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针对缓波型柔性立管存在的波型较陡和浮子段张力较大的问题,对其进行优化,将单波构型优化为双波构型,运用集中质量法对改进前后的2种结构形式进行分析,确认双波构型在静力和动力响应下的张力及弯曲特性更优。在此基础上,对双波型柔性立管进行敏感性分析。在静力状态下,悬挂点和第2段浮子段末端对浮子段间隔和浮子段长度敏感;在动力响应下,悬挂段到第1段浮子段的张力变化和最小弯曲半径对浮子段间隔和大悬挂角非常敏感。研究得到的敏感性参数结论可作为缓波型柔性立管总体布置设计的参考。为提升缓波型柔性立管的性能,可合理增加浮子段与浮子段的间隔和悬挂角,但同时要满足规范的要求,避免关键部位动力响应过大。  相似文献   

周岳  桑松  曹爱霞  朱晓 《船舶力学》2021,25(11):1479-1487
缓波型柔性立管的涡激振动问题是当前海洋工程界的研究热点.本文基于Milan尾流振子模型,通过Or?caFlex软件及悬链线方程,考虑缓波型柔性立管的几何非线性及三维效应,基于等效原则将缓波型柔性立管转换为直立立管进行分析,同时探讨了不同浮子段覆盖率对缓波型柔性立管涡激振动特性的影响规律,给出了立管不同轴向位置处的运动轨迹,为揭示缓波型柔性立管涡激运动特征提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

针对非粘接柔性立管在波浪和海流作用下易发生立管干涉的问题,以我国南海某油田输油立管和相邻锚链为例,分别对拖曳力系数、管道单位长度质量、外径、内部介质密度、立管抗拉弯扭刚度和悬挂角度等参数进行敏感性分析,得出不同参数的敏感性情况,并在此基础上提出一些建议供实际工程设计参考。  相似文献   

秦伟  王召  安松  白勇 《船舶工程》2019,41(8):110-115
缓波型刚性悬链线立管由于其良好的力学性能和较低的成本,适用于深水油气田开发。本文详述了缓波型刚性悬链线立管的设计准则和设计流程,给出了分布式浮块的设计方法和等效原则,推导了等效水动力参数的计算公式。通过静力分析,得到了不同浮块的布置位置和浮力系数对立管形态、顶端张力、弯矩分布的影响;通过动力分析,得到了沿管等效应力响应的分布规律,为缓波型刚性悬链线立管的设计提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

李英  贾尚儒 《中国造船》2021,(4):207-218
在柔性立管中部添加浮力块可使其形成陡波构型,合理的浮力块布置对陡波型柔性立管整体性能具有重要意义.论文以陡波型柔性立管悬挂点张力和锚固点张力为优化目标,以立管最大有效张力和最小弯曲半径为约束条件,构建了多目标优化模型.针对我国某海域应用于浮式生产储油装置的陡波型柔性立管系统,选取立管动态响应最大的4种典型工况开展动态时...  相似文献   

周晓虹  卢晓平  郭宇 《船舶工程》2015,37(S1):256-260
海洋柔性立管因材料和结构上的复杂性在设计分析中存在许多技术难题。本文在变形能原理和能量守恒的基础上,推导出了柔性立管各层的刚度矩阵。将各层刚度矩阵进行叠加,得到柔性立管总体刚度矩阵,并用总体刚度矩阵求解静载荷作用下立管变形响应。同时基于ABAQUS软件建立八层非粘结柔性立管有限元模型,并将有限元计算结果和刚度矩阵计算结果进行比较。结果分析表明:运用推导得到的刚度矩阵求解静态载荷下立管的变形是一种简便且准确的方法。  相似文献   

陶腾  张火明  陆萍蓝  管卫兵 《船舶力学》2022,(11):1714-1722
考虑基于骨架层和压缩铠装层各向异性中轴向材料属性,本文研究了串联非粘结柔性立管的碰撞规律影响特性。利用ABAQUS海工软件划分和加密典型八层非粘结柔性立管的最外层外护套层外表面参与碰撞的区域,讨论立管在不同的碰撞速度、管间摩擦系数和管内壁压单因素变量下,碰撞区域沿碰撞方向的应变、应力和碰撞力的时程曲线特性,总结对非粘结柔性立管碰撞影响规律。同时,对比单层立管与非粘结柔性立管的碰撞过程发现,两者都发生了多种碰撞行为,其中第一次碰撞过程最为剧烈。三个单因素变量对非粘结柔性立管的碰撞规律特性有不同影响。就立管的碰撞速度而言,在第一次碰撞过程中,碰撞力随碰撞速度的增加而增加,应变和应力呈现先增大然后减小的趋势;随着管间摩擦系数的增大,碰撞过程中应变和应力呈先减少后增加的趋势;碰撞中应变和应力随管内壁压的增加而增加。  相似文献   

