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浅谈盾构下穿建筑物掘进参数控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章结合深圳地铁2号线2222标盾构机下穿景煜小学、翠海幼儿园等建筑物的工程实例,研究分析了盾构隧道下穿施工对城市建筑物的影响机理及变形控制基准值,提出了相应的盾构机下穿建筑物施工的掘进参数和控制地层沉降的技术措施。  相似文献   

为研究盾构下穿对管线的影响范围,文章以杭州地铁5号线某区间盾构下穿燃气管工程为依托,基于Mohr-Coulomb屈服准则建立三维数值模型模拟盾构下穿管线的分步开挖施工工况,计算结果表明G2破除引起隧道主体结构拱顶沉降、盾构下穿引起管线G1、G3、G4的沉降均在安全限值内。通过研究管线沉降规律发现:(1)若盾构隧道在开挖前土体被扰动,则隧顶沉降比未扰动时大、对隧底隆起无影响,对隧顶沉降主要影响区为扰动土体前后1.5D范围,距离越近影响越大;(2)隧道下穿管线掘进过程中,在距二者平面交点0.5D范围内管线沉降变化明显,超过1.5D后管线基本稳定并达到最大值,施工期间应重点关注。  相似文献   

以福州地铁5号线盾构下穿在建福厦高铁为工程背景,针对软土地层小半径曲线盾构隧道下穿高铁高填方路基交叉施工工程的特殊性,利用现场监测数据对交叉施工全过程展开分析,研究该类工程地基加固效果及施工变形规律。结果表明,该工程若采用预应力混凝土管桩进行地基加固,后期地铁盾构施工不具备施工条件,需施作桩板结构进行地基处理;采用桩板结构对软土区域进行加固处理后,实测数据中最大地表沉降量为5.6 mm,为地表沉降控制值的18.67%,在可控范围内;提前进行地基加固后,当盾构隧道下穿施工时,路基不同位置处仅发生微小沉降,说明桩板结构加固对交叉施工变形有很好的控制效果;随着路基填筑高度增大,各层土压力值整体呈增大趋势,各层土压力变化速率呈“双峰曲线”,路基中间位置的土压力值比靠近两侧的土压力值大;盾构隧道下穿前,桩板结构混凝土支撑轴力的变化大致可分为“线性增长—过渡—再增长—稳定”4个阶段,当盾构下穿后,混凝土支撑轴力有小幅增大,后期逐渐趋于稳定。从监测数据分析可以看出,桩板结构的加固效果显著。  相似文献   

盾构隧道近接下穿运营高速铁路施工会引起地基下沉、轨道不均匀沉降等病害,严重影响线路的正常运行,甚至会对铁路造成破坏。为研究超大直径盾构隧道动态掘进过程对地表城际铁路沉降影响,文章以武汉两湖超大直径盾构隧道斜下穿城际铁路项目为依托,通过土工离心机模型试验模拟了超大直径盾构隧道近接下穿城际铁路施工中盾构接近-下穿-驶离铁路的整个动态过程。研究结果表明:(1)盾构掘进对铁路路基的影响主要集中在下穿点前后各25 m范围,距下穿点25 m之外盾构掘进对铁路路基的影响很小;(2)盾构掘进过程中,下穿铁路前由盾构掘进引起的铁路路基沉降约占掘进全过程引起铁路路基总沉降的36%,下穿后约占64%,下穿后铁路路基沉降速率迅速增加,且大于下穿前;(3)以盾构掘进下穿过铁路15 m处为分界点,在此之前在盾构掘进方向左侧的路基沉降大于右侧的路基沉降,在此之后则相反,最终盾构掘进方向右侧的铁路路基沉降大于左侧。  相似文献   

盾构机在未经加固的软土地层中近距离下穿正在运营中的靥#线隧道,对其周围土体变形状况、档机理以及地层后期沉降的研究,提出了进行有效控制的施工方法及参数,解决了盾构近距离穿越邻近地下构筑物的技术难题,为今后的类似工程提供经验借鉴.  相似文献   

文章以下穿黄河某盾构隧道区间为研究背景,结合现场实际施工情况及现场监控量测数据,深入分析了砂卵石地层条件下的泥水盾构隧道施工对周边环境的影响问题,并提出了相应的安全控制措施。研究结果表明:在砂卵石地层条件下,左线盾构隧道施工对右线隧道上方堤岸的地层沉降有较大影响;通过对盾构掘进参数进行合理优化,适当提高泥浆浆液参数和同步注浆参数指标,严格控制盾构掘进姿态与泥水压力波动范围,可有效避免对堤岸及邻近建筑物结构安全性的影响。  相似文献   

