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We investigate second-hand vessel price heterogeneity. Based on a sample of 5,591 purchase and sale transactions in the dry bulk sector over the period 1998–2016, we deploy a nonparametric regression technique to assess the determinants of vessel price and vessel price variability. Next, we use quantile regression to estimate the effect of regressors (sources of heterogeneity) at different parts of the vessel price distribution. We find evidence that main sources of vessel price heterogeneity are the age of the ship (the older the vessel the higher its maintenance cost), the 3-month LIBOR (reflecting the cost of financing) and the annual charter rate (revenues from operation). Their influence is stronger at all higher quantiles (periods of expansion) and the median of the vessel price distribution.  相似文献   

This paper examines the world-wide supply and demand for new oil tankers. A simultaneous supply and demand model is developed and estimated using two-stage least squares techniques and empirical data from 1972 to 1983. The relationships between tanker newbuilding orders and prices, and other relevant market factors are analysed. Major factors affecting the tanker new building market are identified. The results indicate that: oil price and second-hand tanker price are predominant factors influencing future newbuilding demand; a moderate decrease in laid-up tonnage would not induce a significant increase in newbuilding orders; shipbuilding capacity is a more influential factor for the short-run supply of new tankers than shipbuilding cost. Technological change has also played an important role in the market.  相似文献   

对2014年世界经济、航运、造船市场进行回顾,并对2015年的发展方向进行展望。2014年,世界经济总体属于不均衡复苏;航运市场总体表现低于预期,油运市场相对较好,商船队保有量增速持续放缓;新造船市场订单量过亿吨,液货船订单增多,新造船价格呈现中间高两端低的走势。预计2015年世界经济将继续呈现不均衡复苏态势,2014年大宗商品价格的暴跌将有利于世界经济的复苏;航运市场方面,预计集装箱运输市场和油运市场贸易运输需求增速超过运力增速,干散货运输市场继续供大于求;预测2015年油船订单将继续复苏,集装箱船和散货船市场维持2014年的景气度,海工市场看淡。  相似文献   

秦琦  李源  祁斌  沈苏雯  周羽欢 《船舶》2012,23(1):1-10
在"增长放缓、风险增大"的2011年全球经济环境下,世界航运市场受"运力投放无休、运营成本增加"的影响而表现为"低迷不振"。新船的不断交付也使世界商船队年轻化势不可挡。新船建造市场同比有所下滑,液货船和散货船表现不佳,集装箱船和海工市场表现较好,新船价格呈现小幅下调趋势。预计2012年世界船市在三大主力船型上仍不容乐观,海工市场继续有尚佳表现。  相似文献   

肖启俊  张延猛 《船舶工程》2013,35(2):100-103
二手船价格是买卖二手船决策过程中非常关键的因素。为了准确地估算二手船价格,利用BP神经网络的高度非线性运算能力以及通过学习样本数据即可对事物复杂内在规律进行精确计算的特点,将BP神经网络应用于二手船价格的估算。利用从克拉克松获取的2009年到2012年120个灵便型干散货船交易数据,建立了基于船龄、船舶载重吨(DWT)、新造船价格和一年期期租费率的BP神经网络模型,网络输出结果与二手船实际交易价格的相对误差率在10%以内。  相似文献   

About 63% of the world’s shipping accidents are recurrent—they occur to ships that have already experienced at least one prior accident. Therefore, reducing recurrent accidents can contribute significantly to maritime safety. We study the factors affecting both first and recurrent accidents, by focusing on the duration between two accidents. Cox proportional hazard models are applied to ship accident data from 1996 to 2015, and the results identify which ships have a high risk of recurrent accidents, based on ship attributes, ship supply and market conditions, shipbuilding country, previous accident type, and ship type. The recurrent rate is high when the ship involved in the accident is old, small, flies a flag of convenience, and has no detention record. In addition, the accident risk increases when the shipping market faces a high bunker price, overcapacity in supply, a high time charter rate, or low newbuilding price. On the other hand, ships built in China and Japan have lower recurrent accident rates than those built elsewhere, although ships built in China have earlier first accidents than do others. General cargo ships have the highest recurrent accident rate, followed by dry bulkers, container ships, and tankers, in that order.  相似文献   

