器半轴全浮式驱动桥主传动锥齿轮轴上。与传统传动系统相比,车辆输出转矩和速度变化范围扩大,整车动力性和经济性得到提高。  相似文献   

A design approach for multi-speed automatic transmission with hybrid gear trains is proposed. The approach can be used to design automatic transmissions composed of planetary gear trains, fixed-axis gear trains or hybrid gear trains and the shifts follow the “one controlled part changing rule”. This approach consists of four parts: determining graphical configuration of the system using hypergraphs, analyzing power flow formulation, obtaining shifts configurations by shift searching algorithm, and determining physical configuration. A nine forward speed automatic transmission is analyzed to highlight the capacities of the proposed approach. The results have shown that the suggested approach is much clearer and less time consuming than the methods currently used.  相似文献   

双离合器自动变速器仿真研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
建立了双离合器自动变速器系统仿真模型,对双离合器自动变速器的动态特性进行了分析,并开发了换挡控制器。应用仿真软件对装有双离合器自动变速器的车辆进行了整车动态性能仿真。仿真结果表明,双离合器自动变速器具有和传统自动变速器相近的换挡品质。  相似文献   

通过对单排双行星齿轮的运动特征方程的变形,提出了一种计算单排双星轮系传动比的图解法,再结合单排双行星的运动特征方程,从而可以快速计算拉维娜式行星齿轮机构的传动比,并通过对Ford的AOD型后轮变速箱实例计算,说明该方法的正确性、简便性、实用性。  相似文献   

汽车机械式变速器多目标可靠性优化设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒋春明  阮米庆 《汽车工程》2007,29(12):1090-1093
以某轿车变速器为例,根据汽车动力性要求,在保证零件强度和刚度可靠性的条件下,按变速器齿轮系体积最小和传动齿轮重合度最大建立了变速器的多目标可靠性优化设计的数学模型,然后应用MATLAB优化工具箱进行联合优化设计计算。设计结果表明:该数学模型正确有效,采用多目标可靠性优化设计方法可以缩短汽车变速器的设计周期,减小其体积并改善传动平稳性。  相似文献   

以某微型车变速器为研究对象,在变速器结构已确定、传动比最佳的条件下,以可靠性为主要约束,以齿轮系总体积最小、中心距最小和总重合度最大为目标建立变速器齿轮系多目标优化的数学模型.采用第二代非支配排序遗传算法对变速器齿轮系进行多目标优化并得到其Pareto最优解集.实例计算表明,该数学模型和优化程序是正确、有效.  相似文献   

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