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The main challenge for container ports is the planning required for berthing container ships while docked in port.Growth of containerization is creating problems for ports and container terminals as they reach their capacity limits of various resources which increasingly leads to traffic and port congestion.Good planning and management of container terminal operations reduces waiting time for liner ships.Reducing the waiting time improves the terminal’s productivity and decreases the port difficulties.Two important keys to reducing waiting time with berth allocation are determining suitable access channel depths and increasing the number of berths which in this paper are studied and analyzed as practical solutions.Simulation based analysis is the only way to understand how various resources interact with each other and how they are affected in the berthing time of ships.We used the Enterprise Dynamics software to produce simulation models due to the complexity and nature of the problems.We further present case study for berth allocation simulation of the biggest container terminal in Iran and the optimum access channel depth and the number of berths are obtained from simulation results.The results show a significant reduction in the waiting time for container ships and can be useful for major functions in operations and development of container ship terminals.  相似文献   

集装箱码头泊位系统是一个典型的排队系统,船舶可视为系统的服务对象即顾客.将泊位及与之对应的岸桥作为一个整体可视为船舶排队系统的服务台,优化配置泊位资源就是基于这一特殊的排队系统进行最优的泊位数量决策.在对集装箱码头服务系统特性分析的基础上,基于排队论对集装箱码头泊位规模的确定进了数学建模,并开发了模拟迭代算法,结合实例分析显示了模型及算法的有效性.  相似文献   

The planning, design and development of a container terminal with optimum size and capacity and with a minimum capital cost is fundamentally dependent upon the loading and discharging operations at the quayside. Achieving this purpose, terminal operators have to choose the best operating system in the container yard. The decision on which equipment is used at container terminals depends on several factors. The purpose of this study is to provide a new decision making tool using the first law of thermodynamics. It considers a port as a control volume of a fluid system and models the port and its traffic on it. The results of this study evaluate container yard operating systems and set up a basis for decision making to select the best alternatives.  相似文献   

One of the most important issues that planners and developers of ports have to address at the planning process of container terminals is how to effectively optimize truck turnaround times. The time that a truck spends at a container terminal for loading and/or unloading of cargo is a real cost scenario which affects not only the smooth operation of ports but also the overall cost of the container trade. The main objective of this article is to provide a decision support tool for selecting the best container yard gantry crane for loading/discharging operation of trucks at the landside of marine container terminals. Achieving this goal, this study aims at introducing and recommending the multiple attribute decision-making and the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process models that have been proven to provide a concrete basis for such a selection decision.  相似文献   

The optimal usage of berths plays a key role in raising the efficiency of container terminals. The berth allocation problem in a container terminal is defined as the feasible allocation of berths to incoming ships such that the total time that elapses between the arrival of the ships to their exit from their berths is minimized. In the transportation literature, the latter problem is usually formulated as a mixed integer programming model. Optimization methods, like the branch and bound algorithm, are efficient ways to solve this model but become absolutely unusable when the size of the problem increases. An advanced search method such as GA may be suited to such a situation. In this paper, a genetic-based algorithm is proposed for the problem. Computational results for two test problems (a small and a large-sized problem) are also presented. The results from the small test are also compared with the results obtained from the branch and bound algorithm.  相似文献   

青岛港前湾港区四期工程位于前湾港区南岸,规划10个专业化集装箱泊位。1#~4#泊位平面布置基于10个泊位进行统筹设计,其中1#~4#泊位设计泊位长度1 320 m,为国内最深的专业化集装箱泊位。码头前方配置了当今最大型的双40 ft集装箱岸桥,堆场作业采用双悬臂式轨道式场桥。地基处理方式以因地制宜、因时制宜为原则,处理方法多样。道路面层采用改性沥青混凝土路面,替代了常规使用的水泥混凝土或高强连锁块路面。生产运营自动化程度高,管理系统先进,轨道场桥预留全自动化控制系统。设计中全面树立建设"资源节约型、环境友好型"港口的理念,从细节上入手,广泛采用各类环保、节能措施和设备。  相似文献   

