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It is now some five years since the restructure of Australian ports and their transformation into corporatized entities. This strategy was adopted in an endeavour to improve efficiency by distancing government from day to day operations--the element that was perceived by many to be the cause of sub-optimal performance. While there is widespread agreement that port performance has improved significantly, dissatisfaction persists with the continued political intervention which is considered to be the reason for ongoing sub-optimal performance and ports' commercial potential from being realized. This paper investigates some of these issues but argues that political intervention per se should not be the focus of research and what is widely perceived to be the cause of the problem. Rather, that political intervention is an effect of something more endemic, of a legislative framework which may not be appropriate for the operations of a commercially focused port. It is argued that the focus should therefore be on the cause, a legislative framework, rather than the outworkings, or the effects of that framework.  相似文献   

It is now some five years since the restructure of Australian ports and their transformation into corporatized entities. This strategy was adopted in an endeavour to improve efficiency by distancing government from day to day operations—the element that was perceived by many to be the cause of sub-optimal performance. While there is widespread agreement that port performance has improved significantly, dissatisfaction persists with the continued political intervention which is considered to be the reason for ongoing sub-optimal performance and ports' commercial potential from being realized. This paper investigates some of these issues but argues that political intervention per se should not be the focus of research and what is widely perceived to be the cause of the problem. Rather, that political intervention is an effect of something more endemic, of a legislative framework which may not be appropriate for the operations of a commercially focused port. It is argued that the focus should therefore be on the cause, a legislative framework, rather than the outworkings, or the effects of that framework.  相似文献   

珲春市是"一带一路"东起点,也是吉林省借港出海唯一通道。滨海2号路线为长春—吉林—珲春—扎鲁比诺港,将吉林省与俄滨海边疆区海港连接起来,实现东北货物南运出境不出国。由于珲春—扎鲁比诺港路线尚处起步阶段,集疏运条件需要培育、磨合的过程,相较形成规模的渤海湾港口通道存在劣势。首先对标营口港路线运费标准,确定珲春节点具有经济性的腹地范围,再根据腹地企业确定相关货种,在保证完成浙吉两省合作任务的同时,确保项目的经济合理性。  相似文献   

Mombasa is overwhelmingly the dominant port, urban and industrial complex on the Kenya coast. Improvements in operational efficiency, management restructuring and the revitalization of the port in the competitive context of the East A frican port system as a whole are critically important current policy objectives. These issues are discussed in the context of the character and development of the port. Two further issues are outlined: the proposal to establish a free port at Mombasa, and the idea of developing a second deepwater port elsewhere on the Kenya coast. Both are considered interesting but premature.  相似文献   

This study developed Port sustainability indicators (PSIs) using social construction of technology (SCOT). A case study of Keelung Port was conducted. An indicator generator was proposed to generate initial PSIs using a linkage-based framework, and the initial PSIs were grouped into environmental, economic, and social aspects. Subsequently, 34 expert-based PSIs were selected by using rough sets theory (RST). The decision group consisted of representatives from the Taiwan International Ports Corporation (TIPC), academic researchers, and industry representatives.

Besides the decision group, the following groups were involved in the stakeholder analysis: the Department of Navigation and Aviation, Ministry of Transportation and Communications (DONA, MOTC), industry representatives, legislators, the Keelung City Government (KCG), local Keelung residents, and the general public. The SCOT approach offered a counterbalance to the expert-based approach in developing indicators. For the scientific frame and the operational frame, this study suggested 34 expert-based PSIs and 2 additional indicators chosen by legislators and local Keelung residents: annual traffic fatalities in the area surrounding the port and employment of Keelung residents by the TIPC. For the actors in the public-relations frame, 12 PSIs were suggested, and 10 PSIs were suggested for the actors in the nonprofessional frame.  相似文献   

The fast growth of the Chinese economy and its international seaborne trade has escalated the demand for high-quality and efficient port services. “Decentralization” of the port management regime has given local government greater freedom in port development and operational decision-making. However, major port capacity expansion in coastal areas, coupled with the slowing down of both the economy and trade growth over recent years, has led to overcapacity and excessive competition. Although both port specialization and government regulations are called for to address these issues, few studies have investigated the formation mechanism and economic implications of port specialization. This paper uses alternative duopoly games, namely a Stackelberg game and a simultaneous game, to model port competition, where ports provide differentiated services in the sectors of containerized cargo and dry-bulk cargo. Our analytical results reveal that inter-port competition can lead to port specialization in the following three ways. A port can specialize in a type of cargo (1) for which there is relatively high demand, (2) where it has established capacity first, or (3) for services which require prohibitively high capacity costs. Also, it is seen that overcapacity is likely if strategic port decisions are made simultaneously instead of sequentially. These results suggest that if there is a clear market leader, policy intervention may not be necessary. However, if no port has clear market power, then government coordination and intervention may be needed in order to prevent overcapacity and to encourage specialization.  相似文献   

