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苯乙烯系离子交换树脂中间体的粒度控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过苯乙烯、二乙烯苯悬浮共聚制得了离子交换树脂中间体,研究了搅拌桨形状,分散体系和分散助剂浓度、升温速率对白球收率的影响,有效控制了共聚过程中液滴的聚集与粘结,得到了所需粒径的白球中间体。  相似文献   

海底“天才” 格拉西亚诺·菲奥里托和皮特罗·斯各托,曾用食饵训练章鱼,诱其攻击1颗红球或1颗白球 待到某条章鱼学会这一本领后,人们就让旁边水池里的另一条章鱼观察其活动过程。旁观的章鱼一旦被允许向圆球发起进攻,曾见过受训章鱼攻击红球的,就会直趋红球而去,而曾看到受训章鱼攻击白球的,则会缠住白球不放。由于章鱼生来色盲,因此,它们区分两种色球的根据,只是其亮度而非色泽。旁观的章鱼不仅能通过观察把本领学到手,而且其学习速度比训练还来得快。  相似文献   

王成宝 《中国海事》2013,(10):74-75
法国里昂是一个港口城市,主要出口粮食、钢材鑫哥特式的建筑,沿街的雕塑,男士含蓄的气质,女郎优美的身姿,让人流连忘返。我轮满载运往西非的小麦,顺着塞纳河缓缓出港,不拘一格的山岭依河而立,犹如梵高油画,扑朔迷离,虽目不暇接,仍全神贯注,谨慎驾驶,安全航行。穿过船只密集的英吉利海峡、跨过波涛汹涌的比斯开湾后,风开云散,顺风南下,告别了文明的西欧,驶往非洲。  相似文献   

豪华邮轮设计流行趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈波 《中国船检》2011,(3):54-58,123
豪华邮轮一直是造船界顶尖级的高附加值类船舶,欧洲各国专业制造商凭借对其艺术的独特理解,设计的繁杂,技术的先进以及装饰的奢华一直独占鳌头。目前,豪华邮轮发展趋势有两种,一种是越来越向大型化方面发展,船上的餐饮及娱乐设施一应俱全,符合年轻家庭的度假需求。另一种是走奢华路线,船舶尺度中等,但船上设施豪华,空间大,服务更加人性化,满足高端人士需求。同时,豪华邮轮在注重安全性能的环境下,对环保的要求也越来越严格。  相似文献   

历时84天的西向环球航行 我以前做过杂货船的水手、三副、二副、大副和船长,后来又当过多用途货船和小型集装箱船的船长,最终成为一艘大型集装箱船的指挥者.比较典型的航程是多次参与一艘大型集装箱班轮历时84天的西向环球航行——从上海港出发,在上海港引航员引领下驶出长江口,开往东海;在中国香港、新加坡短暂停留后,穿越马六甲海峡,经印度洋、亚丁湾、红海,过苏伊士运河,一路挂靠热那亚、巴塞罗那、瓦伦西亚,而后出直布罗陀海峡,跨越北大西洋,停靠纽约、萨瓦那、迈阿密,穿越巴拿马运河后,继续西行,旁经墨西哥海岸,停靠长滩、西雅图、温哥华,最终横渡北太平洋,经津轻海峡,入日本海,回到上海的母港.  相似文献   

周旻 《中国海事》2012,(10):73-76
1941年12月7日,日本偷袭了美国夏威夷珍珠港,被击中的"亚利桑纳"号战舰的大火燃烧了两天,舰上共有1177人丧生,占珍珠港死亡总人数的一半,其中945人随沉船长眠海底。至今,仍有舰内油舱不时冒出的油花,在海面上静静地散开,当地人说那是水手的眼泪。70年后,中国海事局的"海巡31"轮出访美国夏威夷,我以此为题,随笔3篇,以追念此行,献给为出访活动作出贡献的人们。  相似文献   

震耳欲聋的鞭炮声,热气腾腾的饺子,一家人欢聚一堂,在这个辞旧迎新的日子里,当千家万户都沉浸在团圆的喜悦中,却有这样一群交管人,他们远离团圆,在"塔"上坚守,为往来船舶指引前进的方向。一个不眠之夜当新年的钟声敲响的时候,整个城市的上空被焰火照亮了,一团团烟花像一柄柄巨大的花朵在夜空绽放,像一簇  相似文献   