李源  秦琦  祁斌  沈苏雯  刘方琦 《船舶》2016,(1):1-15
文章对2015年世界经济、航运、造船市场进行回顾,并对2016年市场发展予以展望。2015年,不同经济体的经济增长分化迹象日趋明显;油船:航运市场和新造船市场一枝独秀;箱船:航运市场低迷,运力过剩,然而2015年订单飚升(主要指超大型集装箱船),但2016年难以再现;干散货船及海工:市场低迷,订单严重下滑。新船价格持续下降。预计2016年世界经济总体略优于2015年;航运市场贸易量同比将出现增长,但难以抗衡2016年运力的大幅增长,市场供求仍失衡;预测2016年新造船市场逊于2015年,散货船、集装箱船和油船存在局部性机会,海工市场维持弱势。  相似文献   

李源  秦琦  祁斌  沈苏雯  周羽欢 《船舶》2011,22(1):1-9
回顾了2010年世界船舶市场的发展,并对未来船舶市场进行了预测。随着世界经济的复苏,2010年航运市场出现反弹,虽然全年呈现震荡格局,但整体好于2009年,散货船、油船、集装箱船年平均运价均高于上年,特别是集装箱船年平均运价比上年高出一倍多。与此同时,三大船型建造市场出现轮动效应,上半年散货船引导造船市场,下半年行情有所下滑,油船订单则从第二季度开始增加,而沉寂许久的集装箱船建造市场在下半年也开始出现大量新订单。预计2011年的船舶市场将难以维持2010年的繁荣局面,但集装箱船建造市场和海工装备有望延续2010年下半年出现的良好市场行情。  相似文献   

船舶建造周期长、材料成本占比大,易受大宗商品价格指数和汇率等多个因素的影响,造成实际完工成本与报价估算存在较大误差的情况。采用灰色关联分析(Grey Correlation Analysis,GCA)方法识别材料成本的影响因素,基于长短期记忆网络(Long Short-Term Memory,LSTM)模型构建船舶材料成本滚动预测模型,并使用某造船企业53艘64 000 t散货船63个月的材料成本数据和对应的影响因素数据进行试验分析。结果表明,预测数据与实际数据误差在可接受范围内,可证明所选择方法和构建模型的有效性。研究结果对船舶建造过程的成本实时预测和控制具有现实意义。  相似文献   

阐述了7.6万r巴拿马型散货船优化的总体思路和方法.并就快速性、经济性、绿色环保设计等方面做了深入研究.在造船业不景气的大环境下,为提高巴拿马型散货船的市场竞争力,降低船东使用成本和建造成本提供借鉴.  相似文献   

王蓉 《机电设备》2014,(4):89-91
自2009年以来,随着金融危机的爆发,国际航运市场日益低迷,而占据我国船舶业约六成的散货船市场更是首当其冲。82000DWT 卡尔萨姆型节能环保散货船是在79600t散货船的基础上开发的新一代船型,8万载重吨新一代散货船投放市场不到两年接单量就达到30艘,这些说明,卡尔萨姆型散货船已经被充分地认为是“新一代船型”。  相似文献   

姜莱 《造船技术》2024,(2):72-79
从物资采购全生命周期角度出发,构建船舶物资采购成本风险评价指标体系。采用层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)对各项物资采购成本风险指标进行构权,并利用模糊综合评价法对新态势下的船舶物资采购成本风险进行分析。结果表明,船舶物资采购成本风险集中于大宗金属物资价格、汇率、产业集中度、自主可控程度、采购模式、订货批量和品种多样化程度等6个方面。据此制定船舶物资采购成本风险规避对策,对提高造船企业的效益与竞争力具有现实意义。  相似文献   

This paper investigates, for the first time, the relationship between prices and trading activity in a market where real assets are traded, i.e. in the sale and purchase market for second-hand dry bulk vessels. Investigation of this issue is of interest since the level of trading activity may contain information about the sentiment and the future direction of the prices in the market. Several important conclusions emerge from this analysis. It is found that price changes are useful in predicting trading volume, which suggests that higher capital gains encourage more transactions in the market. Additionally, it seems that volume has a negative impact on the volatility of price changes. More specifically, in contrast to what is reported for financial markets, we find evidence that, in the market for ships, increases in trading activity lead to a reduction in market volatility. This can be explained by the unique underlying characteristics of the market for ships, including thin trading, which imply that increases in trading activity result in price transparency and stability. These findings indicate that practitioners in the market may use the information contained in the level of trading activity so as to guide their market decisions in the sale and purchase market.  相似文献   