This article presents a method of assessing the economic impacts of ports at both regional level and national level, through application of input–output analysis. To this end, a methodology for data collection is proposed, which combines a top-down with a bottom-up approach which should help in surpassing some of the difficulties commonly faced in port economic impact studies. The presented methodology allows port planners and policymakers to assess the economic significance and geographic reach of port investments. This study considers the economic impacts of the port cluster and the socio-economic significance of port user industries. The several layers of the analysis are kept separate to allow a better grasp of direct and indirect impacts. The proposed methodology is demonstrated in a study of the Port of Lisbon, which confirms the significance of this port to the Portuguese economy, and also demonstrates that the influence of the Port of Lisbon is mostly limited to an area in close proximity to the port. Therefore, results suggest that investments for the development of logistic infrastructures associated with the port should concentrate in the immediate hinterland of the port.  相似文献   

介绍嘉兴港探索地主港模式的发展历程,进一步分析嘉兴港实践地主港模式的创新点以及对港口发展的促进作用,针对嘉兴港实践地主港模式中所面临的问题提出相关对策,并就国内其他沿海港口在借鉴嘉兴港经验的过程中要做好土地所有权分配、港口统筹规划、财政支持及经营模式等方面工作进行了阐述.  相似文献   

以结构满足规范规定最低耐久性要求为前提,对港口工程钢筋混凝土结构的钢筋锈蚀率、承载力可靠度、纵向裂缝宽度和刚度退化系数进行了概率分析。结果表明,随着结构使用年限的增加,上述指标均有不同程度的降低。分析结果为制定合理的结构耐久性极限状态及建立相应设计方法提供了依据。  相似文献   

刘磊 《集装箱化》2007,18(3):1-3
目前,日照港的集装箱运输业务在港口吞吐量突飞猛进的发展态势下仍旧是一块短板,集装箱运输发展的滞后与日照港“亿吨大港”的地位极不相称,在集装箱运输的发展问题上,还有自己的软肋。本文的目的在于分析日照港集装箱运输现状,寻找集装箱运输方面存在的不足,并在全面分析的基础上提出若干发展对策。  相似文献   

张钧雷 《水运管理》2011,33(3):41-42
旱在八百年之前,古代“海上丝绸之路”上的刺桐港,即如今之泉州港,已是“梯航万国”、闻名遐迩的国际海运枢纽了。当时,刺桐港内“舟船辐辏,帆樯鳞集”,除了国内船舶和货物繁忙进出之外,更有来自海外的“胡贾蕃商云集阑闵码头,海舶商舡泊满港湾江渚”,呈现“缠头赤脚半蕃商,  相似文献   

王江  罗宇源 《水运管理》2009,31(3):17-20
针对深圳港和香港港实际情况,基于伯特兰德模型设置模型及参数,求出非串通模式下的纳什均衡,通过分析模型结果,为深圳和香港两港的整体得益最大化对企业和政府两方面提出建议。  相似文献   

辛海 《中国海事》2008,(5):65-67
天津港是我国最大的人工海港,是我国对外贸易的重要口岸。2007年天津港吞吐量达3亿吨,今天天津港一天的吞吐量比1952年重新开港时全年的吞吐量还要多;现在天津港陆域面积达到53平方公里,比重新开港时扩大了40倍;如今天津港航道水深-19.5米,比重新开港时浚深了3倍多:今天,天津港拥有水、陆域面积近200平方公里,  相似文献   

South Africa’s Transnet National Ports Authority’s (TNPA) tariff structure shows imbalances and cross-subsidisation amongst commodities and groups of port users. Benchmarking studies show that South African port costs are below the benchmarked mean for low-value bulk commodities like coal and iron ore, and above the mean for high-value containerised commodities. Vessel charges are also below the benchmarked mean and the required tariff revenues are raised from the tariffs charged to port tenants and cargo owners. This study examines and compares the 2013/2014 TNPA tariff structure with that proposed by the Ports Regulator of South Africa. It compiles, calculates and compares 254 commodity cargo dues with their relevant sector base tariffs for the year. The results indicate the level and direction of cross-subsidisation within and between break-bulk, dry bulk, liquid bulk and containerised cargoes. Of the 254 commodities examined, 100 are below the sector base tariff (being subsidised) and 154 are above (subsidising other cargoes). The findings of this article contribute to the implementation and monitoring of a tariff strategy that will allow for a more reasonable, just and cost reflective TNPA tariff structure.  相似文献   