企业要参与市场竞争,除了避免侵犯别人的知识产权,保护自己的知识产权外,还要注意知识产权的管理,防止自己的知识产权被盗用或者无意间流失.现代企业是处于知识经济发展的时代,从企业资产的形态上看,最重要的特征就是知识产权占企业资产总额的份额.对于以技术求发展的企业来说,在产品上市前,所创造的基本上就是知识产权.因此,对这些企业而言,应该从企业的管理层次着手,建立一套长期的技术管理机制,对知识产权进行有效的管理和保护,这将对企业的发展有着十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

江南七月,池塘莲花盛开,街头不时飘来凤凰传奇的《荷塘月色》,仿佛是莲花的世界。而对我来说,淡淡的莲花香里弥漫着难以言状的伤感,母亲于7月16日逝去,走完了她人生90年的生命之路。母亲姓李,名若莲。她的一生,人如其名。母亲出身在川西一个地主家庭,是家中的幺女。她的姐夫是国民党的少将,哥哥是国民党县党部书记(亦是1975年我国最后一批特赦人员之一)。出身在这样的家庭里,衣食无  相似文献   

2009年,中国最受瞩目的一件大事,无疑是建国六十周年大庆.届时,中国将举行盛大阅兵式,国家主席、中央军委主席胡锦涛将检阅部队.目前,相关筹备活动已经展开.阅兵,是一项极其隆重的军事仪式,历来被认为是体现一个国家的国威,一支军队的军威,一个民族的浩然正气的重要形式.  相似文献   

活性磷酸钙(HAP)可用作悬浮聚合分散剂,本文讨论和分析了HAP的分散机理和有关合成工艺,指出了HAP悬浮分散剂的发展方向。  相似文献   

To evaluate the effectiveness of apatite mineral in removing different contaminants from low quality water in the industrial city of abha,Asir region,southwestern of Saudi Arabia two phosphatic clay dominated by apatite mineral were selected.In situ remediation experiment proved that apatite mineral has the highest affinity for Pb and removed more than 94% from initial Pb concentration.The rest of contaminants followed the descending order of:Zn>Mn>Cu>Co>Ni.The sorption of Pb,Zn and Mn onto apatite mineral was well characterized by the Langmuir model.Ternary-metal addition induced competitive sorption among the three metals,with the interfering effect of Pb>Zn>Mn.During metal retention by apatite mineral calcium and phosphate were determined in equilibrium solution.Calcium increased and phosphate decreased with increasing metal disappearance.The greatest increase of calcium and the largest phosphate reduction were found with Pb+2 sorption. This is suggested that Pb+2 retention by apatite was through the dissolution of apatite which mean release of Ca and P into solution and formation of pyromorphite(lead phosphate)as consuming of P.Obtained results suggested that there are two general mechanisms for the ability of apatite mineral to take up Pb2+,Zn+2 and Mn+2.The first is (ion-ion exchange mechanism)concerned with adsorption of ions on the solid surface followed by their diffusion into apatite mineral and the release of cations originally contained within apatite.The second is (dissolution- precipitation mechanism)concerned to the dissolution of apatite in the aqueous solution containing Pb2+,Zn+2 and Mn+2 followed by the precipitation or coprecipitation.Pb+2 desorption responding to solution pH may indicate that not all the Pb+2 was chemisorbed and fraction of Pb+2 was weakly adsorbed or complexed on the surface of apatite mineral.  相似文献   

深水固体浮力材料的制备及性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以环氧树脂E-44为基体材料,以改性593为固化剂,填充大量空心玻璃微珠制备固体浮力材料.研究空心玻璃微珠的填充量及空心玻璃微珠的表面改性处理等对固体浮力材料的密度、力学性能的影响.结果表明,增大玻璃微珠填充量,可使固体浮力材料的密度和压缩强度降低,空泡率增大.玻璃微珠表面改性处理,可使固体浮力材料的压缩强度变大,添加缓释剂可有效减少制备过程中散热不均产生气孔的问题.  相似文献   

