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We provide a sufficient condition for the convergence of diagonalization algorithms for equilibrium traffic assignment problems with asymmetric Jacobian matrix B(v) of the link user cost mapping s(v) of the flow v. When
, where D(v*) > 0 is the diagonal of B(v*) and v* is the equilibrium flow, we demonstrate a local convergence theorem for nonlinear cost functions. The implication of this result for practical applications of the model are outlined.  相似文献   


This paper presents a case study of the optimal ALINEA ramp metering system model of a corridor of the metro Atlanta freeway. Based on real-world traffic data, this study estimates the origin-destination matrix for the corridor. Using a stochastic simulation-based optimization framework that combines a micro-simulation model and a genetic algorithm-based optimization module, we determine the optimal parameter values of a combined ALINEA ramp metering system with a queue flush system that minimizes total vehicle travel time. We found that the performance of ramp metering with optimized parameters, which is very sensitive possibly because bottlenecks are correlated, outperforms the no control model with its optimized parameters in terms of reducing total travel time.  相似文献   

The paper considers traffic assignment, with traffic controls, in an increasingly dynamic way. First, a natural way of introducing the responsive policy, Po, into steady state traffic assignment is presented. Then it is shown that natural stability results follow within a dynamical version of this static equilibrium model (still with a constant demand). We are able to obtain similar stability results when queues are explicitly allowed for, provided demand is constant. Finally we allow demand to vary with time; we consider the dynamic assignment problem with signal-settings now fixed. Here we assume that vehicles are very short and that deterministic queueing theory applies, and show that the time-dependent queueing delay at the bottleneck at the end of a link is a monotone function of the time-dependent input profile to the bottleneck. We have been unable to obtain results when dynamic demand and responsive signal control are combined.  相似文献   

Using a Bergson–Samuelson welfare function, we outline a microeconomic interpretation of the effects of the non-linearity in the time/cost relationship for travellers in a congested transport network. It is demonstrated that a marginal cost traffic flow assignment following Wardrop's second principle, although it minimizes the total cost of a transport network, may reduce social welfare compared to the market equilibrium assignment based on Wardrop's first principle. A welfare-maximizing assignment model is presented and used to show that if the travellers' utility functions are linear, the assignment that maximizes social welfare will be the same as the assignment that minimizes total network cost, but if users' utility functions are non-linear (reflecting the traditional non-satiation and diminishing marginal utility axioms), the two assignments will be different. It is further shown that the effects of this non-linearity are such that a welfare-maximizing assignment will meet with less user resistance than a minimum total network cost assignment.  相似文献   

Airspace Flow Programs (AFPs) assign ground delays to flights in order to limit flow through capacity constrained airspace regions. AFPs have been successful in controlling traffic with reasonable delays, but a new program called the Combined Trajectory Options Program, or CTOP, is being explored to further accommodate projected increases in traffic demand. In CTOP, centrally managed rerouting and user preference inputs are also incorporated into initial en route resource allocations. We investigate four alternative versions of resource allocation within CTOP in this research, under differing assumptions about the degree of random variability in airline flight assignment costs when measured against a simple model based upon the flight specific, but otherwise fixed, ratio of airborne flight time and ground delay unit cost. Two en route resource allocation schemes are based on ordered assignments that are similar to those used currently, and the other two are system-optimal assignment schemes. One of these system-optimal schemes is based on complete preference information, which is ideal but not realistic, and the other is based on partial information that may be feasible to implement but yields less efficient assignments. The main contribution of this research is a methodological framework to evaluate and compare these alternative en route resource allocation schemes, under varying assumptions about the information traffic managers have been provided about the flight operators’ route preferences. The framework allows us to evaluate these various schemes under differing assumptions about how well the traffic managers’ flight cost model captures flight costs. A numerical example demonstrates that a sequential resource allocation scheme – where flights are assigned resources in the order in which preference information is submitted – can be more efficient than a scheme that offers a cost minimizing allocation based on less complete preference information, and may at the same time be perceived as equitable. We also find that assigning resources in the order flights are scheduled results in less efficient allocations, but more equitable ones.  相似文献   


