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近年来,随着检测技术在我国的推广,有很多地方年度检审工作应用了先进的检测设备,为保证车辆的最佳技术状况及交通安全发挥了很大作用。但目前有些驾驶员对汽车年检中进行侧滑量检测的意义认识不足,有的找不到侧滑不合格的原因。这个问题的解决首先要从原理上说起。一般来说,车辆转向轮的定位包括:主销内倾、主销  相似文献   

现代汽车维修行业管理部门一般有三大主要业务:汽车维修业管理、车辆技术管理、汽车检测业管理。现代汽车维修业管理主要涉及各类汽车、摩托车维修业户档案管理,业户开业、停业管理,年度审检、维修行业从业人员管理,以及维修稽查,质量抽查,维修质量纠纷调处等管理业务;车辆技术管理主要包括营运车辆技术档案管理,车辆按期强制二级维  相似文献   

汽车维修中的“三检”是指汽车维修过程中的修理工自检、互检和检验员的专职检验,这是确保维修质量的作业规程.生产管理中有一说法:上道工序是下道工序的客户,下道工序为上道工序做质检员.维修质量的关健是维修作业规范和技术要求,因此,强化“三检”工作是确保维修质量的前提和保障.  相似文献   

一、主要特点 1.成功应用CCD技术及计算机图像处理技术,以全自动方式准确测量被检前照灯近光光束照射方向,满足GB7258-1997标准要求.  相似文献   

文章介绍了在汽车涂装生产线规划建设阶段,各模块图纸审查过程中需关注的方法和要素,并以标准表格形式,应用于某项目建设过程中。《审图要素一览表》的应用,可以使审图工作简单化、标准化、高效化,确保项目审图过程中图纸与技术协议一致性,避免不必要的缺漏项,减少设备进场安装调试期间的设计变更,最终达到了缩短项目建设周期,节约项目建设成本的目的。  相似文献   

该论文利用OCR技术对B737定检工卡实现数字化,为民航数字化维修打下基础。并针对B737定检工卡数字化建设的实际,提出了将OCR技术应用于该领域中的方式和前景。  相似文献   

机动车综合性能检测报告(以下简称"检测报告")是机动车综合性能检测站(以下简称"综检站)的最终产品。检测报告中的检测数据,不仅表明了车辆技术性能的好坏,而且反映了综检站检测质量的好环,甚至关系到综检站及车辆管  相似文献   

邓志洲 《摩托车》2004,(10):15-15
2004年8月28日,在西安的国家摩托车质量监督检验中心召开了摩托车检测机构工作会议暨摩托车技术委员会第四次会议。国家发改委产业政策司的有关领导出席并主持了会议,参加会议的有国家摩托车质量监督检验中心、天津摩托车技术中心、上海摩检所、南昌摩检所及全体技术委员会委员  相似文献   

提出一种多功能制动测试技术,并给出了应用原理、系统组成以及实测的技术参数,实测参数表明该系统具备全工况可配置性、高精度等特点.该方法在汽车整装厂终检线中具有很高的实用性.  相似文献   

正为确保交通运输部新颁布的《道路运输车辆技术管理规定》在北京市全面顺利实施,北京市交通委运输局组织市财政局价格评审中心有关专业人员、各相关区维修管理部门和全市12家入围综检机构积极开展综合性能检测成本核算调研工作。调研组先后深入房山区华永昌综检站、顺义区顺交综检站和通州区万通兴综检站开展调研,了解了  相似文献   

黄史 《时代汽车》2022,(2):54-56
为了切实推进高校课程思政建设,全面提高高等职业教育教学质量的实施,"坚持育人为本,德育为先"、"重视学生全面发展,推进素质教育,增强学生自信心,满足学生成长需要,关注学生不同特点和个性差异,促进学生人人成才".为了提高职业教育的教学质量,必须准确把握从学生岗位适应能力的培养到学生职业素养培育的这一重大转变,培育学生的职...  相似文献   

为探究复合材料发动机罩行人保护的作用,需要在结构设计及优化的基础上,进行静态和动态性能的仿真分析,即在达到发动机罩静态性能指标的前提下,要满足动态行人保护头部碰撞的要求.由于动静态的性能要求难以同时达到,则需要不断地进行结构调整和仿真计算,以达到符合复合材料发动机罩静力学和动力学性能要求的目的,从而有效实现发动机罩部件的轻量化并提高整车的动力性能.  相似文献   

齿轮齿条式转向器中的齿轮齿数仅有5~8个齿,按标准齿轮或简单变位齿轮的几何计算方法设计齿轮和齿争,无法使其重合度达到1.0.文章介绍了运用虚拟齿轮及当量齿轮的方法计算重合度,并通过大量计算得到参数选择表,方便设计师的查阅使用。阐述了齿轮齿顶圆齿厚计算方法、齿条齿根圆角及齿务齿根过渡曲线干涉验算方法。表明通过合理选择变位系数、齿顶高及齿根高,可以确保齿轮和齿顶圆齿厚达到0.3—0.5个模数,重合度达到1.0。并给出计算实例:  相似文献   

