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钱玉林 《中国船检》2002,(10):73-74
租船合同是出租人(或船东)与承租人之间就船舶的使用而约定双方权利和义务的协议.一般来说,它可分为航次租船合同、定期租船合同及光船租赁合同三种.其中定期租船合同是指船舶出租人向承租人提供约定的、由出租人配备船员的船舶,承租人在约定的期间内、按照约定的用途使用船舶,并支付租金的契约.由于主要航运国家(包括英国、美国、中国等)的海商法对船舶租用合同的规定多为任意性条款,即仅适用于双方当事人签订的租船合同没有约定或没有不同约定的情况下,因此合同条款的拟定质量将直接影响到合同的顺利履行及发生纠纷后如何妥善解决.为简化和加速签订租船合同的进程,进而节省为签订合同所支出的费用,一些协会或国际性组织制定了若干租船合同范本,供承出租双方签约时参考使用.  相似文献   


The literature on valuation of time charter contracts and real options in shipping generally relies on the complete markets hypothesis and the risk-neutrality of agents. However, these assumptions fail completely in some shipping market segments. This study proposes a numerical approach—based on discounting the certainty equivalent payoff at the risk-free rate—which incorporates the agent’s risk preferences through an exponential utility function. The method comprises an iterative Monte Carlo nested simulation with the real probability measure. This method is applied to a case of Suezmax tankers. The stochastic evolution of the time charter rates is modelled as a geometric mean-reverting process. The case study supports the applicability of the proposed method and evidences that the effect of risk preference may be significant, mainly for more risk-averse agents. Although the method involves intensive computation, it has the benefits of theoretical ease and flexibility, which could encourage utilisation by practitioners.  相似文献   

廖一帆 《水运管理》2010,32(11):33-37
参照期租实务作业,比较分析常见的租约范本中关于销约日调整标准条款的法律效力,指出其中部分租约范本关于销约日调整标准条款因在利益倾向上的偏颇、逻辑上的混乱而产生的实际问题,并从平衡船舶所有人和承租人双方利益的角度出发,提出对现有格式条款进行修改的建议。  相似文献   

期租下的履约航速计算结果涉及到航速索赔和燃油索赔,关系到船舶的营运成效,因而航速计算显得很重要。航速计算和索赔涉及期租合约及相关条款的订立和良好天气的定义、根据租约相关条款采用的计算方法、良好天气下的航速计算、气象导航公司的评估报告。  相似文献   

船舶的运营方式多种多样,常见的做法是期租方式.即所谓的TCT(Time Chaner Trip). TCT的租期通常约定为一个时间区间,如ABOUT40~50 DAYS.  相似文献   

The time dependence of survivability of ROPAX vessels, when sustaining side collision damage in waves, is investigated herein by use of numerical simulations of ship motion and flooding. Conducted research confirms that ROPAX ships characteristically capsize fast, when sustaining damage leading to capsizing. A probabilistic analysis of the survive time after collision damage reveals that even for the most generic damage conditions assumed, the survival time in the case of capsizing remains short, which is characteristic of this type of ship design, disposing the typically large undivided deck to be subject to flooding in higher waves. In a case study, the unconditional survivability in waves, corresponding to survival s-factor of SOLAS regulations, is alternatively assessed with numerical simulations. The estimated survivability proves to be time independent in terms of practical implications. Observed deviations between current SOLAS formulation and simulations, suggest the employment of comprehensive simulation methods when more reliable estimations and assessments of survivability are required.  相似文献   

李丽  胡志武 《水运管理》2008,30(9):22-24
通过分析国际干散货运输期租合同履行中一些典型问题,根据最新理论研究及判例发展,针对定期租船合同项下4个典型问题——撤船、航速与油耗索赔、船舶污底、货量短装进行分析并提出处理建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the dynamics of forward freight rate dynamics. We specify our model in a Heath–Jarrow–Morton framework. This model was originally developed for interest rate markets and, in subsequent work, the model has been applied to various commodity markets. We analyse ten years of weekly time charter (TC) rates for a Panamax 65,000?dwt bulk carrier. Our data set consists of 6-, 12- and 36-month TC rates. We use this data to construct, each day, a forward rate function using a smoothing algorithm. We use the smooth data to investigate the factors governing the dynamics of the forward freight rate curve. We find a strange volatility structure in the data. Out results show that the volatility of the forward curve is bumped, with volatility reaching a peak for freight rates with roughly one year to maturity. Also, correlations between different parts of the term structure are in general low and even negative.  相似文献   

