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美国东海岸的巴尔的摩是全美第二大汽车进口港,也是东部工业原料(制纸用木材和纸浆)和水果、肉类等农牧产品进口以及农业机械等工业制成品出口的主要港口。滚装运输十分繁忙,因此美国首先在该港推行全面“无纸化”  相似文献   

Previous research on job demands in seafaring has focused on the effects of workload and circadian disturbance on seafarers’ health and fatigue. Taking a more comprehensive approach, this study identifies job demands of short sea cargo shipping lines and explores their effects on work and life on board. Data came from 54 interviews with officers and crew on five cargo ships. Findings revealed job demands related to characteristics of the schedule, ports, and sea voyages; these were not only associated with workload and circadian disturbance, but also with the difficulty of the work, the ability to plan ahead, and intrusions from third parties. Job demands affected outcomes through two interconnected processes. First, job demands had direct and indirect effects on fatigue and the working climate on board. Second, potential positive effects of job demands (i.e. interesting work and pay) were related to motivation and, together with a good working climate, could reduce turnover. Connecting the two processes, a good working climate was pivotal in counteracting negative emotions and supporting motivation and collaboration. In this way, it functioned as a key resource. External constraints could either buffer or reinforce these effects.  相似文献   

In this paper some of the factors that were influential in establishing a Canadian shipping policy position à proposissues raised by the UNCTAD V meeting are examined. The first of these issues was the question of early ratification and entry in force of the Conventin on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences. The second involved the relationship between flages of convenience and fleet expansion in the developing countries (LDCs). The third concerned LDC participation in the carriage of bulk cargoes. The author concludes that Canada's stance was determined by the fact that she was a major user of shipping withouta significant fleet of her own, and shows how she attempted to balance her sympathy with Third World aspirations with the demands of her own national interests.  相似文献   

<正>“八五”时期,在深化改革、扩大开放的宏观经济大环境中,宁波港务局坚持党的基本路线,抓住机遇,依靠全局广大职工艰苦奋斗,勇于进取,全港货物吞吐量快速发展,基本建设快速健康发展,依靠科技进步、大力挖潜改造,经济效益逐步提高,精神文明建设硕果累累。 货物吞吐量快速增长 1995年是“八五”计划的最后一年,宁波港在“三年三大步”的基础上,港口生产又上了一个新台阶。1995年全港货物吞吐量达到6852.8万吨,比“七五”时期末的1990年全港货物吞吐量2553.5万吨,净增长近4300万吨,年均增长近860万吨,年均增长率达21.8%,比“七五”时期年均增长率19.7%高2个百分点,全港货物吞吐量由“七五”时期末的我国大陆港口第七位上升至“八五”时期  相似文献   

香港顾问公司亚洲物流有限公司主管嘉尔文,探讨中国市场商家购买外国货时,愈益倾向以[FCA](免承运价)取代[FOB][离岸价格]的新趋势。  相似文献   

海洋能源的开采利用,对于服务于海洋平台的工程船日益增现其价值。‘NEPTUN9’便是此类型服务于海上平台的工程船舶!具备锚作、拖带、供油供水等功能。为了解该船在自由航行和拖带时的主动力系统工况实际情况,特选择采用测工仪对其工况进行简单分析研究,以实际所测得的数据为今后同类型船提供参考。  相似文献   

1486年葡萄牙人勃·迪亚士首先发现了非洲南部遥远的狭长半岛上的突出部分——“大浪角”。不久他又从那里转道,偶然到达了印度。从那时起“大浪角”成为西欧去印度的必经之道,并正式把它命名为“好望角”。  相似文献   

China’s Belt and Road (BR) initiative is expected to facilitate international trade between the countries involved. In this study, we review the special requirements of wine logistics and the market growth potential of wine consumption in China. A model minimizing generalized logistical costs is developed and applied to wine imports in China, so that the best candidate cities in which to locate transport gateways and distribution centers can be identified. Our analysis suggests that the most preferred gateways are Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, and Hong Kong, which all have similar delivery costs. In comparison, Beijing and Chongqing have much higher delivery costs, mainly because they do not have good access to marine transport and/or efficient domestic distribution networks. For long-distance intercontinental transport of large volumes of wine, marine shipping remains the only viable delivery mode. However, wine distribution within China extensively uses air, road, and water transport. Therefore, cities with excellent multi-modal transport services are better positioned to become wine logistics gateways. Our study also highlights the importance of value-added services and good government support, which are important factors that influence distribution costs and quality.  相似文献   

