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The indices of shipping freight market activity published daily by the Baltic Exchange, provide a graphic illustration of the vicissitudes of the international shipping industry and a useful reminder (if it were needed) of the basic economic principles of supply and demand.  相似文献   

Shipbuilding industry is known as the top of all industries. The world No.1 shipbuilding country has been the long-cherished wish for China. With the continuous increase of economic and technical strengths, China's dream of becoming the world No.1 shipbuilding country seems to come close. However, crank-shaft as the heart of engine which is the heart of large-size ships often makes us in the state of embarrassment. Now, after some twists and turns, in terms of large marine crankshaft, China has broken through the technology barriers set by foreign crankshaft manufacturers and can make our own heart for large-size ships. Though domes-tically produced crankshafts can't meet our demands at the moment, it will give our people more imaginations be-cause Chinese shipbuilding industry has now had the strengths to gallop the world.  相似文献   

In two ticks,it has been nearly a century since the establishment of the SOLAS convention.During this period,the world maritime industry has experienced dramatic changes.It is unthinkable,if there is no SOLAS convention,what would the world shipping industry be like today. Plenty of international maritime conventions have been developed,but the position of the SOLAS convention among them is still very prominent.  相似文献   

In 2012,the maritime industry left us many questions,i.e.why did the secure green road lose its direction when each party is seeking its own gain? Why did Vale,the biggest ore trader enjoying a booming business,found itself trapped in the mire of "big ship dream" which is difficult to escape from? As the citizens of the biggest shipping country around the world,why were Greek shipowners not willing to fulfill their "support" responsibility in the crisis? Is it an alarm or a lie that the shipping financial mansion will topple down? These riddles appeared more complicated and confusing in the "cold winter" of shipping market.  相似文献   

Ⅰ. Shipping After entering into the 1990's, the ship-building industry, badly affected by the long recession of the world shipping market, has been growing very slowly, while the competition has been a fierce one. From the shares enjoyed by the major shipping countries in the world, we can see that the first one is Japan which occupied 38%; South Korea came to the second,obtaining 15%; the third is Germany, being 8%. The shipbuilding industry in America is shrinking, owing to the high cost of production. Up to 1993,Japanese ship yards had still been in difficult situation, and many Japanese ship owners would rather order new ships from South Korea because the rising value of Japanese yen made it expensive to build in domestic yards. Nowadays, Japanese shipbuilding industry is exposed to the problem of scarce of labour force. The Korean shipbuilding industry, whose  相似文献   

Since 1960s the seatrade markets and the international ocean transport industry have undergone substantial changes. Freight origins and destinations shifted much more rapidly than in the past, and the types of cargo and their forms of packaging kept changing. These trends became more and more pronounced since the beginning of the 1980s. This article descrihes the conditions of seatrade market and ocean transport industry, and analysts the reasons and effectiveness of the chaneges, well as the trend of seatrade market. 1 Development in the international seatrade markets In 1960 the annual volume of international seatrade had reached a level of one billion tons, with equal shares of dry cargo and liquid cargo.  相似文献   

Since this year, international concern about shiprecycling industry has been ascending. At the beginning of this year, the Convention on the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships of IMO after further negotiation and improvement has fixed the date for adoption. The green paper on better ship dismantling launched by EU also aroused wide concern from the industry. Almost at the same time, BIMCO held a special workshop on ship scrapping at its Asia forum in June. So there are all the indications that international community is quickly focusing on green ship-scrapping. This has brought a favorable opportunity of devel- opment to the Chinese shiprecycling industry which has long aimed at safety, environmentally-friendliness and occupational health.  相似文献   

The Renminbi (RMB) circulation in neighboring countries and regions is preparing the ground for its future goal of becoming a currency that can be exchanged freely on the international market, an official with the central bank told the Beijing-based Outlook news magazine recently.  相似文献   

The Renminbi (RMB) circulation in neighboring countries and regions is preparing the ground for its future goal of becoming a currency that can be exchanged freely on the international market, an official with the central bank told the Beijing-based Outlook news magazine recently. The RMB, which is now being accepted  相似文献   

The tragic readings in 2012 has forced shipping enterprises to face more complicated and severe strategic choices under the shipping market with different structures.No progress simply means retreat.In the great waves,sand will be swept away and only those with wisdom can prevail.This situation is not only a test of the survival wisdom of the enterprises,but also a test of how the whole industry will succeed in the future.  相似文献   

Yang Peiju 《中国船检》2013,(9):120-121
As a new type of energy,LNG has aroused strong repercussions in the shipping market.The reason for this is that compared with traditional fuel,LNG has certain advantages both in energy conservation and emission reduction and in fuel costs.However,it can not be ignored that as a new type of energy,it has also  相似文献   

"Rental" of various subjects has a history of hundreds of years and there are still arguments whether it is innovated by the Chinese or by the European people. But current finance lease and operating lease actually started only in early 1950s which could be regarded as the start of the new era for the leasing industry. Container leasing was started even later and the common agreement is in early 1970s when revolutionary changes occurred in transportation.  相似文献   

