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本文结合北海航海保障中心船员队伍现状,分析了航保单位船员队伍建设中存在的相关问题,并提出了关于加强船员队伍建设的相关举措。 相似文献
从生命、财产、环境、通航安全等方面阐述海盗活动对航运业的危害,并针对我国防范海盗工作中存在的问题,提出健全和完善惩治海盗的立法、积极参与国际或区域合作、加强信息搜集与预警能力等建议。 相似文献
“世界上没有一个国家能免遭恐怖主义之害。不管背后有什么理由,恐怖行动可在任何时候,任何地方发生;可能是外来的,也可能是内在的,正如许多场合已证明的那样。很遗憾,当今还没有人能够完全控制恐怖主义。海运也不例外。”这是欧盟能源运输部副部长克里斯琴·杜邦先生(法国人)在第24届世界港口大会上作主题演讲时的开场白。在他的演讲中,提到了欧盟对海上安全的一些看法和做法,其中包括涉及实施以及正在建议中的计划,第一次在欧盟以外的国际会议中向业界披露。 相似文献
《海事诉讼特别程序法》规定了海事担保的方式,但法律对以其他方式设定海事担保并无禁止性规定,以限制所有人处分船舶的方式设定海事担保充分、可靠、便捷,在审判实践中具有很强的实用性,应作为一种法定的担保方式加以规范。 相似文献
通过对海上交通肇事逃逸的分析,从法律、法规层面探讨对肇事逃逸行为惩处的方法,并对目前法律、法规中存在的问题提出相关的建议。 相似文献
This paper studies the contributing factors of maritime piracy by analyzing previous incidents that have been reported to the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Part of the analysis is to filter those ship types that are particularly vulnerable to piracy attacks. The paper also introduces the guidelines developed by the IMO and the industry envisaging to minimize the risk to ships that are exposed to attacks from pirates. It further describes the initiatives taken to develop a sustainable mechanism in the high-risk area (HRA)1 to suppress piracy and other maritime crimes. This study reflects the fact that maritime security and piracy issues’ importance has been increasingly recognized in the 40 year history of Maritime Policy & Management. 相似文献
目前海上的海盗活动日益猖獗,严重影响海上贸易运输的安全和全球的经济发展及社会稳定。文中针对目前国际社会难以解决这些问题的状况,通过对全球海盗的根源、危害等现状分析,提出一些有效遏制和改善的方式。 相似文献
海事核心价值观大讨论是针对不断变化的水运交通形势,对海事监管的系统性和全面性进行内部梳理的一次有益尝试。在广泛征集海事核心价值观理念的同时,也要注重核心价值观的科学性、有效性,只有经过仔细的论证、广泛地汲取建议,才能设立出符合当前形势并具有高度指导作用的核心价值观,才能更好地解决内外矛盾,实现和谐统一发展。 相似文献
79届海安会有关海上保安的提案共有17个,22份文件,涉及的内容主要是实施SOLAS X1-2和ISPS规则后引发的一系列问题和需要完善的措施。全会按照议程安排成立了海上保安工作组(MSWG),主要从八个方面进行了讨论. 相似文献
从2006年全国海事工作会议上获悉,今年全国海事系统积极响应和落实“全国海事一家人、水上监管一盘棋”的要求,进一步加强合作,工作成效显著.本年度继续深入开展了渡口渡船安全管理专项整治、全国低质量船舶专项治理、水上危险品运输专项整治,并着手实施中西部海员发展战略为社会主义新农村建设服务,加大船舶“一卡通”工程推行力度,进一步提升各省水上交通管理水平.会上河南省还作了经验介绍。 相似文献
Vinh V. Thai 《Maritime Policy and Management》2013,40(2):147-163
In recent years, the issue of maritime security has become a major concern on the international maritime agenda. One of the issues in this respect is how to enhance security while not jeopardizing organizational efficiency and effectiveness, or to manage security effectively, e.g. facilitating the smooth flows of materials while enhancing supply chain security at the same time. In addressing this issue, we place three cornerstones for the effective management of security in maritime transport: quality management (QM), risk management (RM) and business continuity management (BCM). A conceptual model of effective maritime security, including 13 dimensions and 24 associated critical success factors, is devised following this reasoning. The model was tested through a survey of 119 maritime transport organizations and 25 interviews conducted in Vietnam. Findings support that all proposed 24 factors are valid and should be used as critical factors for success in effectively managing security in maritime transport, in that those involving security incident handling and response are rated as the most important in magnitude, along with security risk assessment, risk-based security mitigation strategies and plans, and senior management commitment and leadership. Managers can use the model designed and tested in this research to develop a checklist of essential components for their company's security management policies, strategies and plans. The use of a universal checklist to evaluate maritime security management would also greatly facilitate benchmarking across organizations in the industry. 相似文献
日本海上保安大学和海上保安学校是培养海上保安厅干部和员工的院校,其学制、专业设置、毕业后获得的资格和待遇与我相关院校有所不同. 相似文献
针对中国部分海域可能会遭受海啸影响以及中国在海上安全领域还没有建立相应应急管理体系的情况,分析海啸对海上安全特别是船舶安全可能造成的影响,提出加强应急管理制度建设、重视海啸预警、提前做好防范工作、加强船舶安全监管、对助航设施采取防护措施等。 相似文献
Ruth Banomyong 《Maritime Policy and Management》2005,32(1):3-13
The fundamental objective of the Container Security Initiative (CSI) is to engage both so-called 'mega-ports' (ports sending the highest volume of ocean going container traffic into the US) and the national governments where these ports are located in a way that will facilitate the pre-screening of outbound containers destined to the US. The emerging issue of security as a key factor in global supply chains can be perceived as inconsistent with the objective of facilitating international trade (Dulbecco and Laporte, 2003). However, this perception does not stand up to analysis. Security is an evident part of the mainstream supply-chain paradigm while security can also become a driver for trade facilitation. The purpose of this paper is therefore to discuss the impact of the US CSI on maritime supply chains. The first section will mostly be related to the issue of security and supply chains while the second section will investigate CSI and its impact while exploring some of the financing implications of the security initiative. 相似文献