This paper investigates, for the first time, the relationship between prices and trading activity in a market where real assets are traded, i.e. in the sale and purchase market for second-hand dry bulk vessels. Investigation of this issue is of interest since the level of trading activity may contain information about the sentiment and the future direction of the prices in the market. Several important conclusions emerge from this analysis. It is found that price changes are useful in predicting trading volume, which suggests that higher capital gains encourage more transactions in the market. Additionally, it seems that volume has a negative impact on the volatility of price changes. More specifically, in contrast to what is reported for financial markets, we find evidence that, in the market for ships, increases in trading activity lead to a reduction in market volatility. This can be explained by the unique underlying characteristics of the market for ships, including thin trading, which imply that increases in trading activity result in price transparency and stability. These findings indicate that practitioners in the market may use the information contained in the level of trading activity so as to guide their market decisions in the sale and purchase market.  相似文献   

祁斌  秦琦  明慧  孟宪海 《船舶》2008,19(1):1-9
对2007年来的世界经济发展及在此大背景下的船舶行业进行了总结和回顾,并对未来市场进行预测。2007年的世界船舶行业较2006年有所不同,不论是航运市场还是建造市场,散货船可谓独挡一面,出现了前所未有的兴旺景象。集装箱船市场稳步发展,表现好于预期,而油船市场则不尽人意,不过其建造市场却出现了量缩价涨之势。鉴于目前的市场情况,未来各船型的发展趋势将各有所向,而受新规范出台、美元疲软、材料设备成本增加、船台吃紧等因素影响,预计未来船价还将在高位运行。总体来说,虽然对航运市场运力的持续快速增长将带来一些影响,但未来一段时期内船市总体仍将保持较兴旺的局面。  相似文献   

孙玲芳  王念新 《船海工程》2006,35(5):111-114
分析船舶制造的特征和船舶制造目标成本控制的现状,以单条船舶为基本研究对象,以产品形成的全过程为主线,运用控制点的思想,建立船舶制造全过程目标成本动态控制体系,该系统包括经营报价、成本分解、设计成本、采购成本、制造成本、专项费用和完工分析七大控制点,最后简要介绍了该体系的计算机支持系统。  相似文献   

The Pacific Halibut Catch Sharing Plan formalized the process for allocating halibut between the Alaska commercial and recreational charter sectors. It included a new program intended to allow for “flexibility” through inter-sectoral trading, permitting charter operators to lease commercial halibut pounds to relax client harvest restrictions. Here we evaluate the first two years of lease market activity and participation. Participation from some commercial quota holders in the lease market suggests that the program provided beneficial flexibility; in fact, the number of transfers to the charter sector was greater than transfers within the commercial sector for some quota types. We also identified a high proportion of self-leasers. However, transfers to the charter sector were on average smaller than within-sector commercial transfers, and total poundage leased by the charter sector was low compared with commercial transfers. Usage of leased quota by the recreational charter sector enables the harvest of larger fish or additional fish, and provides flexibility in catch composition on halibut closure days. Finally, the value-per-pound may be higher in the charter sector, as commercial-to-charter transfer prices approached the commercial ex-vessel price.  相似文献   

由于船舶的投资额很大,所以航运企业在做投资决策之前对船价的影响因素做系统的分析,并对其进行准确的估计,对航运企业来说是至关重要的。本文分析了近几年沿海干散货船舶市场的影响因素,并运用概率统计的方法给出了近期船价的概率分布模型。  相似文献   

Analyzing the interactions between spot and forward freight agreement (FFA) prices in the dry bulk shipping is important as they play a significant role for shipping companies to secure their profits and avoid potential risks in the volatile market. By applying the vector autoregression (VAR) and the vector error correction model (VECM), this paper identifies the long-run and mutual causal relationship between the spot and FFA prices on the BPI T/C and BCI C7 routes. Along with these cointegrating rates, exogenous factors such as the market demand and supply and some economic indices are also recognized as contributing variables for the dynamic movement of the spot and FFA prices. Importantly, the mean-reverting process is justified on both routes with different mechanisms. When the spot and FFA prices deviate from their equilibrium level in the short run, they will be adjusted to their long-run equilibrium more directly and clearly on the BPI T/C route than those on the BCI C7 route. It also indicates that this adjusting power has direction and size asymmetries on both routes. In addition, the impulse analysis indicates that the spot rate is more volatile than its corresponding FFA prices confronting innovations. The results of this study provide a reference to the participants in the dry bulk shipping market on the causes of fluctuation in spot and FFA prices and their interactions, which can be used to promote the risk management in the market.  相似文献   

杨培举 《中国船检》2008,(11):38-42
从邓小平对船舶工业做出重要指示,到1980年5月签订第一艘按照国际规范建造的万吨级出口船,再到2008年4月第一艘LNG船顺利交船,中国船舶工业用30年时间,实现了历史性的辉煌跨越。  相似文献   

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