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从前中国没有自己的海损理算机构和专业人才,船舶(包括租来的和国有的)装载着货物,在海上航行中发生海损事故,船、货等处于共同危险之中,为了船、货等财产的共同安全,或在一定情况下,为了安全完成航程,采取措施所造成的特殊牺牲或支付的额外费用应如何由有关财产按其获救价值的比例分摊,均由外国海损理算师进行理算。  相似文献   

The concept of general average is of great antiquity. It has fruitfully served the maritime community of the last two millennia, but the justification for its continued existence in the 21st century is questionable. This article examines the proposition that general average is an anachronism and should be abolished — a cry that has been heard for well over a hundred years but has failed to materialise. In the article, the arguments for retaining general average are marshalled alongside the demands for its demise. Current developments in the revision of the York-Antwerp Rules are discussed. In conclusion, the resilience of general average as an age-old equitable maritime principle is recognized. But the author points to the sophistication in the modern regime of marine insurance in support of discarding general average and allowing maritime losses to lie where they fall; to be indemnified independently by the insurer of each interest in a maritime adventure without contribution from co-adventurers or their insurers.  相似文献   

文章结合中国<海商法>和<1974年约克-安特卫普规则>对共同海损制度的规定,阐述了过失行为与共同海损成立的关系,解释了可免责的过失和不可免责的过失两个方面对共同海损分摊的影响.  相似文献   

This article provides a synoptic overview of the concept of general average which is one of the saving acts in maritime law. Its principles were entrenched in the Roman law which acknowledged its origins being rooted in the Sea Law of Rhodes. Its evolution as customary law through the medieval maritime codes of the Mediterranean region is also traced in the article. The reader is then brought into the modern era of the international regime of general average through the advent of the York-Antwerp Rules. The basic principles of general average loss, including expenditures and sacrifices, and general average contributions are introduced through references to a number of leading cases. The current status of this ancient law and practice and debates over its future are briefly addressed in conclusion.  相似文献   

日前,由广州中船黄埔造船有限公司建造的32000吨运木散货船金广岭号在广州龙穴造船基地交付。这是华南地区交付的首艘符合船舶结构共同规范(CSR)要求的散货船,也是在龙穴造船基地交付的首艘船。  相似文献   

我国科学家经过多年攻关,在冷凝器的传热机理等方面的理论研究获得重大突破,在国际上首次发现了“类环状流沸腾传热强化新机理和紊流液膜冷凝传热强化新机理”,并依据这一理论发明了世界上第一台具有国际领先水平的“类环状流”新型冷凝蒸发器。对此有关专家指出,这种基于基础研究成果所进行的新型产品研制,是一种最有成效的研发模式。 低温冷凝蒸发器广泛应用于制氧、化肥生产及其他石油、化工、炼油等设备中。国内外现有的这类冷凝蒸发器均采用传统的相变传热机理和结构,传热效率低,由此导致这些大型设备中的冷凝蒸发器不仅体积…  相似文献   

中国海事法制完成时、进行时和将来时   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地球的表面由水域和陆地两部分组成。地球的主宰者-人,虽然主要生活在陆地,却又绝然离不开水域。“无以规矩,不成方圆”,为了陆地和水域的正常和有序,人们制定并执行着各种各样的“法”。一望无垠的水域,也有着自己的规矩----这,就是国际海事组织和各国海事管理部门制定并在执行着的“法”。 根据法律、法规的授权,中华人民共和国海事局负责行使国家水上安全监督和防止船舶污染、船舶及海上设施检验、航海保障管理和行政执法,并履行交通部安全生产等管理职能。 作为海上执法部门,“法”对于中国海事局的重要性不言而喻。 1998年,按照国务院和交通部的要求,全国水监系统开展了实现“一水一监,一港一监”、“一省一监”的统一管理体制改革,形成了今天“统一政令、统一执法、统一管理”的水上安全监督管理新格局。新格局下的中国海事法制工作有哪些成果?又有哪些不足?今后的发展方略是什么?作为海事中人,为了“海洋更清洁,航行更安全”,我们不能不明白。  相似文献   

中国水运发展前景与政策调整方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国水运经历了600年前的辉煌、明清的衰落、建国后的复兴、改革开放以来的壮大等阶段,形成其曲折向上的发展轨迹。过去的复兴和壮大,奠定了我国水运由更好更快发展走向强大的良好基础。  相似文献   

船舶配员服务作为一种航运实务中非常活跃的经济行为,其真实法律属性直接影响到各相关方权利责任的分配.文中从船舶配员服务行为法律属性入手,分析演化过程,力图在复杂的航运实际与法律法规的规定中找到平衡点。  相似文献   

本文所有数据采集自2014年4月8-11日各备忘录组织官网数据库,本季度港口国船舶检查及滞留情况,涉及Paris MOU/ Tokyo MOU/ IO MOU/Mediterranean MOU/Black Sea MOU/Riyadh MoU/The Latin American Agreement共7个备忘录组织。  相似文献   

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