在轨道交通工程建设过程中,当盾构区间下穿或近接侧穿桥梁时,会引起地层变形,从而对桥梁桩基及上部结构产生影响。结合合肥轨道交通5号线祁门路站—桐城南路站区间侧穿南二环—徽州大道立交桥工程,介绍和分析了盾构区间侧穿施工对桥梁桩基及上部结构的影响,根据周边环境及施工条件,提出了适合盾构施工参数及控制指标、桥梁基础差异沉降控制指标和穿越施工时的针对性保护措施。经实际施工,确保了盾构机侧穿时立交桥的安全。  相似文献   

依托于北京轨交8号线某区间盾构隧道工程,基于Peck理论和预测建筑物沉降的刚度修正法,通过对现场变形监测数据的分析,研究北京旧城地区盾构施工引起的地表和古旧平房群沉降规律,并提出了适用于盾构施工下穿古旧平房群的沉降预测方法。  相似文献   

文章以下穿黄河某盾构隧道区间为研究背景,结合现场实际施工情况,揭示了强透水砂卵石地层力学特性及失稳机理,同时根据现场监控量测数据,深入分析了强透水砂卵石地层受盾构施工荷载扰动后的地层沉降规律,并提出了相应的安全控制措施。研究结果表明:下穿黄河段典型断面地表横向沉降值分布呈现明显的离散性,与Peck经验公式预测模型拟合度较低;通过对盾构掘进参数进行合理优化,适当提高盾构推力设定值,严格控制盾构掘进姿态和切口泥水压力波动范围,可有效控制地表沉降变形。  相似文献   

文章以西安地铁三号线大雁塔—北池头区间隧道盾构施工为工程背景,采用FLAC3D软件,研究分析了两种不同工况下黄土盾构下穿施工引起的楼房基础的变形规律,提出了盾构下穿陕西正和医院楼施工中的变形控制措施,并制定了监测方案。研究结果表明,必须先对楼房周围土层采取注浆加固措施后方能保证楼房基础的变形控制在允许范围内;工程实践也表明,由于采取了合理的掘进参数和地层加固措施,盾构安全地穿越了医院大楼,楼房基础的沉降变形也在允许范围内,证明提出的变形控制措施是合理的和有效的。  相似文献   

地铁盾构区间穿越铁路站场设计与施工分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以郑州地铁1号线火车站站至二七广场站盾构区间隧道为背景,对隧道施工中的特级风险源——区间下穿国铁站场路段的施工过程进行了三维仿真数值模拟。按照国家相关规范标准,两轨面间的差异沉降不得大于5 mm,这对地铁下穿段的施工提出了较高要求。数值模拟计算结果表明,通过对下穿段一定范围内的土体进行注浆加固,可以有效控制盾构隧道施工引起的既有铁路纵向和横向沉降及不均匀沉降,从而保证既有铁路的运营安全。  相似文献   

Based on a shield-driven running tunnel project of Hangzhou Metro Line 2, this paper carries out field measuring of the ground surface deformation caused by two different shield machines in double-tube tunnelling in soft soil areas, obtains the laws of the surface deformation caused by shield-driven double-tube tunnelling and verifies the applicability of the modified Peck formula to double-tube tunnelling. The results show that in soft soil areas the impacts on ground surface deformation caused by different shield construction parameters in the previously and subsequently excavated tunnels are different, while the surface deformation changes sharply before and after the shield machine passing through the cutting face, and a rebound phenomenon occurs when the shield tail passes through the cutting face due to the influence of the grouting; The cutterhead torque of the shield machine in soft soil areas can be composed of five calculation factors, and the calculation results are in good agreement with the measured values. The larger the opening rate of the shield cutterhead is, the larger the average torque value will be, the higher the percentage of large ground loss rate will be, and the larger the maximum ground surface settlement will be; The ratio of cutterhead torque T to mucking volume per ring Q is used as the control parameter for analyzing the ground surface settlement, and a certain positive correlation between the ratio and the surface settlement value is determined, the smaller the cutterhead opening rate is, the more accurate the fitting results will be. © 2022, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

Based on the background of the first phase project of the R3 line of Jinan Rail Transit, and in view of the metro shield tunnel passing under the existing railway bridge and subgrade, this paper uses Abaqus to establish a numerical model to simulate the deformation of the existing bridge and subgrade of the Jiaoji railway line under the two conditions of non-active reinforcement and reinforcement. The results show that under the condition of no reinforcement, the maximum settlement of the top bridge on the pier is -5.88 mm, and the maximum settlement difference is 5.16 mm, which exceed the deformation control requirements of the 5 mm regarding the bridge pier of the railway with ballast track. The maximum lateral displacement and longitudinal displacement of the pier are 0.28 mm and -3.01 mm, respectively. After the reinforcement measures of the bored piles are adopted, the maximum settlement of the top bridge on the pier is -1.71 mm, and the maximum settlement difference is 1.16 mm, which fully meet the bridge pier deformation control standard. The maximum lateral displacement and longitudinal maximum displacement are -0.245 mm and -2.83 mm, respectively, which meet the requirements of the control standard. The vertical settlement of the railway subgrade is relatively small. The maximum settlement values under the two working conditions are -12.31 mm and -11.97 mm, respectively, which meet the subgrade settlement control requirement of 20 mm. It is proved that the reinforcement effect of the bored pile is good, and the reinforcement scheme is safe and feasible. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