为了科学地确定洋山深水港区四期工程泊位建设等级,综合分析了船舶大型化发展、全球港口航道等基础设施升级及长江沿线港口发展等趋势,结合洋山深水港区航线及进港船型特点,并充分考虑深水岸线资源的有效利用和建设超大型全自动化集装箱港口的需要,论证洋山四期工程建设10万吨级或以上大型深水泊位的必要性和可行性。  相似文献   


Berth planning plays an important role in improving the efficiency of a container terminal. This study focuses on the berth template problem (BTP), which determines the berthing windows of the calling ships within a planning horizon (e.g. a week) in a cyclical way. As a mid-term tactical decision problem, BTP provides the decision support for a terminal operator to negotiate the contracts with the shipping lines. This study develops an integer programming (IP) model aiming to minimize the total deviation, given the ship-dependent target times preferred by the shipping lines. To validate the model and illustrate the benefits of its use, we perform a numerical experiment based on operational data of a specific container terminal in Southeast Asia. Two IP-based heuristic methods are developed to take into account the decision framework of terminal operators in reaction to demand increases. The experiment results indicate that the model and the solution approaches can enhance the resource utilization and operational efficiency of container terminals.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the performance evaluation of ship-berth link in port. The efficiency of operations and processes on the ship-berth link has been analysed through the basic operating parameters such as berth utilization, average number of ships in waiting line, average time that a ship spends in waiting line, average service time of a ship, average total time that a ship spends in port, average quay crane (QC) productivity and average number of QCs per ship. All the main performances of the ship-berth link are given. This is one of the problems faced by planners and terminal operators in ports. In this paper, we propose two models based on simulation and queuing theory, respectively, in order to determine the performance evaluation of ship-berth link in port. Numerical results and computational experiments are reported to evaluate the efficiency of the models for Pusan East Container Terminal (PECT).  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the performance evaluation of ship-berth link in port. The efficiency of operations and processes on the ship-berth link has been analysed through the basic operating parameters such as berth utilization, average number of ships in waiting line, average time that a ship spends in waiting line, average service time of a ship, average total time that a ship spends in port, average quay crane (QC) productivity and average number of QCs per ship. All the main performances of the ship-berth link are given. This is one of the problems faced by planners and terminal operators in ports. In this paper, we propose two models based on simulation and queuing theory, respectively, in order to determine the performance evaluation of ship-berth link in port. Numerical results and computational experiments are reported to evaluate the efficiency of the models for Pusan East Container Terminal (PECT).  相似文献   

Countries throughout the world, and especially within Asia, are investing heavily in container port infrastructure in the hopes of capturing a larger share of global shipping activity for their economies. Many existing ports are emphasizing developing the capacity to serve as a hub port, building deepwater berths with large terminals to facilitate transfer of containers from feeder ships to mother ships for intercontinental transport. We develop a game-theoretic best response framework for understanding how competitor ports will respond to development at a focus port, and whether the focus port will be able to capture or defend market share by building additional capacity. We apply this model to investment and competition currently occurring between the ports of Busan and Shanghai.  相似文献   

超巴拿马型岸桥的发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
集装箱运输船大型化、高速化发展方兴未艾,装载量为9 600 TEU 和10 000 TEU 的超巴拿马型巨轮 已相继出现。如何迎接这些巨轮的到来成为港口码头和集装箱起重机制造商共同的课题。本文主要通过 ZPMC 2005年面向全球供货的188台(占世界市场50%的份额)大型岸桥的各种参数统计,分析岸桥的发展趋势。  相似文献   

集装箱船舶作业效率的度量和比较   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为吸引船舶挂靠,集装箱码头把船舶作业效率作为重要的追求目标之一。分析影响船舶作业效率的因素,介绍我国集装箱码头刷新船时作业效率记录的情况,指出宜以一段时间泊位作业效率、船时作业效率和岸边集装箱起重机作业效率的统计平均值作为集装箱码头作业效率的度量和比较指标。  相似文献   