童欣 《中国港口》1994,(2):36-36
<正>一向独揽上海港装卸生产中散化和矿粉两大货种的新华港务公司,近年来碰到一大难题:机械老化。 但令人惊异的是,装卸生产却依然一枝独秀。去年,这家公司吞吐量达1250万吨;创利5000万元;散化灌包计量合格率名利全国前茅,达95%;公司安全生产做到1210天无重大、大事故。 公司当家人火应隆经理谈起这些。很动容地说:“‘班组课堂’功不可没!” 在如今的年月,新华港务公司与其它港区同样面临运输市场激烈竞争的挑战。而老港区要站稳市场取胜市场,难度更大。要形成快节奏生产,机械是关键。恰恰,这家公司的机械大多已“超龄服役”。机械出勤率不适应生  相似文献   

The two main value propositions in international container transport are ‘port-to-port’ services and ‘door-to-door’ services. In port-to-port services, buyers ‘just’ purchase maritime transport from a shipping line. Door-to-door services comprise the total transport chain and include land-based transport. Carriers as well as forwarders offer these door-to-door services. In this paper we provide a qualitative assessment of an emerging third value proposition that is centred around inland terminals (ILTs). Such a value proposition consists of transport up to the ILT, and may have advantages over port-to-port services, such as better leverage of scale economies, better repositioning of empty containers and better alignment with the business model of forwarders. This paper conceptually and empirically explores such a value proposition.  相似文献   

This study investigates potential port users’ surplus and terminal operators’ profits due to transforming port governance from the ‘tool port’ model to the ‘landlord port’ model. Although the landlord port model is one of the most adopted and successful port governance models, many ports still operate under other models. Chittagong Port, the largest port in Bangladesh, currently operates under the tool port model, while the country’s second-largest port, Mongla Port, operates under the service port model. Chittagong Port is currently facing many challenges, including capacity expansion and renovation of port facilities. Therefore, we form four hypothetical situations for port governance model transformation, assuming that Chittagong Port will transform to the landlord port model but that Mongla Port will run under the existing governance model. Estimating a Bertrand game model, we present a cost-benefit analysis for port users and terminal operators (or port authorities) in hypothetical game situations. The results reveal that privatising one of the container terminals under a landlord setting is the most profitable scenario for Chittagong Port Authority, but privatising all terminals of Chittagong Port yields the highest users’ surplus. However, privatising two of the terminals while they cooperate yields the lowest users’ surplus.  相似文献   

目前高校实施的“教学督导制”存在重“督”、轻“导”,重一次性评估结果、轻过程,重学校专家的督导、轻学生参与督导等问题。提出一种改进现行督导方式,促进英语教学的“学生‘督’‘导’合一制”模式,强调学生参与“督教导学”,不仅监督教师教学,而且协助教师教学,引导学生学习英语,从而提高英语教学质量。  相似文献   

吴华 《南方水运》1996,(3):14-18
本文主要通过介绍现有航道、航标、船舶的发展状况,以及对比的分析,说明了“大站化”的管理的可行性和有推广必要性。  相似文献   

为了贯彻交通运输部关于加强全国海事系统"三化"建设的重要部署,推进全国海事系统"革命化、正规化、现代化"建设,《中国海事》杂志拟开设"‘三化’建设"专栏,反映全国海事系统贯彻落实"三化"建设的相关举措,推介"三化"建设过程中涌现出的重要成果。本刊现面向全国海事系统各单位和广大读者,征集展现各单位及个人落实"三化"建设相关要求的稿件以及关于"三化"建设的意义、内涵、六大体系建设的思考及研讨性文章,择优刊登。文章题目体裁不限,字数4000字以内。  相似文献   

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