大直径盾构隧道掘进施工对土体造成扰动,导致地表产生沉降或隆起,继而严重威胁上部建筑物群的结构安全。文章依托某大直径盾构隧道穿越老旧小区密集建筑物群工程,首先利用二维有限元软件计算关键断面房屋的沉降变形,再对比三维有限元软件的计算结果,分析两种计算方法的适用范围;然后基于三维模型探究了不同初期荷载释放率对盾构穿越引起的地表和房屋变形的影响,最后利用Peck公式计算的理论地表沉降数据,梳理初期荷载释放率、地表沉降、地层损失率三者的内部联系并提出了控制变形的相关措施。研究结果表明,初期荷载释放率越小,地表及房屋沉降也越小,对应的地层损失也越小;对于控制地表变形,减小荷载释放率等同于减小地层损失率;初期荷载释放率、地表沉降、地层损失率这三者减小的量值呈线性关系。  相似文献   

大直径泥水盾构下穿钱塘江大堤引起地层沉降的实测分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大直径泥水盾构隧道下穿钱塘江防洪堤引起的大堤沉降的发展规律与通常情况下的盾构推进引起的地面沉降规律有着较大的不同,基于杭州市庆春路φ11.38 m盾构过江隧道工程实例,对隧道下穿江南防洪大堤的施工期间及其后续阶段大堤的沉降进行了长期的观测。文章根据实测沉降数据,主要从沉降发展的时间历程、施工各阶段沉降量所占比例和大堤的沉降槽特征等3个方面进行了分析研究。  相似文献   

仑-大区间隧道过河段盾构掘进难点及措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章以广州市轨道交通四号线大学城专线中,仑头至大学城区间右线隧道为例,介绍盾构机过仑头海掘进和在江底被困情况,阐述盾构机过河段掘进难点及处理措施,可供类似工程借鉴。  相似文献   

以广佛线城际轨道交通为背景,详细论述了泥水盾构在施工过程中泥膜形成的过程,以及泥膜对盾构推进的重要作用,并根据泥膜加压试验得到了实际工程中泥膜的特性。研究表明,施工中的调制浆系统所调制的浆液的特性是决定泥膜形成速度和泥膜质量的关键,也是决定泥水盾构推进的至关重要的因素。广佛线泥水调制浆系统的施工组织与安排,为类似以砂土为主要结构土层的盾构施工提供了实践经验。  相似文献   

大直径泥水盾构近距离穿越运营地铁隧道的施工控制技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合上海大直径泥水平衡盾构首次在承压水砂性地层中近距离穿越运营地铁隧道的工程实例,介绍了近距离穿越过程中被穿越隧道的沉降变化规律,分析了各施工参数对隧道变形的影响,总结了工程中出现的问题及应对措施,供同类工程参考。  相似文献   

浅埋大断面黄土隧道初期支护研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
结合郑西客运专线大断面黄土隧道对比试验,研究分析了浅埋大断面黄土隧道初期支护中锚杆、格栅及型钢钢架的作用以及长期有争议的锚杆作用及钢架类型问题。试验结果表明:有锚杆拱顶沉降值是无锚杆拱顶沉降值的1.7倍,两者的水平收敛、土压力、钢架应力相差不大;格栅和型钢钢架各项试验数值也相差较小。因此,根据分析结果提出了"在浅埋老黄土隧道设计中取消拱部系统锚杆,采用格栅钢架,加强拱部锁脚锚杆设置"的建议。  相似文献   

Considering the influence of many factors (soil loss, frontal additional thrust, the friction force of the shield shell and the additional grouting force), a method for improving the uniform soil body movement model is pro-posed, and a mechanical calculation model is established to study the calculation method for soil body deformation caused by double-line parallel shield driving. Based on the Mindlin solutions of elastic mechanics, the theoretical solutions for soil body deformations caused by the last three factors are calculated; considering the uniform soil body movement model, the theoretical solutions for soil body deformations caused by soil loss are calculated, then the to-tal theoretical solutions for soil body deformations under multiple factors are obtained by means of superposition. The vertical surface settlement, vertical horizontal displacement, and vertical displacements of the soil body at different depths of Hangzhou Metro Line 1 are calculated to analyze the variation laws. Meanwhile the influential factors for horizontal displacement variation are studied. The research shows that with a change of depth, the settlement of the soil body changes within the scope of 10 to 13 m in the horizontal direction near where the maximum settlement occurs;the direction of the horizontal displacement of the soil body changes with a change of the positional relationship be-tween the calculation points and the tunnel; and with an increase of interval J for the two tunnels, the horizontal dis-placement of the soil body of a deep double-line tunnel decreases while the displacement near the surface changes slightly. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

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