Professor D. Daryl Wyckoff teaches in the Harvard Business School, Boston, U.S.A. He visited China from November to December in 1981. This paper was written as a seminar material at a course on international shipping after he returned to the United States. It is noted on the paper that "This ease was prepared by Professor D. Daryl Wyckoff as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation."This paper gives the historical background and a general survey of China's ocean shipping industry. It covers commodity flow and trades, fleet development, shipbuilding industry, and international agreements.the development of China's ocean shipping industry attracts world attention. There are quite a number of reports published abroad, some of which are quoted in this paper together with the author's own opinion. We publish this paper only for presenting some reference material from abroad and it does not mean that we agree with the author's opinion or confirm any thing in this paper.  相似文献   

For the shipping industry and related industries, this round of comprehensive reform means: first, in terms of China's economic internal, it will appear geographical major restructuring. China's economy urbanization in fact is accelerating. This round of urbanization is largely driven by folk and people choose their own, not the government plan. So there may be some unexpected area between the back of the plates of the size of the economy. The author urges people to study more geographical layout and be sure to walk one step first than actually occurs. Secondly, the acceleration of this round will lead to the change of industry adjustment. People often talk of industrial structure adjustment, a lot of excess capacity is to quit. This round of reform will be accelerated, because the emphasis of this round of reform is to let the market play a role and greatly reduce the government's approval. Now the state council greatly reduces the government's approval, especially of private investment. If private investors to invest, they will  相似文献   

The constant introduction,modification and revision of international maritime conventions and regulations have been exerting more and more important influence on the development of region,country,industry and enterprises in almost every sector of maritime activities. Looking at the current establishment and development of international maritime conventions,we can notice a relatively distinct development trend:firstly,a high-speed and dynamic development time will come for international maritime convention,with more and more new maritime conventions to be introduced and the speed and frequency of convention modification to be accelerated gradually.  相似文献   

The BIMCO/ISF 2000 Manpower Update is probably the most comprehensive study of the global supply and demand for merchant seafarers thathas so far been undertaken,building on data amassed by earlier studies conducted in 1990 and 1995.This report has two main purposes: to describe the worldwide supply and demand situation for seafarers in 2000,and to make predictions as to the likely situation in 5-10 years' time,so that the industry can.anticipate changes and,if appropriate,take necessary corrective action.This 2000 Update has also attempted to take full account of the views of senior executives in the shipping industry,providing a synthesis of academic analysis (using the expertise of Warwick University) with the practical experience of international employers.  相似文献   

Ⅰ. Review the past of 1994 international shiPPing market: 1994 saw world economy begin a new cycle of boom. The economy of the West was on the way to a complete recovery, and that of East Asia was keeping up its steady growth. ACCOFding to the estimation 0f International Monetary Fund, the 1994 growth rate of world economy was 3% and that of world—trade volume was about 5%. Thanks to these factors, the international shipping market had also Undergone considerable changes. 1. In 1994,world dry—bulk shipping market first sagged and thenstiffened. Affected by the negative growth of the  相似文献   

In spite of the strong opposition from the international community, the US and British governments bypassed the United Nations Security Council and started military action against Iraq on March 19. This war will seriously affect the economy of Middle East countries as well as that of the United States itself, further hurting a global economy that is already in decline. It will delay the recovery of the world economy by causing a negative chain re-  相似文献   

[Objectives]Electromagnetic pulse can seriously affect and even destroy naval shipborne electronic information systems, weapons, equipment and so on. Due to the complexity of the antenna port load circuit, it is necessary to formulate a numerical method which can easily obtain the antenna load current. [Methods]The induced current of the terminal is obtained on the basis of the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) and Holland model. According to the Thévenin equivalent circuit, the conductor is equivalent to the voltage source to realize decoupling between the conductor and load end, and the load circuit is solved using Simulink software.[Results]Compared with the traditional terminal model, this method is simple and feasible for high-order circuit processing. The effectiveness of the model is verified using non-linear elements and parallel capacitors and resistors as the load respectively. The results show that the calculation results of this method are consistent with those of the traditional methods. Finally, the antenna of the end-connected protect- or is calculated. The results show that the lead inductance caused by the installation of the protector is an important factor affecting the protection performance.[Conclusions]The method proposed in this paper can greatly reduce the simulation complexity of the coupling current of an antenna with a complex load, giving it useful reference value for the field of ship electromagnetic pulse protection design. © 2023 Editorial Department of Chinese Journal of Ship Research. All Rights Reserved.  相似文献   

吴义  WuYi 《集装箱化》1998,(8):29-30,33
The multimodal transport industry is inherently complicated the very nature of the business makes it so intemationally it has developed very rapidly and is continuing to do so Domestically,China has made a good start with sahanghai,Guang zhou and dalian as its multimodal transport hubs.  相似文献   

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