近水面水翼的兴波由升力线的自由面兴波来表达,船体的兴波考虑升力线兴波的干扰影响,三维时域格林函数法用于船体的兴波分析计算.以Wigley船型为数值计算例,考虑近水面水翼的影响,分别对单体船和双体船进行了船舶兴波计算研究,提供了兴波波形和兴波阻力的计算结果.以系列60船型为数值计算例,把计算的结果与发表的有关结果进行对比,具有较好的吻合.本文还对船舶自由表面兴波波形进行了时域数值仿真.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the dynamics of forward freight rate dynamics. We specify our model in a Heath-Jarrow-Morton framework. This model was originally developed for interest rate markets and, in subsequent work, the model has been applied to various commodity markets. We analyse ten years of weekly time charter (TC) rates for a Panamax 65,000 dwt bulk carrier. Our data set consists of 6-, 12- and 36-month TC rates. We use this data to construct, each day, a forward rate function using a smoothing algorithm. We use the smooth data to investigate the factors governing the dynamics of the forward freight rate curve. We find a strange volatility structure in the data. Out results show that the volatility of the forward curve is bumped, with volatility reaching a peak for freight rates with roughly one year to maturity. Also, correlations between different parts of the term structure are in general low and even negative.  相似文献   

The time dependency of the survivability of passenger ships in flooding accidents leading to ship’s loss is shown to be confined within short times after the flooding initiation. RoRo ferry and cruise type ships demonstrate similar behaviour, though vessel types differ with respect to the subdivision and the flooding process. The presented research is based on numerical simulations of the flooding of two sample passenger ships in collision damages and the estimation of the probability to capsize. The systematic fast character of capsize events is shown to be primarily a consequence of the extent of hull breaches. The IMO regulatory concept for orderly abandonment of damaged passenger ships, in addition to the safe return to port regulatory provisions, are discussed in view of the present results. The timely onboard damage identification by ship’s master and the enhancement of the SOLAS survivability requirements for passenger ships appear to be the most effective operational and design measures leading to improved survivability of the ship and to enhanced safety of people onboard.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional time domain approach is used to study the coupled motions of two ships with forward speed in waves. In this approach, the boundary condition is satisfied on the mean wetted hull surface of the moving bodies and the free surface condition is linearized. The problem is solved by using a transient free-surface Green function source distribution on the submerged hulls. After solving the response amplitude operator, the method of spectral analysis is employed to clearly express the motion energy spectrum and significant amplitude of two ships. For verifying the code, two same circular cylinders at beam wave are selected to calculate coupled motions by comparison with the results obtained by 3D frequency method which has been proved to be efficient for solving such problems.Two Wigley ships of different sizes with the same forward speed are chosen for numerical calculation of the interaction effect, and some useful suggestions are obtained for underway replenishment at sea.  相似文献   

张亮 《中国船检》2005,(1):78-78
定期租船合同中,关于经营性支出的承担主体目前尚无统一的国际公约加以规范现行法律充分尊重当事人的“合同自由”原则。即便如此,当事人的约定不能与定期租船合同的根本性质和特点相违背。简言之根据“合同相对性”原则,承担定期租船合同经营性支出的一方主体与他人订立合同时,合同内容只能约束订立合同的双方当事人,不能约束定期租船合同的相对人。  相似文献   

期租船舶的燃油管理和燃油消耗量计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董杰 《天津航海》2007,(1):33-33,35
XX轮在期租期间,由于主机、锅炉故障和船舶管理欠佳等原因,燃油消耗过多,而船速过低,导致船东被租船人索赔,同时船员被指控有卖油嫌疑;经过长达一个多月的取证、调查、分析。巨额索赔即成事实,船员卖油嫌疑不成立。  相似文献   

“大船小证”主要指总吨位不按船舶法定检验技术规则要求和设计图纸核定,任意缩减船舶尺度,如将船长、船宽、型深等尺寸减少,不量取和计算货舱口围板容积部分,上层建筑和甲板室的计量取值比实际小得多,采用较小的船型系数等;载重吨位不按船舶完工图纸和实际载重线确定;更改主机  相似文献   

船舶作业时间百分数的计算与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从船舶在波浪中运动的机理出发,在船舶耐波性理论预报的基础上介绍船舶作业百分数的计算方法,并对船舶作业百分数进行了简要分析。  相似文献   

俞国平 《世界海运》2005,28(4):40-42
在期租实务中,船舶出租人和承租人由于船速与燃油耗量等引起的争议不断增多,对租约中的船速与燃油耗量条款进行全面的分析与理解,将有助于探求相应的对策并减少或避免不必要的纠纷。  相似文献   

Environmental issues and rising fuel prices necessitate better energy-efficiency in all sectors.The shipping industry is one of the major stakeholders,responsible for 3% of global CO2 emissions,14%-15% of global NOX emissions,and 16% of global SOX emissions.In addition,continuously rising fuel prices are also an incentive to focus on new ways for better energy-effectiveness.The green ship concept requires exploring and implementing technology on ships to increase energy-efficiency and reduce emissions.Ship operation is an important topic with large potential to increase cost-and-energy-effectiveness.This paper provided a comprehensive review of basic concepts,principles,and potential of operational options for green ships.The key challenges pertaining to ship crew i.e.academic qualifications prior to induction,in-service training and motivation were discussed.The author also deliberated on remedies to these challenges.  相似文献   

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