Governments around the world are adopting inclusive growth agendas. The ambition to align economic growth ambitions with broader-based social benefits is increasingly embraced by corporations to limit the ‘negative externalities’ and enhance the ‘positive externalities’ of their operations. Therefore, micro-level corporate strategies and macro-level national ambitions meet at the meso-level of networks and clusters. This requires societal spheres to collaborate and search for alternative governance constellations. In this discourse, port development is only recently receiving attention. In March 2018, ports around the world signed the World Ports Sustainability Program declaration, which aims to contribute to the sustainable development goals (SDGs), whilst a number of national port (master) plans have started to include social along with environmental standards. Extant studies on partnering and stakeholder inclusion in port development are proliferating but are primarily aimed at environmental rather than social (inclusion) issues. This paper adopts an exploratory research design to consider conditions for inclusive port development. A novel taxonomy considers port development as a driver for inclusive growth, where partnerships are the missing link between micro-level business strategies and macro-level effects in the port region and economy at large. This paper shows the first findings and delineates areas for further research.  相似文献   

Port authorities generally focus on the development of the local port area and play a minor role in the development of port hinterlands, whereas shippers, forwarders, barge and rail operators have always been involved in the port-hinterland connection. The increasing importance of intermodal hinterland networks for the competitive position of ports has urged port authorities to become active in the hinterland. This new role has already been suggested by different academics. However, limited empirical evidence exists of port authorities taking stakes in inland terminals or developing transport services. Barcelona, as one of the leading port authorities in this respect, is used as a case study in this paper. The case study provides insight in the components and execution of the hinterland strategy of Barcelona. It shows that the strategy of the port authority of Barcelona and the consequent active involvement in the hinterland has had a significant impact on attracting container volumes from distant hinterlands and improving the accessibility of the port.  相似文献   

Port authorities, like other organizations, have been constantly required to evolve in response to business, environmental, and technical changes since the 1980s to continue improving their competitiveness and performance. However, people often resist change due to various reasons, and the uncertainty of change has been pointed out as one of the most important reasons why this happens. This study contributes to social information processing (SIP) research and constructs an SIP model to explore employee’s response to port organizational reform in Taiwan. Empirical results are consistent with general job schema, where employees with job security orientation are less supportive of port corporatization, and those with corporate development orientation are more supportive of port organizational reform. Organizational trust and job conception are related to port workers’ attitude to port corporatization. Nevertheless, organizational communication does not positively moderate the relationship between job schema and employee attitude to port organizational change.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the validity of relative shift technique toward aiding the port geographer/planner in decision-making. The technique can be applied with a minimal of effort and yield diagnostic information concerning port commodity flows. A broad overview of New England's port facilities is presented, and the technique is then applied to an individual port, Boston.  相似文献   

Countries throughout the world, and especially within Asia, are investing heavily in container port infrastructure in the hopes of capturing a larger share of global shipping activity for their economies. Many existing ports are emphasizing developing the capacity to serve as a hub port, building deepwater berths with large terminals to facilitate transfer of containers from feeder ships to mother ships for intercontinental transport. We develop a game-theoretic best response framework for understanding how competitor ports will respond to development at a focus port, and whether the focus port will be able to capture or defend market share by building additional capacity. We apply this model to investment and competition currently occurring between the ports of Busan and Shanghai.  相似文献   

洋山港区通过堵汊吹填兴建了北港区,边界条件的改变对海区流场结构以及泥沙运动产生影响,进而影响到地形的冲淤,通过应用"ADCP测沙"技术,对洋山港区悬浮泥沙的运动有了总体认识。分析成果表明:洋山港区含沙量分布涨落潮略有差异;主通道涨潮挟沙能力大于落潮,南北汊道的落潮挟沙能力大于涨潮;洋山港区输沙量大进大出,大潮微冲,中潮冲淤基本平衡,小潮淤积,相对而言,涨潮动力对洋山港区的地形演变作用较大,即涨潮从东部带来的泥沙,部分淤积于港区的西南部,其中又以小潮对淤积的贡献为大;南北岛链间现存的3个汊道分泄主通道下泄泥沙、减轻港区淤积的作用不可忽视。  相似文献   

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