This paper considers the main road-traffic parameters that determine air pollution, i.e. the total volume of traffic, road speeds and the composition of the vehicle fleet. Changes in the amounts of pollutants emitted, and the importance of each of the three parameters, have been computed by using a traffic assignment model, which also represents emission factors. The types of policies that may be implemented to reduce the environmental impact of transport are then considered. The study demonstrates, for example, that the impact of a deterioration in traffic conditions is limited in comparison with the effect of forecast increases in traffic and improvements in the environmental performance of vehicles. As a consequence, if cities and urban transport are to achieve sustainable development, urban expansion must take place in a controlled way.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a practical tactical-level liner container assignment model for liner shipping companies, in which the container shipment demand is a non-increasing function of the transit time. Given the transit-time-sensitive demand, the model aims to determine which proportion of the demand to fulfill and how to transport these containers in a liner shipping network to maximize the total profit. Although the proposed model is similar to multi-commodity network-flow (MCNF) with side constraints, unlike the MCNF with time delay constraints or reliability constraints that is NP-hard, we show that the liner container assignment model is polynomially solvable due to its weekly schedule characteristics by developing two link-based linear programing formulations. A number of practical extensions and applications are analyzed and managerial insights are discussed. The polynomially solvable liner container assignment model is then applied to address several important decision problems proposed by a global liner shipping company.  相似文献   


In large metropolitan areas, public transit is a major mode choice of commuters for their daily travel, which has an important role in relieving congestion on transportation corridors. The purpose of this study is to develop a model which optimizes service patterns (SPs) and frequencies that yield minimum cost transit operation. Considering a general transit route with given stops and origin-destination demand, the proposed model consists of an objective total cost function and a set of constraints to ensure frequency conservation and sufficient capacity subject to operable fleet size. A numerical example is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed model, in which the demand and facility data of a rail transit route were given. Results show that the proposed model can be applied to optimize integrated SPs and headways that significantly reduce the total cost, while the resulting performance indicators are generated.  相似文献   

This paper studies a strategic supply chain management problem to design reliable networks that perform as well as possible under normal conditions, while also performing relatively well when disruptions strike. We present a mixed-integer programming model whose objective is to minimize the nominal cost (the cost when no disruptions occur) while reducing the disruption risk using the p-robustness criterion (which bounds the cost in disruption scenarios). We propose a hybrid metaheuristic algorithm that is based on genetic algorithms, local improvement, and the shortest augmenting path method. Numerical tests show that the heuristic greatly outperforms CPLEX in terms of solution speed, while still delivering excellent solution quality. We demonstrate the tradeoff between the nominal cost and system reliability, showing that substantial improvements in reliability are often possible with minimal increases in cost. We also show that our model produces solutions that are less conservative than those generated by common robustness measures.  相似文献   

In two recent papers published in Transportation Research, Daganzo presented a modification of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm to solve certain link capacitated traffic assignment problems satisfying certain conditions. In order to show convergence of the modified algorithm, the assumption was made that the integral of the volume delay formula for each link tends to infinity as the link flow approaches the link capacity. In this paper we give a Theorem which establishes convergence of the modified algorithm under much weaker conditions. This result is then used to show convergence if the objective function of the assignment model is sufficiently large (not necessarily infinite) when the link flows are at capacity. Thus the modified method is applicable to a broader class of assignment problems. Two numerical examples illustrate (a) when the method converges and when it does not, and (b) that our Theorem provides a weaker condition for convergence of the method.  相似文献   

This paper presents a continuum dynamic traffic assignment model for a city in which the total cost of the traffic system is minimized: the travelers in the system are organized to choose the route to their destinations that minimizes the total cost of the system. Combined with the objective function, which defines the total cost and constraints such as certain physical and boundary conditions, a continuum model can be formulated as an optimization scheme with a feasible region in the function space. To obtain an admissible locally optimal solution to this problem, we first reformulate the optimization in discrete form and then introduce a heuristic method to solve it. This method converges rapidly with attractive computational cost. Numerical examples are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the expressway network, detectors are installed on the links for detecting the travel time information while the predicted travel time can be provided by the route guidance system (RGS). The speed detector density can be determined to influence flow distributions in such a way that the precision of the travel time information and the social cost of the speed detectors are optimized, provided that each driver chooses the minimum perceived travel time path in response to the predicted travel time information. In this paper, a bilevel programming model is proposed for the network with travel time information provided by the RGS. The lower-level problem is a probit-based traffic assignment model, while the upper-level problem is to determine the speed detector density that minimizes the measured travel time error variance as well as the social cost of the speed detectors. The sensitivity analysis based algorithm is proposed for the bilevel programming problem. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the applications of the proposed model and of the solution algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of the Davidson congestion function in modelling network flows using equilibrium assignment. A modification to the function is given, which defines the function over all flows values, and consequently removes computational difficulties noted in earlier studies. The modification requires the inclusion of an additional model parameter, and the selection of a suitable value for this parameter is studied for two sets of data. The modified Davidson function is also compared to two alternative functions; a step-wise linear function and a quartic polynomial function, which have both been proposed as congestion functions. Comparisons are made between observed link volumes and the assigned volumes from these models. It is concluded that the modified Davidson function is useful for inclusion in an equilibrium assignment model, given its ability to reflect differences in network link type (e.g. capacity and speed) and environment through its parameters, the conceptual advantage of the function through its derivation from queueing theory, and the previous discovery of reliable methods for estimating its parameters. A value of about 0.8–0.9 is suggested for the parameter (μ, 0 < μ < 1) introduced in the modification.  相似文献   

