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城市交叉口交通量调查方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在总结交通调查发展特点的基础上,阐述了我国城市交通调查中存在的问题,并比较了几种交通调查方法,详细介绍了城市交叉口交通量调查的方法、流程,着重说明了环形交叉口的观测方法以及数据的计算、整理和检验情况,实践证明是切实可行的。  相似文献   

通过对内蒙古自治区交通情况调查工作的总结和交通量资料应用的阐述,就交通情况调查存在的问题进行了分析,并提出建议。  相似文献   

中小城市出入口机动车OD调查及其扩样方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市出入口机动车OD是城市交通规划中进行交通需求预测的一项基础资料。根据我国中小城市出入口交通的实际情况,提出适合于中小城市实际的出入口机动车OD调查方法和其扩样模型。  相似文献   

袁建 《公路交通科技》2011,28(3):118-124
针对上海浦东机场航空旅客,进行机场集疏运交通方式选择行为研究,通过浦东机场航空旅客的SP调查数据,分析了集疏运系统服务水平对航空旅客交通方式选择行为的影响,在按照出行目的、居住地情况和携带大件行李3个要素对航空旅客进行市场细分的情况下,建立了分类的机场集疏运交通方式选择行为的多元Logit模型,对影响机场交通方式选择的...  相似文献   

关于公路机动车OD调查方法的改进及处理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
OD调查是公路项目可行性研究中经常实施的一种交通调查,但目前普遍采用的OD调查方法及处理过程,无论在理论或实践上都存在着一定问题,提出了对OD调查方法的改进思路,以及相应的处理程序。  相似文献   

上海公路网交通调查数据处理及分析应用系统浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本对上海公路网交通调查数据处理及分析应用系统的功能需求、分析指标和评价模型进行了论述。从分析公路网特点和交通调查数据入手,确定多层次多角度分析评价上海公路网交通状况的评价指标体系,提出分析评价的数学模型,分析论证了该系统的各个功能,重点分析了系统中的分析评价模块,并结合实际情况,提出了进一步对系统进行完善的建议。  相似文献   

为了量化综合交通信息对小汽车通勤者的诱导效果,实施网络调查获取出行行为数据,分析了调查数据的统计特性,并对比有无综合交通信息时通勤出行链的时间、空间和结构特征,然后,基于SP数据建立通勤者在综合交通信息条件下出行选择行为的网络广义极值模型(NGEV模型),并利用BIOGEME软件包进行求解.通过分析参数标定结果,得到如下结论:综合交通信息下通勤者进行复杂出行链选择公共交通的概率更低,小汽车通勤出行链(私人交通模式)在泊位数充足的情况下转向其他交通模式的倾向性较明显.   相似文献   

基于非集计模型的城市铁路线路客流量预测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先通过比较中国和世界上有代表性的几座大城市交通设施建设情况,提出在中国特大城市建设立体交通体系的必要性。然后,给出规划立体交通体系的技术方法,即利用个人出行调查数据和实测数据、预测各种出行目的的交通方式胆的技术方法。还以日本大阪市港区--南港城市轨道线路为例,进行实例介绍。采用非集计模型进行了交通方式划分,并且利用个人出行调查数据拟合模型中的参数。在城市铁路线路交通分配中,仍然采用了非集计模型,预测出了铁路各站的客流量,为城市综合交通设施的建设提供科学根据。  相似文献   

基于抽样理论、最优化理论和出行需求预测方法,提出了以中小城市起讫点(OD)交通调查费用最小为目标,以调查精度为约束的最优抽样量计算模型和算法。实践结果表明:该方法有效地解决了调查费用和精度的矛盾,减少抽样量,仅用国际上推荐抽样率的1/10的抽样量就能得到预定精度的预测结果;对于具有简单交通流向的中小城市,能明显提高OD调查工作效率。  相似文献   

介绍了过境交通研究中通常采用的交通调查方法,并以记录车辆牌照法调查为重点,提出城市过境交通调查中调查地点和调查时段的选取原则。并通过对外交通小区的划分与数据库的建立,研究了一种城市出入口交通流特性分析的方法.并解决了过境交通初始OD矩阵、相应时间OD矩阵的建立方法,OD矩阵的扩充以及过境交通需求预测方法,最后以兰州市为实例对过境交通流量调查与预测方法进行了验证。  相似文献   

