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双线长大隧道无砟轨道整体道床施工探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章以南钦高速铁路花甲山隧道工程无砟轨道施工为例,对双线长大隧道无砟轨道整体道床铺筑的组织工作进行了介绍,阐述了无砟轨道整体道床施工的工艺流程及方法,为今后类似工程施工提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

文章分析了宜万铁路堡镇隧道施工有轨运输工序的设置布局和运行机制,找出了制约长大隧道轨道运输设备出碴、运料功效及影响隧道开挖的原因,提供了工序创新、技术方案、措施和途径。堡镇隧道双线四轨铺设的探索实践,解决了隧道长距离独头掘进无法双线运输的困难,减少了洞内职业健康危害,缩短了循环作业时间,提高了掘进速度和交通安全系数。  相似文献   

文章针对向莆铁路雪峰山等4座隧道底部出现的道床积水、轨道隆起等病害情况,分析了病害产生的原因,通过对病害的探查,提出了"泄水降压、底部加固、水流归槽"为原则的整治技术方案。工程实施效果表明,整治后的无砟轨道道床隆起段轨道标高恢复正常,重新精调后的无砟道床结构稳定,道床内基本无积水或归槽后仅有少量水。最后针对铁路隧道底部渗水、承压水导致的无砟轨道道床开裂、隆起病害,提出了加强隧道防排水设计以及加强施工工艺和质量控制的建议。  相似文献   

随着施工技术水平不断提升,现阶段无砟轨道施工基本实现流水化作业。通过采用精良工装设备保证施工工艺,以先进工艺保证工程质量和精度,从而达到提高施工质量的目的。以青岛地铁8号线高架桥无砟道床为工程实例,对高架桥无砟道床施工技术展开分析,以期为类似工程施工提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

为保证CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道施工质量,结合商合杭高速铁路站前九标CRTSⅢ型无砟轨道项目实例,列举底座板施工中5种常见的病害,分析病害产生的原因,阐述具体处理措施,并给出预防措施,以期为相关工程提供参考。  相似文献   

依托西宝客专CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道试验段,对CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道施工测设技术和自密实混凝土施工技术进行了研究,并形成一套成熟的CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道施工工艺。研究成果将为CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道在高速铁路及客运专线工程中扩大应用提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

在介绍铁路隧道双块式无砟轨道整体道床施工技术以及工艺原理的基础上,对其在实际施工中常见的一些施工控制要点进行了分析,并在此基础上探讨了施工中常见的一些问题以及相应的解决措施,最终通过对施工效益的对比分析说明双块式无砟轨道整体道床施工技术的显著经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

根据板式无砟轨道的结构特性,应用有限元分析,建立无砟轨道—桥梁有限元模型,分析桥墩沉降幅值和桥梁跨度对无砟轨道平顺性的影响。经过研究分析得出:桥上纵连板式轨道,当桥墩发生沉降时,轨道结构也会随之发生变形,而在进出沉降作用区域时,钢轨略微上翘;随着桥墩沉降量的增加,钢轨变形区域长度及钢轨变形延伸系数呈现增加的趋势。相同桥墩沉降量下,随着桥梁跨度的增加,钢轨变形区域长度增大,但钢轨变形延伸系数减小。该研究成果可为今后高速铁路的设计、施工与运营提供理论参考。  相似文献   

系统介绍《高速铁路CRTSII型板式无砟轨道施工质量验收暂行标准》编制概况、编制原则、编制内容及其重要问题的处理,陈述高速铁路CRTSII型板式无砟轨道施工过程中的质量控制关键和使用过程中需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

瓦斯隧道施工控制及防治措施探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"十二五"规划提出每年投入7000亿修建铁路,隧道占很大比例,其中施工遇到的瓦斯隧道越来越多.文章以兰渝铁路13标段瓦斯隧道群的施工实践为例,探讨了瓦斯隧道的特征和危害,并提出隧道瓦斯的预测、检测和防治措施,以及防爆设备的防爆改装依据和改装项目,可供同类工程借鉴.  相似文献   

The signalling system affects the type of service that can be provided on any particular railway line. The aims set when it comes to designing these systems to operate a railway line are: to ensure safety of operation and to ensure flexible and efficient running. When building a line capacity optimisation algorithm, it must reach a compromise solution between two parameters: minimise the interval between trains and keep journey time as low as possible. This paper aims to describe the algorithm developed between METRO DE MADRID and CITEF (Railway Technology Research Centre of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – UPM) that allows the capacity of an underground line equipped with ATP Distance To Go systems to be studied and optimised. This algorithm facilitates the tasks of signalling design and optimisation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以提高清管器现场定点跟踪的准确性为目的,提出了清管器模糊定位的数学计算方法,并针对球前后不同介质形式,给出了相应的选址技巧。结合实际应用,结果表明该简易计算方法对清管器的模糊位置判断具有一定的可信度,应用此方法计算的时间要综合考虑管道路由情况,可更加准确地预判清管器到达时间,对现场实际操作人员的工作具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The paper presents a model for determining the practical capacity of a single track line, i.e. the maximum number of trains which can be run along it in a time unit under the condition that each train enters its bottleneck segment with a definite delay.