石云  周晓东 《船舶工程》2017,39(3):94-98
柔性立管是一种重要的立管形式,由于其在恶劣环境条件下具有优越的性能在海洋油气田开发中得到广泛应用。针对目前主要应用的立管构型进行介绍,并进行了深入对比分析。依托某油田开发方案设计,基于集中质量模型,利用Orcaflex 软件建模,对不同立管构型进行时域动态分析,得出立管最大有效张力、最小有效张力以及最小弯曲半径等数据,推荐适应目标油田的立管构型。  相似文献   

本文提出3种数据处理方法分析均匀来流中柔性立管的初始阻力特性。首先通过分析柔性立管在均匀来流中的变形及振动情况,分离出立管流向的初始变形对应的弯曲应变。根据复杂梁的弯曲变形理论,建立起弯曲应变与平均阻力之间的微分方程。随后,针对试验中获取的立管轴向力及立管表面弯曲应变,提出计算平均阻力的数据处理方法,并进行算例验证与分析。最终使用提出的数据处理方法分析试验数据,得到立管表面各截面处的阻力分布。  相似文献   

康庄  张立  刘禹维  何宁 《船舶工程》2015,37(5):90-93
顶部张紧式立管(TTR)是油气开发必不可少的立管类型。研究了南海1500米水深半潜式干树深水平台TTR的概念设计,使用ORCAFLEX软件建立TTR的干涉分析非线性时域分析模型,基于Huse尾流模型,分析了浪流方向为0°,45°,90°,135°和180°的100年一遇环境载荷下的立管间距。结果表明,浪流方向为0°时立管最小间距小于TTR最大外径之和,发生干涉,其他方向不发生干涉。TTR为阵列式设计的立管群,应当从多方面因素考虑以避免干涉发生的危险,合理安排立管间距、调整TTF等措施可以有效减小干涉发生的可能。  相似文献   

A helical wire is a critical component of an unbonded flexible riser prone to fatigue failure. The helical wire has been the focus of much research work in recent years because of the complex multilayer construction of the flexible riser. The present study establishes an analytical model for the axisymmetric and bending analyses of an unbonded flexible riser. The interlayer contact under axisymmetric loads in this model is modeled by setting radial dummy springs between adjacent layers. The contact pressure is constant during the bending response and applied to determine the slipping friction force per unit helical wire. The model tracks the axial stress around the angular position at each time step to calculate the axial force gradient, then compares the axial force gradient with the slipping friction force to judge the helical wire slipping region, which would be applied to determine the bending stiffness for the next time step. The proposed model is verified against the experimental data in the literature. The bending moment–curvature relationship under irregular response is also qualitatively discussed. The stress at the critical point of the helical wire is investigated based on the model by considering the local flexure. The results indicate that the present model can well simulate the bending stiffness variation during irregular response, which has significant effect on the stress of helical wire.  相似文献   

本文针对试验中的柔性立管涡激振动响应特性问题,使用HHT方法进行分析。首先,将试验中获得的应变时历转化为位移时历,并进行EMD分解,分析确认分解结果的正确性。然后,根据分解结果,统计分析立管涡激振动模态数与流速的关系。之后,使用HHT方法分析立管涡激振动的频率响应特性,获得确认立管振动阶数的方法,在试验中发现"倍频"现象,并总结"倍频"现象分布的流速区间。最终,通过观察立管振动位移的时空分布,获得立管振动的阶数,发现了振型的不对称特性,并分析其导致模态混淆的原因,同时观察到立管振动模态的激励发展过程,并最终总结了不同流速下立管响应模态阶数及对应频率。  相似文献   

剪切来流下柔性立管涡激振动抑制装置试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
任铁  高云  付世晓  杨家栋  赵勇 《船舶力学》2016,20(4):497-507
文章针对柔性立管螺旋列板抑制装置在剪切流场中的涡激振动响应特性进行了试验研究,试验过程中通过旋转臂架从而形成相对剪切来流。通过测试得到的应变数据,基于模态叠加法,可得到立管的位移响应等参数。试验中针对螺旋列板的螺距和鳍高的变化进行了分析,系统地研究了不同螺旋列板状态下立管的主导频率、主导模态、无量纲振幅比以及疲劳损伤等参数。研究结果表明:螺旋列板可以很好地抑制立管的涡激振动响应;与螺距相比,鳍高对立管涡激振动响应会带来更大的影响;剪切流场中立管螺距恒定为5.0D(D为立管外径)时,鳍高为0.15D时的立管具有最好的抑制效果。  相似文献   