张旭  王超 《中国水运》2007,5(9):12-13
本文通过2004年09月29日连云港海州湾赤潮监控区发生赤潮的调查监测,对本次赤潮的赤潮生物,及其与各个环境要素进行了相关分析。本次赤潮生物多纹膝沟藻(Gonyaulax polygramma),赤潮生物的数量与表层水体中DO、pH、COD、叶绿素a、活性磷酸盐等呈很好的正相关,与无机氮呈负相关,无机氮是本次赤潮的营养限制因子。  相似文献   

针对6061铝合金,采用自行研制的混合活性剂配方,利用正交设计法进行焊接工艺试验,得到一组性能良好的焊接工艺参数。在此焊接工艺条件下,混合活性剂增加熔深效果显著,可一次焊透10 mm的铝板,实现单面焊双面成形。焊后对焊缝的微观组织进行了观察和分析,并通过力学性能试验分析了活性剂对焊缝力学性能的影响。结果表明:与常规TIG焊相比,活性TIG焊的焊缝组织细密,基本不存在气孔、裂纹、夹杂等焊接缺陷;活性TIG焊接接头的拉伸强度和断裂伸长率均可达到与母材相当的水平,焊缝区的硬度明显提高,焊接接头性能良好。  相似文献   

胡斌  王良秀  吴国栋  张元玮 《船舶工程》2019,41(10):105-110
文章主要描述船用磷酸铁锂电池动力系统的系统组成、原理及其短路特性,详细分析磷酸铁锂电池的PNGV模型、直流滤波器选型计算和直流变换器的工作原理。通过HPPC测试获取磷酸铁锂电池的PNGV模型参数,根据直流变换器的纹波特性选择其最优工作区域。最后从系统特性出发,分析磷酸铁锂电池动力系统短路的等效电路,针对电池侧和直流电网侧的短路情况进行深入研究,并通过MATLAB/Simulink平台仿真验证了理论分析的正确性。  相似文献   

Stress concentration and residual stress have a significant influence on fatigue life of welded joints. In order to reduce the stress concentration of welded joints, a mathematical design method of tensile triangles (MTT) based on bionics was applied to weld shape design. Accordingly, the stress concentration of various weld beads in the corner boxing welded joint and the fillet welded T-joint was dissected using our in-house FEM software JWRIAN. It was found that there existed a large stress concentration in the conventional welded joints, whereas those welded joints with elongated weld bead were accompanied by a lower stress concentration, especially for elongated weld bead with MTT design. Furthermore, among the weld shapes of the corner boxing fillet welded joint, the rectangle shape of weld bead had the minimum stress concentration factor (1.05). For the fillet welded T-joint with MTT design, the stress concentration of weld toe decreased dramatically with the increase of the index of designed shape, but there was a minor difference of stress concentration at weld root between the weld beads with MTT design. In addition, application of low transformation temperature (LTT) weld metal utilizing martensitic transformation to the fillet welded T-joints can produce compressive residual stress at weld toe.  相似文献   

高钙粉煤灰软土加固机理的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对高钙粉煤灰的物理、化学性质的分析试验 ,研究高钙粉煤灰及软土加固后的结构及高钙粉煤灰加固软土的机理 .高钙粉煤灰与软土拌和后可以形成连续性、水稳性较好的坚硬拌和桩体 .  相似文献   

Over the last 30 years it has become standard practice to connect offshore oil and gas structures to their foundation piles using cylindrical shaped grouted connections with shear keys or weld beads. Circumferential shear keys, or weld beads, are provided around the outside of the piles and the inside of the pile sleeves in jacket structures to transfer forces through the grouted connection. The same methodology is also now being used by the wind energy industry to connect wind turbine support structures to their foundation piles. These structures are subjected to rather severe dynamic loading, it is therefore important to document the fatigue capacity of these grouted connections. As a direct result of this need, a joint industry project focusing on the capacity of cylindrical shaped grouted connections with shear keys was initiated by DNV in January 2011 and continued through until completion in May 2012. This project has involved fatigue testing of grouted test specimens in the laboratory, finite element analyses and assessment and development of a recommended design methodology. The design methodology includes the Ultimate Limit State and the Fatigue Limit State. Fatigue testing of full-scale specimens would require very large test setup and hydraulic actuators. Therefore special box specimens were designed with a representative radial stiffness similar to that of large diameter connections, with both full size grout thickness and geometry of the shear keys. An analytical approach for design of these specimens and for the design of grouted connections in monopiles is presented in this paper.  相似文献   

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