A bond graph model of a mountain bike and rider is created to develop baseline predictions for the performance of mountain bikes during large excursion maneuvers such as drops, jumps, crashes and rough terrain riding. The model assumes planar dynamics, a hard-tail (front suspension only) bicycle and a rider fixed to the bicycle. An algorithm is developed to allow tracking of a virtual tire-ground contact point for events that separate the wheels from the ground. This model would be most applicable to novice mountain bikers who maintain a nearly rigid relationship between their body and the bicycle as opposed to experienced riders who are versed in controlling the bicycle independent of the body. Simulations of a steep drop are performed for various initial conditions to qualitatively validate the predictions of the model. Results from this model are to be compared to experimental data and more complex models in later research, particularly models including a separate rider. The overarching goals of the research are to examine and understand the dynamics and control of interactions between a cyclist and mountain bike. Specific goals are to understand the improvement in performance afforded by an experienced rider, to hypothesize human control algorithms that allow riders to perform manoeuvres well and safely, to predict structural bike and body forces from these maneuvers and to quantify performance differences between hard-tail and full suspension bicycles.  相似文献   

PLC整体同步控制技术在连续梁桥纠偏中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文对连续箱梁弯桥向曲线内侧滑移进行了介绍和分析,采用PLC液压同步控制系统将连续梁桥同步整体顶升,解除原有支座等部件对桥梁的约束作用,建立以千斤顶为支承的新体系。通过对千斤顶和支撑接触面的处理来降低横向纠偏的摩阻力,然后用安装在侧面的千斤顶对桥梁进行纠偏复位。该工艺为今后类似结构的纠偏加固施工提供借鉴。  相似文献   

武和全  张家飞  胡林 《汽车工程》2021,43(2):226-231,304
为提高自动驾驶车辆的安全性,提出用一种旋转速度曲线把座椅旋转至指定角度,研究此旋转速度下的乘员生物力学响应.首先,根据所建立的碰撞模型与假人试验数据进行对比验证;其次,改变座椅旋转方向和速度研究乘员旋转至指定位置乘员的生物力学响应.结果表明:在200 ms内采用等腰梯形旋转速度曲线旋转至±45°和±90°不会引起乘员额...  相似文献   

文章设计了一种面向共享汽车的智能化调节座椅系统,该系统通过手机客户端APP输入用户体型特征信息,系统上传个人信息至云端并进行智能化数据计算,模拟出一个用户舒适的驾驶环境,使用该数据调动相应电机工作调整座椅等位置,用户也可根据自身的驾驶习惯,调整至最舒适、最安全的驾驶环境。驾驶结束时,车辆ECU记录此时座椅、后视镜和方向盘的位置数据信息并上传至云端服务器,存入该用户的资料库,下次使用时直接调用数据并调节车辆。该系统的使用将有助于共享汽车的推广,使用户的出行更便捷环保。  相似文献   

针对传统双曲拱桥加固存在的新旧混凝土结合受力不明、施工平台搭设复杂等问题,在双曲拱桥下部结构安全储备充足、需更换拱上填料的条件下,提出双曲拱桥复合套拱加固方法,即在原拱圈上新增拱肋、横系梁及加厚拱板,形成框架式受力结构,实现双曲拱桥加固。应用时,首先封闭桥面交通,拆除旧桥面及附属设施、旧拱上填料;其次在裸露的主拱圈上增设主拱肋及横系梁,根据配重需要设置拱背加厚区;然后在主拱圈及新增结构上浇筑轻质拱上填料;最后进行桥面系及附属设施施工。该方法无需拱下支架,对桥下交通影响小,安全性高,不改变桥梁外观,尤其适用于文物桥梁维修改造。在南京长江大桥双曲拱桥S56跨涉铁工程中应用该技术,有效提高了结构承载力和整体性,工期缩短约67%,综合成本降低约26%。  相似文献   

A bond graph model of a mountain bike and rider is created to develop baseline predictions for the performance of mountain bikes during large excursion maneuvers such as drops, jumps, crashes and rough terrain riding. The model assumes planar dynamics, a hard-tail (front suspension only) bicycle and a rider fixed to the bicycle. An algorithm is developed to allow tracking of a virtual tire-ground contact point for events that separate the wheels from the ground. This model would be most applicable to novice mountain bikers who maintain a nearly rigid relationship between their body and the bicycle as opposed to experienced riders who are versed in controlling the bicycle independent of the body. Simulations of a steep drop are performed for various initial conditions to qualitatively validate the predictions of the model. Results from this model are to be compared to experimental data and more complex models in later research, particularly models including a separate rider. The overarching goals of the research are to examine and understand the dynamics and control of interactions between a cyclist and mountain bike. Specific goals are to understand the improvement in performance afforded by an experienced rider, to hypothesize human control algorithms that allow riders to perform manoeuvres well and safely, to predict structural bike and body forces from these maneuvers and to quantify performance differences between hard-tail and full suspension bicycles.  相似文献   

The spread of COVID-19 hit both the Japanese travel market and the foreign travel market to Japan, forcing travel-related businesses to shrink, temporarily suspend operations, or close down their businesses. However, Japanese people's desire to travel after the slowdown of COVID-19 remains and the desire of people from Asia, Europe, the United States, and Australia to travel to Japan is also high. The Japanese Government provides loans and other support measures to enable travel-related business operators to survive through the COVID-19 crisis. They advance measures to increase the benefit of accommodation facilities and tourism areas in preparation for the recovery period of travel demand. Although the situation is unpredictable as the mutation of the virus continues, under the assumption that the vaccination will progress worldwide and travel restrictions will be relaxed in the near future, this study examines the path and issues for the recovery of Japanese travel demand and foreign travel demand for overseas visitors to Japan.  相似文献   

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