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随着客户需求不断细化,货主对原煤筛分的要求越来越高,为顺应市场需求,降低贸易成本,提高其市场竞争力和占有率,同时也为稳定张家港煤炭市场,满足客户的个性化要求,张家港港务集团创新性地对原有筛分工艺进行了二次升级,实现了煤炭在卸船流程中多粒度、多规格筛分作业的同时进行.  相似文献   

结合黄骅港块煤筛分系统工程实例,探索块煤筛分技术在大型煤炭港口的应用,为大型煤炭港口块煤筛分系统的设计、制造、安装、运行、管理和维护提供技术支持和理论依据通过相关工程调研分析、专家咨询、工艺方案比选、设备选型优化等,提出适合工程实际需求的布置方案,提高了筛分系统工艺布置的合理性及可靠性,为其它大型煤炭港口筛分系统工艺布置提供了参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

由于块煤与粉煤市场价格有较大差异,往往需要对进港煤炭进行筛分作业从而获得较好的经济效益[1].现有的煤炭筛分设备简陋,工艺落后,不但需要上料、出料等系统辅助作业,而且占用了大量堆场,费时费电,增加了成本和环境污染[2].为此,我们设计制造了一种可移动的轨道式筛分堆料机,可以实现大流量的煤炭筛分和堆料同时进行,使输入该机的统煤在通过该机输送至堆场之前,即已由筛分系统筛分成不同块度的块煤和细粒煤分别堆卸到两侧堆场.该机筛分效率高,符合环保要求,是目前较为理想的新型筛分堆料专用设备.  相似文献   

由于煤炭运输业务的迅猛增长和环保要求的日益提高,集装箱装运煤炭业务越来越受到相关企业的重视,尤其是高附加值煤炭运输,为了减少货损,用户往往更喜欢采用集装箱方式运输。货主在码头对煤炭要进行筛分作业,将煤炭按粒度分成大于200mm,80~200mm,30~80mm,20—30mm,小于20mm5种规格,将30—80mm适合电厂使用的煤炭装进集装箱进行运输。  相似文献   

介绍一个长江煤炭码头改扩建工程建设实例,探讨如何在现有设施基础上布置一个集筛分、分选和混配于一体的煤炭储备中心,通过对煤炭进行深加工进一步提高其附加值和经济价值.  相似文献   

这满足用户的要求,秦皇岛港开展了煤炭装集装箱的新业务。但是,原煤炭装箱工艺落后,装卸效率低下,污染严重,煤炭储运环节损耗较大。为此,我们提出了一种新的装卸工艺,采用了自主研制的三保护油缸装箱机和具有筛分功能的堆料机等先进配套设备,年装箱能力可达到15万箱。  相似文献   

介绍了香港某港口建筑废料筛分装船系统的装卸工艺方案、设备组成和选型,并针对实际运行中存在的效率低下问题,给出了对该系统设备进行升级改造的措施。实践表明,该技术改造可以提高设备适应性、筛分生产效率和建筑废料装船效率。  相似文献   

针对目前普遍存在的煤炭装卸储运过程中的扬尘污染、块煤运输过程中的破碎等难以解决的问题,提出一种全新的煤炭装卸工艺系统.对煤炭装卸储运系统中关键工艺进行了研究,主要包括对原煤进行筛分、破碎等加工处理,煤炭采用钢板简仓储存,块煤装集装箱运输,煤炭装船等.  相似文献   

针对秦皇岛港块煤筛分装箱业务实际情况,研究了在煤二期原有卸三场地工艺条件下建设煤炭在线筛份装箱系统的工艺方案,分析了该建设项目对煤二期原有吞吐量以及全集团吞吐量的影响。实践表明,该方案有效利用了原场地及设备,效率高,占地少,对原有系统的影响可以忽略不计。  相似文献   

介绍一个中小型散货码头的建设实例,探讨如何在有限的场地及投资条件下布置一个功能齐全的小型煤炭筛分系统,通过煤炭筛分分级可以进一步提高煤炭的经济价值.  相似文献   

浙江沿海地区依托其优越的地理区位优势、港口资源优势、腹地优势、市场优势和集疏运优势,成为长三角区域煤炭储运和物流基地的最佳选址。从长三角地区及长江沿线煤炭需求出发,在研究分析区域煤炭需求和煤炭运输大格局的基础上,探索浙江沿海地区煤炭储运基地、运输系统及物流市场建设,有效保障区域煤炭经济安全。  相似文献   

For the economic and financial evaluation of port investment projects, it is important to know the demand function of a port's services. The objective of this study is to establish such a demand choice function for the Spanish container port services. The function is derived from the coefficients of a port choice model, for which a multinomial logit model is used and of which the coefficients are estimated with regression analysis. The variables tested concern inland transport cost, ocean transport costs and broad proxy variables for quality of service. Information on container import and export flows for 2007 is obtained from the Spanish Treasury Department. The linear regression analysis is based on differences of utilities of alternative routings of containerised cargoes compared to those routed via the port of Valencia. The obtained results are satisfactory in terms of model fit. The estimated coefficients can be used to assess the impact of changes in costs of container flows routed via a port on a port's market share. A demand choice function for the port can be derived by systematically doing so. An example is presented for the port of Valencia.  相似文献   