With rare exception, actual tollroad traffic in many countries has failed to reproduce forecast traffic levels, regardless of whether the assessment is made after an initial year of operation or as long as 10 years after opening. Pundits have offered many reasons for this divergence, including optimism bias, strategic misrepresentation, the promise to equity investors of early returns on investment, errors in land use forecasts, and specific assumptions underlying the traffic assignment models used to develop traffic forecasts. One such assumption is the selection of a behaviourally meaningful value of travel time savings (VTTS) for use in a generalised cost or generalised time user benefit expression that is the main behavioural feature of the traffic assignment (route choice) model. Numerous empirical studies using stated choice experiments have designed choice sets of alternatives as if users choose a tolled route or a free route under the (implied) assumption that the tolled route is tolled for the entire trip. Reality is often very different, with a high incidence of use of a non-tolled road leading into and connecting out of a tolled link. In this paper we recognise this feature of route choice and redesign the stated choice experiment to account for it. Furthermore, this study is a follow up to a previous study undertaken before a new toll road was in place, and it benefits from real exposure to the new toll road. We find that the VTTS is noticeably reduced, and if the VTTS is a significant contributing influence on errors on traffic forecasts, then the lower estimates make sense behaviourally.  相似文献   

We consider the assignment of gates to arriving and departing flights at a large hub airport. This problem is highly complex even in planning stage when all flight arrivals and departures are assumed to be known precisely in advance. There are various considerations that are involved while assigning gates to incoming and outgoing flights (such a flight pair for the same aircraft is called a turn) at an airport. Different gates have restrictions, such as adjacency, last‐in first‐out gates and towing requirements, which are known from the structure and layout of the airport. Some of the cost components in the objective function of the basic assignment model include notional penalty for not being able to assign a gate to an aircraft, penalty for the cost of towing an aircraft with a long layover, and penalty for not assigning preferred gates to certain turns. One of the major contributions of this paper is to provide mathematical model for all these complex constraints that are observed at a real airport. Further, we study the problem in both planning and operations modes simultaneously, and such an attempt is, perhaps, unique and unprecedented. For planning mode, we sequentially introduce new additional objectives to our gate assignment problem that have not been studied in the literature so far—(i) maximization of passenger connection revenues, (ii) minimization of zone usage costs, and (iii) maximization of gate plan robustness—and include them to the model along with the relevant constraints. For operations mode, the main objectives studied in this paper are recovery of schedule by minimizing schedule variations and maintaining feasibility by minimal retiming in the event of major disruptions. Additionally, the operations mode models must have very, very short run times of the order of a few seconds. These models are then applied to a functional airline at one of its most congested hubs. Implementation is carried out using Optimization Programming Language, and computational results for actual data sets are reported. For the planning mode, analyst perception of weights for the different objectives in the multi‐objective model is used wherever actual dollar value of the objective coefficient is not available. The results are also reported for large, reasonable changes in objective function coefficients. For the operations mode, flight delays are simulated, and the performance of the model is studied. The final results indicate that it is possible to apply this model to even large real‐life problems instances to optimality within short run times with clever formulation of conventional continuous time assignment model. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine how 23 industrialised countries treat wider economic impacts (WEIs) in transport appraisals. We identify 12 different types of impacts based on these countries’ appraisal guidelines. Agglomeration impacts and Production changes in imperfect markets are the most widely accepted, being recognised by 14 and 10 countries, respectively. However, about half of the impacts are mentioned by only one country, and few recommend including the impacts directly in cost–benefit analyses. Several countries provide provisos or criteria that must be met before WEIs can be assessed in the first place. We found method recommendations for quantifying WEIs in 10 countries. However, with the exception of the UK Department for Transport’s (DfT) methodological framework, there is very little international consensus on the choice of appropriate methods. Our findings thus supplement and reinforce the conclusions from the Norwegian Official Report of the Hagen Committee [NOU 2012:16. (2012). Samfunnsøkonomiske analyser. Oslo: Departementenes servicesenter] that there is currently no established consensus on the magnitude and relevance of WEIs, or on how and which of these impacts should be taken into account in transport appraisals. Recommendations for further research and appraisal practices are provided.  相似文献   