为分析山地城市建成环境对居民小汽车拥有的影响,探究不同坡度下居民地形感知对小汽车拥有影响的差异,采用贵阳市中心城区不同坡度下的小区居民调研数据,引入3个观测变量来评价居民的地形感知,将结构方程模型(SEM)计算出的潜变量适配值融入Logit模型中,构建包含潜变量和显变量的SEM-Logit模型来研究主客观建成环境与小汽车拥有的关系。结果表明:坡度对小汽车拥有产生积极影响,但不同坡度下的地形感知对小汽车拥有的影响有所不同。在地形条件相对较好的环境中,当小区坡度小于8%,居民对地形感知并不强烈,并认为从小区步行到公共交通站点的距离和时间花费在其承受范围内。因此,地形感知并未对小汽车拥有造成显著影响;在小区坡度为8%~15%时,地形感知对小汽车拥有产生显著负效应。生活在该小区类型的居民,尤其是收入相对偏低的居民,更喜欢选择电动自行车出行,削弱了小汽车拥有量;当小区坡度大于15%时,小区坡度与小汽车拥有量具有正相关性。该小区类型的道路坡度大,居民出行过程中通常会经历频繁的上下坡,造成出行时间花费长,继而形成强烈的地形感知。这严重降低了居民出行选择步行或骑行的可能性,转而提升了小汽车拥有的概率。同时,在SEM-Logit模型中也证明了除地形因素外,家庭年收入、到地铁站最近距离、土地利用混合度、目的地可达性、出行态度对小汽车拥有具有较大影响。   相似文献   

Car ownership is growing very rapidly in China; whilst this is a reflection of sustained economic growth, it presents a major challenge to Chinese transport policymakers. The consequences of China's motorization also extend beyond the national borders, however, via mechanisms such as increased demand for new automobiles produced in North America and Europe and the global atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases. Chinese cities are also experimenting with innovative transport policies to manage increasing car ownership, which in a number of cases go beyond the menu of policy options that have traditionally been considered in the West. Despite policy interest for these reasons, China's motorization process is poorly understood, in part due to a scarcity of relevant data.This paper contributes to the body of literature regarding this phenomenon by drawing on a unique data resource: the 2011 wave of the China Household Finance Survey (n = 8438 households). This is a disaggregate national-scale survey dataset developed to monitor economic conditions in China, though to the authors' knowledge the CHFS has not previously been employed to study patterns of car ownership.We report a set of three analyses, to identify factors associated with: 1) whether a household owns at least one car, 2) multiple car ownership, and 3) whether a household owns a new car. Amongst other empirical results, we find that living in a rural area is negatively associated with car ownership, net of confounding effects, and that within towns/cities poor accessibility (i.e. long travel time) to the town/city centre is also negatively associated with car ownership. These findings regarding spatial effects are contrary to typical findings in the West, where car ownership is generally lowest in urban centres.An earlier version of this study was presented at the 2017 Transportation Research Board conference.  相似文献   

This study empirically investigates the determinants and drivers of Hong Kong's inbound tourism using data from January 2019 to December 2020. Five of Hong Kong's major regional tourism source markets are selected: Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and South Korea. Our empirical results suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic has had significant negative impacts on the tourism and aviation sectors in Hong Kong that are asymmetric in the source and destination countries. In addition, international travel control imposed by the Hong Kong government is often defined according to the pandemic situation in the tourism source countries, Hong Kong's inbound visitor volume is also significantly affected by the Hong Kong government's response to COVID-19 infection cases in the tourism origin markets. Our empirical results also suggest that the flying distance to Hong Kong and high tourism costs in Hong Kong reduced visitor arrival demand, whereas increased aviation services and tourism market potential contributed to tourism growth. These results suggest that the tourism industry and government agencies should cooperate to recover when the pandemic is under good control, so that Hong Kong will be regarded as a preferred and safe destination for travelers and visitors. Our study emphasizes the complementarity between pandemic control and tourism recovery. Pandemic control involves extra tests and quarantine requirements on passengers, more vigorous border control. These operational and associated financial requirements call for government support to the tourism and aviation sectors in the early stage of recovery to create a positive feedback loop.  相似文献   