The input data used in the model are: geometrical characteristics of the bottleneck segment of the line under study, the intensity and structure of demand expressed by a number of trains which are run over the line in a given time unit, the scenario of traffic running over the line under study and the operational tactics of individual train categories processing on the bottleneck segment.

(Two tactics can be applied in the train processing on the line under study; first, the trains of individual categories are given different priorities in the processing, and second, all the trains have the same priority).

The output results of the model are average delays of trains of each category occurring within the train processing performed on the bottleneck segment of the line under study in a given time unit.  相似文献   

The environmental effects of ground-borne vibrations generated due to localised railway defects is a growing concern in urban areas. Frequency domain modelling approaches are well suited for predicting vibration levels on standard railway lines due to track periodicity. However, when considering individual, non-periodic, localised defects (e.g. a rail joint), frequency domain modelling becomes challenging. Therefore in this study, a previously validated, time domain, three-dimensional ground vibration prediction model is modified to analyse such defects. A range of different local (discontinuous) rail and wheel irregularity are mathematically modelled, including: rail joints, switches, crossings and wheel flats. Each is investigated using a sensitivity analysis, where defect size and vehicle speed is varied. To quantify the effect on railroad ground-borne vibration levels, a variety of exposure–response relationships are analysed, including: peak particle velocity, maximum weighted time-averaged velocity and weighted decibel velocity. It is shown that local irregularities cause a significant increase in vibration in comparison to a smooth track, and that the vibrations can propagate to greater distances from the line. Furthermore, the results show that step-down joints generate the highest levels of vibration, whereas wheel flats generate much lower levels. It is also found that defect size influences vibration levels, and larger defects cause greater vibration. Lastly, it is shown that for different defect types, train speed effects are complex, and may cause either an increase or decrease in vibration levels.  相似文献   

城镇燃气埋地钢质管道杂散电流测试方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,对轨道交通动态杂散电流干扰原理的研究开展的很多,但是,如何判断干扰电流对在役埋地燃气管道的危害程度,至今国内外还没有非常有效的手段。因此,比较了几种测试方法的适应性,提出了管地电位波动监测与SCM杂散电流检测仪相结合的检测方法,为埋地燃气钢质管道周围环境的杂散电流干扰测试与评价提供了新的依据。  相似文献   

油气管道工程建设中,在同一纵断面形成曲线的二维定向钻技术已日渐成熟,但因地形受限,采用空间曲线进行定向钻穿越设计,在国内应用较少。文中结合工程设计实例,重点介绍定向钻穿越利用空间曲线解决管线预制场地的直线和穿越中线在水平面形成夹角造成的难题。结合美国材料试验学会ASTM法对空间曲线定向钻穿越回拖力计算进行了应用简析。  相似文献   

Train dwell time is one of the most unpredictable components of railway operations, mainly because of the varying volumes of alighting and boarding passengers. However, for reliable estimations of train running times and route conflicts on main lines, it is necessary to obtain accurate estimations of dwell times at the intermediate stops on the main line, the so‐called short stops. This is a great challenge for a more reliable, efficient and robust train operation. Previous research has shown that the dwell time is highly dependent on the number of boarding and alighting passengers. However, these numbers are usually not available in real time. This paper discusses the possibility of a dwell time estimation model at short stops without passenger demand information by means of a statistical analysis of track occupation data from the Netherlands. The analysis showed that the dwell times are best estimated for peak and off‐peak hours separately. The peak‐hour dwell times are estimated using a linear regression model of train length, dwell times at previous stops and dwell times of the preceding trains. The off‐peak‐hour dwell times are estimated using a non‐parametric regression model, in particular, the k‐nearest neighbor model. There are two major advantages of the proposed estimation models. First, the models do not need passenger flow data, which is usually impossible to obtain in real time in practice. Second, detailed parameters of rolling stock configuration and platform layout are not required, which makes the model more generic and eases implementation. A case study at Dutch railway stations shows that the estimation accuracy is 85.8%–88.5% during peak hours and 80.1% during off‐peak hours, which is relatively high. We conclude that the estimation of dwell times at short stop stations without passenger data is possible. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

全球民航事故调查数据统计与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪磊  梁妍 《综合运输》2021,(3):7-12
为探索全球民航事故的发生及调查规律,从航空安全网(ASN)采集626起事故调查数据,对事故发生季度、类型、机型等特征进行统计分析,同时对事故调查的实施机构、调查时长、各类事故调查时长等特征展开分析。结果发现:全球民航事故随运行时间的增加呈现波浪形缓慢下降;事故数量最多的前两位为冲偏出跑道和飞机失去控制,并多集中在第三季度(7-9月);波音公司各机型事故曲线整体类似,同时与空客公司各机型飞机事故曲线存在差异。民航事故调查从开始到发布报告的平均周期为26.1个月;各调查机构针对冲偏出跑道、失去控制、可控飞行撞地事故的平均调查周期分别为22.2、40.4、12.4个月。研究结果为民航事故预防政策制定及事故调查提供参考依据。  相似文献   

宜万铁路别岩槽隧道F3断层在初期支护完成后,由于受地表强降雨影响,突发大规模涌水,使初期支护严重变形。文章主要介绍了F3断层的涌水事故、应急预案,以及通过采取“径向注浆加固-初期支护加强-及时施作二次衬砌”等综合技术措施,有效地治理了F3断层涌水-变形段。  相似文献   

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