When airlines are faced with some unforeseen short-term events, they have to reconstruct their flight schedules. Although aircraft recovery decisions affect passengers, these disrupted passengers and recovering them have not been explicitly considered in most previous aircraft recovery models. This paper presents an assignment model for airline schedule recovery which recovers both aircraft and disrupted passengers simultaneously, using a rolling horizon time framework. Our model examines possible flight retiming, aircraft swapping, over-flying, ferrying, utilization of reserve aircraft, cancellation and passenger reassignment to generate an efficient schedule recovery plan. The model ensures that the schedule returns to normal within a certain time and the objective is to minimize operational recovery aircraft cost, cancellation and delay cost as well as disrupted passenger cost. The model is tested using a data-set with two disruption scenarios. The computational results show that it is capable of handling the integrated aircraft and passenger recovery problem successfully.  相似文献   

Individuals processing the information in a stated choice experiment are typically assumed to evaluate each and every attribute offered within and between alternatives, and to choose their most preferred alternative. However, it has always been thought that some attributes are ignored in this process for many reasons, including a coping strategy to handle ones perception of the complexity of the choice task. Nonetheless, analysts typically proceed to estimate discrete choice models as if all attributes have influenced the outcome to some degree. The cognitive processes used to evaluate trade-offs are complex with boundaries often placed on the task to assist the respondent. These boundaries can include prioritising attributes and ignoring specific attributes. In this paper we investigate the implications of bounding the information processing task by attribute elimination through ignoring one or more attributes. Using a sample of car commuters in Sydney we estimate mixed logit models that assume all attributes are candidate contributors, and models that assume certain attributes are ignored, the latter based on supplementary information provided by respondents. We compare the value of travel time savings under the alternative attribute processing regimes. Assuming that all attributes are not ignored and duly processed, leads to estimates of parameters which produce significantly different willingness to pay (WTP) to that obtained when the exclusion rule is invoked.  相似文献   

We consider the asymmetric equilibrium problem with fixed demands in a transportation network where the travel cost on each link may depend on the flow on this as well as other links of the network and we study how the travellers' cost is affected by changes in the travel demand or addition of new routes. Assuming that the travel cost functions are strongly monotone, we derive formulas which express, under certain conditions, how a change in travel demand associated with a particular origin-destination (O / D) pair will affect the travelers' cost for any O / D pair. We then use these formulas to show that an increase in the travel demand associated with a particular O / D pair (all other remaining fixed) always results in an increase in the travelers' cost on that O / D pair, however, the travelers' cost on other O / D pairs may decrease. We then derive formulas yielding, under certain conditions, the change in travelers' cost on every O / D pair induced by the addition of a new path. These can be used to determine, whether Braess' paradox occurs in the network. We then show that when a new path is added, the travelers' cost associated with the particular O / D pair joined by this path will decrease (hence Braess' paradox does not occur) if a test matrix is positive semidefinite.  相似文献   

A procedure for the simultaneous estimation of an origin–destination (OD) matrix and link choice proportions from OD survey data and traffic counts for congested network is proposed in this paper. Recognizing that link choice proportions in a network change with traffic conditions, and that the dispersion parameter of the route choice model should be updated for a current data set, this procedure performs statistical estimation and traffic assignment alternately until convergence in order to obtain the best estimators for both the OD matrix and link choice proportions, which are consistent with the survey data and traffic counts.Results from a numerical study using a hypothetical network have shown that a model allowing θ to be estimated simultaneously with an OD matrix from the observed data performs better than the model with a fixed predetermined θ. The application of the proposed model to the Tuen Mun Corridor network in Hong Kong is also presented in this paper. A reasonable estimate of the dispersion parameter θ for this network is obtained.  相似文献   

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