In 1969 the first of Sydney's purpose-built container facilities in Port Jackson, the Seatainer terminal, became operational. Later, in 1973, the second terminal at Glebe Island, a common-user facility, shared the task of handling the container traffic for much of eastern Australia until the development of the new facilities in Botany Bay. The two terminals differed in almost every respect except their inner-city locations and restricted sites. This paper explores these differences and their implications for terminal productivity. It examines some of the structural characteristics of the container trade and traffic and defines vessel time profiles and container handling rates for operations over the sample years 1977, 1979 and 1981. The paper establishes that there were remarkably similar productivity characteristics at the two terminals, despite their significant characteristics, but it also reveals the relatively high proportion of vessel alongside time or time spent at the berth that was idle, non-working or unproductive.  相似文献   

当今90%的国际货物要经过海港,并且80%的海上运输货物要用集装箱运输。集装箱码头的设计者和管理者为了节省费用和快速有效地满足集装箱运输的需求,使用了缩短船舶在港停泊时间,高效利用人力、泊位、堆场和装卸设备资源等措施。为了进一步研究集装箱码头系统,通过查阅相关研究文献,总结了集装箱码头仿真和优化研究的主要问题和某些研究的局限性,展望了未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

远期规划的舟山北部水域大型泊位高达50余个。进港航速低、历时长、乘潮和靠泊时间窗口要求特殊,是大型船舶影响港口通航效率的主要因素。在现状及近、远期港口规划条件下,基于Arena仿真建模方法,构建舟山北部水域大型船舶进出港仿真模型,定量统计分析不同阶段大型泊位规划对船舶通航效率的影响。结果表明:近、远期规划实施后大型船舶流量增加33%和65%,远期规划中黄泽作业区的船舶平均等待时间较现状增加约10.5 h,小洋山作业区和鼠浪湖作业区分别增加约0.5 h和2 h,对通航效率整体影响有限。  相似文献   

王轩 《港工技术》2011,48(1):29-31
船舶大型化可降低货物的海运成本,也要求港口设施随之向深水化、大型化发展.近年来由于大型深水泊位数量有限,不少港口采取将大船减载后靠泊小吨级码头的作业方式,以解决燃眉之急,这种作业方式虽然能取得一定的经济效益,却带来很多安全隐患,尤其是对于使用年限已久的老旧码头,需注意及时进行加固改造,通过对近年来天津港老旧码头泊位加固...  相似文献   

基于多智能体仿真的集装箱港口作业效率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
集装箱港口生产作业系统是复杂的离散事件系统,数学建模方法难以构建针对整个系统的模型,而基于过程的仿真模型通常缺乏对设备调度的灵活性。为准确描述我国集装箱港口的作业流程,分析内卡配置数量对港口作业效率的影响,提出了基于事件驱动的集装箱港口多智能体(Multi-Agent)仿真模型。仿真结果表明:岸桥平均装卸效率(GCR)随着内卡数量的增加先急剧增加后缓慢增加,船舶平均等待时间(AWT)和平均在泊时间(AST)与岸桥平均装卸效率呈明显负相关关系。  相似文献   

针对目前自动化集装箱码头供电模式经济性、效率及安全性难以兼顾的问题,探讨解决方案。通过研究目前国内外自动化集装箱码头装卸工艺的特点,对比传统码头供配电的模式,提出供配电的多种模式和方案,并进行运行效率和可行性的定性分析及定量计算。最终选择采用后方辅建区新建无人值守变电所,一座变电所对一个泊位独立供电;冷藏箱、AGV充电站环网式箱变就近供电的综合供配电的方案模式,达到供电效率与安全兼顾的目的。该方案成功运用于青岛港自动化码头工程中,可为未来新建自动化码头提供参考。  相似文献   

虚拟仿真优化技术在外高桥五期工程总体设计中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
基于离散事件动态系统和系统仿真理论,文章在专用仿真语言witness的平台上,研究开发了集装箱码头装卸系统的仿真模型,对外高桥五期集装箱码头的水平运输、前沿宽度、泊位系统等初步设计方案做了深入的仿真分析,做出了最优设计选择。模型动态显示整个码头运行过程,可分析码头装卸系统中各种性能参数。模型的成功应用说明虚拟仿真优化技术将在今后的码头设计中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

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