郭享  苏志国  崔峰  万海霞 《水运工程》2015,(12):128-132
基于虚拟现实技术、信息技术、网络技术等,构建煤炭码头三维可视化管控系统。通过与信息管理系统生产运营数据的对接,在网络环境下,实现煤炭码头生产运营状态的实时展示和实时信息查询,以及生产运营过程中设备的快速定位及紧急报警。该系统可为煤炭码头管理人员提供直观的、可交互的辅助港口运营分析、决策的平台。通过在黄骅港煤炭码头的工程应用验证了该系统的先进性和实用性。  相似文献   

The fast growth of the Chinese economy and its international seaborne trade has escalated the demand for high-quality and efficient port services. “Decentralization” of the port management regime has given local government greater freedom in port development and operational decision-making. However, major port capacity expansion in coastal areas, coupled with the slowing down of both the economy and trade growth over recent years, has led to overcapacity and excessive competition. Although both port specialization and government regulations are called for to address these issues, few studies have investigated the formation mechanism and economic implications of port specialization. This paper uses alternative duopoly games, namely a Stackelberg game and a simultaneous game, to model port competition, where ports provide differentiated services in the sectors of containerized cargo and dry-bulk cargo. Our analytical results reveal that inter-port competition can lead to port specialization in the following three ways. A port can specialize in a type of cargo (1) for which there is relatively high demand, (2) where it has established capacity first, or (3) for services which require prohibitively high capacity costs. Also, it is seen that overcapacity is likely if strategic port decisions are made simultaneously instead of sequentially. These results suggest that if there is a clear market leader, policy intervention may not be necessary. However, if no port has clear market power, then government coordination and intervention may be needed in order to prevent overcapacity and to encourage specialization.  相似文献   

何小明  覃杰  王薇 《水运工程》2011,(12):78-82
基于全国沿海地区煤炭消耗需求发展趋势,剖析宁波-舟山港煤炭运输服务对象——浙江省的煤炭需求发展情况,在分析浙江省能源消耗、煤炭消耗现状及运输结构的基础上,预测2015年和2020年浙江省能源消耗及煤炭需求,并判断煤炭运输方式和结构,从而得出宁波-舟山港煤炭吞吐量发展趋势.结合已建和在建煤炭泊位情况,分析港口吞吐量与码头能力之间的适应性.  相似文献   

刘文远  苏飞 《水运工程》2015,(5):101-106
现代煤炭港口由传统装卸服务向综合物流服务转型过程中,对港口整体调度的智能性与效率性要求提升到新高度,因此需要以系统论的观点解决煤炭港口的联合调度优化问题。针对影响卸车调度的关键问题,综合考虑车流集中到达、列车限制性调度等因素,以现代煤炭港口生产工艺流程为基础,重点研究现代煤炭港口卸车联合调度优化,构建以待车时间最短、作业时间最短且关联堆场作业动态的卸车联合调度优化模型(火车-翻车机-堆场联合调度优化模型),运用相应优化策略,分析优化模型,实现卸车调度各环节智能化的最优解决途径。  相似文献   

针对目前国内煤炭港口生产作业过程中扬尘严重、环境日益恶化的现状,对北方煤炭港区装卸生产设备进行研究,从煤炭在物料转接过程中的撒漏和扬尘的形成机理入手,对各作业点存在的清洁生产问题进行总结和剖析,进而开展对物料运输的各个工作点的改进研究,找出生产工艺流程中控制撒漏和扬尘的方法。  相似文献   

The cruise ship industry is currently undergoing a period of rapid expansion. New cruise capacity threatens to produce overtonnaging, with future berths exceeding demand. Despite this development, cruise operators are confident that a growing North American market will be able to satisfy the equilibrium condition sought by vessel operators. This research explores where the new tonnage might be deployed and its eventual impact on the cruise industry. Geographic concepts are utilized to test and support the premise that geography contributes positively to the cruise port selection process. Itineraries, influenced by ‘site’ and ‘situation,’ are presently still the most important factor affecting cruise port selection.  相似文献   

The cruise ship industry is currently undergoing a period of rapid expansion. New cruise capacity threatens to produce overtonnaging, with future berths exceeding demand. Despite this development, cruise operators are confident that a growing North American market will be able to satisfy the equilibrium condition sought by vessel operators. This research explores where the new tonnage might be deployed and its eventual impact on the cruise industry. Geographic concepts are utilized to test and support the premise that geography contributes positively to the cruise port selection process. Itineraries, influenced by 'site' and 'situation,' are presently still the most important factor affecting cruise port selection.  相似文献   

柔性化港口的概念和内涵   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘桂云  真虹 《中国航海》2007,(3):65-68,72
分析了现代港口合作竞争、区域化、精益化和敏捷化的发展特点,提出了柔性化港口的概念,并研究了其具体内涵。柔性化港口应该能够快速反应运输市场变化,提供敏捷、高质量的差异化服务,促使与港口相关的供应链各环节之间的无缝连接。其内涵可从战略柔性、结构柔性和运营柔性3个层次理解,各层次作为整个柔性系统的组成部分,各自分别反应环境的变化,相互影响和促进。港口在实施柔性发展战略的过程中应该从柔性内涵出发,认真分析环境、仔细定位,实施针对性的发展对策。  相似文献   

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