This paper presents theoretical and numerical study on bending properties of unbonded flexible risers. To capture nonlinearities in layer's sliding, the stress component due to slip-stick behavior is considered and energy conservation principle considering sliding-caused heat consumption is employed in the analytical model. Besides, a finite element model estimating mechanics of unbonded flexible risers' bending is proposed. In the finite element model, couplings between bending moment–curvature and axial stress as well as contact interaction among layers and tendons have been considered. The theoretical and numerical results were validated against the corresponding experimental data in literature and mutually compared in analyzing nonlinear bending behavior of flexible risers. Moreover, the impacts of axisymmetric loads on riser's bending behavior have been further investigated.  相似文献   

柔性立管涡激振动响应轨迹特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了深入研究细长柔性立管的涡激振动响应特性,进行了柔性立管的拖曳水池试验。由拖车拖动立管产生相对来流,根据应变测试得到的应变数据,基于模态叠加法得到位移响应。试验分析前,通过数值方法先针对刚性立管的涡激振动响应轨迹特性进行了分析。紧接着,通过试验方法对柔性立管的单模态以及多模态涡激振动响应轨迹特性进行了深入的分析和讨论。通过分析发现:柔性立管在低速下具有与刚性立管类似的轨迹响应特性,均呈现经典的8字形状;柔性立管在高速下,其轨迹开始变得混乱,这主要是由位移的多模态响应特性所产生。  相似文献   

Thesubsea dynamic riser base (SDRB) is an important piece of equipment for the floating production platform mooring system.One end is connected to the rigid pipeline, carrying a rigid pipeline thermal expansion load and the other end is connected to a flexible riser, carrying the dynamic load of the flexible riser, so its function is a transition connection between the flexible riser and the rigid pipeline which fixes the flexible riser on the seabed. On the other hand. as a typical subsea product, the design will satisfythe requirements of the standards for subsea products. By studying the stress analysisphilosophy of the topside piping and subsea pipeline, a physical model and procedure for piping stress analysis of the SDRB have been established.The conditions of the adverse design load have been considered, and a combination of the static load from the rigid pipeline and the dynamic load flexibility has also been optimized. And a comparative analysis between the AMSE, DNV and API standards for piping stress with the checking rules has been done.Because theSDRB belongs to the subsea pipeline terminal product, the use of DNV standards to check its process piping stress is recommended. Finally, the process piping stress of the SDRB has been calculated, and the results show that the jacket pipe and the carrier pipe stress of the SDRB process piping satisfy the DNV standards as a whole.The bulkhead cannot be accurately simulated by the AutoPIPE software which uses the FEA software ANSYS inthe detailed analysis, but the checking results will still meet the requirements of the DNV standards.  相似文献   

上凸型内孤立波场中顶张力立管极值响应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张莉  郭海燕  李朋  王增波 《船舶力学》2019,23(2):163-171
为研究上凸型内孤立波作用下立管的响应问题,建立了顶张力立管在上凸型内孤立波场中的运动方程,流体作用力通过Morison方程求解,上凸型内孤立波引起的速度和加速度用两层流体KdV方程计算;采用有限元法离散控制方程,并用Newmark-β法在时域内求解。通过数值模拟探索上凸型内孤立波作用下顶张力立管的位移、弯矩、应力、顶底端转角等极值响应规律,并分析内孤立波幅值、上下两层流体密度差、顶部张力及壁厚对立管响应的影响。研究结果表明,上凸型内孤立波会引起顶张力立管的位移、弯矩、应力及顶底端转角显著增大;由于上凸型内孤立波引起的海水剪切作用剧烈,导致上下两层流体中立管位移反向。  相似文献   

The flexible cantilever riser, as a special form of the marine riser, can be encountered in a deep-sea mining system, where the bottom of the long vertical lifting pipeline is connected with the intermediate warehouse. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the effects of the bottom weight caused by the intermediate warehouse and the flow speed on the dynamic responses of the cantilever pipeline. A quasi-3D coupling algorithm based on the discrete vortex method and finite element method is employed to calculate the unsteady hydrodynamic forces and vortex-induced vibrations of this pipeline in the time domain, respectively. We first simulate the VIV of a long flexible riser with two fixed ends in a stepped flow to validate the feasibility of the present method. Then, systematic simulations of cross-flow VIV of the cantilever riser are carried out under a wide range of bottom weights and different current speeds. The number of the vibration mode shows the decreasing tendency with the increase of the bottom weight. In a certain range of the weight, the number of the dominant mode remains unchanged, while the vibration amplitude declines with increasing weight. An amplitude jump phenomenon can be observed when the transition of the dominant mode in two contiguous mode clusters occurs. Moreover, the higher-order modes are excited with the increase of the current speed.  相似文献   

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