皇岗-落马洲大桥是连接深圳-香港的重要交通设施,为使大桥能满足深港两地客货运输的要求,需保证结构安全度符合内地及香港两地相关规范。本文分别按照内地及香港规范要求计算内力并进行比较,得到合理的设计内力值,为结构设计提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   

深圳与香港的桥梁设计标准存在较大的差异。本文结合皇岗—落马洲第二公路桥的设计 ,对深港两地桥梁主要设计标准作了系统的比较 ,着重介绍了香港标准的一些设计要求及两者标准的差异。  相似文献   

论香港地下空间开发的规划、立法与发展经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 海滨城市香港山多平地少,土地是极为稀少的资源,但山岭地貌和坚硬晶质火成岩岩体很适合开发地下洞室和隧道。20世纪70年代、80年代起,就开始考虑发展地下空间,以满足都市发展的需求。为此,政府开始有计划地进行工程可行性研究,并进行相关的立法工作,为规范地下空间的开发,建立了一套完整的地下空间开发体系。结合工程实例,就香港地下空间开发的研究、规划、开发、管理和立法作简要介绍。  相似文献   

Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is about improving mobility for people. Since Gothenburg piloted the first multi-modal Mobility as a Service (MaaS) scheme from 2012, there have been many further attempts at introducing connected and bundled services globally, invariably provided as a mobile app and a single, simple ticketing interface. As in any emerging paradigm, the varying flavour, or ‘shapes’ of MaaS that are piloted reflect the search for a sustainable business model and connectivity between transport operators at varying levels that includes risk reallocation and data sharing. The varying levels of success of MaaS and Mobility on Demand (MOD) lead the authors to propose MaaS Lite, which reflects an incremental approach to MaaS based on a simpler organisational arrangement that does not depend upon the introduction of a Mobility Operator as a new player. MaaS Lite also recognises that most trips are not complex at all, often based on one or two connected mechanised modes that meets highly local needs, including FMLM service connectivity.Overall, MaaS is not a ‘one size fits all’ solution for all regions but the benefits of the highly targeted MaaS Lite could realise early public benefits as a first step in the development of a multi-phased ‘services road map’ that evolves towards the implementation of multi-modal, region-wide operationally integrated MaaS. Case studies in Hong Kong and Brisbane demonstrate the merits of MaaS Lite in these two contrasting environments having different regulatory regimes, population densities and levels of private car ownership.  相似文献   

As India's economy grows, so too does the number of people who can afford to own vehicles. A downside of this rapid increase in private vehicle ownership is a corresponding increase in traffic congestion, air pollution, and carbon emissions. Although affordability may be one reason for the shift toward commuting via private vehicles, another contributing factor could be the quality of public transportation. The objective of this paper is to determine whether private vehicle ownership in large urban areas in India is influenced by the presence of high quality dedicated public transit systems. Consumer expenditure survey data acquired from the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) for the year 2009–2010 were used to develop a vehicle ownership model for 26 Indian cities with a population of at least one million. The results show that the availability of public transportation has a negative correlation to motorcycle/moped ownership but has no strong effect on car ownership. These results should encourage governments in developing economies to invest in high-quality dedicated public transit systems.  相似文献   

京港澳高速河北段是石家庄-北京距离最短的一条高速公路,交通流量大.为了改善运营条件进行加宽改造.为保证路基稳定性,对老路边坡路基稳定性、土路肩路床压实度、边坡防护与排水等进行了调查与检测.针对调查结果,对新老路基的良好衔接提出了具体操作措施.  相似文献   

作为物联网在交通领域的应用,车联网可有效缓解当前的城市交通问题.为更好地把握车联网的市场前景,2012年底在杭州市开展了一次大规模随机抽样调查活动,在汽车4S店、二手车市场、高校、政府机关和企业内随机发放问卷共800份.根据对问卷结果的统计分析,绝大部分驾驶员对杭城交通状况十分不满意,造成交通问题的主因是车辆增长过快,大多数驾驶员对车联网应用及相关产品十分感兴趣,并愿意为之支付一定费用.由此可以推断车联网市场前景非常广阔.  相似文献   

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